Konoha: Inventory of the Top Ten Show Operations at the Beginning

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

[The No. 1 show operation is none other than the rebellious Ninja from the Land of Water—Ghosts will never be beheaded again! 】】

The leader’s voice suddenly resounded.

Xiao organized a group of people to stop the quarrel immediately.

“What’s the situation? Someone got the answer right?”

“Bai? Who is Bai?”

“Who is it if you don’t kill it?”

“Idiot! Don’t you know if the ghost is not killed? One of the seven members of Wuyin!”

At this time, near the land of waves, in a simple underground hotel.

“This, how is this possible?”

Bai stared at the screen in horror, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

He wrote an answer casually, and he got it right!

If you don’t cut it, you will feel confused.

“Me? How could it be me?”

“Where the **** did I scratch!”

In the live broadcast room.

The leader of the list began to reveal the answer.

[Please enjoy the video! 】

After the voice fell, the video immediately began to play on the screen.

Konoha Village, Hokage Building again.

Kakashi led Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura to the Third Hokage Office to receive the task.

As soon as they saw this scene, everyone began to wonder.

【Onoki: “What are you doing? Didn’t you agree not to cut him off again? Why is he from Konoha again?”】

[Fourth Raikage: “It seems that Zabuzhan has something to do with Konoha Village.”]

[Thousands of Hands: “Hahahaha, I, Konoha, have made great achievements and come forth in large numbers. Even if someone is not on the list, I still have to help others to be on the list.”]

【Thousands of Hands: “Brother, this is not something to be proud of…”】

【Uchiha Madara: “Hashi hot mom, shut up!”】

video continues

Hiruzaru Sarutobi smoked his pipe, took out the task list and looked at it.

“The next task of your first shift is to help the villagers take care of the children at home, or go to the next village to run errands and help dig sweet potatoes…”

After hearing the task, Naruto immediately shook his head and tail, and refused on the spot.


“Daba daba!”

“I don’t want to do such trivial tasks! I want to perform some more powerful tasks! Hokage-sama! Give me other tasks!”

Hearing this, Kakashi lowered his head helplessly: “Eh… I knew he was about to start cheating.”

Iruka next to the third generation patted the table and stood up: “Stupid Naruto! You are all just beginners! Anyone starts from simple tasks to accumulate experience!”

Naruto: “But I can’t do this boring job all the time! Just like this, how can I be Hokage in the future!”

After playing around for a while, Hiruzaru Sarutobi put down his pipe.

Then he looked at several people with the eyes of an old fox:

“Since you said so, let me give you a C-level mission.”

“You go to protect someone.”

Naruto suddenly became excited: “Really! Who is he?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen: “Don’t worry, I’ll introduce you… please come in!”

The door of the office was opened.

A sloppy old man walked in with a wine bottle.

He looked at Naruto and the others, then took a sip of his wine and said, “What? Why are there all these brats, especially the shortest one who looks stupid, are you really a ninja?”

Naruto looked left and right, and found that he was the shortest person present, and immediately flew into a rage.

“Ahhh, you stinky old man!”

“Say who is stupid!”

“I’m going to kill you~~~”

Kakashi pulled Naruto back and said speechlessly, “Naruto, you idiot, why do you want to kill the person we are about to protect?”

After taking a sip of the wine, the uncle introduced himself: “I am a well-known bridge-builder in the bridge-building world, and what Dazner is talking about is me!

During the period when I return to the country of Nami to build the bridge, please risk your life to protect me until the bridge of Naomi is completed! “

Seeing this, everyone probably understands.

For this mission, Naruto and the others want to protect Dazna, and if they don’t kill them, they should appear on the way.

【Thousands of Hands Bashirama: “Well… From this point of view, the one called Zabuzhan should join the seventh class halfway.”】

[Uchiha Madara: “Hashi hot mom! Are you an idiot? That’s a traitor if you don’t kill him, and he must have been sent to assassinate this employer!”]

[Terumi Mei: “Senior Madara is right. It is impossible for a rebellious person to take over normal commissions. He can only accept some murder jobs on the black market. If he doesn’t kill him, he should be commissioned to kill this guy named Dazna. .”]

As the video continued, Naruto and the others hit the road.

First, I met two assassins on the road, but they were quickly killed by Kakashi and Sasuke.

And the real situation about this commission was gradually revealed.

Chapter 1 Don’t talk about coquettish operations, Kakashi is about to be beaten to death!

