Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming.

Chapter 66 I want to be quiet

Chapter 66 I want to be quiet

I don’t know if it’s because of Yuhi Red.

The registration went smoothly beyond Feiniao's imagination.

When the reviewers saw Kurenai Yuhi following him, they quickly registered him. They only had to wait for the entrance exam to be completed before class could begin.


Asuka turned to look at Yuhi Hong who was following closely behind her, pointed to the street and said helplessly.

"If I remember correctly, the end of this road only leads to the Uchiha clan.

Your family shouldn't live here, right? "

Yuhi Hong put her hands behind her back, looked at the end of the street, and spoke plausibly.

“As a teacher, shouldn’t you get to know the families of your prospective students?”


Asuka nodded, changed the topic and continued.

"But your over-enthusiasm will only make me feel like you are up to something.

For example, driven by some people, they deliberately want to get close to me, and then take the opportunity to trick the family? "

He is now a child who dug a hole in school and repaired it.

The teacher had to chase her home because of this matter.

The key is that he is the only living person in his family.

It's hard not to think about the conspiracy, wondering if he has stepped into another trap.

at this time.

Just like her name, Yuri's cheeks turned bright red.

She looked at the child in front of her and was so angry that she was speechless.

How could this naughty kid think of people so badly?

I just want to know about his growing environment so that I can make some preparations when school starts.

Unexpectedly, you actually thought you were trying to get him?

Does the picture look good?

Thinking of this, Yuhi Hong turned around and left.

So angry.

Looking at Yuhi Hong who suddenly stopped after taking two steps, Asuka raised an eyebrow and urged.

"Let's go."


Yuhi Kurenai turned around, glanced at Asuka angrily, then passed him directly and walked towards the Uchiha clan alone.

When she was walking back just now, she suddenly thought of it.

The reason why this child is so wary of himself is probably related to his childhood living environment.

When she was a child, she often saw some orphans who were bullied by others. Their personalities gradually became weird, and they felt that anyone who approached them had no good intentions.

If those people do not receive correct guidance as they grow up, the final results are often very bad.

"Hey, hello!"

Hearing the urgent call from behind, Yuhi Hong walked faster.

at this time.

Asuka was a little anxious.

If this guy goes to the Uchiha clan, wouldn't he be exposed?

Seeing Kurenai Yuhi running faster and faster as she greeted him, Asuka couldn't help but mutter in her heart.

"Is this guy entering the period of youth rebellion?

The more you are not allowed to do anything, the more likely you are to do it. "

Then, he was seen running to catch up with the other party. He lowered his head and began to think about how to solve this problem.

Looking down at "Uchiha Li" who was reluctant to lead him home, Yuhi Kurenai looked up at the big house in front of her, her mouth slightly opened.

Is this guy's ancestor so rich?

What a big house.

Looking at the house that was probably twice the size of her own home, Yuhi Hong was stunned for a moment, then she turned and walked towards the two old men sunbathing on the other side of the street.

The child was so wary of him that he was unwilling to reveal any family information.

In addition to playing with his grandson every day recently, Uchiha Ryoichi focused all his energy on Uchiha Madara.

He was afraid that one day his cousin would get mad and overthrow the family.

Fortunately, my cousin is very quiet. He just sits on the chair and stares at the house opposite in a daze every day.

Unfortunately, after so many days of insinuations, he didn't know the purpose of his cousin's sudden return to the family.

In short, the family is in danger, and the burden on his shoulders is extremely heavy.

When Uchiha Ryoichi was distracted, a shadow suddenly blocked the sunlight shining on his face.

His eyes moved up slightly, looking at the strange girl with red eyes who suddenly appeared in front of him. His eyes suddenly became wary and he said coldly.

"who are you?"

Seeing the old man staring at her warily, Yuhihi Kurenai looked back at "Uchiha Li" and her eyelids twitched slightly.

She seemed to understand why "Uchiha Li" was so wary of her.

It turns out that all the neighbors are like this.

"I am Kurenai Yuhi, the substitute teacher of Ninja School. I will take care of new students for a period of time after Ninja School opens in the future."

After introducing her identity, she pointed to the child behind her and continued.

"I came here today just to learn about your neighbor's situation."

Hearing this, Uchiha Ryoichi's frown eased a little. After glancing at Kurenai Yuhi with his indifferent eyes, his eyes fell on the child behind him.

Um? ?

Whose child? ?


Just when Ryoichi was still thinking about whose child the other party was, he suddenly heard the silent cousin next to him suddenly speak.

"Cousin, do you know him?"

Uchiha Madara opened his eyes, looked at "Uchiha Li" who winked at him, and said calmly.

"Uchiha Fei."

"Grandpa, I'm back!"

A huge roar directly covered Uchiha Madara's voice.

The three of them rubbed their buzzing ears at the same time.

This kid has such a loud voice.

After Yuhi Kurenai glared at Asuka who ran to the old man and beat his legs, her eyes fell on Uchiha Ryoichi again.


At this time, Ryoichi probably figured out what was going on.

The vigilant look on his face disappeared, and from the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of Asuka winking and said with a smile.

"He, there is no one at home anymore, I fed him a lot of shit and piss."

