Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch68- Aizen

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

Grimmjow's eyes narrowed at the sight of Kai, a flicker of annoyance flashing across his features. He was interrupted, and he didn't like it. However, the palpable spiritual pressure emanating from the newcomers piqued his interest.

Kai looked at the arrancar seated on the ledge, a mix of determination and hostility coloring his features. His voice cut through the tension of the moment, powerful yet calm, as he softly called out, "Bankai! Mugon no Yūjin: Zettai Yūjin, Kagami Jigen!"

The effect was instantaneous. A sudden gust of wind swept across the rooftop as an impenetrable barrier formed around Kai and Matsumoto. The rooftop seemed to split into two realities, one where the Arrancars stood ready to pounce and another where Kai and Matsumoto prepared to retaliate.

Grimmjow's eyes widened as he felt the change in the atmosphere. "What the hell is this?" He growled, his fists clenching in frustration.

Kai didn't look at him. His gaze was focused on the mirror-like surface of the barrier that reflected the moonlit sky. He lifted his zanpakuto, pointing it towards the Espada. "This," he said, his voice resonating through the sudden silence, "is your demise.

Few days back, the air in the grand hall of Las Noches, Hueco Mundo, was unusually tense. Ulquiorra Cifer and Yami Llargo had just returned from their recon mission in the human world. Aizen, sitting on his throne, surveyed the duo with calm interest, an expectant silence settling over the hall. Behind him, the rest of his Espada lingered, waiting for the report.

"Go ahead, Ulquiorra. Show us what you saw and felt in the human world," Aizen commanded, his voice echoing softly in the vast room.

Ulquiorra nodded. "As you wish, Aizen-sama," he responded. Without a hint of discomfort or hesitation, he reached up, plucking his left eye from its socket. The act, disturbing to many, was met with grim acceptance in the grand hall. As he crushed the eye, an eerie glow spilled out, filling the room with a spectral light. Within that light, everyone present could see, hear, and feel the same experiences Ulquiorra had in the human world.

Scenes of Kai and his girlfriends flickered before their eyes, the odd quartet's laughter echoing in their ears. They felt the unusual sense of ease Kai emanated, his amicable banter, the indolent air about him. And then, they experienced the sharp shift in Kai's demeanor when confronted, the force of his spiritual pressure, the complex layers of his power.

Once the glow faded, the room fell back into an oppressive silence. Ulquiorra replaced his eye with a new one emerging from the socket, his expression indifferent.

"I see," Aizen murmured, leaning back in his throne, his eyes contemplative. "There was an unknown – this Kai. Is that why you didn't kill Ichigo Kurosaki?"

Ulquiorra's response was immediate and succinct. "Our orders were to kill him if he were to be an interference to our plan. However, this Kai person was there at the time, and we couldn't easily pass him to reach Kurosaki."

From the group of Espada, a disapproving scoff cut through the silence. "That is weak," Grimjow drawled, lounging lazily in his seat. His head rested on one hand while the other idly picked at his nails. He looked up, his eyes gleaming with scorn. "If it were me, I would have killed them all in one attack."

"Grimmjow," Ulquiorra called out, his voice cool, eyes void of any emotion.

Grimmjow just grinned at the other Espada. "If your order had 'Kill him' in it, you should have done it. No matter what came your way."

Shawlong, standing beside the seated Grimjow, added his own opinion, his tone matter-of-fact. "I agree. He is an enemy, and Aizen-sama ordered you to kill him. There is no excuse."

Grimmjow's grin widened, a glint of amusement in his eyes as he turned to the massive form of Yammy. "And you, Yammy! How pathetic! You got beaten up by a small Shinigami. You are a disgrace."

Yammy could only grunt, the scowl deepening on his face. He was still furious about his confrontation with Kai. The unusual Shinigami had kept him off balance with a bizarre display of Zanpakuto abilities, so much so that Yammy had failed to land even a single blow.

Yammy’s voice rumbled through the grand hall of Las Noches, his burly form straining under the weight of his indignation. "Didn't you hear what I said? That bastard was there. We couldn't reach the kid!"

Grimmjow, lounging in his seat, rolled his eyes at Yammy's outburst, a cruel smile twisting his lips. "And I said, I would have killed them all in one blow all the same!" His voice was nonchalant, but the audacity of his claim hung heavily in the air, sparking off a series of whispers among the other Espada.

"Enough!" Ulquiorra's voice sliced through the rumblings, halting the brewing argument in its tracks. His pale face was an expressionless mask, his eyes cold as he turned to face Grimjow. "Aizen-sama's focus was not on the kid in his current state, but his potential. And in his current state, he is not worthy of our time."

Grimmjow scowled at Ulquiorra, his icy blue eyes flashing with disdain. "That's exactly what I'm saying! What if he gets stronger than you anticipated and gets in our way?"

Ulquiorra coolly met Grimjow's heated gaze, the ghost of a smirk gracing his lips. "If that happens, I will simply finish him. Seems like you wouldn't have any problem with that, would you?" His words, spoken in his characteristic dispassionate tone, seemed to hang in the air, daring Grimjow to object.

Just as Grimjow opened his mouth to retort, Aizen’s voice echoed through the hall. "I am impressed with your work, Ulquiorra." His words were as calm as ever, a small smile playing on his lips as he watched the Espada.

A hush fell over the room, only to be broken by a loud scoff from Grimjow. He sprung up from his seat, his eyes wide with disbelief. ‘What? He is praising him?’ He looked wildly at Ulquiorra, his voice rising with each word. ‘He failed his mission and yet he is...he is…’

His thoughts trailed off into an incredulous chuckle, the irony of the situation not lost on him. He sunk back into his seat, shaking his head in disbelief. Ulquiorra had failed to execute his mission and yet Aizen was praising him. What, then, would happen if he – Grimjow – took matters into his own hands and killed that brat and Kai himself?

Ulquiorra, however, was unfazed by Grimjow's outburst. He turned to face Aizen, bowing slightly in acknowledgement. "Thank you, Aizen-sama."

A murmur of surprise ran through the rest of the Espada. Despite their individual strengths and egos, they all respected Aizen's judgement. That he had praised Ulquiorra, even after the apparent failure, was a clear sign of his confidence in the Espada.

Grimmjow remained silent, his scowl deepening as he sank into his seat. He didn't share the respect the others had for Aizen's judgement. He was an Espada, a fighter, and to him, Ulquiorra's caution was a sign of weakness, not strategic thinking.

As he stewed in his thoughts, Aizen continued to observe them all with a small smile on his face.


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