Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha’s Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 79

Chapter 79 Hard-Wired Tailed Beast Bomb【Full】

“Water Style, Water Dragon Bomb Technique!”

With a thought, Uchiha Yusuke directly entered Fire Style Chakra Mode.

“Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique!”

Citrus Yagura was startled when he saw this.

Fire is at a disadvantage when facing water, which is the most basic ninjutsu common sense.

Logically speaking, Uchiha Yusuke should not make such a low-level mistake!

The Anbu of Kirigakure were also puzzled.

Fight Mizukage with Fire Style?

Uchiha Yusuke is also too arrogant, right?

Citrus Yagura does not care about these.

Since Uchiha Yusuke blindly pushes big, he doesn’t mind giving the opponent a profound lesson.

Want to suppress my citrus Yagura with Fire Style?

Isn’t Fourth Mizukage shameless?!

Thinking of this, Yagura stepped up his ninjutsu offensive again.

Water Style, Great Waterfall Technique!”

Facing the ensuing Water Style, Uchiha Yusuke looked as usual, still contending with Fire Style.

“Fire Style, the picture is gone!”

Unlike everyone’s doubts, Uchiha Yusuke kept a clear mind from the beginning to the end.

Being obsessed with the mutual restraint of attributes is just because you are not strong enough.

During the Fourth Ninja World War, Uchiha Madara was still able to easily defeat the Water Barrier defense of more than 20 Mist Shinobi ninjas with Fire Style.

Uchiha Yusuke Many ninjutsu have reached the bottleneck now, and this kind of confrontation with inverse attributes is more conducive to accumulating experience.

The system can help him complete the transformation, but he still needs to work hard on such things as cultivation.

The Chakra of the two attributes of water and fire collided with each other, and a thick fog filled the scene immediately.

In the haze, the red and blue Chakra can be seen faintly.

Judging from the color, it turned out that Uchiha’s red fire attribute Chakra had the upper hand.

Perceiving this situation, Citrus Yagura felt a little unbelievable.

I am a dignified Mizukage, and I have already practiced Water Style to the point of proficiency!

But why did Uchiha Yusuke’s Fire Style fall into a disadvantage?

Just when Yagura was doubting his life, Uchiha Yusuke’s Fire Style has gradually broken through the blockade of water power.

The heat wave was coming, and Yagura came back to his senses immediately.


“Water Style is about to fail!”

Citrus Yagura made a decisive decision and quickly formed a seal.

“Water Style, Water Barrier!”

“Wind Style, once the typhoon passes!”

After performing two ninjutsu in a row while relying on Wind Style to strengthen the water, Yagura finally blocked Uchiha Yusuke’s Fire Style.

After the strong wind passed through, the zero air on the scene was also blown in situ.

In this ninjutsu duel, although Yagura has an advantage in the Chakra attribute, he was completely suppressed by Uchiha Yusuke.

Citrus Yagura’s eyes are flickering, and his complexion is 017 rather ugly.

He has an advantage in his own attributes, but instead falls into a disadvantage.

Such a result made him feel a little unacceptable.

Uchiha Yusuke remained composed.

A Fourth Mizukage, there is no way to give him too much pressure.

The ninjas watching simply made a comparison between the two, and then made a judgment.

Although Kirigakure had a lot of people, Mizukage couldn’t get any advantage against Uchiha.

Yagura wants to shake hands and make peace, but he provoked the conflict on his own initiative. If it goes on like this, it will inevitably damage Mizukage’s prestige.

The citrus Yagura, who is hard to get off the tiger, is going to try harder.

Even if you really want to calm things down, you must not lose face for Fourth Mizukage.

Gotta find a way to cause some trouble for Uchiha Yusuke!

Thinking of this, Citrus Yagura moved his mind and began to mobilize the Three Tails Chakra in his body.

I can’t deal with Uchiha Yusuke with my own strength, so I can only ask Three Tails for help.

The red Chakra broke out, and the citrus Yagura once again put on the tail beast coat.