It turned out that the old man Dazna had no money and couldn’t afford to hire high-level ninjas, so he concealed the fact that someone was chasing him.

【Dazna: “Damn it, I didn’t expect to be discovered by Kaduo in the end? It’s all because I don’t have money, alas!”】

Originally, at this point in time, the seventh squad was about to receive the mission of the wave country.

Dazna is walking towards Konoha!

As a result, they saw the news that they planned to expose before they even arrived at Konoha.

He is very anxious!

But Dazna’s unintentional words caught someone’s attention.

【Jiaodu: “That old man named Dazna, let me ask you, is that Kado who killed you rich?”]

[Dazna: “Of course he is rich! He is the richest man in the Kingdom of Waves, and the entire Kingdom of Waves is under his control. The reason why I built the bridge is to connect the Kingdom of Waves with the outside world, and then let other countries send Is someone coming to clean him up?”]

hear this.

Kakuto, who was speeding towards Konoha, slammed on the brakes on the spot!

The whole person became excited and excited, and his eyes began to turn red!

Originally, he wanted to come to Konoha to steal Naruto’s wallet, but who knew that the richest man in the land of waves would come out halfway!

Moreover, there is no ninja village or ninja in the land of waves. For a master of Kakutsu’s level, how is this different from streaking?

Understood, let’s go to the land of waves!

The screen continues.

The first shift continued to send tasks to each other.

As if to make up for the mistakes he made when he was scared stupid during the previous attack, Naruto maintained a high degree of vigilance along the way, and if there was any trouble, he would immediately throw a shuriken.

At this moment, Kakashi discovered the ninja rabbit specially used as a stand-in technique.

Haven’t waited for his reaction yet.

Swish Swish Swish Swish!

A big knife roared towards it!

A group of people lay on the ground as fast as they could, barely avoiding the killing blow.

The big knife hovered in the sky, and then embedded in a big tree in front of it.

At the same time, a masked tall ninja stepped on a door-like sword and appeared in front of everyone!

[Uchiha Madara: “Is this guy just not going to cut it? The way he played is quite pretentious.”]

[Naruto: “That’s right! What if the head is chopped off!”]

【Thousand Jujuma: “For such a pretentious appearance, this guy should be very strong, right?”】

[Terumi Mei: “Zenbuzhan is one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. If you look at the strength alone, Kakashi and the others are in trouble…”]

on screen.

The two sides also began to confront each other.

“Ah, isn’t this the fugitive ninja from Wuying Village, Taodi won’t be beheaded again?”

Kakashi went up to ask questions with his hands in his pockets.

If you don’t cut it, you are pretending to answer:

“Kakashi, Konoha’s copy ninja, I’m sorry, give that old man to me!”

After the two sides tried it out, they started fighting directly!

“Water Escape·Mist Concealment Technique!”

Almost at the moment when he didn’t execute the spell, a thick mist spread over the open forest.

His vision instantly turned into a vast expanse of whiteness, and he couldn’t see his fingers.

Naruto and the others were all made difficult to breathe by the thick fog, and felt a faint sense of suffocation.

“Skull, larynx, spine, heart… every fatal weakness of the body, how many times can you avoid it?”

In thick fog.

The voice of Zabuza sounded like a ghost.

The deadly organ terms make people shudder, especially for fledgling rookies like Naruto, their scalps tingle when they hear it, and they are all shocked!

In the studio.

【Thousands of Hands: “What are you doing here? It’s so mysterious…”】

[Uchiha Madara: “Huh, a **** ninjutsu, and started to pretend again?”]

[Terumi Mei: “Hey, you don’t understand this. This technique of fog concealment can cause fog, hide yourself, and judge the opponent’s position through sound and chakra in the fog. His life was taken away when he was aware of it. Although it is only a C-level ninjutsu, it is very practical and is the best choice for assassination.]

[Tsunade: “So Zabuzhan intends to use this technique to shake Naruto and the others, and then quietly reap the harvest?”]

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: “It should be, this move can be described as a double blow from both the senses and the mind. For rookies like Naruto and the others, it is simply a deadly ninjutsu!”]

【Thousands of Hands: “Ah… Isn’t it just killing a few people? As for this trouble?”】

【Thousands of Hands: “Madala, do you think this technique is troublesome?”】

[Uchiha Madara: “It’s really troublesome, how can there be so many procedures, wouldn’t it be over with just one look?”]

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