Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch159- Freed


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"Freed?" Nagato echoed, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief as he gazed at his own hands. They seemed different, as if a veil of deception had been lifted, bringing forth an unexpected truth that had been obscured for so long. His expression was a mix of confusion and wonder, like a child seeing magic for the first time. "How is this possible?"

Koushin, maintaining his composure, approached the subdued Nagato, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.  "Itachi, your comrade, was quite the crafty fellow. His Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan jutsu was more than just a pretty spectacle."

Nagato blinked, his gaze fixing on Koushin. "You're saying Itachi manipulated my perceptions?" There was an edge of skepticism in his voice, struggling to align this new reality with his former understanding.

"Exactly, Nagato-san," Koushin replied, giving Nagato a light pat on the shoulder, his eyes gleaming with a blend of humor and empathy. "He held a rather unique genjutsu in his arsenal, one that could twist the perception of its targets. Quite the headache, I'd imagine."

Koushin gestured towards Karin, his voice dropping a notch. "Her chains are the ultimate Uzumaki technique—Adamantine Sealing Chains. They possess the capacity to suppress, even seal, the mighty Tailed Beasts. In your case, they broke through Itachi's genjutsu."

Nagato's brows furrowed as he studied the chains, his thoughts whirling like a stormy sea. He was silent, perhaps mulling over this revelation, and Koushin let him have his moment, his demeanor remaining affable yet respectful.

"They can even undo the effects of Itachi's genjutsu, provided the person's will is strong enough," Koushin continued, shooting Nagato a cheeky smile. "I suppose having the Rinnegan might have helped with the process. The influence of Itachi's genjutsu has been weakened, if not completely expunged."

The forest was still, its inhabitants hanging onto Koushin's every word, their senses alert, their eyes flickering between Nagato and Koushin. The tension was thick, a tangible energy that hovered in the air as Koushin revealed the hidden truths.

Koushin chuckled, his voice filling the silent forest. "Of course, don't forget, you managed to break free because of our help. So, perhaps a thank you might be in order?"

There was silence for a moment before Nagato's lips twitched into what could be interpreted as a reluctant smile. "I suppose I should be grateful, then."

Koushin beamed at the response, his smile infectious. "Well, there you go, Nagato-san! I knew you had it in you."

Despite the levity of Koushin's words, a potent undercurrent of seriousness ran through the forest. The gravity of the situation was not lost on anyone present, not on Tsunade, Sakura, and Ino, who maintained their vigilant stance, and certainly not on Koushin, who, despite his jesting demeanor, was more than aware of the stakes at hand.

Nagato, an eyebrow raised in a silent question. "Why assist me, though?" he questioned, the disbelief lingering in his voice. "By all accounts, aren't I your adversary?"

Koushin simply chuckled, a mischievous twinkle gleaming in his eyes. "Well, I had a hunch," he began, pausing to watch Nagato's reaction. "You see, I believe you know the truth about Tobi. After all, you were present when he explained his plan to Itachi. Am I correct?"

For a moment, the forest was silent, all eyes fixed on Nagato. His face was stoic, though his eyes reflected a storm of thoughts. As the seconds ticked by, his expression gradually hardened, the hint of a grimace tugging at his lips. He sighed, a weary sound that echoed in the silence before he nodded.

"I do know," Nagato finally admitted, his voice quieter than before. It was as if the admission cost him something, the words leaving a bitter aftertaste.

Koushin's expression remained unfazed, the ghost of a smile playing on his lips. "That certainly makes things simpler," he mused, his voice almost cheerful. "It seems you understand that you were manipulated. Thus, if we release you, you might turn against Itachi, Obito, and Madara, even if you don't join us."

Nagato's gaze, sharp and discerning, was fixed on Koushin, an unspoken question lurking in the depths of his eyes. As if on cue, Tsunade stepped forward, a scowl etched on her face as she grabbed Koushin's collar. "Madara?" she snarled, her grip tightening around the fabric. "Are you saying Madara Uchiha?"

Koushin glanced at her, his eyes crinkling at the corners as if amused. As Tsunade lunged for him, he reached out, flicking her forehead lightly. The action was so unexpected and yet delivered with such casual aplomb that Tsunade froze mid-motion, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Calm down, please," Koushin said, his voice as smooth as silk, not a hint of mockery or disrespect marring his words.

There was a collective gasp as the forest's inhabitants registered what had just occurred. Sakura, Ino, and Karin gaped at Koushin, their eyes reflecting a mix of shock, confusion, and a hint of amusement.

Before Tsunade could gather her wits, Koushin leaned down, his lips pressing against her forehead in an almost comforting gesture. The touch was fleeting, but it was enough to diffuse the lingering tension. "There, better?" he asked, his voice carrying an undercurrent of humor that was as disarming as it was unpredictable.

Tsunade seemed to be at a loss for words, her face flushing an unexpected shade of red that contrasted starkly with her golden hair. She stumbled back a step, her expression a whirlwind of emotions—amusement, embarrassment, and annoyance—giving her a strangely endearing vulnerability.

"Would you explain the plan then, Nagato-san?" Koushin asked, his voice tinged with genuine curiosity, his eyes sparkling with an undimmed eagerness to know.

After a moment's hesitation, Nagato nodded, his eyes showing a reluctant acceptance of the situation.

"Yes, I suppose it's time to reveal the truth," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. His eyes, which once held an unyielding defiance, now bore an unusual calmness, the reflection of a man who had seen too much.

"Madara Uchiha saved Obito from beneath the rocks that should've been his grave," Nagato said, his voice steady, almost emotionless. "Before his demise, he entrusted his Rinnegan...my Rinnegan...to Obito."

A collective gasp echoed through the clearing, the implications of his words sinking in. But Nagato continued, undeterred by their reactions.

"Obito was tasked to find a suitable candidate for the eyes, and he chose me, believing my Uzumaki lineage would aid in controlling their power." His voice was uncharacteristically soft, the edges blunted by a strange, resigned melancholy.

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