Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha’s Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 56

Chapter 56 Cloud Shinobi Compromise! Success And Fame! 【Ask For Full Confirmation】

Uchiha Yusuke’s faint voice fell, and the whole venue was dead silent.

The people on both sides of Konoha and Cloud Shinobi were stunned by his eclectic speech!

Forbidden Technique Encyclopedia Come to the last one?

That is the crystallization of the wisdom of Cloud Shinobi’s predecessors!

And the amber bottle that can seal the tailed beast?

After the Golden and Silver Horn Rebellion, this is the only Six Paths Noble Phantasm left by Cloud Shinobi!

Three billion taels of war reparations, isn’t that much?

That is equivalent to the income of Cloud Shinobi Village for a whole year!

Everyone in the Cloud Shinobi mission was shocked by Uchiha Yusuke’s remarks.

This Konoha ‘flame ghost’ is going to open his mouth to their lions!

“Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

“These conditions you mentioned are too harsh, Cloud Shinobi has no way to agree.”

After recovering from the earth platform, he stood up excitedly and protested.

The request Uchiha Yusuke just made has completely exceeded his psychological expectations.

He thought that even if Konoha asked for compensation, it would definitely not be too much, but the reality is so embarrassing.

Uchiha Yusuke not only dares to think, but also puts it into action directly.

When this happened, the earth platform was somewhat unexpected.

Third Hokage has already promised to return Eight Tails without compensation, how dare Uchiha Yusuke go overboard like this?


When the Cloud Shinobi mission doubted their lives, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen stepped forward with a light cough.


“Cloud Shinobi has promised to resolve the issue peacefully.”

“Aren’t the conditions you mentioned a bit too harsh?”

“Let’s discuss this matter in the long run!”

As soon as Sarutobi Hiruzen finished speaking, Uchiha Yusuke immediately refuted.

“430” “The war started because Cloud Shinobi provoked Konoha.”

“We tried to reason with them before, but they, Cloud Shinobi, were being unreasonable.”

“Cloud Shinobi wanted to be a bully, and Konoha fought back in self-defense.”

“If Konoha is the one who lost this battle, how can Cloud Shinobi let it go?”

“It’s reasonable to ask them for that little compensation, there’s nothing negotiable!”

Seeing Uchiha Yusuke’s resolute attitude, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly showed embarrassment.

If he really demands compensation from Cloud Shinobi as Uchiha Yusuke said, his benevolent image of Third Hokage will be greatly reduced!

Opinions diverged, and Third Hokage couldn’t help but look at the patriarchs of each family.

If you want to stop Uchiha Yusuke from going his own way, you can only put pressure on him by uniting everyone.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

“What do you mean, let’s talk about it.

His meaning is self-evident, you people should stand in line!

If it was before… this kind of meeting is basically a talk from Third Hokage.

Basically, no one will object to the idea he put forward.

It’s a pity that since Uchiha Yusuke was born, the thoughts of the Konoha patriarchs have gradually changed.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke, Hyuga Hiashi, the patriarch of the Hyuga family, was the first to speak up.

“Master Third Hokage, I think Yusuke is right.”

“The whole thing is at Cloud Shinobi’s fault, and they should compensate Konoha for the damage.”

As soon as Hyuga Hiashi finished speaking, Uchiha Fugaku also stood up.

“The war started because of Cloud Shinobi’s selfish desires, and I, the Uchiha clan, paid hundreds of lives for it.

“I also support Yusuke’s opinion that Cloud Shinobi should compensate Konoha.”

Two heavyweights stood up to support Uchiha Yusuke one after another, and Third Hokage’s face was a little ugly.

However, before he could heave a sigh of relief, Nara, who had always been close to Konoha’s senior management, also stood up.

“Master Third Hokage, the front line did not receive support from Konoha during the war, and the families suffered heavy casualties as a result.

“Since Cloud Shinobi wants to redeem Eight Tails, it’s understandable that we want compensation.”

Nara Shikahisa’s words are full of deep meaning.

Not only did he support Uchiha Yusuke, but he also knocked on Third Hokage.

When we were desperately on the front line, someone behind us stumbled.

Not only Cloud Shinobi owes us, but you Konoha executives also have something to do to everyone.

Reminded by Nara Shijiu, Third Hokage finally came to his senses.

This matter is indeed my own fault, and Uchiha is trying to fight for everyone’s interests.

If he insists on not demanding compensation from Cloud Shinobi, his reputation as Third Hokage is likely to be greatly damaged.

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s complexion kept changing, and after careful consideration, he finally gave in to everyone.

Third Hokage looked at the representative platform of the Cloud Shinobi mission with a puzzled expression.

