Lament of the Slave

Chapter 13: A Coward or a Warrior

I can't deny that I was a little disappointed.

"Why?" I asked.

"Thanks to the tail and wings, you have a good balance. You generally have a good balance, but above all, your tail works well as a counterweight to heavy weapons. A war hammer would probably be too much for you, but you have enough strength for greatsword or battle-axe."

"Aha ..." I sighed, defeated.

My idea of ​​fighting was not to smash my enemies' heads with a hammer or cut off their heads with a greatsword. Who used big axes besides lumberjacks? The only ones I can think of were the Vikings. Maybe I should braid my hair, paint my face with colors, and go on an expedition to pillage and plunder.

"Something you don't like, Grey?" Tenderfire asked me.

I looked at her. "I hoped that other weapons would be suitable for me. Ma'am."

She laughed. "Just because a greatsword is best for you don't mean you have to fight with it. You wanted to hear the opinion of an experienced seeker and adventurer, that you dislike it is not my problem. How you deal with it is your problem."

"You're right. Ma'am," I told her, taking a deep breath to calm herself. "What other weapons would be suitable for me?"

"Hmm." Tenderfire snorted, stretching her neck. "I'm honestly telling you to give them a chance. They are not suitable weapons for dungeons or cramped spaces, but you won't find many in the labyrinth. Being a [Slave], you have the sufficient strength needed for these weapons. But after all, the final decision is up to you.

"You pay me for my opinion, for my recommendation. You've heard it, but I can recommend others. I don't see any problem with that," Tenderfire shrugged, knowing full well that was what I wanted.

I tried my best puppy eyes. "Please."

My puppy's eyes, lowered ears, and wings pressed to my body had a completely different effect than I wanted and expected.

(ding) Master's Lover reaches lvl 4

This skill confused me again. Why did it get level-up right now? From what Zoe told me, I have to be attractive to others to gain experience in this skill. Hmm ... maybe I looked like a puppy. I liked puppies. They were adorable.

"Cute ..." Tenderfire whispered, almost inaudibly.

What? I wouldn't have heard her if it hadn't been for my big ears. To my displeasure, thanks to them, I heard even if someone farted on the other side of the hall full of people. Mostly I tried to push these sounds out of my head, to ignore them. But there were just two of us here now, and I didn't miss that whisper.

Did she really think I was cute? It was nice, but not something I wanted people to think about me. I straightened up, raised my ears, spread my wings, and cleared my throat.

"What other weapons do you think would be appropriate for me, ma'am?"

Tenderfire showed no emotion when she frowned at me. "Besides a battle-axe and a greatsword, I would recommend a Katana complete with a Zashi, or a small forearm shield."

Yay. I rejoiced, trying not to express my emotions. As always, I was betrayed by a tail that swayed happily from side to side. I wished it was Katana. I was a little taken aback by the name of a smaller sword, which to my knowledge, was called Wakizashi. But that aside, the very existence of these swords gave me hope that I could get back to Earth. If these swords were on Eleaden, it meant that someone from Earth had already been on this planet, in this realm. They might have got back to Earth. I just hoped they left a message with instructions on how to.

"I know you asked for other weapons which would be suitable for you, but your hands are weapons in themselves. If you know how and you have enough strength, you can kill your enemy with one blow. You have no claws, but you can use your fist," Tenderfire gave me another option, taking my breath away.

"What?" I asked, surprised.

Tenderfire nodded. "Yes, you said you had some experience in self-defense, and you have. But that's not why I think that it would be a suitable way for you to fight. Your body coordination is amazing, even with those wings and tail. Make no mistake, there is still room for improvement, but I see great potential in you and close combat. At your level, the strength behind your blows is decent."

"Oh, thank you, ma'am," I said, remembering one of the many questions I had in my mind. "What is the average strength of someone with my level?"

"Why do you ask?" She asked.

"Well, you see, I am [Slave]. My former "owner" did not allow me to redistribute stats points without his permission." I explained.

Tenderfire nodded understandingly. "Of course, there are differences between a mage, an archer, or a warrior. But suppose I take a standard warrior at your level as an example. In that case, their average level of strength, even with bonuses, should be around seventy."

This time, I couldn't help but stare at her with my mouth open, my eyes wide and tail curled into a question mark. That was twice as much as I had. My strength was only 35. From what she had been telling me all along, I thought I would be better off compared to the others.

"But you said I had decent strength at my level, ma'am," I said. "I have barely half what an average warrior has."

Tenderfire snorted. "That's true, but you're not a warrior. You are [Slave], you must realize that a warrior has his stats adapted to the weapon he uses and his combat style. Most of his stats points focus on strength and endurance, a few on constitution and dexterity. Of course, you will find exceptions, but we are talking about the average warrior."

