Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming.

Chapter 51 Blackening

Chapter 51 Blackening

in the valley.

The ghost-headed dragon looked at the bodies of his four companions lying on the ground in disbelief.

He knew that the jounin of the Uchiha family were very strong, and few could resist their illusions, but he never expected that those few people, along with the special jounin of the Oniden clan, would lose their lives so quickly.

You are a member of the Oniden clan. You are truly a special Jounin. The Oniden clan, which is famous for its water escape, will actually be roasted to death by fire escape.

And the other party didn't seem to have used illusions before.

This scene also shocked the other members.

This is somewhat different from the gang fights and hangings they imagined.

Kitozu yelled at the sluggish chunin around him, then pointed at Asuka and shouted.

"Don't be afraid, restrict his movements!"

Tu Dun

As the words fell, a thin ninja instantly dived underground and sneaked towards Asuka's location.

Heart decapitation!

almost simultaneously.

There was a slight tremor in the ground beneath his feet.

Asuka reacts extremely quickly.

He raised his foot and volleyed hard like muscle memory.


A big hole was created on the ground beneath his feet by the flying bird.

The head of the earth escape ninja in the pit exploded in mid-air and turned into a ball of blood mist mixed with the surrounding mist.


At this time, a beast roar sounded, and the bird followed the sound and saw a water dragon formed by the water flowing towards it rapidly.

Water Escape·Water Dragon Ball Technique!

The water dragon bit Asuka's abdomen and pushed him backwards.

Feeling the confinement coming from his abdomen, Asuka raised his right arm and hit the faucet hard with his elbow. After knocking it away, he rolled several times in the air until all the strength was removed and he landed firmly on the ground.

"whispering sound!"

Seeing two more water dragons rushing towards him, Asuka quickly formed a "Yin" seal, and a large amount of chakra in his body began to be highly compressed and gathered at his throat.

Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique!

In an instant, three fire dragons flew out of the mouth. While violently colliding with the two water dragons, one of the fire dragons flew high into the sky, and then began to fall freely, hitting the crowd.


The surface of the earth turned into scorched earth, and the ground began to collapse deeper.

While interrupting the rest of the people to cast ninjutsu, Asuka pulled out the kunai with the detonating talisman hanging from his waist. The Sharingan kept moving left and right in his eye sockets, and then threw the kunai in his hand towards the four locked ninjas.


The four kunai continuously collided in the air, confusing the enemy's judgment while gradually approaching the target.


Asuka's eyes moved slightly downward. He looked at the Kirigakure ninja who approached him through the mist and put the blade of his sword at his throat. After a second of silence, he said.

"I wonder if you have ever seen eyes that can talk?"


At this time, four kunai carrying detonating talismans exploded violently at the same time.

The mist ninja, who held a knife to Asuka's neck, suffered a temporary deafness in his ears at the moment the explosion sounded.

Before he could react, the next moment he saw the three magatama in Asuka's eyes begin to rotate rapidly.

So the Sharingan can talk?

"The Sharingan can't speak, I can!"

As if he knew the other person's doubts before he died, Asuka smiled at him, then grabbed the other person's arms and slammed them to the ground.


His lower body and head hit the ground hard, creating a small crater, and at the same time, a crisp sound of bone cracking also spread in the air.

After stabbing the incapacitated Mist ninja at his feet, Asuka raised his head and looked forward.

Water Escape·Mist Hidden Technique!

When the mist ninjas around them saw Asuka's eyes falling on them, their hearts suddenly trembled, and then they began to spray a large amount of mist from their mouths, blurring the surrounding environment in a large area.

The already foggy valley, coupled with the Kirigakure technique of several ninjas, made the visibility here appallingly low.

Asuka raises his arms


He could feel his arm there, but he just couldn't see it.

"Powerful assassination ninjutsu, these Kirigakure ninjas are really terrifying!"