Hearing this, Asuka's eyes widened. Just when he was about to refute, he saw Uchiha Ryoichi blinking at him, with the words "Don't speak" written all over his face.

Feiniao twitched the corner of his mouth and closed his eyes simply, choosing to be out of sight and out of mind.


Smelling the faint musty smell in the air, he opened his eyes again and looked at the old man who had a strange smell because he hadn't taken a bath for a long time, his eyes showing contemplation.

This guy is not simple, he can actually tell who he is at a glance.

Uchiha Ryoichi's cousin.

Are you also an Uchiha?

Unexpectedly, he picked it up casually and picked up Ryoichi's missing cousin, and the other party was most likely a member of the Uchiha clan.

<divclass="contentadv">Grandpa is so lucky.

"Old man, would you like to take a bath in a hot spring later?"

Hearing the muttering of Asuka in his ears, Madara Uchiha refused directly.

"Don't go."

Asuka glanced at Yuhi Kurenai who was chatting and invited again.

“That hot spring is nice.

It was Senju Hashirama who injected capital in the name of his eldest brother, and now it is managed by the village. Every year, money will be given to Senju Hashirama's granddaughter, and some people who were once related to Senju will be helped.

Among the money earned by the bathhouse, the Uchiha clan accounts for the majority. "

As he spoke, he looked down and saw the puzzled look in the old man's eyes, shrugged and explained.

“There’s no particular reason.

Those people in the clan would go there to wash themselves every time they were in a bad mood.

When taking a bath, they thought about the tragic experience of the Thousand Hands clan, and they felt better after all. "

Uchiha Madara twitched the corner of his mouth and said disdainfully.


"It's really boring!"

Feiniao thought of those tribesmen who used the "Spiritual Victory Method", nodded in agreement, and then sighed with emotion.

"To be honest, that hot spring is really good.

Isn't Senju Hashirama famous in the ninja world for his wood escape?

According to rumors, he made the wood for cooking in the hot spring.

After washing, a special fragrance lingered on my body for a long time, as if I had a fight with Senju Hashirama. "

After half a day.

Konoha Village Higashi Head Hot Spring Hotel.

Ryoichi put a towel on his head, folded his arms and rested them on the platform. He looked at Asuka opposite and asked with a smile.

"Why did you suddenly turn into a child and sneak into the ninja school?"


Asuka coughed dryly and soaked his whole body into the hot spring, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Memories of childhood."

Liang nodded and asked.

"So, how did the so-called substitute teacher find his way to the family?"


Asuka sighed and explained.

"I dug a hole in the school's newly painted wall. I was anxious to sign up and wanted to use money to solve the problem, but the teacher refused.

After she spent her own money to repair the hole, she insisted on coming to the tribe with me to understand the situation. "

"The teacher is so responsible!"

A look of surprise appeared on Uchiha Ryoichi's face.

Only new teachers are so responsible, and those teachers who have been around for many years, who will care about you?

Thinking of this, he turned to look at Uchiha Madara, who had a towel on his head, then looked at the bandage on his chest, and subconsciously shook his head.

This was the first time he saw a bandage wrapped around his chest while taking a bath.

They are all grown men, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

After soaking for a while, Asuka and Ryoichi stood up and walked to the room next to them where they were taking a shower.

After a while.

Uchiha Madara suddenly opened his eyes. He touched the Hashirama mark on his chest, and then his eyes fell on Shukaku who was bathing opposite him.

"Are you a ninja cat?"

Shukaku, who was taking a bath, opened his eyes, glanced at Uchiha Madara, and groaned comfortably.


A cat's four legs can't run as fast as my two legs. "


The spotted Uchiha nodded.

Of course I know that this guy is not a ninja cat, he just wants to find a topic.

"I'm curious, how did you sign a contract with Uchiha Asuka?"

Upon hearing this, Shukaku exploded immediately, and spat in the direction Asuka left, saying angrily.

"It's all his grandfather's fault. If it weren't for his grandfather, I would be here now"

At this point, it suddenly got stuck.

If it weren't for his grandfather, he might still be in a dark seal.


Shukaku shook his head and continued.

"It's because of his grandfather anyway."

"His grandfather?? Uchiha Feikaku??"

Uchiha Madara's face darkened slightly.

He is aware of Feihe's ability, and he is also aware of the opponent's Mangekyo's ability.

He actually has other abilities?

Hearing Uchiha Madara's confused voice, Shukaku immersed his head in the hot spring, soaking and complaining.

"Damn Uchiha Madara."

"It's all because of you that I can't sleep every night."


His face darkened, he looked at the bubbles floating in front of him and said coldly.

"The grandfather you are talking about is Uchiha Madara?"

"It's that damn Uchiha Madara!"

Madara's pupils shrank suddenly.

He heard Shukaku's resentful voice just now clearly, and it didn't sound like he was faking it.

Moreover, the other party does not know himself now, so there should be no reason to lie to him.


So, it was [Uchiha Madara] who ruined my "Eye of the Moon" plan? ?



At this time, Ryoichi opened the door curtain, looked at the room filled with fog, and shouted into it.

"Cousin, do you want to go to dinner?"

Uchiha Madara ignored the guy.

He looked up at the wooden roof and began to sort out the mess in his mind.

Something is wrong.

He wanted to be quiet.

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