Lament of the Slave

Chapter 111: Who We Are

Hey, guys,
One standard chapter today, but a reminder that there will be no chapter on Tuesday and a double release on next Friday.

The notification chime rang loudly in my mind, confirmation of my choice, informing me of my class evolution. It seemed louder than usual, longer too. Though I knew better, the chime was no different from the previous ones. 

Full of anticipation, fear, and with my heart clenched in worry, I waited to find out what would happen next.

As time passed and nothing occurred, my unease grew. Was something wrong? Did I fuck up my choice? It wouldn’t be strange if life wanted to screw with me just when things were starting to turn around for me.

Without trying to hide the dread, I looked to Deckard for answers. He was still standing in the same spot with his hands in his pockets, next to the table where I was sitting, looking unconcerned. His relaxed attitude gave me a little peace of mind. The ease I lost the moment I tried to open my mouth and speak. The words of my question caught in my throat. 

Yet the panic didn’t have time to settle in my heart as intense vertigo struck me, making me grip the tablet. If I hadn’t done that, I would have fallen even though I was sitting. 

The same sense of weakness I felt at the end of the fight with Clay overtook me. My mind even went blank for a split second. This time, I didn’t die, though.

It was hard to describe the feeling that made me lightheaded and empty inside. If I had to, I would say that everything defining me was just gone. I was nothing for a moment, for a while, for eternity. Then came the rush. I’ve never felt so much energy in me. It was exhilarating, making me feel like skydiving. All I had to do was spread my wings and soar through the sky.

At the same time, the surge of energy was incredibly suffocating. If I didn’t know better, I’d think I was drowning under the surface of the deep lake. It was like a nightmare, where you were unable to swim up and get a breath of air despite all your efforts and desperation.

I don’t know if it was instinct or just a last-ditch effort to get out of the grip of this energy that was drowning me and filling me with ecstasy at the same time, but I screamed at the top of my lungs. Only, like so many times before, it wasn’t a girl’s scream that came out of my throat. It was the roar of a beast carrying my emotions, fear, despair, worry, excitement, and joy. This outcry was filled with energy that overflowed in my body, suffocated me, and gave me freedom.

The roar ripped through the room with such force that it shook. Only then, with the dust falling from the still swinging chandeliers, was I able to breathe again. 

My head rose above the surface of the heavy, suffocating energy. I landed, and my excitement, the rush of energy that took my breath away, ceased. There was no other way to describe it.

Bewildered by all that had happened, I looked around the room for Deckard, hoping my voice would reach him this time. I was in dire need of him to explain what had just happened to me, whether it was the normal course of class evolution. And it couldn’t have been anything other than class evolution, as my head was ringing with more notifications right now. What I found was his back in front of me and the room besieged with tension.

He faced the imperial soldiers that surrounded Lord Wigram in defense, a sight somewhat familiar to me.

“Did I use...?” I paused to clear my irritated throat. “Did I use my presence?”

There was a moment of silence before the voice of the Imperial Chief Healer reached my ears. “You see, ladies and gentlemen, I am in no danger. Isn’t that right, Miss Grey?”

I blinked, unsure of what to say. His eyes, and those of the surrounding soldiers, fixed on me, gave me shivers. One wrong word, and there could have been a bloody battle, so I chose them carefully.

“T...there is no intention in my mind to attack you, my lord,” I said, pausing to think about what the fuck had happened to me. “I believe what happened was part of my evolution. Definitely not something intentional.”

“See, I told you she just chose a class,” he said, exasperated.

“Forgive me, my lord, but that is not how evolutions work!”

The army commander’s objection, if that was actually his rank I had no idea, told me more than he probably realized. Something went wrong with my class evolution.

Lord Wigram pushed his way through the soldiers and stood before Deckard. “Even you must see that this young woman, your apprentice, needs an explanation.”

“Hard to do when your guys would rather take her down.”

“They won’t attack her, Deckard. Come on, boy, either help me alleviate her fears or get out of my way,” said Lord Wigram undaunted by his presence, which filled the room as much as that of the soldiers. “Staring at each other and comparing sizes of your...egos isn’t going to help her right now.”

Nice way of saying it was a pissing contest. Neither of them wanted to concede first. It would mean admitting the other had bigger balls, so to speak. There were quite a few women among the soldiers. 

Not the way I saw it, though. He was reminding them that if they wanted to mess with me, they had to reckon with him, I was his apprentice, and he was my mentor. I was incredibly grateful for that.

“What a mess you’ve made,” Lord Wigram hummed, smiling, and as he sat back down at the table, he tidied up the scattered biscuits and cups. “Are you all right, Miss Grey?”

Ignoring his question, I asked my question at last. “What did I do wrong?”

“Well, I think you should have warned us before you made your decision,” he said, but there was no hint of displeasure in his eyes or voice; on the contrary, he was delighted, smiling so warmly. “First of all, let me offer my congratulations on your new class. I wish you that with it, you achieve what you long for.”

Doing what I should have done right away, the moment I was able to breathe again, I looked at my Status Screen.