Under the blessing of the Tailed Beast Chakra, whether it is speed or strength, it will be greatly improved.

“Uchiha Yusuke, try my trick!”

With a growl, Yagura rushed straight at Uchiha Yusuke.

With the help of Three Tails Chakra, his fighting power has instantly increased several levels.

Uchiha Yusuke narrowed his eyes slightly and said lightly.

“Do you want spell spell?”

“I also want to know to what extent the Tailed Beast Chakra can strengthen people!”

Citrus Yagura sneers at Kaidō.

“Hehe, you won’t be disappointed…

After a few simple exchanges, the two entered the battle again.

Yagura, a citrus mandarin in a chakra coat, is like a small tailed beast, and any blow will cause violent energy fluctuations.

Even if Uchiha Yusuke faced the Fourth Mizukage strengthened by the Tailed Beast Chakra, he did not lose at all.

“jingle ding dong…”

The two Kage-level powerhouses confront each other head-on, and the sound of metal collisions can be heard endlessly.

Uchiha Yusuke’s flying slash is amazingly destructive, but the protection and self-healing ability of the Tailed Beast Chakra’s coat should not be underestimated either.

Yagura’s coral stick and Uchiha Yusuke’s saber came and went.

Yagura’s face was as calm as water. He didn’t expect Uchiha Yusuke’s strength to be so tyrannical.

With the help of Three Tails Chakra, but still can only draw with the opponent.

Uchiha Yusuke also felt a little surprised.

His Flying Slash can cut gold and cut jade, but it can only cause some minor abrasions to Yagura on the Tailed Beast’s coat.

The strength of Fourth Mizukage is stronger than expected.

The perfect Jinchūriki who can fully grasp the power of the Tailed Beast, no one is a fuel-efficient lamp!

The fierce confrontation between the two Kage-level powerhouses, the ninjas watching were stunned.

Citrus Yagura is like a ferocious beast in the world, and a random blow has the potential to overwhelm mountains and seas.

Uchiha Yusuke’s swordsmanship is at its peak, and his flying slash is also amazing.

The strength of the Kage-level powerhouse sent chills down the spine of the ninjas watching.

If ordinary Jōnin gets involved in such a battle, he will become cannon fodder if he is not careful.

“One knife flow, flame cut!”

Uchiha Yusuke swept across with his sword, and once again hit a flying slash.

Yagura knew very well the power of Uchiha Yusuke’s flying slash, and this time he did not choose to block it.

“Water Style, Water Mirror Technique!”

Citrus Yagura drew a circle in front of him, and the water-attributed Chakra immediately condensed into a mirror.

Under the reflection of the mirror, a figure broke through the water.

The appearance is the same as Uchiha Yusuke on the opposite side.

“One knife flow, flame cut!”

Not only that, but Uchiha Yusuke, who walked out of the water mirror, even activated the same skills as the real person.

The two flying slashes collided and canceled each other out, and finally both of them became invisible.

There was a flash of interest in Uchiha Yusuke’s eyes.

Water Mirror Technique that can copy moves?


Kakashi, who is good at using Sharingan, is known by the ninja world as a copy endure

The Fourth Mizukage Yagura’s “Water Mirror Technique” is similar to Kakashi’s copy.

It’s really a bit shameless to use the way of the other to return the fighting method to the other body.

As long as Chakra and physical strength are sufficient, no matter what kind of enemy you face, you can consume your opponent to death.

With this move in place, Hashi Yagura was almost invincible against Uchiha Yuu.

The opponent’s attack is ineffective, but your own attack is effective.

This is almost the same as Danzo who opened Izanagi.

Of course, the water mirror Technique also has certain limitations.

For example, such things as Secret Technique and Blood Successor Limitation, Water Mirror Art may not be able to replicate.

Otherwise, Yagura will not lose to Obito and become a marionette in the hands of others.

With Shui Jing Technique in the back, Yagura unscrupulously launched an attack on Uchiha Yusuke.

