Korean Entertainment Running Man's Little Sad Reminder

Chapter 1407

This is the last pole, very high, jump over and go back to get the flag to win.

Kim Jae-ho took the time to glance at the other side, he had the impression that they had passed a long time ago, how could they still be here.

It turned out that Hu Jing did not stand firmly and grabbed the pole and went down, they still had to swing the pole, and they didn't know how high to swing, they had to contrast.

Kim Jae-ho saw that their poles were bent and really gave them a chance!

Because it was too high, it was useless this time, and Song Zhixiao stepped on Li Guangzhu directly.

Li Guangzhu shouted the same lines as just now, and his expression looked like he was going to die.

Everyone counted down three two one, and Song Zhixiao jumped over.


At this time, the opposite side has not jumped yet!

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Song Zhixiao's eyes had not yet opened, and everyone pulled her to run back.

At this time, the opposite side also fluttered out, success!

But at this time, Song Zhixiao had already run halfway, and RM won the first battle and won the first victory!

Song Zhixiao can finally open his eyes well, it is too difficult.

She really worked hard, everyone was, and it was a win for the team.

The idol team only felt that it was a pity, if it were not for the problem with the last shot, they would have won casually.

But it doesn't matter, there are still two rounds, both are young, strong desire to survive, strong resilience.

Everyone recovered and went ashore, and the staff began to raise the railing.

"Let's get them straight this time!" Everyone shouted.

"You guys can't either, Ronghe, it's too weak~" Kim Jae-ho sighed.

Rong and he ignored him and directly shouted Huai Ting to cheer up his teammates.

Anyway, Kim Jae-ho beeped one more word and got him into the water.

It's like lining up roommates, and things that can't be solved online can be offline 1V1.

"Who will come for the second round?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"I'll come, invincible! Win casually! Kim Jae-ho volunteered.

"Yes! In Hao, this should be very powerful. Jin Zhiguo agreed, "He is light and flexible. "

"But he may not be able to jump over." Liu Zaishi was worried.

Haha clapped his hands: "Ah! Otherwise, let's throw him over. "

"How could I not jump, no, I have to hurdle, what is it to throw over?" Kim Jae-ho doesn't want that.

But haha they have already chatted, and they don't care what Kim Jae-ho says.

Haha was very excited to ask PD if it was okay, and PD immediately said yes.

In fact, the first round can also be used, but it is not necessary, it is faster to use the way of Jin Zhiguo.

Of course, this is all nonsense, the main thing is that everyone thinks it is very fun to throw it over.

"Yes! This one is also very easy! Also high enough! Jin Zhiguo said so.

"No, no, I'll just jump over, it's easy!" Kim Jae-ho was a little anxious.

Haha directly shouted: "Raise your hand in favor of throwing it over!" "

Six people with twelve hands all raised.


Except for the parties, unanimously passed!

This is not to be thought of, Li Guangzhu is the most supportive, after all, there is no need to be a dunzi.

And if you can't win anyway, there is a third round, so you can do some trouble.

Kim Jae-ho is stupid, he has not been thrown into the water, it will hurt so high!

But the wood is ready, and Kim Jae-ho-do is not ready PD so let everyone prepare.

Everyone was smiling, except Kim Jae-ho.

As soon as PD shouted, everyone jumped into the water, Kim Jae-ho didn't want to go, and was directly stopped by Kim Junguo and Haha and ran forward.

"I don't want it! No! "

Kim Jae-ho refuses all over, but his feet are still moving forward, after all, he still has to win.

The people next door looked at them curiously.

Kim Jae-ho was speechless, and now he was framed, so he could only bite the bullet.

Kim Junguo held Kim Jae-ho's upper body alone, lifted it with both hands, and then everyone helped support him, and the people next to him lifted Kim Jae-ho's feet, and everyone worked hard together, and then lifted Kim Jae-ho.

Not to mention, the pole is quite high, and when you lift Kim Jae-ho, it is just level with the pole.

Shouting three-two-one, he happily threw Kim Jae-ho over, as if it was the New Year, and Ronghe was happy to see them, and he really wanted to help.

Kim Jae-ho smashed into the water with a poof, and the pain was either very painful or hurt his self-esteem.

I feel like a tool person, a tool person who helps them through the level, like a burden.

Kim Jae-ho finally stood up, and before the water on his face could be wiped, he was pulled forward.

Everyone will not be as gentle with him as Song Zhixiao, directly pulling hard, Kim Jae-ho didn't even have time to wipe his face before he reached the second pole.

Everyone worked together to carry Kim Jae-ho as usual, and then lifted it, Kim Jae-ho glanced at the pole that was taller than himself and quickly said: "It's not tall enough!" Not high enough! This will not work! "

Haha immediately commanded next to him, signaling everyone to do squatting like that.

