Konoha: Inventory of the Top Ten Show Operations at the Beginning

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

As everyone worried, the video continued to play.

At this time, Naruto was completely exhausted, and Obito controlled Ten Tails had already attacked, and Hinata quickly used his shuriken to block part of the attack.

However, at this time a big hand suddenly swept over, and the target was Naruto!

Seeing that it was about to be unstoppable, Hinata’s father, the patriarch of the Hyuga family, Hinata Hyuzu quickly stood in front of him and roared.

“Bagua Kongbi Palm!”

In an instant, the big hand was pushed out.

However, the next moment.

The big hand of the ten tails that was thrown away suddenly sent out countless spikes, quickly covering Naruto’s direction.

Seeing this, Hinata Hinata shouted helplessly.

“Oops, was targeted.”

“There are so many, relying on the empty palms of Hinata and Neji…”

Hyuga Hyuzu didn’t finish his words, but he already knew in his heart that Naruto’s place would be very dangerous.

At this time, Hinata immediately rushed to the front of Naruto, stretched out his hands, and wanted to use his body to help resist.

When everyone saw this scene, they all exclaimed!

【Sakura: “Hinata! This… she is desperately trying to save Naruto!”】

【Inuzuka Fang: “Run away! Don’t do this! Hinata!”】

【Hinata Hizuru: “Ah! Why am I still standing there in a daze, hurry up and help!”】

【Tsunade: “My Konoha girl is doing great!”】

[Terumi Mei: “I seem to have seen this scene before. When Payne attacked Konoha, this girl was also the only one who went to rescue Naruto, and almost died in Payne’s hands.”]

【Heitu: “Is this the so-called love?”】

At this time, many people admired Hinata’s action, after all, she was protecting Naruto with her life!

In Muye Village, Naruto looked at him in disbelief. He never thought that one day, a woman would come back to protect him like this!

Naruto slowly turned his head to look at the shy woman all the time, looking at it with difficulty, not knowing what to say.

And Hinata lowered her head shyly, and the whole person was also excited.

She has always wanted to protect her!

Just like Payne attacked Konoha before, she also wanted to protect him with her own life!

Kakashi shook his head and said with some emotion.

“Hinata really likes Naruto…”

In the video, when Hinata stretched out her hands, closed her eyes, and waited for the countless spikes to fly over.

Suddenly, another figure rushed in front of her even faster.

“Blind eyes!”

“Puff chi chi chi!”

I could only hear countless piercing sounds ringing in the ears of these few people.

And everyone saw that person’s face at this time!

He seemed to have turned into a lovebird, blocking Hinata with his whole body glowing, saving Naruto and Hinata.

This person is Neji!


With a crash, Ning Ci fell to the ground.

Naruto just got up and saw Neji who had been stabbed with spikes all over his body, and Hinata also turned around and saw the family genius she once envied!

At this moment, the pot exploded in Muye Village instantly!

Tian Tian and Locke Lee looked at Ning Ci with completely shocked expressions.

“This…how is it possible! Neji! You…”

“Did you really sacrifice like this?”

Of course, Inuzuka Ya and the others looked at him in disbelief.

Naruto: “You… Neji! You actually saved Hinata and me with your own life!”

Shikamaru: “Before you were very dissatisfied with these two people. Could it be that you really changed in the competition with Naruto in the Chunin exam?”

Inuzuka Fang: “I thought Hinata was gone, but I didn’t expect that you would suddenly appear and save her and Naruto!” Shan.

Chapter huh? Neji fell in love with Hinata?

Not only that, but the entire ninja world was stunned by this scene.

The relationship between Neji and Naruto, and the relationship with Hinata, everyone probably knew something about it before.

He never expected that he would stand up at this critical moment and use his body to block this fatal attack for Naruto and Hinata!

【Onoki: “Fuck! Hinata saves Naruto, and Neji goes to save Hinata? Is this a triangle relationship?”】

【Heitu: “Huh? Has Ningci fallen in love with Hinata this time?”】

[Terumi Mei: “Perhaps he did this to save Naruto. It was because of Naruto’s mouth before that Neji repented and started a new life. He is grateful to Naruto and guilty to Hinata…”]

【Kakashi: “Fortunately, he saved Naruto and the others. Otherwise, Obito, Uchiha Madara, and even the final Jue, no one would have been able to defeat Zero Nine Three.”]

【Jiraiya: “Being able to help Naruto and Hinata so accurately in this melee also shows that he really pays attention to these two people.”】

【Tsunade: “Is this the touching scene of Neji?”】

[Yuhihong: “It must be, it’s already like this… But it’s really touching, Neji has always looked down on Naruto and hated Hinata before, but he didn’t expect to die for the two of them in the end. “]

When everyone was lamenting the scene of Ning Ci, they were in a certain cave.

Obito said in a somewhat displeased way.

“Damn brat, you ruined my good work. If you kill that Naruto guy here, the ending is really uncertain.”

