Konoha's Uchiha has a monster in his body

Chapter 150 Are You Lao Tzu's Subordinate?

Chapter 150 Are You Lao Tzu's Subordinate?

Big Mom and Kaido are very strong. In the eyes of countless people, they are completely invincible enemies.

But that's just comparing them with the weak.

In the eyes of Uchiha Yuji, they are still too weak, or people in this world are a little too small.

After subduing Whitebeard, with the local sea pirates leading the way, it didn't take too long to dismantle Kaido and Big Mom.

They didn't even see the two of them. After confirming the existence of the two of them, the sky-like meteorite solved them.

Under the projection of the video phone bug, under the destructive scene that seemed to open up the world, Yuji Uchiha was suspended in the air indifferently.

Like a king patrolling his territory, like a god watching the death of mortals mercilessly.

In one day, three of the four emperors who ruled the sea were eliminated.

If this is not reported in real terms, I am afraid that some people will think that they are still dreaming, or even if it is shown by images or the like, they still feel that they are still dreaming.

The short window period of the Throne of Heaven has ended, and Uchiha Yuji once again stands in the sky.

Under the suppression of absolute power, almost all political factors were swept away.

This only took a short time, and the world has already completed most of the unification.

From the new world to the four seas, from the fish-man island below [-] meters to the sky island at an altitude of [-] meters, everyone knows the name of Yuji Uchiha.

This name shocks the world and brings everything into the palm of your hand.

On top of the deep pit of the loser, a wooden building spread for dozens of kilometers was cast, and in the house on the highest floor, Yuji Uchiha was leaning lazily on a chair.

Dealing with the pregnant Kushina and others was even more exhausting than fighting with Kaido and others.

Not just physical fatigue, but mental weakness as well.

While resting, a sudden call sounded in Uchiha Yuji's ear.

Uchiha Yuji opened his eyes abruptly.

"Ask for help? Do you want me to help you?" After listening carefully to the appeal, Uchiha Yuji's expression became particularly strange.

When I first heard it, Yuji Uchiha thought he heard it wrong.

Which kind of naive and innocent kind would ask Hai Padjeton for help?

Can't you see this dark aura on me?Didn't you feel the evil spirit on me?Even if you see the power of light, do you dare to bet?
The truth is that some guys are just that hard-headed.

"Hey, it turned out to be the will of the earth."

"It's a real honor."

"It's been a long time since I left my home star, even if it's the home star of a different universe, let me recall the past a little bit."

Uchiha Yuji slowly closed his eyes again.

Consciousness seems to have fallen into the bottomless bay abyss, there is only dead silence and silence, and the mind seems to be hit by a space battleship. After a moment of trance, a strange voice suddenly sounds.

"Be full, be full, be full, be full, be full!

The cycle repeats itself, followed by five.

Of course, when it is full, it is an opportunity to be discarded.


Your body obeys my orders, and my life is with your sword.

In response to the call of the Holy Grail, if you are willing to follow this will and this righteousness, please respond.

hereby swear,

I wish to accomplish all the good deeds in the world, and I wish to put an end to all the evil deeds in the world.

You are the seven heavens surrounded by the three spirits of words, from the wheel of restraint, the guardian of the scales. "

In such words, the dead silence and dry silence gradually disappeared, and the cold moonlight and quiet colors gradually filled Uchiha Yuji's eyes.

"Excuse me, are you my contractor's slave?"

"Isn't that right! I'm your ma" the words came to an abrupt end, the boy in front of him suddenly got stuck and his brain froze.

"who are you?"

Isn't the relic I'm using the relic of Alexander the Great?Why is it a heroic spirit wearing Japanese armor that is summoned!

"I think you want to summon me, young man." The thick voice caused Weber to turn his body, but his eyes couldn't cover the whole body of the strong man.

Even though his burly body was wearing extra-loose clothes, it could not block the knotted muscles at all. On the contrary, this kind of wearing as if to cover up highlighted his strength even more.

The Western-style armor and the big Western-style face made Weber confirm that he did not make a mistake in summoning.

"If you are Alexander the Great, then this one." After a moment of excitement, Weber asked softly.

"I don't know." The King of Conquerors answered simply.

"Normal summoning should not summon the two heroic spirits. I'm sure I didn't have any interaction with you during my lifetime."

"But you do have a magical connection to him."

The King of Conquerors is obviously not the irritable muscular old man he looks like, obviously under the beard, he has a smart brain.

Although not much.

Weber looked at the big man standing aside who was scratching his head strangely, and then glanced at Yuji Uchiha, the excitement gradually filled his brain.

"I won two heroic spirits?"

"I can be sure that you are my master, but the one next to me may not be sure." The strong man said in a deep voice.

Uchiha Yuji slowly embraced his chest with both hands, Kaleidoscope Sharingan was full of disdain for Weber.

"Master? What ability do you have to become my master? I have no contract with you."

Yuji Uchiha gave a disdainful smile, his body shook suddenly, and the sound of metal colliding suddenly sounded.

The crisp and pleasant impact made King Conqueror immediately lower his head.

What catches the eye is a thick gold nugget, shining dazzlingly under the cold moonlight.

Sensitive to gold, King Conqueror immediately analyzed the value of the gold in front of him.

"It is of good color and weighs about a hundred kilograms."

As soon as the words of the King of Conquerors fell, Yuji Uchiha spoke, with a hint of arrogance in his tone, "As long as you kneel down and surrender to me, I will reward you with this gold, how about it?"

The blurred golden light reflected the brilliance of the moonlight, causing Weber to squint his eyes.

How much money can one get if one hundred kilograms of gold is sold?
Weber is still very clear about his own finances.

He can't even afford to use a lot of mercury. Once he takes over this gold, if there is no big research project, this piece of gold is enough for all his uses before he dies.

And since there is one piece, there must be a second piece!

Wei Bo's hand was slowly stroking the position of the Command Seal. Although he was young and vigorous, he did not use the Command Seal immediately.

Weber still has a great understanding of his own weakness.

The Command Spell is the last trump card!

Can not be used at will!

And as long as you call master, you can get a hundred catties of gold!
The boy has gold under his knees!
Now is the time to redeem!
Young Weber knelt very crisply, and the collision sound made the King Conqueror a little dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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