But the strength was not used well, and Kim Jae-ho smashed into the water with the pole.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Again! "

If Kim Jae-ho can open his eyes and take a look, he can see the smile on everyone's faces, they have a bit of a feeling of being happy, winning or losing is no longer important.

So Kim Jae-ho was pulled back and threw it again, and everyone was particularly energetic.

They ignored Kim Jae-ho's cries and wailings and were very happy.

Although it was only a little closer, this time I went down with the pole, and holding and throwing a person away was not as simple as imagined.

As soon as Kim Jae-ho stood up, he heard "Come again, come again!" ", happy tone, not one person said, everyone said so.

"Yay!" Kim Jae-ho roared.


It's miserable, but it's funny!

The scene was so interesting, and then they changed their posture, but they were not as fast as the opposite side, and the opposite side was very fast and smooth this time, and they didn't go to the opposite side to win on the third shot.

Kim Jae-ho had no strength to climb ashore, lying on the shore and paralyzing, muttering in his mouth: "It's too hurtful to self-esteem..."

Everyone is happy, Kim Jae-ho, the source of happiness, the old group is deceived.

Kim Jae-ho actually doesn't mind, he is really tired now, nothing else.

Everyone had a lot of fun, but they also had to collect their mood and prepare for the next round.

Originally, if Kim Jae-ho was allowed to come in the second round, it was really possible to fight, but now it can only be delayed to the third round.

The key game still has to be serious, first of all, Jin Zhiguo tried it, Li Guangzhu is a dunzi, when Jin Zhiguo stood on Li Guangzhu's shoulder, Li Guangzhu felt that his shoulder was going to be broken.

Jumping is able to jump over, but it is a bit of a waste, it should be said that it is a waste shoulder.

"Gotta change to someone lighter!" Chi Shizhen said immediately.

Then Chi Shizhen tried it, this time it was good, he couldn't even jump over, leaving Li Guangzhu injured in vain.

In the end, it could only be Liu Zaishi who was in danger, and Li Guangzhu wanted to be on it, but everyone directly ignored him.

If he wants to come to the second round, it's okay, and the third round is very important, so you can't let him mess around.

Enhyuk on the opposite side also tried it, and the dunzi is still Nikun, Nikun is a real man, and the old dunzi.

Enhyuk jumped, as if he was about to fly, and it was elegant, good-looking, very light.

This terrible elasticity!

All of a sudden, the idol team was full of confidence, and it was already an atmosphere of winning.

Of course, in the end they gave a chance and let the RM side win.

The unity shown by RM in this session was really fascinating, everyone cooperated and scolded each other, there were more words than actions, it was very attractive, and the audience liked the atmosphere.

Li Guangzhu is really very critical this time, and his height is the key to Liu Zaishi's ability to cross the third railing.

Kim Jae-ho saw that Lee Kwang-joo's shoulders were red, it should be hurt not lightly, it can only be said that it is indispensable, people who have watched this episode will remember Lee Kwang-joo's efforts, of course, it doesn't matter if you can't remember it, it's not particularly important...

In this way, they can decide to attack first and attack later.

The shooting was temporarily over, and after everyone finally threw Kim Jae-ho into the water under the leadership of Young-ho, they went to change their clothes and eat, took a break and set off for the next stop, this time for the real decisive battle.

When they saw Kim Jae-ho for the first time, they were very surprised, it turned out that it was not only when recording, but Kim Jae-ho was also like this without a shelf after the recording.

It's not that there's no shelf, it's just too easygoing.

In fact, Kim Jae-ho has always been like this, but his current status has changed, and everyone's preconceived views of him have naturally changed.

When I contact him, I think of a lot of things, naturally I will be a little restrained, and I am not so open.

Rong and Ni-kun have been playing with Kim Jae-ho, so knowing who Kim Jae-ho is, they won't have so many concerns.

Kim Jae-ho himself is also cheap-mouthed, small-mouthed, and has not stopped.

The last round, this time everyone has no intention of releasing water, after all, it is a sports meeting, if the RMs win, it is also very programmatic, and there is no need to let it.

It was already dark, but the inside of the building was bright.

This is the final decisive battle, the Baekje Museum in Seoul.

Everyone got the mission letter.

"Attack and defense alternate bells to hide, if a certain time passes, the attack team defense team exchanges, and someone survives until the final team wins!"

Haha read this paragraph in a very fast manner, this game is easy to understand, not the first time.

"The alternation between attack and defense is every fifteen minutes."

"What do you mean, that is, attack, and then hold it for fifteen minutes and then turn into an attack again?"

"Yes, until the last person."

"You have the power to decide whether to attack first or defend first."

"It must be an attack, unconditional, as long as you can survive the second fifteen minutes, you will win." Kim Jae-ho analyzed the advantages clearly at once.

Everyone also didn't want to defend twice, they all agreed to attack.

The pressure of defense is too much, the attack is different, it is cooler.

After they decided, the people from the idol team also came in, and needless to say, seeing him holding a bell, you knew that they had chosen to attack.

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