Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha’s Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 70

Chapter 70 Breaking The Hokage Family, Uchiha’S Strongest Patriarch 【Full Determination】

Tsunade had raised the issue of the reform of the medical department a long time ago, but Konoha’s senior management directly prevaricated it by citing insufficient funds and other reasons.

Kato Dan expressed support for Tsunade during this meeting, and the two met and fell in love because of this.

It’s a pity that it didn’t take long for the second ninja world war to break out.

Both Kato Dan and Nawaki became victims of this war, and Tsunade suffered from hemophobia as a result.

For a medical ninja, fear of blood means the end of his career.

Tsunade gradually became disheartened, and then left Konoha with Shizune.

Hearing the thorn in Tsunade’s words, Jiraiya suddenly felt dizzy.

He knew early on that it would not be easy to persuade Tsunade.

But I didn’t expect that it was just the beginning of the game, and I got a bad nose.

Jiraiya cleared her throat and looked serious.

“Danzo is dead.”

“The ‘root’ is no more.

“Konoha has been a little unbalanced recently.”

Tsunade still looked indifferent.

Whether Konoha is safe or not is none of my business?

There’s nothing wrong with dying Danzo.

Anyway, the old lady didn’t deal with him very well!

Are those old Madara doves in the Konoha high-level unable to hold on anymore?

When is it the turn of the Third Generation old man?

Glancing at the nonchalant Tsunade, Jiraiya realized she might have misunderstood something.

He spoke again and added.

“Danzo was killed by Uchiha Yusuke!”

“He has now become the assistant of Hokage, and Uchiha’s problem may be a little tricky.”

“What the old man means is that he wants you to go back and take over as Fifth Hokage…”

After Jiraiya finished her statement, Tsunade remained expressionless.

However, Shizune next door suddenly became a nympho.

“Uchiha Yusuke?”

“Are you sure it’s Uchiha Yusuke?”

“Is Yusuke-kun so good now?”

Jiraiya gave Shizune a different look.

“Do you know Uchiha Yusuke too?”

Shizune nodded frantically like a chicken pecking rice.

“Master Jiraiya, you don’t know something.”

“Yusuke-kun and I are classmates!”

“The girls in my class were obsessed with him!”

Jiraiya wiped her nose with a hint of envy.

Is that Uchiha Yusuke a heartthrob like Orochimaru?

When I was in school, why was there no such treatment?

Thinking of his experience of chasing girls when he was young, Jiraiya couldn’t help but sigh.

Just one Tsunade has already tortured him to death.

If he integrates the failed cases, he will be able to publish a book.

It’s just that the content of this book is not as colorful as “Intimate Paradise”, but as cold as the north wind in “One Cut Plum” in winter.

Tsunade was silent for a long time, then curled his lips and complained.

“Hokage is rubbish.”

“Only a fool would want to be!”

“It’s nothing to do with a young Uchiha family.

“Old man Sarutobi is really living and going back!”

Jiraiya had a look of surprise on her face when she heard this.

“So you promised to go back?”

Tsunade gave him an annoyed look.

It has been said that Hokage is rubbish, only a fool would be.

Do you think I’m a fool?

Jiraiya was stared at in a daze, he was afraid that Tsunade would burst out suddenly and punch him.

Jiraiya knew the lethality of Tsunade’s fist.

If you take one hit, breaking two ribs may be inevitable.

Thinking of this, Jiraiya quickly waved her hands.

“Tsunade, you listen to the explanation.”

“Konoha really needs you right now!”

“What’s so bad about being Fifth Hokage?”

“Didn’t you look forward to Hokage before?”

A trace of nostalgia appeared on Tsunade’s face.

Once upon a time, she also regarded Hokage as her dream.

However, time has passed and the original enthusiasm has faded away.

Tsunade shook his head with a cold face.

“Stop rambling on with me.”

“I want to go back to you.

“I’m not going to be a Fifth Hokage!”

Shizune couldn’t help persuading him.

“Master Tsunade, are you really going to give up your ideals?”

She still hopes that Tsunade can return to Konoha.

After all, Tsunade is the granddaughter of two great Hokages.

With Shizune’s help, Jiraiya continued to persuasion.

“Yes, Mao. 21

“Compared to me who is not in tune, you are much stronger!”

“The Fifth Hokage belongs to you!”

Shizune looked expectant, but Tsunade frowned slightly.

“Do not make jokes!”

“This is impossible.

A smile curled up on Jiraiya’s mouth.

“This sentence is really nostalgic!”

“When I confessed to you before, you refused in the same way.

Negotiations were unsuccessful, so Jiraiya could only go the other way and talk to Tsunade about the old days.

He talked about the Ninja World War, where the two teamed up with Orochimaru to deal with Hanzō of the Salamander, and mentioned Tsunade’s medical ninjutsu, saying that she had made great contributions to Konoha.

While chatting, Jiraiya brought the topic to the Fourth Hokage couple.

Speaking of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, Jiraiya expressed strong displeasure with Third Hokage.

He burst into tears, selling miserably in all kinds of ways.