"But why did you recommend the greatsword to me?" I asked. "Doesn't using it require a lot of strength?"

"Yes and no," Tenderfire said, looking at my tail. "Like any weapon, greatsword or battle-axe requires correct technique. You can't just wave your weapon at the enemy and wait for a miracle to happen. Yes, if you have more strength, you can put more power into the slash, you can use a heavier weapon. But you also have to understand that it will require more strength to stop such a weapon if you miss your target. Or something like excellent coordination, and you have it. Your tail acts as a counterweight, and thanks to it, you can put more energy into the slash than an average person. You can redirect the swing of the sword with less effort. Your wings and tail allow you to turn at such angles and moments that humans without training and skills would not be able to do.

"I speak from experience when I tell you that relying only on numbers is a big mistake. Your opponent's level is just an indicative of his strength, but don't let them fool you. Never underestimate your opponent, even if he only has half the level you have. One well-aimed shot is all it takes, and if you don't have a skill or someone nearby to save you, you're dead before you know it," Tenderfire warned me.

For a moment, I considered telling her about my deaths, which count had already climbed to at least ten. But I kept my mouth shut. I didn't want to oppose someone whose level I saw only in the question marks, and I didn't want to reveal more about my skills than others already knew. After all, [Slave] skills were an open secret.

After a moment's thought, I asked. "So what about a katana, or unarmed fighting style? Don't they need more strength too, madam?"

"For the katana, I share a similar opinion as great weapons. It is a cutting weapon whose use is more about skill than the brute force behind the slash. Of course, if you want to punch someone, more strength is always better. But close combat requires more than just strength. You must be mobile, you must not be afraid to face your opponent, and you must not be afraid to receive a blow or more from the one you face. Fighting with bare hands requires real courage. If you don't have it, it will be better if you become a mage. Some of them are real cowards," Tenderfire murmured.

I immediately remembered the fat mage I had met before.

"Such a fighter must be mobile, and it is difficult with heavy armor, so these fighters use medium armor, and because of that, this style requires more constitution than a warrior. To have a skill that will increase your regeneration or can heal you, I would say, is a necessity." Tenderfire explained more.

I tensed. "Then why did you recommend this style to me, madam?"

She grinned. "Because I know you have such a skill."

"How?" I shouted immediately before I could think about it.

My trainer laughed. "I saw your hands tremble with some heavier blows, I saw the pain in your face, but it was all gone in a few moments. No..." She shook her head when she saw that I wanted to object. " wasn't [Pain Resistance], nor the skill that [Slaves] have. This would primarily prevent you from feeling the pain, or reduce it. I don't know if you have one of those skills, or just at a low level. I honestly don't care. However, when you hit the test dummy with your bare hands, the skin on one of your knuckles tore, but on the next blow, the wound was gone. You have a very impressive regeneration, that is a fact"

I closed my eyes for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, I have, ma'am."

Her observation skills were terrifying. How could she notice something like that? However, if I wanted to become a seeker, I could not think like a woman from Earth to become stronger. Here, people had a system in their heads and skills that made them do incredible things. One of her skills must have been like mine [Spatial Domain]. That was the simplest explanation.

Tenderfire took a step forward, placed her hands on my shoulders, and squeezed them tightly. When I say tightly, I mean, she was crushing them.

"I'll be honest with you, Grey. I once saw a [Slave] when I was an adventurer. He was a great tank. His barriers were powerful. You could be a good tank, too, if you wanted to. With your regeneration, the healers in the group would love you. But not everyone is suitable for a tank. Now I will speak for myself, but I need to feel my blade in the enemy's flesh, not just block their attacks. I couldn't stand it. Likewise, find your way if you want to become a seeker.

"I outlined to you today what you could be, but when you stand up to the monsters in the labyrinth, only then you'll find out who you really are. You can train here, prepare for a fight with a katana. Yes, I didn't miss how excited you were, when I mentioned it. You can become a master of fighting with katana in the training room, but only when you face the beasts in the labyrinth will you find out which fighting style suits you the best. Your body will tell you itself. If you survive," she added with a smirk and let go of my shoulders.

"Wow," Tenderfire said aloud, shaking her head. "I don't say that much, even when I'm drunk. In any case, our time is up."

She was right, my booked hour-long session was over, and I had mixed feelings about it. Was that what I learned worth 50 coppers? I wasn't sure. I knew more than an hour ago, that was true, but I expected more. However, when I thought about it, to expect them to tell me exactly what I should do was the behavior of a slave. The thought gave me the shivers. Without realizing it, I acted like a slave. I expected them to tell me exactly what to do, what weapon to take, how to fight, and maybe eventually who to fight with. I waited for Dungreen's command instead of finding my own way.