Hearing the chirping of birds in the distance, the corners of the mouths of the surrounding Kirigakure ninjas twitched. They had grown up in a foggy environment and were somewhat immune to this thing.

But with such a heavy fog, their vision is also blocked.

"No, where did this Uchiha come from? Why did he do it when he came up?"

"I don't know. Could it be that Konoha Village sent him to rescue Sarutobi Shinnosuke?"

"It shouldn't be possible. Sarutobi Shinnosuke is on the other side of the Water Country."

"Should we call for help?"

"Yeah, where is the help?

Not to mention that the village opened three fronts, and then sent many people to capture Sarutobi Shinnosuke, and sent some people here to block Ye Cang.

Now the only person in the village who can move is the Mizukage-sama. "

"Call some genin over and let them practice."

Hearing this, all the eyes of the surrounding Kirigakure ninjas fell in the direction of the person who just spoke. Many of the family members of this group of people were genin.

When good things happen, you don't want to think about them, but when you die, you want to call them here.


Kitozu took out a kunai and thrust the tip into the back of the heart of the ninja who suggested "call the genin for support."

Then he threw the body aside, looked at the thick fog around him, and said calmly.

"I can die, but I don't want my family to die."

"It's a terrible death!"

A faint sigh came from behind, and the ghost-headed dragon's expression froze when he noticed that a hand suddenly appeared on his neck.

he lived?


But this warm palm.

He slowly turned his head and looked over, and then saw the Uchiha appearing behind him with his eyes closed.

"Actually, after staying with Ninja cats for a long time, your ears are quite sensitive."

After saying that, Asuka didn't give him a chance to use the clone technique. The chakra scalpel on his palm directly cut the blood vessels on his neck through the skin, then turned around and ran to the next person.


After defeating the two men again, Asuka's body was swept away by a huge explosion.

Seeing Uchiha Asuka stepping into the detonating talisman trap, the group of Kirigakure ninjas collectively breathed a sigh of relief, and many of them had smiles on their faces.

"Well done."


The sensing ninja next to him swallowed hard, with a hint of fear on his face, staring into the smoke in disbelief.

“It’s not over yet!!

I seem to know who he is.

He is the "blackened" Asuka of the Uchiha clan! ! "

"No way, with this intensity."

As soon as he finished speaking, a standing figure faintly appeared in the smoke caused by the explosion.


The chakra stirs up the surrounding air currents, forming a strong wind that blows around.

The smoke, dust and fog slowly dissipated, and the sunlight rarely shone on the ground, shining on the body of the flying bird, coating it with a layer of golden brilliance.


Asuka casually pulled open the bombed tattered shirt, revealing a pair of strong muscles.

On the chest.

A series of mysterious patterns began to spread around, and gradually climbed up to the limbs and spread to the face.

Viewed from a distance, his entire upper body seemed to be wrapped in black mysterious patterns, as if he was wearing a pair of exquisite black armor.


Feiniao spat blood on the ground, raised his head and said fiercely.

"Zombie, you still have 10 seconds."

It is impossible to deal with the detonating talisman with the physical body alone. Asuka is not the Raikage kind of person, he is still a mortal body after all.

It's just that his medical recovery was faster, making it difficult to see the physical injuries.

Seal and solution!

As the two index fingers came together, huge chakra spread out from Asuka's body, covering his whole body.

"This Chakra"

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the fog ninjas. Although they had never seen this kind of chakra, this level alone was not something that a jounin could master.

If I had known this guy was so fierce, what would they do back here?

"What the hell is this guy?"

One of them collapsed on the ground. He looked at the flying birds jumping into the sky, his heart filled with despair.

He was extremely fast and his physical skills were so powerful that he couldn't even look him in the eye.

"Chakra also has a certain amount, drain him of all his chakra.

If it doesn't work, run separately. "

After saying that, the fog ninja felt a burning sensation coming from his scalp.

He looked up at the fiery red sky.

Huo Eun · Huo Huo extinguished!

