Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch147- Must Be One Big Coincidence!


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In response to the toad's statement, a hearty laughter filled the room, surprising everyone. Koushin was laughing, his shoulders shaking as his laughter echoed in the tense atmosphere. His laughter was so infectious, so genuine that the others didn't know how to react. They simply stared, their faces a mix of bewilderment and surprise.

"What are you laughing at, brat?" Fukasaku demanded, the toad visibly riled up by Koushin's mirth. Wiping the tears from his eyes, Koushin composed himself and locked eyes with the old toad.

"Oh, how arrogant you are," Koushin began, his lips curling into a mocking smile. "Out of thousands of summon clans, only three of them know the Sage Art, you say? How fortunate it is for Konoha to have landed those three clans. And at the same time, no less, and in the same team."

His tone dripped with irony, and the room fell silent, everyone picking up on his mockery. "Tsunade-sama, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya," he continued, ticking off the names on his fingers. "All of the same age, all in the same team, and from the same village, happened to sign contracts with the only three Sage Clans in the whole world."

He paused, allowing the irony of his words to sink in before proceeding. "I am laughing because you are fools."

A sudden quietness filled the room, Koushin's words reverberating off the walls. Turning to Naruto, he once again gave his command. "Summon Jutengu."

With a nod of understanding, Naruto bit his thumb and slammed his palm onto the floor, reciting the summoning jutsu. In a puff of smoke, a giant figure appeared. A Tengu, towering over everyone, the sight of the creature causing everyone to stagger back.

The Tengu looked around, scanning the room. His eyes fell on Fukasaku, his gaze never wavering. "Little lad, what do you need?" He addressed Naruto, his voice resonating through the room.

"Naruto, tell Jutengu about our current predicament," Koushin advised, his voice calm despite the tension in the room.

Nodding, Naruto began to recount the events, explaining Jiraiya's betrayal and Fukasaku's proposal. As he spoke, the Tengu listened attentively, his sharp eyes flicking between Naruto and the toad.

"Hmm, a dire situation indeed," the Tengu murmured, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "However, I'm puzzled as to why Naruto-kun would need to learn the Toad Sage Arts. You've got me and my clan, after all."

Fukasaku repeated his statement with an air of finality, "There are only three Sage Clans in the world." The room hung in silence, everyone seemingly digesting the weight of the toad's words.

The silence, however, was abruptly shattered by a loud and hearty laughter. The giant Tengu, Jutengu, had begun to laugh. His laughter echoed around the room, his enormous figure shaking with mirth. The sound was rich, full, and infectious. Everyone's eyes were drawn to the colossal creature, his normally imposing demeanor now replaced with pure amusement.

For a good ten minutes, the Tengu laughed, occasionally wiping away a tear that trickled down his cheek. Once he had finally composed himself, he turned his gaze to Naruto, the twinkle in his eyes still very much present.

"Little lad," he said, his voice still tinged with mirth, "Is this one of your pranks? If so, I must say, it is a good one." His jovial demeanor was a stark contrast to the serious atmosphere that had initially permeated the room upon his arrival.

Naruto, however, shook his head solemnly, indicating that Fukasaku was serious in his assertion. Upon realizing this, Jutengu let out another booming laugh, thoroughly amused by the situation.

"You are serious?" he asked, turning his attention to the small toad, his eyes sparkling with amusement. Receiving only a stern stare from Fukasaku, Jutengu resumed his laughter, his voice echoing throughout the room.

"Out of thousands of clans, you think only three can use Sage Arts," he chortled, his voice thick with amusement. "How incredibly fortunate Konoha must be. The three Sannin, all of the same age, in the same team, and from the same village, happened to discover the ONLY three Sage clans in existence. Such incredible luck indeed!"

A silence once again fell over the room as Jutengu's words echoed off the walls. Everyone turned their attention to Koushin, remembering how he'd said something similar just moments ago.

"I do believe," Koushin started, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, "that Jutengu-san has a point. It is indeed quite the statistical anomaly, isn't it?"

Tsunade shifted uncomfortably, her gaze shifting between the three individuals who had challenged her long-held beliefs. "We've believed this for so long..." she started, her voice barely a whisper. Her eyes held a distant look, as though she was seeing the world in a different light.

The room remained silent, everyone seemingly lost in their own thoughts. Koushin's witty words and Jutengu's hearty laughter had effectively shattered a belief that had been deeply ingrained in them for years.

"Well," Kakashi began, breaking the silence that had settled in the room. "It seems we may need to reassess some of our beliefs."

Fukasaku, however, wasn't quite ready to concede. His small figure puffed up, a sense of indignation clearly evident. "We have seen proof of our Sage Arts. Where is yours?"

Koushin simply smirked, folding his arms across his chest. "Jutengu-san, if you would..."

Jutengu nodded, a glint of amusement still dancing in his eyes. He straightened his back and closed his eyes, a certain serenity enveloping him. Seconds passed, and Fukasaku's eyes widened in shock, the pupils dilating to an extent only seen when one is faced with sheer dread.

To the naked eye, Jutengu seemed as imposing and gigantic as ever. There were no physical changes, no transformation that could indicate the manipulation of Nature Energy. However, Fukasaku could see beyond the visible spectrum. He could sense the shift, the seemingly effortless way Jutengu was now drawing in the raw life-force of nature, circulating it in a fashion only a Sage would know. It was obvious - Jutengu was a master of Sage Arts.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about," Jutengu's voice was no longer filled with mirth. It was a tone of deadly seriousness that resonated in the room, making everyone snap out of their thoughts.

Slowly, he opened his eyes, the glint of amusement replaced by a sharp gaze that held untold wisdom and knowledge. "This world carries secrets you cannot even fathom," he said, his voice echoing the sentiment.

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