Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch151- Sage Fox


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The ancient Tengu’s voice took on a somber tone. “Chakra, like any powerful tool, is dangerous if misused. Even within our community, it has caused corruption, sowing the seeds of discord and chaos. Much of the dark, twisted techniques rampant in your world today were born here, conjured by our kin. Sadly, they escaped our realm before we could contain them, spreading their poison amongst the humans.”

A ripple of discomfort passed through Naruto at this revelation. The world he knew was a battlefield, where chakra was wielded as a weapon, a tool of war, a shield for protection. The thought that it could originate from such a serene, isolated place was unsettling.

Konoha-Tengu seemed to sense Naruto’s turmoil. His voice softened, and his gaze became almost comforting. “Do not let this knowledge dampen your spirit, Naruto. Like a sword, chakra is merely a tool. It is the hand that wields it which decides whether it will be used to protect or to harm."

His words held a deep, resounding truth, and Naruto felt a spark of understanding ignite within him. Regardless of where Chakra originated, it was up to him, and those like him, to use it for good.

"I understand," Naruto nodded, his voice firm. His azure eyes reflected the weight of his resolve, a vivid image of his unwavering determination to protect, to strive for peace, and to harness the power of chakra for the good of all.

"I will learn this Sage Art and I'll use it to help others, just like I've always done with my chakra. I won't let it be used for evil. That's my promise."

"That is one of the conditions, little Naruto," Konoha-tengu said, his voice echoing throughout the realm like a deep-forest whisper. "The Tengu Sage Art is unique and far more profound than any imitation that might have sprung up in its wake. It holds the potential for incredible deeds, and I cannot allow it to fall into the wrong hands."

A bead of sweat trickled down Naruto's temple, and he swallowed hard. His intentions were pure from the get-go, yet the gravity of the elder Tengu's words bore down on him. "You'll come to understand why I'm so cautious once you've mastered it," Konoha-Tengu continued. "You'll see why the key to atoning for the mistakes committed by my Tengu Tribe centuries ago will rest in your hands. We ask this of you in exchange for granting you this immense power."

Naruto's fist clenched at his side, his knuckles whitening. His words, when they came, were more than mere affirmations, they were pledges. "I accept," he said, his voice steady and clear. "Even without the Sage Art, I'd do everything in my power to help you. You've already taught me so much."

Konoha-tengu's eyes, deep and ancient, softened. He could see that Naruto's sincerity wasn't merely a performance; it was an intrinsic part of who he was. "Good," he nodded, the slightest hint of a smile playing on his beak. "Let's start with the basics then."

In the frost-kissed realm of the White Fox, Hinata found herself facing her friend Yuki. A six-tailed fox with a fur coat as pure and immaculate as the snow that blanketed the realm. Yuki's golden eyes met Hinata's, a soft warmth glowing within them.

“Yuki-chan, I missed you.” Hinata's voice was gentle, tinged with affection and longing. She threw her arms around Yuki, feeling the soft fur tickle her skin and the pleasant warmth that seeped through her.

“And I, you, Hinata-chan,” Yuki replied, wrapping her six tails around Hinata in an endearing embrace. The simple familiarity of their interactions was heartwarming.

After a moment of quiet camaraderie, Hinata pulled back slightly, meeting Yuki's eyes with a seriousness that stood in stark contrast to the realm's tranquillity. "I'm here to learn the Sage Arts," she declared, her tone steady and resolute.

Yuki blinked, surprise flashing across her features before it was replaced with understanding. "In that case, let’s see the White Fox Elder," Yuki suggested, her golden eyes gleaming with anticipation. "She is the best when it comes to Sage Arts."

A ride on Yuki's back through the snow-dusted realm led them to a pristine lake, its surface shimmering with the reflection of the cloudless sky above. Next to it stood a humble temple, its architecture a testament to an age-old wisdom. In front of the temple sat a larger white fox, her fur glistening under the sunlight.

The White Fox Elder, upon sensing Hinata, opened her ancient eyes. "Welcome back, human child," she greeted, her voice serene, like the whispering wind against the rustling leaves. Her azure gaze held the depth of an ocean, knowledge and wisdom stretching into the endless abyss.

Hinata, alighting from Yuki's back, approached the Elder, her heart pounding in her chest with anticipation. She knew she was standing before an entity whose wisdom surpassed centuries, a being who had watched over the realm since time immemorial. She bowed low, a gesture of respect and reverence. "Elder-sama," she began, her voice steady, "I seek your guidance to learn the Sage Arts."

Back in the Dragon Realm, the aura was starkly different from the tranquillity both Naruto and Hinata were currently experiencing. Koushin stood amidst the rugged terrain, bathed in the first light of dawn. He was electric, quite literally, as tendrils of azure lightning danced across his form. His hands, stained with fresh dragon blood, curled into fists at his side.

Nearby, the carcass of a dragon lay sprawled out on the ground, the scales glimmering darkly as the life force seeped out of the massive beast. It was a grim scene, a stark contrast to the majesty and beauty of the dragons soaring above. The sight was both chilling and sobering, yet Koushin appeared undeterred.

Raising his head to the sky, he let out a roar. The sound echoed throughout the realm, merging with the fierce roars of the other dragons. His body seemed to pulse as the dragon’s life force filled him. It was a potent energy, raw and primal, unrefined yet strangely synchronizing.

Something more complex began to stir within him, as if dormant corners of his mind were suddenly awakening. The dragon language that had been so perplexing and elusive before, now started making sense, its complex syntax and intricate connections slowly coming into focus.

"So that's the secret," he muttered to himself, eyes narrowing as the realization dawned upon him. He turned his gaze to the lifeless dragon, a profound understanding in his eyes. "I must collect Dragon Souls to decipher the Shouts fully."

His gaze hardened, determination dancing in his eyes. This was an inevitability he had prepared himself for when he stepped foot into this realm. He knew the ancient law of this land, survival of the fittest, a rule as old as the world itself. It was a realm designed for him, but only one soul could exist, the others had to be absorbed.

Behind him, a challenging roar echoed, followed by the beating of giant wings. Koushin turned to face the approaching dragon, his lightning cloak flickering with anticipation.

The dragon was colossal, its scales a radiant emerald hue. Its eyes, as deep and mesmerizing as two molten gold orbs, stared down at Koushin, issuing a silent challenge. "You come to our realm, seeking our power," the dragon spoke, its voice reverberating across the landscape. "Yet, you take the life of our kin."

Koushin's response was calm, his demeanor nonchalant yet infused with a distinct seriousness. "I'm not here to steal," he retorted, his voice echoing across the vast expanse. "I am here to learn and adapt. But I do acknowledge that to do so, I must partake in this... Darwinian exchange."

The dragon snorted, puffs of smoke billowing from its nostrils. "You jest in the face of death, human?"

A corner of Koushin's mouth lifted in a half-smile. "I prefer to think of it as making the best of a 'grim' situation," he replied. There was an undercurrent of respect in his tone, a nod to the dragon's power and majesty, yet he managed to retain his light-hearted demeanor.

The dragon's gaze hardened, its wings flexing in anticipation. "Bold words. Let's see if you can live up to them, Dovahkiin!"

Koushin simply shrugged, the lightning around him crackling in response to his nonchalant mood. He offered the dragon a sly wink before muttering a low, "Showtime."

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