Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch128- Rabbit


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Crisp wind flowed gently through Konoha, stirring the freshly bloomed flowers and leaves in the village. Koushin strolled down the village streets, clutching a delicate-looking box tied with a silky bow in his hand. His destination was Yamanaka Flowers, the best flower shop in the village.

Upon reaching the front of the shop, he took a moment to adjust his clothes and take a deep breath. Pushing the door open, the faint sound of the bell tinkling signaled his entrance.

"Pumpkin-chan!" Koushin called out, his voice warm with anticipation. He couldn’t help but smile, gazing around at the vibrant array of colors and life.

"Ino's in the back," a soft, motherly voice answered instead. Koushin turned to see Ima arranging a vase of tulips on the counter. "She'll be right out. How have you been, Koushin?"

"Hello, mother-in-law," Koushin greeted her, a playful glint in his eyes. "I've been well, thank you. And how have you been?"

Ima smiled warmly, shaking her head at his cheekiness. "I don't see you making that tittle real, young man. And I've been well, thank you."

Before Koushin could respond, a stern voice rang out from behind him, "And you won't be if he keeps addressing you like that."

Koushin turned to find Inoichi, standing there with a disapproving frown. Despite the stern exterior, there was a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. "Brat, must I remind you again about proper manners?"

Koushin merely chuckled, bowing slightly. "Apologies, father-in-law. Old habits die hard."

Just as Inoichi opened his mouth to retort, the back door of the shop opened and out walked Ino, her golden hair tied up neatly as she balanced a tray of fresh flowers in her hands. Her blue eyes widened in surprise as she spotted Koushin.

"Koushin! You're back!" Ino exclaimed, quickly setting the tray on the counter before rushing over to him.

"Yes, pumpkin, I am," Koushin replied, grinning at her enthusiastic greeting. "Did you miss me?"

"Of course I did, you idiot," Ino replied, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "But, I didn't expect you back so soon."

"Well," Koushin said, offering her the box he was holding. "I wanted to come back as soon as possible. I've missed you too, you know."

Ino looked at the gift, a curious look crossing her face. "What's this?"

"Why don't you open it and see?" Koushin encouraged.

Open it?" Ino repeated, eying the box skeptically. She turned her gaze back to Koushin, her eyes narrowing. "You didn’t put anything living in there, did you?"

Koushin threw back his head and laughed, a full-bodied sound that filled the shop. "Would I do that, Ino-chan?"

"Yes, you would," Ino replied with a snort. She began untying the silky bow with a shake of her head. "One can never tell with you, Koushin."

Ino hesitated, glancing up at Koushin with a raised eyebrow, then gingerly took the box. She pulled at the silky ribbon, letting it slip from the box and fall onto the counter. With the box now unsealed, she slowly opened it, her curiosity piqued.

As the lid opened, Ino's eyes went wide. Nestled within the box, on a bed of velvety fabric, was a tiny, poorly made clay figurine. It was an odd, abstract shape, with exaggerated limbs and a lopsided face. In spite of, or perhaps because of, its imperfections, there was an endearing quality to the odd, little figure.

"In the world... Koushin, what is this?" Ino asked, her voice teetering between laughter and incredulity.

Koushin, seeing her reaction, couldn't hold back his own laughter. "It's art, pumpkin! Don't you recognize it? It's a masterpiece!"

Ino giggled, picking up the small clay figure and studying it. "A masterpiece, huh? By whom, may I ask?"

"Why, by the illustrious and world-renowned artist, I, of course," Koushin replied, puffing out his chest dramatically. "It’s a limited edition, you know."

Ino looked from the figurine to Koushin, a smile tugging at her lips. "And I suppose this is a self-portrait?"

Koushin feigned offense, gasping dramatically as he placed a hand over his heart. "Ino! I'm shocked you would suggest such a thing. That is clearly a representation of the elusive and mysterious...um, Three-tailed…uh, Rabbit”

"Rabbit?" Ino echoed, her laughter ringing through the shop.

"Yes," Koushin asserted, nodding seriously. "Remember, back in my first mission, my team and I were in a pinch, so I used a shadow clone, transformed it into a rabbit, and sent it hopping your way. You picked me up, snuggled me, and hugged me, thinking I was just some cute bunny."

Ino frowned, an adorable crease forming between her brows as she tried to remember. "I don’t think that—"

"—And then, when you realized I wasn't just any rabbit, but a handsome, dashing shinobi transformed into one, you were so smitten that you couldn’t resist my charm anymore," Koushin continued, his eyes sparkling mischievously as he embellished the tale.

Ino stared at him for a moment before her laughter burst forth, filling the shop with its melodic sound. "You're such a fool, Koushin. Is that how it went? Because from what I remember, I was so shocked that I tossed you right into a pond!"

"Ah, yes, but it was a loving toss," Koushin retorted, grinning from ear to ear. "An affectionate fling."

Ino shook her head, still giggling. "You're impossible, Koushin."

"But you love me," Koushin shot back smoothly, his grin turning into a soft smile. He reached out, gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

Ino blushed, looking down to hide the smile that was playing on her lips. She didn't confirm his statement, but she didn't deny it either.

There was a comfortable silence as they looked at each other. Ino's fingers traced the shape of the clay figure, a fond smile dancing on her lips.

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