Name: Korra Grey

Race: Human/Beast

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Main Class: Deviant of Humanity

Sub Class: Slave

Level: 100

[Unspent Stat Points: 6]


While tears welled up in my eyes, I stared at Deviant of Humanity, my now Main Class. That itself was a minor change that came with evolution while choosing class outside the slave tree. Not exactly something I was happy with, but I knew it was coming.

Deckard explained to me in our last training session at the Labyrinth what Sub Class means and the reason for it. According to what he said, I was no longer a Slave, despite what was written before my eyes. It was more of a reminder of what I used to be, of where my roots were.

Even though the word Slave still in my Status Screen was rubbing me the wrong way, I did not miss one small detail. There was no mention of my master, whether I had one or not.

It wasn’t until I saw it in front of me that the full implications of it hit me, and I burst into tears of joy. I no longer needed a master.

“Well done, old man.”

Lord Wigram sighed at Deckard’s remark while his attention remained on me. “Apologies if I upset you, Miss Grey,” he said, and a Soothing Touch washed over me along with his words.

Realizing his confusion at my reaction, I laughed, but the tears wouldn’t stop flowing, even though I tried to wipe them away.

“I’m happy, so happy. It’s just...” I said, wiping my tears again. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this, to get rid of Slave, and now that I did...”

“I see. I’m glad your tears aren’t my fault,” the Imperial Chief Healer said when I paused again.

“No, they’re not.” I shook my head and then paused. “What I am to you. When you look at me, what do you see?”

He rubbed his beard and thought. “A brave young woman who has suffered a lot.”

Deckard sneered. “Slave. I’m sorry, it’s still Slave, girl.”

“Oh,” exhaled Lord Wigram when he realized the point of my question. His sad face was far from reflecting how I felt. My heart sank so deep it was hard for me to breathe.

“Why? Why hasn’t what you see changed?” Despite my outburst, I sort of suspected the answer. I talked to a librarian about it once, that what I saw in people was a sort of general description of their class, not the exact name. Based on that, did it mean that Deviants was a slave then? A slave to what? The beast inside her? I didn’t like the sound of that.

“Calm down, Miss Grey,” said Lord Wigram, seeing me freak out.

His soothing touch had worked its magic, and I had stopped crying. Now he suppressed my upset as well. 

“You are bright. Tell me, what is the class you see when you look at the others? In general.”

“Not their actual class?” 

Using Indomitable Will so as not to embarrass myself further here, I tried to think about it properly. Yet, I failed to see where he was going with this.

“Can you elaborate, please?” he said, pointing to the cookies in front of me. Taking one for the nerves and eager to know the answers to the questions brewing in my mind, I did as I was told.

“Hmm...” He hummed. “I think you have the wrong idea of what a class actually is. It does not consist only of a description. Those are just words. What’s important are the skills. Why else would a class raise their effectiveness when it could much more easily affect you directly.”

“’re saying that a class is defined by its skills?”

“Indeed, Miss Grey,” he said, smiling. “The class you or others see is defined by skills. However, what skills you have access to is defined by your class.”

By my glance at Deckard, I certainly didn’t mean to imply that I didn’t believe the Imperial Chief Healer, or that I didn’t understand him, but I couldn’t help seeking confirmation from him.

“It is so. You see Fighter when you look at me, right?” At my nod, he continued. “That’s not what Void Walker is about? It’s the way I use it. Half of my skills are still from the days when I was actually Fighter. The rest are chosen to support my fighting style, and I use them that way.”

“So,” I said and stopped short as the thought that struck my mind made me sick. “Are you saying I acted like one? That I’m a slave to the core?!”

“Don’t get your panties in a twist, girl! Weren’t you one not too long ago?”

“What Deckard is trying to say is that changes like that don’t happen in the blink of an eye,” Lord Wigram said, rushing to clarify the words of my mentor, from whom I had expected more understanding. “It takes time for such a change to be reflected in how the system represents you to others. While you were under the influence of your master, you couldn’t do otherwise. And I dare say regaining your freedom hasn’t changed all that much, at least not right away. It’s not so easy to switch how you use your skills, or how you think about them. Especially with slaves, who quite often hate theirs.”

He was quite right in his assumption. I hated mine, or I wouldn’t replace all but one of them. Thinking about it, I still resented them, especially Master’s Toy. Did I use them like a slave would, though? I didn’t think so. At least not for the last few days.

Days! Ah.., it was too soon for my efforts to ‘define’ me as anything other than a slave. What’s more, the horrors I had gone through were still vivid in my memory. Why wouldn’t they be when just my naked body was a reminder of those horrid times?

“So if I change all my skills...” I said, thinking. “If I replace them, I stop being seen as a slave?”

Imperial Chief Healer nodded. “Yes, you should. But I must warn you not to make rash decisions, and better ask yourself if it is so important to you how others see you.”

Was it a big deal to me? I’d like to say no, that I wasn’t that shallow. Only I would be lying to myself that it doesn’t hurt my heart every time someone looks at me with contempt in their eyes, seeing a mere slave.

It was incredibly hard to disregard that and take the high road. 