“Wind Style, Gale Palm!”

“Water Style, water waves!”

In the face of successive ninjutsu attacks, Uchiha Yusuke did not dare to be careless, and directly entered the Fire Style Chakra Mode.

After elementalization, Uchiha Yusuke’s body is invulnerable to water and fire and has no taboos.

It is also very difficult for Citrus Yagura to break through his defense.

After trying a few ninjutsu, Gouqiao Tiancang quickly noticed this situation.

Wind Style will only fuel the fire, and Water Style will not be able to extinguish it at all.

Uchiha Yusuke’s Fire Style Chakra Mode is trickier than the ninjutsu passed down for generations at Cloud Shinobi Village!

Body activation Raikage, at least affected by Ninjutsu and Taijutsu.

But elemental Uchiha Yusuke, simply doesn’t eat this set.

Even if you kick ‘Ye Guy’, what’s the point if you miss it?

After a long battle to no avail, a tinge of anger gradually grew in Yagura’s heart.

Uchiha Yusuke, I’m going to crush you today!

Citrus Yagura’s momentum changed, and he directly entered the second state.

The dark red Chakra covers the body, and three tails grow from the back.

At this moment, Yagura has turned into a small Three Tails.

Uchiha Yusuke’s eyes froze.

Are you finally getting serious?

Just let me (becb) feel the power of Three Tails!

Yagura’s offensive is very fierce.

He’s packed a ton of Chakra and ready to unleash the Tailed Beast Bomb as soon as he comes up.

Seeing this scene, one of Uchiha became serious.

The last time he played against Killer Bee, he was a bit reluctant to resist the Tailed Beast Bomb head-on.

Facing Yagura this time is just a good time to test my progress during this period.

Uchiha Yusuke slowly laid the sword across in front of him.

What about the Tailed Beast Bomb?

I will use swordsmanship to compete with you today!

Watching Uchiha Yusuke’s actions, Yagura sneered in his heart.

How amazing is Tailed Beast Bomb?

Trying to fight the Tailed Beast Bomb with a weapon is a dead end!

In the history of the ninja world, there was once a certain ruthless person who did this.

But there is no doubt that he eventually fell victim to the Tailed Beast Bomb.

Tailed Beast Bomb is no joke.

As one of the Konoha Sannin, Yin Snake’s strength is naturally beyond doubt.

But even though he had triple Rashomon as a barrier, he was still thrown headlong by Four Tails Naruto.

Citrus Yagura is the perfect Jinchūriki who has thoroughly mastered Three Tails, and his Tailed Beast Bomb might be even stronger than Four Tails Naruto!

Under such circumstances, Uchiha Yusuke still has to choose to take the sword hard.

In the eyes of ordinary ninjas, it is undoubtedly a very unwise choice.

The Kirigakure Anbu onlookers have started whispering.

“Catch Tailed Beast Bomb with sword?”

“Is Uchiha Yusuke serious?!”

“You stupid idiot, Mizukage-sama will definitely end his dog’s life!”

Mist Shinobi Anbu’s sarcasm made Yuhi Hong’s mouth twitch with a slight smile.

“Yusuke-kun’s strength, is it that little people like you can


The Anbu of Kirigakure felt insulted and flew into a rage.

“Ninja Konoha, what are you talking about?”

Evening Red is happy and fearless.

“What do you say you are ignorant?”

“Want to fight?”

The Kirigakure Anbu were at a loss for words.


They really wanted to go up and teach Kurenai Yuhi a lesson, but Fourth Mizukage didn’t give the order and blatantly attacked Konoha Shinobi, which was an obvious act of arrogance.

It is related to the relationship between the two countries, and they obviously cannot act rashly.

What’s more.

In the Konoha team, there is also a famous “copy ninja” Hatake Kakashi.

Although they have an advantage in numbers, they may not be able to take advantage of it if they really do it.

After weighing the pros and cons, Kirigakure and the Anbu finally chose to endure it.

The current situation is more favorable to their side.