“It is impossible for Uchiha Madara to be resurrected so easily, and I will not die easily.”

“As for that guy, I won’t let him have half a chance to **** the opportunity…”

Soon, the leader of the list asked Ningci, who had won the quiz, to come out to draw rewards.

Although Neji was still worried about whether he would be so kind to rescue Naruto and the others in the future, but when he saw that he could draw rewards, he also forgot about these things.

[The leader of the leaderboard: “Congratulations to Ning Ci for getting the reward of doubling the chakra.”]

Seeing that Ning Ci got such a good reward at this meeting, everyone was a little envious.

Many people thought it was impossible for this guy to be on the list before, but in the end it was Ning Ci who insisted on himself, so that he would have some chances for the lottery.

[Onoki: “Chakra double reward, this is really a good reward for a ninja! This little guy Neji is really lucky.”]

【Heitu: “Hey, I should have trusted this guy once, maybe I can also get such a reward.”】

【Terumi Mei: “Who would have thought that such a small person would also shine in the future.”】

[Tsunade: “No one should be underestimated. The three old Hokage and Danzo can be on the list. This list is probably based on who died well.”]

【Kakashi: “It seems to be so…”】

At this time, many people are also starting to discuss who will be the next person on the list, and now many people are somewhat confused about who can be on the list.

After all, the reputation of the previous few people in the ninja world is not very good or too low…

[Fourth Raikage: “Now I really don’t know who will be the next person on the list, I’m afraid anyone may be.”]

【Luo Sha: “Hmph, the old man died so tragically, it is impossible…”】

[Onoki: “Haha! Which of the past Kazekages of your Shayin Village is not like this. I remember that the three generations of Kazekages in your village died at the hands of their own people, and they seemed to be made into puppets.”]

【Three generations of Kazekage: “I’m really looking forward to how you, a bad old man, will die.”】

【Onoki: “This old man will live a peaceful life and go to bed at the end of his life.”】

【Sarutobi Hiruza: “The wind is strong and you are not afraid to flash your tongue.”】

When the bosses in the group were arguing, they were in Xiao’s organization.

At this time, everyone actually had no hope for this list, because everyone knew about their deaths.

Their kind of death is not at all close to the two words of moving, not to mention that many people in the ninja world are still applauding.

Didara said angrily: “Hmph, I died at the hands of that kid Sasuke, I guess there is no hope of being on this list.”

Kadotsu nodded: “It’s the same, I died at the hands of that little Naruto guy if I wasn’t with the leader? In the eyes of these ninja people, we are just big villains, and it is impossible to be on the list. If we say There are touching people who can be on the list, I am afraid there is only Itachi in our organization……”

Guixie echoed: “Well… Maybe he is really the only one. For the sake of the family and for his younger brother, he sacrificed his life and used his own life to awaken the strength in his younger brother’s body, which really moved us a little. How many people did poorly?”

Xiaonan glanced at Itachi who was still in the organization, and sighed a little: “I’m sure…”

In Muye Village, several Xiaoqiang also gathered at this time to have a heated discussion.

Because the previous few people on the list were all from Muye Village, this made them think that maybe this list was prepared for their Muye people.

However, seeing that Neji was actually a post-death scene, they guessed that this list was for the future dead.

Naruto shook his head and sighed: “Hey, this list probably doesn’t belong to me. In the future, I will be Hokage and save everyone. I won’t die halfway…”

Inuzuka gave Naruto a blank look and said, “Hmph, even if you become very strong in the future, you will not be able to get rid of death. Even if you become Hokage, Naruto, you still have a chance to be on this list.”

Naruto pursed his lips: “Hmph, I don’t want to watch the picture of my own death. Looking at how I will die in the future, I will definitely feel very uncomfortable. I don’t think I can sleep well at night.”.

Sakura nodded: “Me too, I don’t want to see the picture of my own death… But I believe he will not only play the future picture, right? Maybe the death pictures of the first Hokage, the second Hokage, and the fourth Hokage also said It might not be on the list.”

Tian Tian: “Hey, Ning Ci died in order to save people in the future, who cares who will be on the list.”

Locke Lee: “Maybe Mr. Sensei still has a chance to be on this list. The fight between him and Uchiha Madara really made me have endless aftertaste, and I really want to watch it again.”

Several Xiaoqiang discussed for a long time, but like other people in the ninja world, they still had no clue.

Soon, the list leader also spoke.

【”Next, we will announce the list of the next touching person. You can start guessing in one minute!”】.

Chapter Gaara Shouldn’t Have Friends?

Seeing the leader’s words, people in the ninja world also discussed each other. However, a minute is up soon.

[The leader of the list: “Okay, everyone, please start the quiz!”]

As soon as the leader’s voice fell, everyone guessed in the group who they thought could be on the list.

Such as Onogi, Terumi Mei, Kakashi, Tsunade, Jiraiya, etc., and even many powerful people who have passed away have been guessed over and over again.

Of course, lesser-known characters like Darui, Iruka, Temari, etc. were also guessed.

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