A fireball that looked like a meteorite fell from a high altitude and hit the ground heavily.

The flames instantly spread into a sea of ​​fire and enveloped everyone in Kirigakure.

The moment the fireball fell, those fog ninjas who had time to use their ninjutsu wrapped themselves in water.

Looking at the thick water vapor around him, one of the Mist Ninja looked at Asuka with an extremely ugly expression.

"That's right!"

"The black hair, the strange black patterns on the body, and the fire escape ninjutsu with such a large range that it is unbelievable.

Absolutely right”

"Captain, run!"

at this time.

On a tree branch far away from the battlefield.

A group of ninja cats sat there, eating cat strips in their hands while looking at the three-day sky in the distance.

<divclass="contentadv">They were all called over by the orange cat to watch the show.

At this time, one of the black ninja cats was seen licking his beard and saying excitedly.

"Kirigakure, congratulations.

You guys won the prize, and it’s the year-end grand prize. "

The other civet cat glanced at Feifei, then turned to look at the battlefield and said in a hoarse voice.

"The blackened Uchiha."

"Uchiha Asuka has a persistent mental disorder resulting from experiencing, witnessing or encountering one or more actual deaths involving himself or others, or being threatened with death, or being seriously injured, or having his physical integrity threatened."

Feifei held Qianben in his mouth. He looked at the sun slowly setting in the distance and said softly.

"I launched an attack on Uchiha Asuka, using physics, illusions and other methods to stimulate [scenery-emotional reaction], causing severe damage to his mind and triggering various bad memories from the past.

Any of the above memories that come to mind will trigger [Unlocking the Seal].

If Uchiha Asuka cannot be completely eliminated physically before the pattern covers his body, all the chakra accumulated in Uchiha Asuka's seal will be released within two seconds. "

"After the seal is released.

Defense doubled!

The speed of releasing ninjutsu is doubled!

The range of Fire Release Ninjutsu is doubled!

The power of fire escape ninjutsu is doubled!

Double the long-range saturation strike!

Ninjutsu strikes doubled! "

"Fat fat!"

Hearing a cat next to him calling him, the orange cat paused and turned to look over.

"By the way, Uchiha Asuka's chakra has no upper limit?"


After giving it a blank look, the orange cat looked at the burning fireball in the center of the battlefield and muttered to himself.

“It’s just that there is no upper limit within ten seconds.

In addition, he knows S-level seal-free ninjutsu, which saves time on forming seals.

In these ten seconds, he could burn a hole in the sky. "


As soon as he finished speaking, half of the sky was dyed fiery red.

The sound of explosions began to spread in the distance along the air.

The country of water, the capital.

The civilians on the street heard the muffled thunder in the distance. They looked up and looked into the distance, and then saw that the sky in the northeast was rendered red, like morning glow.

"Is another sun going to rise there?"

"Fart, the sun is above us now."

"is it?

But I still feel a little weird. Why do I feel like I'm seeing Huo Shaoyun? "

Ordinary civilians naturally have no idea what is happening there.

But as ninjas of Kirigakure Village, and the valley was not particularly far from the village, they felt it clearly.

A heat wave floated to the village from a distance like day and night.

"Hey! Hey!"

A ninja looked at the fire clouds in the sky. He stood up and looked into the distance, hesitatingly.

"I seem to feel a huge chakra there."

"Congratulations, you can be a sentient ninja in the future."


Then, after the man cursed, he said with a look of hatred.

"I have sensed it a long time ago, only a slow guy like you just sensed it.

Something big is going to happen. "


Hearing this, he stood up and looked around, and then found that many ninjas had gathered around him at some point.

"Mizukage-sama has ordered that a group of four people go to the place where the red light source is. We must find out what happened there."


As the words fell, the ninjas gathered at the door disappeared directly and ran towards the red sky in the distance.

Terumi Mei, who is the same age as Kakashi, is now an elite chuunin. After one more year of qualifications, he can be promoted to jounin.

