Lady of Curses

Chapter 13-Fight for survival

''Two up front.''

''Got it.'' Following Sam's directions, Aelx saw two of the monsters in front of them. He aimed his shot, and then let the bow's string go. The arrow flew at its intended target. Alex used [Multi-shot] when the arrow was halfway, splitting the flying arrow into two arrows. 

*psh* *tuk* The arrows arrived at their target, puncturing the two monsters skulls with the help of Alex's skill. The two Drekavaces couldn't make any sound before they were already dead, and their bodies hit the ground. 

Sam walked up to the bodies and made sure they were dead, after all, no one wants to be later screwed by a monster they thought was dead, but in actuality somehow survived. After confirming they were dead she gave the party confirmation of their death. So they moved on.

By now the party had encountered few of these groups of Drekavaces, usually in groups of two or three. But they did encounter one group that had five of them in it. Fortunately, they managed to kill them all before they could use their screams to attack the party or alarm their allies.

And because the party hadn't encountered anything that could pose any significant danger to them they haven't to retreat yet. They were only encountering small groups of these monsters and had dispatched of them with little to no difficulty, so their confidence rose, but that didn't mean they became reckless, no they were still on high alert, ready if things go south. 

Walking onwards they stumbled on a fork with two paths. It wasn't anything unusual they had stumbled on a few of them already. In these situations, they just pick one of the options, and Kayne leaves a mark, indicating a path they chose, and if the path is a dead end they go back and choose a different path.

So Sam picked the path that was on the right and just went on. It didn't take long before they encountered something. There were six of those small, black, furry, humanoid creatures resting. The tunnel went straight, then in a small round room, and then across the room the tunnel continued, and the six monsters were resting in that room, scattered about. 

''There's six of them.'' Sam was first to see, so she informed the party. Without talking the party got in formation. They needed to do this as quickly as they can. 

The first to move was Sam. She ran in using her arsenal of skills to erase her presence and sound as much as possible. In short few seconds, Sam was next to one of the sleeping monsters. Brandishing her blades she slit the monster's throat as deep as she could, and then without using momentum she stabbed it through the eye into the brain, killing it without allowing the creature to make a sound. But the body did make a small sound, so the rest of its group woke up, but they were half asleep so they still were a little confused about what was going on.

Almost the next moment an arrow shot from Alex's bow killed another one. But that fully woke up the last four. When Alex's arrow made its target, Kayne sprinted to one of the four remaining creatures. He arrived in front of the monster in a blink, and without hesitation punched the creature's head. The result was that the head exploded, as Kayne empowered his punch by quite a bit.

June was no slower than Kayne, using her wood magic she impaled one of the creatures with multiple flying wooden stakes, about the same time Kayne made the monster's head his personal pinata.  

In that time when Kayne and June made their attacks, Alex had shot another arrow, securing another kill, and Sam was about to kill the last monster. She saw the monster opening his mouth, ready to screech, so Sam flung one of the daggers right in its mouth. Feeling the pain the creature reached for the throat and the dagger, but it didn't even get to do that before Sma was on him, killing the creature with one smooth stab in its heart. 

*Tud* With the last body hitting the floor they were done. They succeded in killing all six Drekavaces without letting them make any sound. Again they confirmed the kills and moved on. Kayne did ask around if anyone needed some rest, but all declined, all of them wanted to be done with this. 

And by seeing what they encountered next, it is probably right to assume they will be leaving soon. It didn't take them long before they encountered another room, similar to the one the six Drekavaces were sleeping. But this room was bigger, much bigger, and in the center there was a creature sleeping. All around the room, the party could see many different bones. 

The party took a few steps into the room, before stopping. They took a good look at the sleeping beast and decided they didn't want to fight it on their own. So without making a sound, they tried to leave, but luck wasn't on their side. While stepping back Hubert's armor made a loud sound when he tried to not step on a bone.

The beast's eyes shot open and automatically focused on the party. It used its elonged furry black arms to prop itself up, its full size clearly shown. It didn't wait for the party to make a move before, its wolf-like maw opened. Seeing what was coming Hubert stepped in front of the party and brought his shield in front of him. And at the same time, he activated a skill. 

A giant wall-like shield made out of light formed in front of him, ready to block the creature's attack. Hubert didn't need to wait long before it came. ''RAAAAAARRRRRRRR...'' From the creature's mouth came out a roar. For Hubert, it felt like crashing waves one after another, were banging against his shield. 

It wasn't a pleasant feeling, but luckily the skill held up, and no one was hurt, except himself. But even then he didn't sustain any major damage.

When the monster stopped its roar, Hubert dropped the skill, and the party moved to action. Alex didn't hesitate to aim for the monster's red eyes, but there was no success there, the monster opened his mouth and used a small sound attack to blow them off course. 

Kayne was the first to arrive close enough to mele the monster. His first aim was to injure the monster's legs. Although the monster was using both his legs and arms to stand, it still would impair his movements if its legs were to be injured. 

But the monster didn't wait for Kayne to injure it, the monster used one of his hands to try and flatten the beastkin. Seeing the incoming fist Kayne strengthened his legs and dodged the monster's fist. *TUD* The monster's strike landed on the stone floor, and it had enough power to create a small crater. 

After dodging that Kayne was close enough to the monster's legs. He formed a mana blade around his open palm and while running past one of the legs he slashed at it. But the injury was a lot smaller than he had anticipated. The hide of this monster was tougher than it seemed. 

The monster wanted to turn to Kayle and use a sound attack on him, but it couldn't, Alex still was trying to poke the monster's eyes out, plus June was throwing her spikes at the monster in combination with Alex. 

Sam similar to Kayna aimed for its leg, but she didn't have as much raw power as Kayne, so she didn't even draw blood. But she hoped that the poison she laced her daggers with, would still take an effect, but her hopes weren't high. 

Kayne and Sam were ready to take another swing at the monster, but before they could the monster moved. ''rrrrrrRRRAAAWWW...'' The monster started running in the direction of Alex and June, with a roar that slowly got stronger and louder. 

Seeing this, Hubert, stood his ground and again used his skill to block the monster's path. But the monster reacted instantly, when it got close enough it jumped. The monster took its fists brought them together, and with the force of the jump smashed them against Hubert's skill's shield. 

Like a meteor, the monster crashed against the light shield, breaking it on impact. Hubert didn't have much time, so he jumped out of the way, not wanting to be crushed. But at least it stopped the monster's sprint. The monster looked at the fallen human that was trying to get up as fast as possible. 

That action cost the monster its eye, one of Alex's arrows was now embedded in the monster's right eye. ''RAAAAAAGGGHH.'' Angry the monster took Hubert by his leg and flung him at Alex. Surprised by the monster's strength- after all, Hubert was a big guy, plus his armor- Alex didn't react in time. 

He still managed to jump out of the way, well most of him, but his left leg still got caught. ''AAAAAAAHH!'' ''ALEX!'' It wasn't a pretty sight, both of them were alive, but Hubert was barely conscious and Alex had his leg broken. 

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