“Your envoy has heard what you mean, do you see…”

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn’t speak directly, but the meaning of asking for compensation is already obvious.

Tutai gave Third Hokage an angry look.

Just now it was clearly agreed to release Eight Tails for free, but now it has changed temporarily because of disagreements.

Are you singing me a double reed here?

Sarutobi Hiruzen also knew that this move was bound to offend Cloud Shinobi.

However, the arrow had to be fired, and now he could only swallow his teeth.

Tutai said indignantly.

“It’s not impossible for us to make some compensation.”

“But the conditions proposed by Konoha are too harsh!”

“If you insist on this, I, Cloud Shinobi, would rather fight to the end with blood.

Tutai is worthy of being an old Jianghu. While haggling with Konoha, he did not forget to threaten him.

His meaning is very simple, don’t push us too hard, otherwise Konoha will also have no good fruit to eat.

If we forcibly hurt both sides, we can only benefit the other three big countries.

The snipe and the clam fight each other, and in the end, no one can get any benefit.

Although what Tutai said is very reasonable, Uchiha Yusuke doesn’t agree with him at all.

Before Third Hokage could bargain with the Cloud Shinobi mission, Uchiha Yusuke turned the tables.

“You don’t want to talk about it, do you?”

“That’s all for now.

“Do you want a bloody battle to the end?”

“I’ll bring someone to kill to Cloud Shinobi Village!”

Without waiting for the other party to reply, Uchihayou added again.

“If there is a war, you people don’t have to go back.”

“Cleaning up one by one on the battlefield feels quite troublesome.”

“Why don’t I solve it right now!”

After Uchiha Yusuke’s two paragraphs were finished, the earth platform was in a mess in the wind and doubted life.

Don’t I just want to pay back the price?

Why don’t you play your cards according to the routine at all!

until now.

Tutai just remembered that Uchiha Yusuke is a ruthless person. The last time Cloud Shinobi’s mission was all killed by him, only one person ran back to deliver the message.

Looking at the murderous Uchiha Yusuke, Tutai broke out in a cold sweat.

But he shoulders the mission of a country, so naturally he cannot lose his integrity.

The earth platform said with difficulty under pressure.

“Konoha wants too many things!”

“I can’t make the decision here. I need to consult Lord Raikage before I can reply.”

After hearing what Tutai said, everyone in Konoha also heaved a sigh of relief.

Just now they were really worried that bloodshed would happen again, but fortunately, Cloud Shinobi, representing Shishiwu, directly admitted their counsel.

Hearing that the earthen platform wanted to ask Fourth Raikage for instructions, Uchiha Yusuke immediately changed his expression.

“What are you still doing?”

“Hurry up and prepare communication equipment for Cloud Shinobi’s guests!”

Anbu, who was directly behind Third Hokage, patted his head belatedly.

“Yes, block the world.”

“I’m going to make arrangements for the guests now.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his mouth, but he had nothing to say.

The Cloud Shinobi mission wants to contact the film, and they are responsible for providing communication tools, so there is nothing wrong with it!

Tutai glanced at Uchiha Yusuke, slandering in his heart.

Isn’t the contrast between the front and back of this guy too big? As soon as I heard that I was going to discuss compensation with Raikage, did I suddenly become so enthusiastic?

You are playing face-changing with us here!

Because the Cloud Shinobi Mission needed to ask Raikage for instructions, the peace talks meeting could only be suspended temporarily.

Third Hokage announced the adjournment and will discuss it at another day.

Everyone in Konoha left the table one after another, ready to go back and enjoy the peace.

On the way home, Hyuga Hiashi and Nara Shikahisa walked side by side with Uchiha Yusuke and talked enthusiastically.

“Yusuke, your behavior today is really a relief!”

“Third Hokage-sama is really a bit old-fashioned for planning to return Cloud Shinobi Eight Tails for free!”

Nara Shikajiu changed his usual low-key attitude, and actually rebuked Uchiha Yusuke in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Facing Nara Shikaku’s overtures, Uchiha Yusuke smiled Kaidō.

“Master Hokage is old after all!”

“What happened today is still thanks to you.”

Seeing Uchiha Yusuke being so polite to him, Nara immediately beamed with joy.

“Where are you talking?”

“You’re looking out for everyone’s best interest.”

“Of course I’m going to come out and help out!”

Uchiha Yusuke nodded with a smile.

Although Nara Shijiu didn’t admit that he was supporting him, his attitude still has obvious tendencies.

Hyuga Hiashi is also in a good mood to see the relationship between Uchiha Yusuke and Ino–Shika–Chō improve.