Once Fourth Mizukage has cleaned up Uchiha Yusuke, it’s not too late for them to deal with Konoha Shinobi.

Anbu from Kirigakure looked at Konoha and snorted coldly.

Just let you be arrogant for a while.

I’ll settle the bill with you later!

The Anbu in Kirigakure died down, and Rihong didn’t continue to entangle with them.

The most important thing now is the match between Yagura and Yusuke Uchiha.

As long as Uchiha Yusuke can defeat Fourth Mizukage, everything will be solved.

Back to the battlefield.

The half-tailed citrus Yagura keeps agglomerating Chakra, and the black spheres get bigger and bigger, giving people an unprecedented oppressive force.

Uchiha Yusuke did not interfere with Yagura’s Tailed Beast Bomb’s energy accumulation, but concentrated all his energy on the saber in his hand.

It has been a long time since he broke through the realm of swordsman, and he is only one step away from the legendary realm of great swordsman.

The flying slash of the sword hero realm is still not comparable to the Tailed Beast Bomb, but the flying slash of the great swordsman will undergo a qualitative change.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Uchiha decided to try to attack the realm of the great swordsman.

If he can cross this threshold, he will undoubtedly have another good hole card.

The ninja world in the future will still not be peaceful, and only with absolute strength can we stand invincible.

For me now, Fourth Mizukage Yagura is indeed a good whetstone.

The Tailed Beast Bomb has been fully charged, but Uchiha’s posture still hasn’t changed in any way.

Seeing this, Citrus Yagura couldn’t help sneering inwardly.

Uchiha Yusuke, you will pay for your arrogance!

Yagura knows the power of Tailed Beast Bomb very well.

A Kage-level master, a head-on attack would either kill or injure him.

Although Uchiha Yusuke showed great strength, Yagura didn’t think he was capable of tough Tailed Beast Bomb.

Konoha’s people crossed the boundary privately first.

Even if Uchiha Yusuke is disabled because of this, Third Hokage has a reason to ask Kirigakure to blame him.

What’s more, Third Hokage is no longer the ninja of the past. An old Sarutobi who is intoxicated with comfort, what confidence does he have to challenge the mandarin oranges who are in their prime?

After Shimura Danzō’s roots were destroyed, Konoha’s current hawk representative is Uchiha Yusuke in front of him.

As long as this person fell, Konoha and other ninjas would not be afraid at all.

Thinking about this clearly, Yagura’s killing intent soared in his heart.

Uchiha Yusuke, get ready to die!

“Tailed Beast Bomb!”

Yagura let out a roar, and shot a dark red shock wave directly at Uchiha Yusuke.

at the same time.

Uchiha Yusuke, who was accumulating sword energy, also completed his moves.

“One knife flow, splitting the air!”

Uchiha Yusuke swung his sword, and wherever the flying slash went, even the space was distorted.

The speed and power of this flying slash undoubtedly reached the pinnacle of the ninja world.

Yagura’s Tailed Beast Bomb collided with Uchiha Yusuke’s Sky Slash.

As soon as the two came into contact, the dark red energy shock wave was split into two by Flying Slash.


After the violent collision, the speed of Uchiha Yusuke’s flying slash gradually slowed down.

Citrus Yagura was already covered in cold sweat,

Taking advantage of this gap, he made another effort to increase the power of Tailed Beast Bomb to Ultimate.

I can’t believe that Tailed Beast Bomb can’t do anything to you!

Although Goju Yagura has tried to overestimate Uchiha Yusuke as much as possible, but the power of the splitting sky is still somewhat beyond his imagination.

Under the blocking of the Tailed Beast Bomb, although the speed of the flying slash slowed down, the devastating situation did not change.

Even though Yagura once again invested a lot of Chakra to strengthen the power of Tailed Beast Bomb, Uchiha Yusuke’s flying slash was still breaking through.

Looking at the approaching crescent-shaped sword energy, Yagura’s mentality exploded a bit. .

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