Konoha: Gu master

Chapter 60: Let Her Have Kids x3

Shinho Aburame let out a long sigh and dropped to the ground, sitting amidst the cratered earth around him, making it look as if he were sitting on the surface of the moon. He glanced at the sky—it was nearly dusk. Another simple, uneventful day of training. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Shinho focused inward, sinking his consciousness into his bronze aperture.

In one corner of the Bronze Sea, two parasitic bugs shone brightly, their original forms barely recognizable. His eyebrow lifted. They had fully mutated, their glow indicating a complete transformation. But how had they changed from their previous state?

Curiosity piqued, Shinho extended his hand, summoning the two bugs into his palm. Slowly, he infused them with his primeval essence. With a silent command, the two bugs fused tightly together.

It’s happening! A girl... wait, no... a female bug!

[Achievement unlocked: "Watching Bug Breeding in the Ninja World." Reward: Twin Birth Gu.]
[Twin Birth Gu: Rank-Two Gu insect. Grants the ability for a pregnant woman to give birth to twins.]

Shinho’s lips twitched. This system keeps finding new ways to mess with me.

If his memory served him right, there were future achievements involving triplets, quadruplets, and quintuplets as well. It’s exactly like they say: let her have kids, let her have kids, let her have kids!

Shinho carefully examined the newly born parasitic bug. It looked exactly like its parents, containing a trace of primeval essence. His theory was confirmed: once the parasitic bugs had been modified, their offspring inherited the same changes.

I wonder how much their attack and defense power have increased?

Tucking the parasitic bugs away, Shinho decided to test them with Shino Aburame tomorrow.

“Shinho, we’re out of sake!” Tsunade’s voice suddenly rang out. Turning his head, Shinho saw her standing at the doorway, waving an empty sake bottle. Her face was flushed, clearly from drinking.

“Sensei, you really shouldn’t drink during the day,” Shinho said, walking over with a sigh. The Wine Pouch Gu couldn’t keep up with her demands—it needed rest too. Even Gu insects had their rights.

“How dare you! Who’s the teacher here?” Tsunade snapped, glaring at him. “You think you can boss me around now?”

Do you even know what defying the heavens means? Shinho thought, raising one finger. “From now on, I’m limiting you to one bottle of sake per day.”

Once he advanced to Rank-Two Gu Master, he could extract more from the Wine Pouch Gu, at which point he might increase her allowance. If future achievements granted him another Wine Pouch Gu, even better.

“What?” Tsunade blinked in disbelief, her fists clenching. “No way!”

“I make the rules,” Shinho said without fear.

“You little brat!” Tsunade huffed, half amused, half annoyed. “Do you even know what happens when you defy me?”

Honestly, I’m curious too, Shinho thought, his expression calm.

“Ugh, fine. You win this time,” Tsunade grumbled, grinding her teeth. If she broke Shinho, she’d lose her steady supply of wine altogether. In a final act of defiance, she reached out and roughly ruffled his hair.

“...Fine, I’ll go get your sake,” Shinho said, exasperated.

“Hurry up,” Tsunade said, her eyes lighting up immediately as she let him go.

I know you’re eager, but don’t rush me, Shinho thought, fixing his hair before leaving the Senju estate.

Arriving at the training grounds, Shinho paused in surprise. In addition to Sasuke Uchiha, Might Guy and Naruto Uzumaki were there as well.

When did these three start training together?

“Shinho!” Naruto shouted from atop a horizontal bar, waving excitedly.

Sasuke gave Shinho a cold glance, then returned to his training. He was preparing for the day he would shock Shinho with his progress. Once he defeated him, they could finally become friends.

Shinho entered the courtyard, quickly extracting two bottles of honey wine, and left without disturbing their training.

As soon as Shinho returned, Tsunade rushed over.

“Here.” Shinho handed her the two bottles of honey wine.

“Not bad,” Tsunade said, taking a swig. “You’re a good student.”

I liked you better when you were more subdued, Shinho thought. Maybe I can bring that back.

With the little drama over, Shinho returned to his room to continue refining his primeval essence. Night fell, and the sun rose again.

A new week had begun.

“G-Good morning, Shinho-kun,” Hinata Hyuga’s timid voice came from the doorway.

Shinho blinked in confusion, then immediately closed the door. I must still be dreaming. There’s no way Hinata is at my house!

Certain he had opened the door wrong, Shinho opened it again.

Hinata tilted her head, her cute face full of confusion.

At that moment, she froze.

Shinho had stepped forward and lightly pinched her cheeks twice.

Her blush spread across her face at an astonishing speed.

Looks like I’m not dreaming, Shinho muttered to himself, clearing his throat. “Hinata, what are you doing here?”

“I... I came... w-with Father...” Hinata stammered, her words tumbling out as she struggled to speak coherently.

As a Hinata-speak expert, Shinho understood what she meant.

As expected, she wouldn’t have come alone. She must have arrived with Hiashi, who had left after dropping off some gifts, instructing her to wait for Shinho before heading to school.

“So many gifts?” Shinho noticed the pile of gifts Hiashi had left behind. The table was packed with fruits, ninja tools, and more.

“You’re awake?” Tsunade strolled in, casually munching on an apple.

“Yeah,” Shinho nodded. He realized the apple came from Hiashi’s pile of gifts.

“What did you do?” Tsunade asked with a teasing smile. “I thought he was here for me, but it turns out he came for you.”

“For me?” Shinho glanced at Hinata instinctively.

Noticing his gaze, Hinata ducked her head, hiding her face.

If this had happened ten years later, the scene would likely be much more dramatic.

“Father said it was to thank you for taking care of me, especially for treating me to meals,” Hinata said nervously, clutching her hands tightly.

“I see,” Shinho said, understanding.

Hiashi must have noticed the change in Hinata’s strength. The meals alone wouldn’t have prompted such a gesture.

Tsunade glanced between Shinho and the blushing Hinata. This kid sure knows how to charm the ladies.

What kind of care would make the head of the Hyuga clan personally come to show his gratitude?

“Breakfast is ready,” Shizune called from the kitchen.

“Hinata,” Shinho said gently, “Make yourself at home. There’s no need to be formal around here.”

Hinata nodded instinctively.

Wait... at home?

Her eyes widened in shock, and her face turned crimson. Her already blushed skin reddened further, reaching all the way to her ears.

Shinho looked on in confusion. What are you blushing about now?

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and done. I think the titbit in the middle is something about the families of old china with people focusing a lot on having offsprings?! Don't Quote me on that, but I couldn't find anything relevant on the saying even after searching the chinese words.

the regular update will be out a bit late today though, our usual time isn't bringing as much traction as I'd like, so there might be a new update schedule for the second chapter!

and on another note, I'll be moving all the tl notes from now on to this section.
I've been putting it at the end of the work since it didn't seem like people were reading the authors note(this section is more for wenbnovel readers), But then i thought, they'd look at the authors note if people cared enough.

Well, that enough of my rant for the day, have a great day!

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