The genius apprentice died young.

The prophecy of the Great Toad Sage is not fulfilled and travels on.

Naruto left in Konoha is left unattended and so on.

Jiraiya cried out, Tsunade just felt dizzy after drinking.

In order to fulfill Third Hokage’s entrustment, he was going all out.

Jiraiya complained in various ways, but Tsunade was unmoved.

“Have you finished?”

“It’s okay, just go back.

“Don’t disturb my mood of gambling at night.”

Tsunade’s attitude is as cold as ice, and he rejects people thousands of miles away.

Jiraiya got frustrated, but still didn’t intend to give up.

Tsunade returned to the hotel with Shizune after dinner, and Jiraiya followed with a stern face, ready to look for another chance.

That night.

Toad Sage Jiraiya tossed and turned and couldn’t sleep.

Tsunade was determined not to go back.

He had to think of a countermeasure.

Doesn’t Tsunade like to gamble?

It’s a good place to start.

It looks like I’m going to lose my fortune this time…

Think about it.

Jiraiya slowly fell asleep.

He dreamed that Tsunade succeeded Fifth Hokage, and Orochimaru also lost his way and returned to Konoha.

Then, the son of luck was born.

There is no more war in the ninja world, and peace has been completely realized.

next morning.

Just before dawn, Tsunade put on his “gambling” battle clothes, ready to go out and kill the Quartet.

Tsunade’s operation made Shizune tremble.

This is already the last box of money, and if it continues like this, it will soon become heavily in debt.

Knowing that persuasion was ineffective, Shizune couldn’t help but speak.

“Master Tsunade, please think twice!”

Tsunade waved his sleeves, looking very cold.

“Don’t be so verbose.”

“I can change my life by heaven-defying today!”

Tsunade walked straight to the casino with the suitcase, and Jiraiya followed quietly.

Overhearing the conversation between the two, Jiraiya seemed to smell a chance.

It turns out that Tsunade is short of money!

Really help me too!

“Come, come, buy and leave, buy and leave!”

Inside the casino.

The croupiers shouted one after another.

The brutal fight has officially begun, and there is no doubt that Tsunade has once again become the “money girl” of everyone

“I’m so unlucky, damn it!”

“Come again, come again

Gradually, Tsunade was on top every day.

Jiraiya, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, broke out in a cold sweat.

He cooks and loves to play.

The legendary fat sheep really deserves its reputation!

While Tsunade was playing for the money, he secretly reversed some bets.

In this short period of time, Jiraiya has already won hundreds of thousands of taels.

Tsunade is one of Konoha Sannin and the sole heir of the Senju family. Her family background is undoubtedly very rich!

However, even if it is a mountain of gold and silver, it can’t withstand losing millions of taels every day!

Even the super-difficult S-level missions may not have a bonus of one million taels.

Tsunade’s prodigal tactics, Kakuzu probably will directly break five hearts when he sees it!

After gambling for another two hours, before evening, Tsunade had already emptied the house.

How happy you are when you gamble, how uncomfortable you are after you gamble.

After leaving the casino, the prehistoric power in Tsunade’s sullen face was already somewhat uncontrollable.

Jiraiya wanted to post it directly.

But thinking of the consequences of blocking the way last time, he decisively chose Congxin.

Tsunade’s small fists are not very easy to touch porcelain, and if she punches her, he will break a few ribs if he doesn’t stop breathing.

Having ruined his family fortune, Tsunade finally realized the full malice of the society.

She wanted to go to the tavern to have a drink and watch, but Shizune grabbed the hem of her clothes.

Master Tsunade, do you want to go in and eat the Bawang meal?

Faced with such torture of the soul, he gritted his teeth with anger, but there was nothing he could do.

Without money, it is difficult to move an inch, even the famous ‘Konoha Sannin’ is no exception.

Running out of ammunition and food, Tsunade finally remembered his old classmates.

Isn’t that Jiraiya guy around here?

Wouldn’t it be nice to ask him to borrow some money to spend?

Thinking of this, Tsunade’s face suddenly recovered.

“Jiraiya, come out for me.”

Hearing Tsunade’s call, Jiraiya quickly tidied up her appearance and made her debut.

He hopped on one foot and spoke plausibly.

“Clamman is my hidden person’s name.”

“Why hide it?”

“Actually, I am Sannin who is invincible in the whole world.”

“The white-haired toad boy, let the crying elder brother…”

Before Jiraiya’s appearance was over, Tsunade couldn’t stand it, and the ground was cracked inch by inch.

“So much nonsense!”

“Do you want to find a fight?”

Tsunade’s forehead was covered with black lines, full of murderous aura as he was gearing up to fight.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiraiya immediately woke up.

He stammered and begged for mercy.

“Tsuna, Tsunade.”

“Be merciful!”

According to the past situation, Tsunade will definitely go up and beat up Jiraiya before giving up.

But now she has something to ask for, so she can only temporarily control her emotions.

Tsunade spoke in a flash of inspiration.

“I’ll forgive you if you take two million taels to make amends, or get ready to go to the hospital!”

