Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch99- Defeating the Past

The chamber was vast and eerie, a disturbing stillness lingering in the air. At the heart of the room stood an imposing figure, draped in white robes, a stark contrast to the dreary surroundings. His face was concealed behind an elongated, white mask covered with eight holes, adding an element of mystery to his demeanor. As they made their entrance, he shifted his gaze towards them, the emotion in his eyes hidden behind the mask.

"I always hated sunlight," he mused softly, his voice echoing through the chamber. "Thank you for coming in. Let me remove my mask and greet you."

As he lifted the mask, a face revealed itself beneath. It was a face eerily human .The sight was a shock to everyone except Kai. Instead, an insidious scoff crawled across his features.

“Such an ugly trick,” Kai’s voice reverberated through the chamber, a twisted blend of anger and distaste. “But I suppose that’s all you’re good for.”

Raising his hand, Kai summoned another presence. The air rippled, giving way to Rukia, who stepped out from the Mirror Dimension. She took in the situation quickly, her first concern being Kai. Her eyes swept over him, evaluating his condition. But seeing him relaxed, with an distasteful gleam in his eyes, she turned to the masked Espada.

The sight that met her, however, was enough to freeze her in her tracks. It was Kaien's face staring back at her, a face she had mourned and missed. Her heart ached at the sight, a flurry of emotions threatening to sweep her away. But she knew better than to give in, her gaze hardening as she turned to Kai, silently seeking his guidance.

"It's time to show your progress, Rukia," Kai said, his eyes fixed on the figure across the chamber. His voice was calm and steady, but there was an underlying ferocity, a raw promise of violence that left no room for doubt. "Make your old mentor proud."

Rukia swallowed, her gaze drifting to the Arrancar that bore Kaien's face. A twinge of pain crossed her features, a hollow reminder of the bond she once shared with her mentor. Kai's words echoed in her ears, a bitter command wrapped in the guise of a casual remark.

"They're using the face of your old friend," Kai continued, the hint of anger coloring his voice. "Hurt them, kill them, destroy them, and free your friend."

Rukia's grip tightened on the hilt of her sword, her heart pounding in her chest. Kai's words were not meant to comfort, nor were they hollow words of encouragement. They were a challenge, a call to action, a reminder of the strength she possessed.

Drawing her sword, she locked eyes with the Arrancar, her gaze filled with resolve. "Bankai, Hakka no Togame," she declared, her voice ringing loud and clear in the vast chamber.

An icy aura enveloped her, the temperature in the room dropping drastically. Her form changed, the transformation leaving those watching in awe. Rukia's usual Shinigami uniform was replaced by an elegant white kimono that reached her ankles, decorated with intricate lined patterns. The robe was adorned with an ornate collar, edges, and shoulder design, and long, wide sleeves that billowed around her.

From her back sprouted long, flowing ribbons, tied into numerous large loops that fluttered with her movements. At the center of her chest, a small formation of ice flowers blossomed, a testament to her ice-based abilities. Rukia's hair turned white as snow, a contrast to the dark atmosphere surrounding them. Her sword, once metallic, was now made of transparent ice, glowing ominously in her grasp.

The half crown of ice that appeared around the back of her head made her look regal and intimidating. The transformation was mesmerizing, a spectacle that displayed her newfound power.

The masked Espada shifted, a note of surprise flickering behind his eyes. However, it was quickly replaced by smug amusement. "So the little girl has grown," he said, his voice echoing in the chilly silence of the room.

"Your mockery won't save you," Rukia retorted, her voice icy and as unyielding as her Bankai. "Prepare yourself."

Kai watched the exchange, an inscrutable expression on his face. He didn't join the conversation, nor did he take any step to intervene. He simply stood, a silent observer, confident in Rukia's abilities.

The Arrancar's sword morphed into a trident, eerily similar to Kaien's own weapon with its affinity for manipulating water. An implicit challenge, it resonated in the air between him and Rukia.