"Ehm," Tenderfire cleared her throat.

I blinked and looked at her. "Yes? Oh…fifty coppers, right? Should I give them to you or pay at the reception?"

"You look like you don't like something!" Tenderfire frowned at me. "For example, payment!!"

"No," I shook my head. "I just realized something - something that didn't please me. Something about myself."

"That you are a coward?" She asked, completely startling me.

I frowned. "No, didn't you say I wouldn't find out until I faced the beasts in the maze?"

Tenderfire grinned. "Some are born that way. Anyway, here's written confirmation that you took an hour of training with me. Give it together with the money to one of the receptionists at the entrance hall. If you don't, I'll find you, and believe me, if that happens, we won't have as pleasant a conversation as we have now."

I believed her threat, but I wasn't afraid of her. Why? I never thought about not paying. I was questioning whether I learned from her was worth it.

However, I looked into her eyes as I took confirmation from her. "I understand, madam."

"Very well," she nodded, smiling. "I like you Grey. I hope that we will meet again someday because I wonder who you actually are," she pointed to my chest, to my heart. "A coward or a warrior?!"

"I would like to believe the latter. Madam," I replied daringly.

Tenderfire smirked. "We'll see."

"May I have one last question, ma'am?" I asked.

She permitted me to ask with a nod. "You said that I would only find out who I really am in the labyrinth. So is it worth training with different weapons now? Isn't it better to go straight to the labyrinth and find out there with which weapon I should train, or if I should rather look for another job?"

Now that I said it out loud, it sounded like a stupid question, but Tenderfire didn't laugh at me.

"Even though I don't think the first floor should be a problem for you the way you are. If you've never held a weapon in your hand, it can be as dangerous to you as a monster down there without training. You can try it, but I don't recommend it. Choose your weapon, undergo at least basic training, and then go to the labyrinth. That's my last piece of advice," Tenderfire said before pointing to the door. "In a moment, there will be another upcoming seeker."

I had no idea how to thank her, so I bowed slightly. "Thank you for your guidance, ma'am."

"Yeah, don't forget to pay," she muttered as she pushed me out. "Goodbye, Grey"

She literally pushed me out the door. The man who had led me to the Nila Tenderfire was already waiting for me in the hallway. Next to him stood a young man, Terran. Based on the brown fur and the horns on his head, I'd guess him for some kind of bull. I didn't know Eleaden's fauna as I did on Earth. After all, I had no idea what the individual parts of my body were.

"Finally," the young Terran muttered as the clerk let him into the hall.

[Swordsman: lvl 87]

Before he disappeared behind closed doors, I looked at who was so rude.

I sighed. Unfortunately, I could only envy the young man's class. Not that I wanted to be a [Swordsman] or [Swordswoman], but it was a better class than [Slave].

[Scribe: 73]

The man in charge also had a better class than me. I would say it was suitable for a clerk, but I only assumed that from the name. I didn't know anything about man's skills. I could have been wrong as his skills could be skills designed for a ruthless killer.

I returned to the city hall's main hall with the killer scribe's idea in my head. There I didn't go to see Enola, the receptionist who's name I learned an hour ago. A name I wasn't sure was hers.

My first stop was the toilets. While training with the Tenderfire, I thought I would wet my pants, but I didn't. My will was stronger than the call of nature, whose level was probably too low.

The toilets themselves were a welcome change from those behind the inn. Accessible by a corridor in the town hall, made of better materials, the room's walls lined with tiles, clean, but in essence they were still outhouses, just fancier.

It was still a remarkable change from the shared bucket I had available in the basement. Those were very stinky memories.

As I headed for the counters from the restrooms, the system's notification startled me.

(ding) Spatial Domain reaches lvl 2

Since morning, I was thinking about how to approach this skill, how to get more levels in it. That's why I tried to perceive as much of what the skill allowed me.

After finding out what my poison could do, I paid particular attention to my tail. I tried not to touch anything, especially anyone. I knew I couldn't poison anyone with the touch, but I had no idea if the poison could stick to clothes.

What if someone later wonders why his sleeve smells like apples and sniffs at it? I didn't want to cause mass murder. So after I left the Training Room, I paid most of my attention to the tail. You can't imagine how hard it was, mainly because it wasn't me who controlled the tail most of the time. I was almost sure he had his own will.

That's why when I weaved my way between people to pay for training, I wondered if it was worth it to have this skill. Wouldn't it be better to swap [Tail of Poison Empress] for another one?

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