Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch72- Visiting Lisa-chan

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

The scent of rust and smoke hung in the air, a clear indication of the unruly group that occupied the dingy warehouse. As Kai stepped over the threshold, he observed the comical display before him. Shinji Hirako, an interesting figure with slick, upswept blond hair, was engaged in a heated discussion with Hiyori Sarugaki, a petite, tenacious woman with a yellow bob.

"You're doing it all wrong, Shinji!" Hiyori’s shrill voice echoed off the grimy walls, her small hands gesturing wildly in exasperation.

Across the room, an afro-sporting Love Aikawa was engaged in a conversation with Rojuro Otoribashi, a sophisticated blonde man with a demeanor as calm as the morning sea. Love’s laughter boomed throughout the room, a stark contrast to Rojuro’s more subdued chuckles.

At one corner, the childish antics of Mashiro Kuna, a spirited woman with neon green hair, were causing a slight furrow on Kensei Mugurama’s otherwise stoic face. The white-haired man was clearly not enjoying Mashiro's attempts at disrupting his peace.

Amidst the chaos, Hachigen Ushoda, a large man with pastel pink hair and a gentle aura, was engrossed in his own world, meticulously working on intricate drawings, his focus unwavering despite the lively atmosphere.

To add another layer to this already interesting scene, Lisa Yadomaru, a woman with long, dark hair was lounging on a couch, her attention engrossed in an erotic manga. Every so often, her lips would curl into a smirk as she turned the pages.

Kai found himself suppressing a chuckle as he surveyed the room. “This is what you've been pestering me to visit, Shiji?” he asked aloud, his voice laced with amusement. The activity in the room ceased, every pair of eyes turning to focus on him.

“Kai!” Shinji exclaimed, relief washing over his face. “Finally! We've been waiting for you.”

Kai shrugged casually, leaning against the door frame. “You guys seem busy,” he remarked, his eyes scanning the room.

Hiyori huffed, crossing her arms. “And whose fault is that?” she shot back, her eyes narrow.

Kai merely shrugged, unbothered by her sharp retort. He wasn’t here to start a war, just to understand what the fuss was about.

“So, what’s the grand plan, Shinji?” Kai asked, his gaze falling on the blond-haired man.

"We just want to know. How did you manage to control your hollow side so easily?" Shinji asked, his brow furrowed in genuine curiosity. "It took us decades, and we came up with a training regimen for it, but just threw all our data out the window." He sighed heavily, his hands falling limply to his sides.

Beside him, Hiyori scoffed, her small frame radiating irritation. "I developed a treadmill for it, and now it's useless," she grumbled, her gaze turning accusingly toward Kai.

Kai’s grin broadened, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Easy, really. I tamed the hollow in me," he said with an air of nonchalance, spreading his hands out in a what-can-I-say gesture.

His words hung heavy in the air, the room falling into a stunned silence. Rojuro’s quiet chuckles abruptly halted, and even Love looked taken aback. Lisa raised an eyebrow, the corner of her mouth quirked up in an intrigued smile, the erotic manga momentarily forgotten.

"Are you saying you made friends with your inner hollow?" Kensei asked, his gruff voice breaking the silence. His stern gaze bore into Kai, seeking confirmation.

"Hmm?" Kai responded, his brows furrowing at Kensei’s question. He pushed away from the door frame, moving towards the center of the room. His arms were crossed over his chest as he said, "I don't have a hollow personality in my spirit world. I don't know how it is for you, but my hollow powers are part my Zanpakuto spirit, and since she loves me so much, I don't have much trouble with controlling it."

"She?" Lisa interrupted from her spot on the couch, an eyebrow arched in interest. Her dark eyes twinkled with amusement as she eyed Kai. "You're another pervert, aren't you?" she accused, the edges of her lips curling up into a smirk, recalling her former pervy captain, Shunsui Kyōraku.

Kai raised a hand, his fingers splayed in innocence. He retorted with a smirk, "Says the person reading erotic manga in broad daylight." His gaze landed pointedly on the explicit content in Lisa’s hands, causing a few snickers to erupt in the room.

Lisa’s smirk only deepened. She brandished the manga at him, defiant. "I am reading for the art and storyline," she countered, holding Kai's gaze. There was a stubborn set to her jaw, an open challenge that Kai wasn’t about to back down from.

Intrigued, Kai stepped forward, his amusement plainly evident. "I am sure you do. Then can you tell me what the main character of the manga you're reading is like?" he questioned, his smirk never wavering.

Lisa was stumped. She glanced down at the manga in her hand, then back at Kai, her mouth opening and closing in a silent struggle for words. The room filled with silence, broken only by the suppressed snickers and chuckles echoing off the grimy walls.

Kai chuckled, his gaze triumphant. "Haha, thought so," he teased, the amusement in his voice palpable.

"You bastard!" Lisa snapped. The edges of a hollow mask formed around her face, the markings a stark contrast against her smooth skin. With a growl, she launched herself at Kai, her hands curled into tight fists.

However, Kai was quicker. He sidestepped her initial attack, grabbed her in mid-air and skillfully restrained her. With her arms folded behind her, he easily pinned her to the ground, sitting on her back to ensure she couldn't move. He leaned in, his mouth hovering near her ear, a triumphant smirk on his face. "Feisty. I love it," he whispered, his voice low and teasing.

In the tense silence that followed, the unmistakable sound of blades being unsheathed filled the room. Kai cast a lazy glance over his shoulder. He found the steely points of their Zanpakuto aimed at him. Mashiro's fists were glowing with a neon-green light, her lips set in a determined pout while Love had his oversized kanabo at the ready.


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