Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch126- I Just Invented It


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Koushin offered a nonchalant shrug, his light tone masking the careful scrutiny he was subjecting the newcomers to. "Oh, we just had a bit of a shark problem," he gestured casually towards Kisame, earning a disgruntled huff from the wounded shinobi.

B, who was surveying the scene with an awed look, perked up at Koushin's remark. "Shark problem?" he echoed, his eyes landing on Kisame and Samehada. His lips curved into an intrigued grin. "Interesting."

A's gaze landed on Yugito, who was still recovering from the fight. Worry flickered in his eyes. "Yugito," he called out, concern seeping into his stern voice. "Are you alright?"

Yugito managed a weak nod, pushing herself upright with visible effort. "I am, Lord Raikage," she answered, sounding as composed as her exhaustion would allow.

With a grunt, Kisame tried to rise, only to be pinned down by Yamato's wood release. He spat out a curse, glaring daggers at Yamato.

"Yugito!" A's powerful voice echoed through the battlefield, worry bleeding into his stern tone. He moved towards the young woman, his steps heavy and determined.

"I'm fine, Lord Raikage," Yugito said, pulling herself to her feet. Despite her exhaustion, she straightened her back, meeting the Raikage's gaze with a nod of respect.

With a grunt, Kisame attempted to rise, only to be pinned down by Yamato's wood release. "Damn it," he spat out, glaring daggers at Yamato.

Ignoring Kisame's discontent, Yugito turned her attention back to the Raikage, a grim expression on her face. "There's something you need to know, A," she began, her voice quiet but clear. "Koushin can use the Lightning Chakra Cloak."

A blinked, taken aback. His gaze instantly shifted to Koushin, who was watching the scene unfold with an amused grin on his face. "What?" A's voice was more growl than speech, his fists clenched at his sides. "How is that possible? That technique is ours!"

B stepped forward, curiosity piqued. "Really now?" he questioned, his tone a mix of disbelief and fascination as he turned to Koushin. "Is that true, brother?"

Koushin shrugged, his grin unyielding. "Well, you know what they say about imitation being the sincerest form of flattery," he said, chuckling at his own joke.

Ignoring the light-hearted remark, A's gaze hardened. "I'm not amused," he ground out, his voice a deadly calm. "How did you learn it?"

"Well, I'm guessing it was much the same way your ancestors did," Koushin replied, still grinning. His tone was casual, as if they were discussing the weather and not a fiercely protected combat technique.

A’s eyes narrowed, a low growl escaping him. "I don’t recall giving you permission to study our secrets."

The change in Koushin's demeanor was instantaneous; his smile faded, replaced by an expression of cold seriousness. "And I don't recall asking," he retorted, his voice ringing out, strong and defiant. "Your claim over the Lightning Chakra Cloak is just as tenuous as any other's. It's a technique, not a birthright. And I suggest you remember that.”

The tense silence that followed was finally broken by B, who let out a low whistle. "Bro, you’ve got guts, I’ll give you that."

Koushin’s smile returned, but there was an edge to it now. "I try," he said, then turned his attention back to A. "You know, Lord Raikage, if it wasn't for Yamato and me, Kumo would have lost a valuable jinchūriki... and her, as well."

Yugito's eyes widened at Koushin's words, her gaze shifting to her abdomen - the host of the Two-Tails. A took a sharp breath, his hardened gaze softening as he looked at Yugito.

Koushin continued, the humor in his voice replaced by a calm assertiveness. "Techniques don't have owners, A. They are tools to be mastered by those who have the skill and determination. If someone manages to reinvent them, you can't do much about it, can you?"

The air between Koushin and A crackled with tension, the Raikage's anger palpable. But A remained silent, his gaze fixed on Koushin, seemingly weighing his words.

A took a menacing step forward, his chakra-flaring armor casting eerie shadows over his stern features. "You have some nerve to speak that way, kid," he warned, his voice low and threatening. His gaze never left Koushin, taking in the young man's unwavering stance and defiant expression.

Koushin simply raised an eyebrow, meeting the Raikage's intense gaze without flinching. "Am I wrong?" he challenged, his voice calm and steady.

A frowned, "You think you can just steal our techniques and walk away?"

"Well, if you see it as theft, you're free to try and take it back." Koushin's dangerous smile made his words even more chilling. His gaze locked with the Raikage's, his clear and unwavering confidence matching A's stern gaze head-on.

A growled, but his response was cut short as Koushin continued, "But if you intend to act against me, make sure you're prepared to deal with the consequences, A. My techniques are my own. If you have a problem with that, you can try to act. Just make sure you end both Yamato and me here. And make sure neither of us are a clone."

Yamato's eyes widened slightly at Koushin's bold words but he didn't say anything. His gaze was focused on A, the tension in his posture matching the taut silence that followed Koushin's statement.

"Otherwise," Koushin added, a certain darkness in his eyes, "Kumo would not only lose an ally against Akatsuki..."

His words hung in the air like a threat, tension thickening the atmosphere. Yugito swallowed hard, her gaze shifting between A and Koushin. B merely tilted his head, his eyes wide with amusement. He was clearly enjoying the confrontation more than he should.

A was silent for a moment, his gaze never leaving Koushin. His clenched fists told a different story than his calm exterior. Finally, he let out a low growl. "This isn't over yet, Koushin," he said, his voice filled with underlying threat. "Even if you manage to reinvent the technique of my clan, you can't go around and pass it out to anyone."

Koushin shrugged, an almost bored look on his face. "I don't recall planning to open a Lightning Chakra Cloak Academy," he said, the hint of amusement in his voice deflating some of the tension. "Your clan's secrets are safe from a widespread distribution. I assure you."

A grunted, clearly not appeased, but didn't press the matter further. He turned his attention towards Kisame, who was still pinned down by Yamato's wood release. "And what about him?" he asked, nodding towards the injured man.

Koushin glanced at Kisame and then looked back at A. He shrugged nonchalantly. "Your catch, your call," he said. "We've completed our mission here."

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