Now under his leadership, the Hyuga clan is gradually alienating the high-level Konoha…

The stronger Uchiha Yusuke’s foundation is, the more stable the status of the Hyuga family will be.

When Uchiha Yusuke succeeds Hokage, the Hyuga clan will be able to completely get rid of the constraints of the high-level Konoha.

Over the years, the Hyuga family has been attached to the high-level Konoha, and there are too many things that go wrong.

Although due to the strength of the Hyuga clan, Konoha’s high-level officials did not dare to intimidate them too much.

However, the Hyuga family depended on others, and there was no shortage of times when they acted on the eyes of others.

Take the last Cloud Shinobi incident as an example. Although the Hyuga family is the master of suffering, they still have to sacrifice their brother in the branch house according to the wishes of the Konoha executives.

If Uchiha Yusuke hadn’t come out to disrupt the situation, Hyuga Hizashi’s body would have been given to Cloud Shinobi as an apology gift.

Third Hokage keeps saying that the will of fire is to protect every villager.

But in the end, he had to sacrifice innocent lives in exchange for his own safety for a while.

Uchiha Yusuke said that Third Hokage’s will of fire has changed, and he is really not lying at all.

If it is First Hokage or Second Hokage, it is definitely impossible to agree to sacrifice companions in exchange for peace.

When he was in a tight siege, Second Hokage Senju Tobirama chose to sacrifice himself to save his companions, but Sarutobi Hiruzen chose to sacrifice his companions to save himself.

If he really wanted to protect Konoha, Third Hokage should have engraved his name on the memorial tablet long ago.

Instead of going down and up like this, holding power for decades and still refusing to let go.

Don’t say that Konoha has no successors, Tsunade and Jiraiya in Sannin are still there.

Hyuga Hiashi settled down and asked about other things.


“Do you think Cloud Shinobi will grant our request?”


Yusuke shook his head slightly.

“It’s kind of unrealistic to want to take back all the things I said.”

“But there is still a good chance of getting half of it.”

Hyuga Hiashi’s eyes lit up when he heard that.

Uchiha Yusuke’s request is completely extortionate by the lion.

To get half of it is already a very fruitful result.

In the history of wars for many years, Konoha has always paid a lot, but seldom gets rewards.

If Uchiha Yusuke can set a precedent, he will definitely be loved and supported by everyone.

Who wouldn’t want to follow a talented leader?

After three days and nine meals with Third Hokage, everyone is getting tired of it!

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen has a lot of skill, but in terms of aggressiveness, he is not as good as Nabekage.

Danzo still wants to become Hokage all day long and rewrite the history of the ninja world.

However, Third Hokage only wants to run a family business wholeheartedly.

His eldest son is the captain of Konoha Anbu, and his second son, Asuma, was sent to serve as the protector of the fire country’s daimyo “Guardian Ninja Twelve”.


The number of ninjas in the Sarutobi family has exceeded 2,000, and even big families like Uchiha and Hyuga may not be able to reach it.

Nabukage Danzo did not do this, and the Shimura family of Sleepy Leaf is almost completely extinct now in 5.9.

Along the way, Uchiha Yusuke, Hyuga Hiashi, and Nara Shikahisa had a good chat.

Quite different from them, Konoha F4 is in a terrible mood at the moment.

Hokage office.

Third Hokage, Danzo and the two consultants stared at each other, but no one spoke.

The scene was silent for a long time, but Third Hokage was the first to break the silence.

“Uchiha Yusuke is kind of out of control these days.”

“We have to find a way to remove that instability.”

Danzo stepped forward slowly and said coldly.

Third Hokage shook his head.

It is too risky to attack Uchiha Yusuke rashly.

A little carelessness may cause the other party to catch the handle.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed and said in a deep voice.

“You know the situation Konoha is in right now, let’s discuss this matter later! 17

The next day, peace talks were held again at the Hokage Building, and everything went as Uchiha Yusuke expected.

After some fierce haggling, Cloud Shinobi finally agreed to hand over the Lightning Style Chakra Mode and the amber bottle.

In terms of war reparations, Cloud Shinobi raised the bargain price from 3 billion taels requested by Uchiha Yusuke to 1.5 billion taels.

The things that should be taken have been taken. As for the Eight Tails Killer Bee, it will be done according to the meaning of Third Hokage.

Through this compensation, Konoha directly took off in a wave of fertilizer.

Uchiha Yusuke again proposed to double the pensions for those killed and disabled on the battlefield.

With a decree, the name of Uchiha Yusuke spread throughout the village again.

Uchiha Yusuke, the hero who ended the war, has almost become Konoha’s national idol. .

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