As the temporary team leader, she was now leading three genin towards the disappearing red sky in the distance.

Looking at the captain running in front, the genin following behind asked in a low voice.

"Captain, what happened there?"

"I don't know!"

Terumi Mei shook her head and looked forward solemnly.

The elder said this when he left the village just now.

The red sky in the distance is man-made

Man-made! !


At this time, Terumi Mei, who was running, saw two figures suddenly appearing in front of him and instantly became vigilant.

When the two figures came closer, she gestured to the bald man whose face was covered with black ash and whose hair and eyebrows seemed to be burnt.

"who are you?"

Then, Terumi Mei jumped in front of the man. She saw that the woman in his arms had long since lost her breath, and she frowned slightly.

This person is so weird, I always feel like I’ve seen him somewhere before


Asuka blew out black smoke and looked at the guy in front of him with long reddish-brown curly hair, his right eye covered by hair, and pink lips, and wondered.

"Are you Terumi Mei?"

Terumi Mei narrowed her eyes and subconsciously clenched the kunai in her hand with her white palms.

"you know me?"

Seeing that Mei Terumi kept her lips tightly closed, Asuka hugged Ye Cang and took two steps forward to not far from her. After looking at her up and down for a while, he said in a hesitant tone.



Terumi Mei looked at the bald man with a question mark on his face.

Did you meet a gangster? ?

Are all gangsters so bold now?

Do you want to flirt with a beautiful single woman when you see her? ?

Thinking of this, her eyes narrowed and she was ready to catch Asuka and torture him.

"Forget it, I guess you can't take the initiative to laugh!"

"what are you talking about"

Before she finished speaking, Terumi Mei saw that the other person's eyes suddenly turned red, and three black magatama were embedded in them, which looked very much like the legendary Sharingan.

The illusion is over

Looking at Mei Terumi who was standing there, Asuka stepped forward, used his index finger as a toothbrush, brushed her mouth twice, then crossed her body and walked away.

"Fei Fei, let me tell you that there is something wrong with the information you tortured. The person with the sharp teeth is not Mei Terumi at all."

"She said she was, but I didn't know if she was."

"This should be true. Her teeth are just like normal people."

“If you say it’s true, it’s true.

By the way, can Ye Cang really be saved? "

"Yes, I have!"

"You're not going to reincarnate her in dirt, are you?"

"Thinking of what?

I am now the number one medical ninja in Konoha.

She, Tsunade, can only stay below me and lick my feet. "

"Can you please stop blowing.

Get your hair out first, I'm so tired from walking now. "

"It will take one ounce of hair to grow. Wait until I go back and buy a hat."

After Terumi Mei was unlocked by outsiders, she looked at her companions gathered around her and blinked in confusion.

"Terumi Mei, what happened?"

"I seem to be"

As she spoke, Terumi Mei thought of the red eyes and the hairless bird in her mind, and spoke in a low tone.

"I met an Uchiha, a bald Uchiha."

Bald Uchiha? ?

Hearing this, the surrounding ninjas all frowned, and their minds began to recall the Uchiha ninjas they had met.


Are there any bald heads in that family?

At this time, one of the Kiri ninja pointed at Terumi Mei's dark teeth and said doubtfully.

"Terumi Mei, what did you eat? Why have your teeth turned black?"


She subconsciously stuck out her tongue and licked her teeth. When she found a pile of ashes in her mouth, she looked behind her with a gloomy look.

What did that bastard feed her when he was under the illusion?

It seemed that he had really encountered a gangster.

I don’t know if this matter will affect my marriage.

After a while.

When she finished understanding what happened on the battlefield, the expression on Terumi Mei's face began to become tangled.

Melted rock, softened ground, bottomless pits.

Even if he catches up, he seems unable to defeat him.


Now that I have written down almost all the abilities and mental state of the protagonist, the next step is to return to Konoha.

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