Lady of Curses

Chapter 56-New partner in business

The old creaky voice made Aella freeze in her place. She didn't dare to move but while her body just stood there without making any movements her mind was full of it. 

'How did it get behind meHer thoughts raced as she couldn't understand how the being behind her appeared there, it was as if it spawned from thin air. But slowly she started to realize that in this world there are plenty of ways to do that and she started to calm down, and when she finally got her wits back, she slowly turned around. 

The being didn't say anything this whole time but just stood there. Even now that Aella was looking straight at them, they didn't say anything and just stared back at Aella. 

At least she thinks they were looking at her, it was hard to tell when someone was looking at you if they were completely covered in a cloak, from head to toe and the only thing that was showing were two, golf ball sized, yellow flames that presumably were its eyes. 

Aella tried to look deeper into the hood from where she was standing but couldn't see anything besides the flames, so she stopped trying. 

''Yes, I was interested in blank magic scrolls.'' By the looks of it the hooded person was waiting for Aella, so she said what interested her. ''And their price.''

''Well the price varies, based on the quality of the scroll, but the cheapest is two growth crystals.'' The hooded person didn't move the muscle, even when they spoke, they just stood there like a statue. And it was a little unnerving when Aella could hear their voice, but they made no movement.

''I see, do you deal with curses and do you buy them?'' This question was important because if this person doesn't deal with or even buy curses then she was out of luck, and either had to find another shop or find a job. 

''Yes, we do deal with curses, mostly cursed items, but we do deal in curses.'' As they talked the hooded figure stepped a little closer to Aella, and she was inclined to take a step back but she remained where she was. ''Do you perhaps want to sell me something, or are you seeking something specific?'' 

''I want to sell and was just wondering if you are willing to buy.'' 

''I'm willing yes, what is that you want to sell?'' The hooded person again took a step closer to Aella.

''I'm offering to sell two types of curses, weakness, and madness, but I will need some blank scrolls.'' Aella didn't move her feet even though she wanted. 

''Interesting, well if I supply the scrolls then I can give you three growth crystals for one curse.'' This time the hooded didn't move as they spoke. 

''Then do we have a deal?'' Aella wanted to offer handshake, but she refrained and kept her hands to herself.

''Yes, we have a deal.'' Aella felt as the hooded person glanced at her arms before they started to move. 

Four grey spider-like legs grew from the hood's bottom and lifted them up, and then used those legs to climb one of the shelves. Aella just stood there and watched as the hooded person reached where a stack of magic scrolls were. When they started to grab the scrolls Aella was crept out because of how the hooded person's hands looked. 

They had two grey hands, both looked similar to humans with five fingers. But they had little longer fingers than deemed natural and their fingers ended in pointy ends, that looked like stone, but the most disturbing part was the rest of their hands. They moved like rigid snakes that had no end, and the arms had multiple joints. So it was kind of creepy and amazing to watch how the hands bent and moved in zig-zag patterns and see how the person could just stretch their hand as far as they wanted. 

After they had taken about 20 scrolls, and wrapped one hand around them like a rope, the hooded person started to come down. 

''I would like you to create ten each, as I want to see how much will they sell because I haven't dealt with direct curses that much.'' They pulled back their hand and legs in the hood and dropped the scrolls on the ground, indicating for Aella to start. 

''Okay.'' Aella just nodded and started scribing her curses on the scrolls.

She sat down with her legs crossed and picked one of the scrolls after she unrolled it she concentrated and inscribed [Curse of weakness] on it. After she saw the familiar black circle form on it she put it down and then took another blank scroll.

The process wasn't hard and took practically nothing from Aella, so from time to time she glanced around the shop while she was just sitting there. As for the hooded person, they just stood in one spot and looked at Aella without moving or glancing somewhere else. Aella had to be honest they had the statue act mastered perfectly.

While those two golf ball sized flames observed her, Aella finished inscribing all the scrolls, ten of each. 

''Finished.'' Aella announced to the hooded person as she gestured towards two piles of scrolls. 

''I see.'' The hooded person brought out their hands again, and Aella saw how they bent and grabbed one scroll from each pile. They pulled the scrolls closer and took a look. 

After what sounded as satisfied grunt, they put the scrolls down and pulled their hands back inside the hood, only to then stretch one hand to Aella with a leather pouch grasped between its fingers.

''Here's the payments, pleasure dealing business with you.'' Aella took the pouch out of their hand, as she heard their voice. 

She opened the pouch and took her time to count if she got all sixty growth crystals. While she counted the shop owner looked through all the scrolls making sure that all of them were up to standard. 

''It looks like all is here.'' After counting all the crystals, and seeing that there was none unaccounted for she murmured to herself, put the pouch on the hip near the other pouch, and stood up. By the time Aella was done the hooded person was done to and was now looking at her. 

''I'm Aella, I hope we can do more business in the future.'' This time Aella stuck out her hand as she introduced herself. 

''Rohcrept, I too wish us a prosperous business partnership.'' They stretched one of their hands and shook Aella's hand, indicating the start of a new business relationship. 

''Well I have to go, I still have some things to take care of, I hope my curses sell well.'' After they ended their handshake, Aella smiled and got ready to leave. 

''Of course, me too.'' As Aella moved to the door she heard the old raggedy voice sound behind her. 

When Aella got to the door, she put one hand on the handle, but before she turned the handle and opened the door, she took a long glance around the shop and then one look at the Rohcrept, she smiled and gave a wave to them before she opened the door and left the shop. 

When she got out of the shop, the sun was almost gone. Aella was in the shop longer than she intended to be there, but she wasn't unhappy because she got herself a nice way to get herself some income, so she had fulfilled her goal for the day. 

But even though she had met her goal she wasn't ready to go home just yet, so she decided to go and find where she could pay for her rent of the house because she didn't have much time before her free stay expires and she gets kicked out, so she wanted to do it sooner than later.

And as she didn't know many people here she decided to go to one of the guard towers near the gates and see if she could find Maya or Adir there, because they probably know where she has to go.

So with one final look at the beautiful sky Aella found the closest gates and with a smile on her face started making her way there. 


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