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Jiraiya’s forehead.

…asking for flowers…

The opening is two million taels.

Why don’t you grab it?

Although it hurt a little, he obediently took out his passbook.

“I’ll go to the front bank to get it for you later.”

Jiraiya be good

Responding obediently, Tsunade immediately smiled.

“Don’t look so serious.”

“Let’s go, let’s go eat.”

“I treat (you pay for).

Tsunade, Shizune, and Jiraiya came to the tavern together.

After drinking and eating, Jiraiya once again became a lobbyist.

“Tsunade, are you really not going back?”

“As Hokage’s assistant, the treatment is very good!”

In the face of lobbying, Tsunade just drank without saying a word.

Jiraiya continued to speak persuasively.

“The old man specially asked me to take 30 million taels out this time. As long as you are willing to go back, the money will be yours.”

Tsunade’s expression finally changed slightly.

Have thirty million taels to take?

Sounds pretty good.


Jiraiya’s heart seemed to be bleeding.

There is no bonus for the task, and I have to pay 30 million taels.

Who the hell am I going to ask for reasoning?

But there is no turning back arrow when opening the bow. Now that he has opened his mouth, he can only walk to the dark one by one.

Jiraiya tried her best to continue persuading.

“Haven’t you always wanted to reform the Ministry of Health?”

“The old man said, as long as you are willing to go back, the Konoha Medical Department will be handed over to you.”

“In the future, when you become a Hokage, the whole Konoha will be up to you.”

“Where you are unhappy, change it, wouldn’t it be beautiful?”

Jiraiya drew all kinds of cakes, Tsunade knew he was fooling around, but was still slightly shaken.

The First Hokage pacified the troubled times, and the Second Hokage established the country. These two great men are her grandfathers.


Although Tsunade doesn’t really want to go back to Konoha, but she still wants to continue to live a life of luxury.

No money is absolutely impossible.

At worst, go back and get some money first, and run away if you are unhappy.

Thinking of this, Tsunade finally made a decision.

“Okay, I promise.”

“Two days of rest, we can get Konoha.

Jiraiya breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he paid a big price, he finally fulfilled Third Hokage’s entrustment.

Receiving an affirmative reply from Tsunade, Jiraiya immediately asked the toad on Mount Myōboku to deliver the message to Konoha.

It took thirty million taels of money to hire someone, and he is already doing his best.

As for the painted cakes, just let the old man deal with it. Whether Tsunade can be kept or not is up to Third Hokage himself.

Jiraiya is willing to be a lobbyist for Third Hokage, but will not help him out.


Hokage office.

Third Hokage, who received the news, was deeply comforted.

Tsunade is coming back.

Jiraiya is quite reliable in doing things.

With Tsunade’s help, why should he worry Uchiha Yusuke!

The two apprentices are about to return, and Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn’t help but think of another favorite student.

If only Orochimaru was still around!

With his talent, he inherited his mantle, and he will definitely be able to carry forward the will of fire.

Third Hokage has always been very optimistic about Orochimaru in the past, but unfortunately he is not interested in being a Hokage, but has a soft spot for science.

Orochimaru is obsessed with Forbidden Technique, which makes Third Hokage feel uneasy.

What’s even more frightening is that Orochimaru also works hand in hand with a like-minded Danzo.

This seriously touches Sarutobi Hiruzen’s bottom line!

Danzo is a backer.

What are you doing so close to him?

In desperation, Third Hokage can only force Orochimaru to defect.

But after expelling Orochimaru, Konoha was really broken.

Although his two sons have good qualifications, they are still far from Hokage.

What’s more, if he passed the throne to his son, it would easily cause negative public opinion.

Second Hokage, the world is for the public, do you want Third Hokage to belong to the world?

Even if you really want to restore the position of Hokage, it’s best to wait until your grandchildren.

In the middle of the transition between two generations, “the Sarutobi family will have another Hokage, right?

As long as a good political foundation is laid for the juniors, it is very easy for the talented to stand out.

Uchiha Yusuke has gone to great lengths to make such a big change in the family.

But when it comes to the background, the famous Uchiha is still far inferior to the Hokage faction.

Hokage’s younger brother is Hokage.

Hokage’s apprentice is Hokage again.

Hokage’s grandson is still Hokage.

From Senju Hashirama to the present, the lineage of Hokage is stronger than ever.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the position of Hokage is monopolized by these people.

Although Uchiha is one of the two founders of Konoha, since Madara had a problem, Uchiha’s family has been sitting on the bench.

None of the three Fourth Generations can produce a Hokage, so how easy is it to suddenly get in?

After two days of rest, Tsunade, Shizune, and Jiraiya embarked on a journey back to the village together.

Tsunade was not in a hurry at all, she walked and played, and spent lavishly around the 30 million taels Jiraiya gave her.

Entered the casino twice, no doubt ended in a blood loss.

When passing through Yuno Kuni, Tsunade also took Shizune to a hot spring for two days of beauty and beauty.

At the beginning, Jiraiya refused. .

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