Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch149- Time to Go That Place


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Fukasaku turned to Naruto, the anger evident in his eyes slowly being replaced by a tinge of hope. "So, like I said, your father was also our contractor."

Naruto glanced at the old frog and then smiled, "I knew already. Before I reverse-summoned to the Tengu Clan, Koushin told me and asked if I wanted to sign with you guys. I said, it would be better to find my destined pack. I am sure my father would support my decision."

Tsunade's eyes glistened with reminiscence. "He would be proud of you, Naruto." She affirmed, her voice thick with emotion. Naruto beamed at this, his heart warmed by the confirmation.

Koushin turned his gaze back to the old toad. "Well, seems like you don't have any other dirty tricks, old frog. It's time for you to leave. When we're strong enough to save your contractor's behind, we'll do so. Although it was his foolishness that led him to his fate."

Fukasaku's complexion grew a shade darker, and he appeared as if he'd swallowed a particularly bitter pill. He snorted in disgust and said, "Tsunade-chan, I will be expecting Jiraiya's student." then vanished with a puff, leaving behind a palpable sense of tension.

Tsunade sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as she tried to alleviate the mounting tension in the room. "Koushin, that was disrespectful. He is a sage after all."

Koushin shrugged, a defiant spark in his eyes. "Respect is something you should earn, and he didn't. On the contrary, he earned all the scoff and humiliation. Not only did he try to poach Naruto from the Tengu Clan, he even insisted with cheap tricks. That is not how a sage should act. The same goes for Jiraiya. I believe, just as Sarutobi enabled Danzo, you're enabling Jiraiya."

Hinata, Ino, and Shizune, who had been silent so far, erupted at his audacious claim.

"Koushin!" Ino admonished, her hand reaching out to pinch his arm.

Shizune, always the voice of reason, looked at him seriously. "Koushin, please remember you are talking to the Hokage."

Koushin glanced at the trio, his gaze serious. "I am well aware of that, thank you." He then turned his attention back to Tsunade, his tone unwavering. "Jiraiya is a pervert. He spies on women in public baths! That's voyeurism and sexual harassment. The fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons of these women feel indignant but can't do anything because he's a big-shot shinobi. That's oppressing civilians with power."

Tsunade flinched at his words, the raw honesty in his voice creating a painful lump in her throat. Her eyes flickered with guilt. As Hokage, she was aware of Jiraiya's actions, but she had turned a blind eye to it, attributing it to his eccentric personality.

Koushin continued, his voice hard. "He, on many occasions, tried to whisk Naruto away under the pretext of 'training him'. That's attempting to brainwash a child. I understand his methods aren't as forceful or evil as Danzo's, but that doesn't make him innocent."

His words hung heavy in the room, a harsh reality check for everyone present. They were all guilty of turning a blind eye to Jiraiya's actions, his status as a powerful shinobi and member of the legendary Sannin protecting him from the consequences of his deeds.

Tsunade, having spent a significant portion of her life alongside Jiraiya, felt the weight of Koushin's words more than anyone else. She had always known about Jiraiya's less than ethical behavior but had ignored it, believing it to be part of his harmless 'eccentricities'. But hearing Koushin put it so bluntly made her reevaluate her stance.

"Koushin," Tsunade finally said, her voice barely a whisper, "You're right."

There was a collective gasp in the room. Nobody had expected Tsunade to admit to her shortcomings so easily.

"I have been turning a blind eye to Jiraiya's actions, and that's not right. As Hokage, I should ensure that justice is served, regardless of who the perpetrator is. I will take your words into consideration and ensure that proper action is taken."

Koushin nodded, "That is all I ask, Lady Tsunade." His voice was smooth and even, with a warmth that belied the seriousness of his words. "Now if there is nothing else, I believe we should all train. Jiraiya's addition to Akatsuki means one thing: they will become more forceful in the coming days. We should be prepared."

With that, he rose, reaching out to gently take Ino's hand. His touch was warm and reassuring, a stark contrast to the cool, professional demeanor he had just exhibited. Naruto, seeing this, took the cue and took Hinata's hand as well after bidding goodbye to Jutengu and sending him away. They followed behind Koushin and Ino as they walked towards their usual couples date spot atop the Hokage Mountain.

