Konoha: Gu master

Chapter 6: The Croaking Fly

"Hinata-sama, please slow down."

Tokuma Hyuga called out to Hinata Hyuga, who was hurrying outside, unable to help but remind her to slow down.

He quickly followed after her.

‘Is she this excited because of the first day of school?’

When they reached the doorway, Hinata suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Her heart trembled, and she immediately lowered her head.

Her improper behaviour must have disappointed her father again.

She had been confined for four days, and the thought of possibly seeing 'Him' at school had caused her to lose herself for a moment.


Hiashi Hyuga slightly furrowed his brows.

With this timid attitude, how could she carry the weight of the Hyuga clan?


Hinata stood before him, her voice as soft as a whisper.

"Once you’re at school, don’t bring shame to the Hyuga name," Hiashi sighed.

With her personality, she was likely to be bullied at school.

But if he had to intervene over such trivial matters, it would be humiliating.

"Y-yes… I’ll do my best."

Hearing the sigh in her father’s voice, Hinata’s anxiety only grew deeper.

Hiashi turned and paused in the courtyard.

Under a tree, his younger daughter, Hanabi Hyuga, was practicing martial arts.

Though her movements were still unpolished, they showed promise.

Walking down the street, the sunlight shining upon her, the oppressive weight in Hinata’s heart seemed to lighten just a little.

Her mind wandered to thoughts of Neji Hyuga.

If only she could be more like him, surely her father would be proud.

But ever since that fateful mark had appeared on his forehead, a painfully thick barrier had grown between them.

"Lady Hinata."

When they reached the school gate, Tokuma handed her the schoolbag and said, "I’ll come to pick you up after school."

"Thank you, Tokuma."

Hinata took her bag and walked into the classroom.

Her white eyes lit up instantly.

It’s him!

The boy whose name she didn’t know.

But soon, Hinata hesitated.

She saw a beautiful blonde girl talking to him, her expression full of joy.

Hinata wasn’t skilled at socializing.

In that moment, she decided not to approach.


Ino Yamanaka smiled brightly at Shinho Aburame and asked, "What kind of flowers do you like? My family runs a flower shop."

With her outgoing personality, Ino was quite the expert at making conversation.

Shinho played the role of the listener.

His patience was impeccable.

It was something he had mastered before even being born.

[Ino Yamanaka.]

[Current Achievement: "Admiration is the feeling furthest from understanding."]

[Passive Achievement: Unknown.]


Sakura Haruno’s loud voice interrupted Shinho’s thoughts.

Ino’s expression immediately became serious.

She shifted into battle mode.

She knew her best friend too well—Sakura couldn’t resist attractive boys.

Fortunately, Ino relaxed when Sakura’s attention went straight to Sasuke Uchiha.

Sakura made her approach but was coldly rejected.

Undeterred, she walked over to Ino.

Suddenly, Sakura’s eyes widened with interest as she noticed Shinho.

Two handsome boys in one small classroom?

Sakura’s face twisted with indecision.

Who should she pick?

"Hello, I’m Sakura Haruno."

Sakura extended her hand in a ladylike manner.

But inside, she was in turmoil.

Damn it! Ino got to him first!


Ino quickly took Sakura’s hand before Shinho could respond, leaned closer, and whispered, "Aren’t you into Sasuke?"

Sakura’s eyes flickered with confusion.

They had made a pact to compete fairly for Sasuke Uchiha’s attention.

But before she could speak, Ino covered her mouth.


Ino flashed a bright smile and said, "Sakura and I need to have a little chat."

She pulled Sakura toward the back of the classroom.

"Shinho, you’re really popular."

Naruto Uzumaki said with admiration.

He wasn’t jealous of the girls around Shinho; he was envious of how easily Shinho made friends.

At the front of the room, Hinata glanced over cautiously.

She hesitated, clutching the edges of her jacket tightly with her small hands.

With Ino and Sakura gone, the seat next to him was now vacant.

Hinata wanted to go over.

Just then, the door opened.

A young man entered.

He wrote his name on the blackboard.

"I’m Iruka Umino, your teacher," he said with a smile, clapping his hands together. "Now, as per tradition, let’s do introductions."

Hinata lifted her head slightly.

Even though Iruka had interrupted her thoughts, she would finally get to learn the boy’s name.

Shinho sat calmly, waiting for the introductions to begin.

Most of the students were forgettable.

In the original story, many of their names were never even mentioned.

And, unsurprisingly, many of their dreams were to become Hokage.

You had to admire Hiruzen Sarutobi for his dedication to instilling the Will of Fire in the younger generation.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I don’t have any hobbies. I hope to become a ninja as great as my brother."

Sasuke’s introduction caused a stir in the classroom.

His brother was none other than the renowned Itachi Uchiha.

At the age of seven, Itachi had graduated at the top of his class.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the "strongest Hokage," had evaluated him as having Hokage-level potential, noting his ability to think like a Hokage even at a young age.

By eleven, Itachi had joined the ANBU, becoming its youngest member.

He was, without a doubt, the Uchiha clan’s genius and pride.

Three lines of text appeared in front of Shino’s eyes.

[Sasuke Uchiha.]

[Current Achievement: "Cook more."]

[Passive Achievement: Unknown.]

Shinho pondered for a moment.

If his memory served correctly, the Uchiha massacre would happen next year.

By then, Sasuke would probably regret the words he spoke today.

Row by row, the introductions continued, and soon it was Shinho’s turn.

Unhurried, he walked up to the podium.

All eyes fell on him.

Directly in front of him sat Hinata.

As soon as their gazes met, she blushed like a startled rabbit and quickly lowered her head.

"My name is Shinho Aburame."

Shinho said casually, "I don’t have any hobbies. I just want to live a peaceful life."

Shikamaru Nara perked up at that, his eyes lighting up in surprise and delight at finding a kindred spirit.

Could it be that someone shared his laid-back approach to life?

Ino Yamanaka suddenly had a spark of inspiration, her eyes glowing with determination.

In her mind, a "peaceful life" meant settling down with a husband and raising children—the traditional family life.

"I’m confident I’d make a good wife and mother," Ino thought to herself.

Shikamaru glanced at her and shuddered.

Women are terrifying.

Hinata bit her lip lightly.

So his name is Shinho Aburame.

Summoning all her courage, she lifted her head again.

Shinho gave her a slight nod before returning to his seat.

After him, it was Naruto’s turn.

Taking a deep breath, he declared, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki! I love ramen, and my dream is to become Hokage!"

His voice grew more passionate as he spoke.

The classroom fell silent for a few seconds before it erupted with mocking laughter.

Shinho casually slapped his hand on the table, the loud sound silencing the jeers.

With all eyes on him, he said calmly, "I heard a bunch of flies buzzing just now."

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