Rukia, under Kai's meticulous tutelage, had come a long way. Not only had she mastered Fullbring abilities, she had also awoken her Bankai and honed her Shunpo, the latter being a product of Yoruichi's expert guidance. Now was the time to put all that training to use.

"Such nostalgia," the Arrancar goaded, spinning the trident in his hand. "Let's see if you can dance to an old tune, Kuchiki."

"I dance to my own rhythm," Rukia retorted, her voice echoing in the icy silence. With that, she held her Zanpakutō upside down, her grip steady and firm. "Some no mai, Tsukishiro."

Her blade glowed in the eerie cold, a silver crescent that stood against the darkness. She swung the sword, carving a perfect circle in the air. The space enclosed within the circle, and everything it encompassed, began to freeze. A towering pillar of light grew within the circle, extending into the sky and freezing everything in its wake.

The Arrancar recoiled, but it was too late. He was engulfed by the icy blast, his body crystallizing at an alarming rate. But Rukia wasn't done yet.

"Tsugi no mai, Hakuren," she intoned, driving her blade into the ground. It formed a larger ice circle, from which she began puncturing the ground in a semi-circle. As she took her stance, ice particles rose from the punctured earth, creating a chilling spectacle. With a swift movement, she released them in a swift, powerful wave of cold air.

The blast hit the frozen Arrancar, causing him to shatter into a million icy shards. The deafening crash echoed around the chamber, reverberating the magnitude of Rukia's victory.

Yet, Rukia didn't lower her guard. Her eyes narrowed at the scattered icy debris of her opponent. "San no mai, Shirafune," she declared. The moisture in the air around her condensed, gathering at the tip of Sode no Shirayuki and forming a blade of pure ice. She thrust it into the remains of the Arrancar, further freezing the area.

From the corner, Kai watched her every move, a smirk playing on his lips. There was no need for him to intervene, not when Rukia was more than capable of handling her own battles.

When Rukia's final technique solidified the Arrancar's defeat, she let the power of her Bankai recede. The icy brilliance of her form faded, the ice flowers at her chest melting away. The ethereal elegance of her attire diminished, leaving her in her traditional Shinigami uniform once more. Her blade, once a brilliant display of her icy might, returned to its standard metallic form. The temperature in the room gradually returned to normal, the chill dissipating as though it had never been.

Slowly, Rukia turned to face Kai, her steps echoing in the vast, icy chamber. The victory hadn't brought her the joy she'd expected. There was a sense of emptiness, a hollow victory over a once dear friend, however twisted his form had become.

As she approached Kai, she looked up at him, her violet eyes seeking his. In those depths, she sought validation, comfort, and reassurance. The past still haunted her; the likeness of the Arrancar to Kaien was too uncanny, bringing forth painful memories.

Kai stepped forward, his eyes softening as he observed Rukia. He saw her, a warrior victorious yet filled with melancholy. He noted her trembling hand still clutching her Zanpakutō, and the tiny droplets of water that slid from her hair, remnants of her icy Bankai. The cold chill in the room was slowly dissipating, yet he could feel the lingering iciness in her gaze.

He closed the distance between them, his boots crunching on the frozen shards that once made up the Arrancar. Each step was measured, the echo in the chamber resonating like a metronome, marking the seconds in this silent aftermath.

Reaching Rukia, Kai wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. Rukia’s gaze never left his, but her grip on her Zanpakutō loosened. She allowed herself to sink into his embrace, her weary form finding comfort in his warmth. For a moment, they stood there in silence, a comforting hush amidst the lingering echoes of their brutal confrontation.

"I am proud of you, Rukia," Kai whispered into her ear, his voice a soothing balm to the fresh wounds of battle. His grip around her tightened slightly, just enough to remind her that she wasn't alone in this. "I am sure Kaien would be too."

Rukia nodded, her face buried in his chest, the rhythm of his heartbeat a soothing melody in the post-battle quiet. She allowed herself to find comfort in his warmth, in the assurance of his presence. The hollow void within her seemed to fill with the calming aura Kai radiated.

Kai moved one hand to her hair, gently running his fingers through the dark strands, offering a silent support. The other arm tightened around her.


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