Once they reached the top, they found their usual spots. Ino settled between Koushin's legs, her back pressed against his chest, while Naruto and Hinata sat snuggling side by side. As Ino nestled against him, Koushin took a deep breath, savoring the scent of her. His favorite spot to snuggle was her nape and feeling her there, in his arms, was comforting in a way words couldn't express.

"What now?" Ino asked. Her voice was small, carried on the wind, and Koushin could feel the slight tremble in her words. He could feel her anxiety - it was almost palpable.

Ino felt the heat of Koushin's breath tickling her nape, a sensation that sent a warm shiver down her spine. His presence was as steady as the mountain they sat atop, his aura offering her a comforting assurance in the face of the uncertain future.

"We need to get stronger," Koushin stated, his voice carrying the calm resolve of a man well aware of the stakes at hand.

"You have ideas again, don't you?" Naruto chimed in, a wide grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. His arm was draped over Hinata, her head nestled comfortably on his shoulder as they watched the sun begin to set.

"Well of course. When have I ever not had a plan?" Koushin responded, the trace of a smile creeping into his voice. He waved his hand, and seemingly from nowhere, a book materialized into his grasp. He passed it to Ino, his eyes glinting with anticipation.

"Check it later," he advised.

Ino accepted the book, clutching it close to her chest as though it were a talisman against the dangers they were set to face. Her gratitude came out as a quiet murmur, "Thanks."

Koushin tilted his head slightly, his brow creased in a playful curiosity. "What was that?"

"I said thanks," Ino repeated, louder this time, her voice strong against the gentle rustle of leaves around them.

Koushin chuckled, a sound that rumbled softly against her back. "C'mon pumpkin, there's no need for thanks. You're my wife," he reminded her, his tone light but the underlying sincerity unquestionable.

Ino blushed at his words, but couldn't resist the opportunity to tease him back. She held up her left hand, wiggling her ringless fingers in the dwindling sunlight. "Oh really? I don't see a ring on this finger."

Koushin simply tightened his arms around her, pulling her even closer against his chest. He leaned in, his breath ghosting over her ear as he whispered in a low voice, laden with promise, "Oh really? How about I prove it tonight?"

Ino's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red, the teasing intimacy of his words sparking a thrill within her. She felt his heart beating steady against her back, a rhythm as comforting as it was exhilarating. Despite the dire situation they were in, they were still able to share these moments of levity, these flashes of genuine connection. It was a testament to their strength as individuals, as a couple, and as part of a larger team.

Naruto, who had been watching the exchange with a bemused expression, burst into laughter. "You two are hopeless romantics," he declared, shaking his head as Hinata gave a soft giggle.

"Meh, you're a brute, Naruto, you wouldn't get it. Poor Hinata. Who knows how much she yearns for romance," Koushin snorted, his voice light and teasing.

Naruto snorted back, crossing his arms in feigned indignation, "I'll have you know I am indeed a romantic. Just yesterday, I took her to—"

"In Ichiraku Ramen," Ino and Koushin chimed in together, their laughter intermingling as they completed Naruto's sentence. The synchronization in their response prompted a further wave of mirth.

Naruto looked at them, bafflement painting his features. "How did you know?" he asked, his voice raising a notch.

Hinata rolled her eyes while giggling, the light-hearted atmosphere making her feel lighter. Koushin and Ino just shook their heads, their shared smiles indicating their silent conversation.

Once their laughter subsided, Naruto, curiosity piqued, asked, "So, what about us, Kou? What's the plan?"

Koushin, still chuckling, replied, "Like I said, you should learn Sage Art in the Tengu Realm. The same goes for Hinata."

Hinata blinked, surprised at being included, "Me? Do foxes have Sage Art?" She tilted her head in genuine confusion.

Koushin's chuckle deepened, his eyes glinting with amusement, "Of course they do. Fox Realms are some of the oldest tribes in the world. Why do you think the strongest of Tailed Beasts manifested in that form?"

His explanation made sense, and they all nodded in understanding, saying, "Oh." It felt like a revelation, a piece of ancient wisdom that added to their perspective.

The evening's calm was broken by Ino's soft question, "What about you, Muffin-chan?" She leaned further into him, her curiosity evident.

Koushin held her tighter, his hand tracing soothing circles on her arm. His voice lowered to a quiet murmur, "Me? I will go to a place I was avoiding for so long. It's time to conquer that realm too."

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