Lady of Curses

Chapter 18-Potions two sides

''Looks like it's mostly over.'' Looking around Aella concluded that the bloody carnival was over. If before the living cage was almost wholly covered in savage monsters, now it was covered in those same monsters blood and guts. 

There were still some of them alive, but there weren't many of them so she used her new curse to drive them mad and as a result, they killed each other. 

''Unfortunately, the smell isn't the best.'' The guts and blood had found their way to where the party was resting right now, and the odor that Aella was smelling right now came with it.

Of course, even if the remains of these Drekavaces were only outside the living cage she still would probably be able to smell the same scent, after all, there was sea of blood around the cage. Plus you have to remember that there was a giant monster corpse near them.

Turning her head in the direction of June, Aella asked a question. ''So what's your plan now?'' She wanted to know their plan so that she could adjust hers. She wanted to see if staying here would be worth it. 

''We'll rest here and get some of our strength back and then make our way back.'' While June was telling their plan, Aella went to check on her cloak. She picked it up and turned it around to see its full condition. The cloak was dirty and bloody and it had plenty of damage all around it, and its original color was bearly distinguishable.  

''I have a proposition for you.'' Throwing the ruined cloak down, Aella turned to June. ''I will accompany you back to where you need to go, and in exchange, you give me some clothes, even a single cloak is acceptable.'' Aella didn't mind walking naked, but she still preferred to have something to cover with.

''Sure, but it will take a while to get you something.'' June was still lying on Grefured, she had almost no strength left in her limbs. ''All my spare clothes are in my backpack, and that is outside this cave.''

''I don't mind, I can wait.'' And with that, the deal was made. Now the only thing for Aella left to do was wait. 

''Ugh!'' While Aella was deciding how to spend her time, she heard Hubert grunt. Looking over she saw Kayne helping the red-haired man out of his armor. They both looked exhausted, especially the beastkin, but they needed to get Hubert out of the armor, to better see what injuries he has sustained and how much the health potion had done.

Sam and Alex were in a similar position, but for the archer, the only spot that they needed to see was his leg, but they still took off all the armor. 

Without anything better to do Aella decided to see the injuries on Alex and Hubert, just out of curiosity. She could test her curses capabilities, but she could do that later.

The first injured person she decided to visit was Alex. Walking over Aella saw Aelx's head was placed on Sam's lap and while he was resting his lover was just gently combing through his brown hair. 

At one point Sam looked up at her while Aella was closing the distance, but shortly after the catkin turned her gaze back to her lover. Alex on the other hand didn't react at all, Aella wasn't sure if he even knew what was happening around him, as his eyes were closed and he could be sleeping. 

Aella stopped a few steps away from the pair and took a good look at Alex's leg. It was inflamed but besides that, it looked normal. Aella had no idea how he got injured so she couldn't judge if Aelx go lucky or not, so she decided to get some information from Sam.

''So how did that happen?'' Pointing at Aelx's injured leg Aella asked while looking at Sam.

Sam continued to look at Alex without turning her gaze in Aella's direction but she still answered. ''While fighting the monster from which you got the core, Alex got his leg injured when Hubert was thrown at him.'' 

''The injury looks mild if that's how he got it.'' Aella was surprised that Alex's leg was only inflamed from the look of it, she thought if someone big like Hubert got your leg then it would be more mangled, plus the heavy armor Hubert was wearing probably didn't help.

''I won't deny that luck a part in it, as it could have been much worse.'' Still playing with her lover's hair, Sam continued. ''But you have to take in a few factors, one such would be the healing potion.''

''Healing potion?'' 

''Yes, a potion that makes your body recover faster in exchange for using more of your body's resources.'' Finally, Sam turned her dark eyes in Aella's direction. ''Of course, there are some things the potion can't do that magic can but that was no concern in this situation as Alex's had a clean break and few fractions, at least that's what he said.''

''So what's the limitation of these potions, how much can they heal?'' Aella was somewhat interested in these potions, plus learning about them could kill some time.

''That depends on their quality. I'm not an expert in these things but I can teach you the basics. But if you want more in-depth information about the positions you can try asking June, but it looks like you would have to wait.'' While talking about June, Sam looked at the elf and Aella followed her gaze. The blond elf was peacefully sleeping on Grefured. 

''Returning to the topic of potions.'' Sam turned back her gaze to Aella. ''I will assume you know how the potions are made, well at least the most basic information that everyone knows?'' 

''Yes alchemy, you put things in a pot you stir them, and vola you got a potion.'' 

''Close enough.'' With a nod, Sam continued. ''So the quality of potions depends mostly on two things, the ingredients and the level of the brewer's teaching. The better they the better the potion, simple as that.''

''Now, the capabilities of the potion are reflected by its quality. For example, the same healing potions, the ones we used on both Alex and Hubert were capable of fixing the bones, if they aren't shattered, and they can heal some deep wounds, but they can't regrow limbs or reattach them.'' 

While listening Aella tried to burn this information in her mind. ''But there are potions that are capable of that but they are of higher quality. Then there are elixirs, the potions of the highest quality. The healing variant of the elixir can heal any disfigurements, it can cure any disease and even make your lifespan longer.'' Aella got a little bit more interested in this topic when she heard about these elixirs.

''Of course, there are some side effects using these potions. These are also looked at when determining a potion's quality, because what's the use of a potion that can regenerate your limbs back if in exchange it saps all your nutrients so fast that you will die before you could do anything.'' Sam took a glance at Alex before returning her gaze back to Aella. ''The exception is elixirs, as they have no side effects.''

''So by what you said potions aren't some miracle drugs, except elixirs.'' 

''Correct, you can even use potions to harm your enemy.'' 

''Interesting.'' So like this Aella spent some time talking with Sam and learning things about potions. 

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