“It’s our actions that make us who we are, something like that?” I said after some thought. Words that weren’t mine, just something I’d heard somewhere, yet true.

A surprised smile flashed across Lord Wigram’s face. “Well said, Miss Grey. It’s just as you say. Just give it more time. However, I’m not going to lie. You do find yourself in a somewhat unique situation.”

My ears perked up.

“Most people, when it comes to class evolution, have skills at the appropriate level. They will think twice about replacing skills with a new one, and it’s not uncommon to end up filling only two new skill slots with new skills.

“You, however, still have skills at a relatively low level. This gives you a huge opportunity to change what you have to deal with. Of course, you lose the experience gained by doing so. After all, you’re not a Skill Changer. That chance is gone.”

Giving him a weak nod, I no longer resisted the temptation to look. 

While ignoring the notifications, I went straight to the Status Screen, staring at my existing skills, both selected and those I’d rather never have, and then, of course, at the new ones.


  • Class Skills (6/8):

Indomitable Will (Passive V): lvl 119

Painless Agony (Passive II): lvl 26

Tireless Machine (Passive II): lvl 28

Swift as a Whip (Active II): lvl 25

Master’s Lover (Passive I): lvl 6

Master’s Shield (Active II): lvl 19


  • Not Selected Class Skills (18/24)

Faint Presence (Active I)

Master’s Toy (Passive I)

Silent Suffering (Active I)

Odorless Odor (Active I)

Lover of Work (Passive I)

Made for Torture (Passive I)


Midnight Shine [NEW]

Behemoth [NEW]

Wrought Hide [NEW]

Sense of Beast [NEW]

Beast Core [NEW]

Fierce Pounce [NEW]


Call of Nature [NEW]

Silent Prowl [NEW]

Mantle of Magic [NEW]

Unbending Resilience [NEW]

Clandestine Terror [NEW]

Ride of Ancestors [NEW]


What a wealth of new possibilities. In fact, it was overwhelming seeing them all.

“You seem to have calmed down a bit,” Lord Wigram stated as I read the names of the new skills. And he was right. I no longer cried like a little baby, nor did I despair at slave status. At least not that much.

“If you still want to hear why your evolution went differently than normal, just say so.”

Shifting my focus back to him, I fluttered my wings. “Yes, I do.”

“Just a reminder that this is purely my assumption,” he pointed out before continuing. “There are slight differences in the class evolutions of each race, but they are essentially the same. The person in question chooses the class he or she likes. At that moment, their eyes light up, and a few seconds later, they’re surrounded by an aura of their class changing.”

Crestfallen, I flattened my ears. “I suppose that didn’t happen?”

“Oh, dear no, Miss Grey,” said Lord Wigram quickly to disabuse me. “You were beaming with new light. Only the roar and the physical manifestation of your presence were something out of the ordinary.” 

“For a human,” added Deckard.

I understood immediately. “Is that how beasts experience evolution?”

“More or less,” he nodded. “I’ve only seen it happen a handful of times during combat. You can imagine that asking the beast for details wasn’t exactly my priority, girl.”

“It’s a well-documented event,” Lord Wigram said, seeing that Deckard had nothing more to say. “Over the centuries, many domesticated beasts have achieved evolution. While humans experience a void when all their energy is projected into their auras, the beasts overflow with energy and are forced to release it. Most often in the form of their presence.”

Deckard grunted in disapproval. “I’d say it’s more of a warning to the other beasts, an instinctive demonstration of their power.”

“That’s not how I intended it,” I said out loud so the imperial soldiers could hear me. “I was drowning...”

“Please continue, I would like to hear more,” prompted Lord Wigram with interest as I paused, searching for the right words. Seeing no reason not to tell him, I described how I felt. 

However, thinking about it made me realize one thing. At first, my presence gave the impression of a 300-level beast. That changed when I went deeper, and the Beast reached tier II. The power of it moved to the 500-level mark. This was the first time I used presence after reaching tier III for this skill.

“How strong was it? I mean my presence.”

“Still around five hundred, but you rocked the entire room, girl.”

Lord Wigram nodded. “It gave me quite a fright and not just me.” He looked around the room, letting it be known that he meant the soldiers. Some of them gritted their teeth, wanting to argue, but their training prevented them from doing so.

“It’s a matter of powerful beasts, often old ones,” Deckard said to explain. “Something that comes with experience.”

“Can you do that?”

He smirked. “Of course! Who do you take me for?”

“It’s a bit different with humans,” Lord Wigram pointed out, to which Deckard just shrugged. 

“Even if it’s not a skill, it can be trained, but it will always come out at your current level. That’s where your mutations come in handy, girl.”

“So...I can make it stronger?” Not that I need to.

“You’d better focus on maintaining your presence for more than a few seconds. From what I’ve seen so far, you’re only capable of short bursts.”

Pondering back on it, I had to nod. “You think that’s possible? It’s not something I’ve learned but came with...this body. I’m struggling to use it.” So far, it has always been in tense situations, full of emotions.

He smiled, almost laughing. “I’m sure of it. In fact, at the rate you’re growing, I’m afraid I’ll soon be learning from you, girl.”

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