Lament of the Slave

Chapter 280: [Status Screen]

Something that should have come with the previous chapter - I forgot. All that mess about my brake on my mind. Anyway,  here we go. Numbers, numbers and more numbers. I'm kidding, it took me more work to come up with a comprehensible description/text. On second thought, it could mean more errors in the numbers.


Anyway, here is the whole Status Screen in one chapter. No Korra ranting on this, though. That will come in the next chapter. Likewise, there will be a sorting of this into more understandable pieces in the days to come. However, as you can see below, Korra has yet to distribute her status points and skill levels have been adjusted for the events in today's chapter. I also tweaked the formatting skill a bit, hopefully for the better.


Without further ado and as much as it is possible [it took me a hell of a lot of work;)], enjoy the reading.

Status Screen


Name: Korra’leigh Grey

Race: Human/Beast

Gender: Female

Age: 29 30

Main Class: Deviant of Humanity

Sub Class: Slave

Level: 122 148

[Unspent Stat Points: 26]



Constitution:  171 252 (41) 

Strength: 88 135 (30)

Endurance: 53 78 (29)

Dexterity: 41 67 (28)

Intelligence: 46 76 (17)

Wisdom: 34 46 (14)



Indomitable Will (Passive VI): lvl 157 167

Behemoth (Active III): lvl 36 38

Wrought Hide (↑Passive IV↑): lvl 42 93

Unbending Resilience (↑Passive IV↑): lvl 35 88

Mantle of Magic (↑Active III↑): lvl 17 38

Ride of Ancestors (↑↑↑Active V↑↑↑): lvl 23 107

Call of Nature (↑↑Passive IV↑↑): lvl 32 94

Beast Core: (↑↑Passive III↑↑): lvl 4 32



Perfect Equilibrium (↑↑Passive V↑↑): lvl 48 113

Spatial Domain (↑↑Passive V↑↑): lvl 53 127

Beast (↑↑Passive VI↑↑): lvl 68 175

Never-Dying (↑Passive V↑): lvl 80 104 143

Tail of Poison Empress (Active II): lvl 27

Heart of Magic (↑Passive III↑): lvl 27 52 58

Striving Mule (↑↑Passive V↑↑): lvl 35 106 136

Dancer’s Stride (↑↑Passive V↑↑): lvl 47 120

None to Squander (Passive III): lvl 34 38

Roundhouse Kick (Active I): lvl 7



Indomitable Will: lvl 167

Passive V Passive VI 

(Deviant - 30%)

Tier I - Your mind will withstand the abuse, recover from it, and become stronger, more indomitable.

Tier II - Even though your mind suffered, you kept in control of it. You can decide when and how much your mind needs to be calmed.

Tier III - You can be as strong as you want, but there are times when even the strongest need a little comfort. The calming effect of the skill is doubled.

Tier IV - There is nothing worse than being used against your master against your will. Those who try would find that your mind is not so easy to control.

Tier V - It's hard, but even what has been shattered can be put back together again. The same goes for your mind.

Tier VI -  The echoes of past abuses and trials no longer haunt your consciousness but fuel the unyielding inferno that blazes within you. Your willpower becomes not only a shield but a wall—a stronghold to be reckoned with, capable of weathering even the most tempestuous assaults on your consciousness.


Deviant of Humanity


Behemoth: lvl 38 (NO CHANGE)

Active III 

(Slave - 10%)

Tier I - Whatever you use to attack, be it claws, fists, or fangs, you do it with the proper weight behind it. When you kick, it is no longer the tantrum of a little puppy but the boot of a behemoth that shakes mountains. When you satiate your hunger, you can choose up to 66%(60%) → 77%(70%) of consumed food to be stored as an energy reserve, bringing your weight but not your size up to that of the behemoth.

The amount of stored energy can reach 3.3(3.0) times your regular weight, and with that, your [Constitution] and [Endurance] grow up to 44%(40%).

Tier II - Still more of a puppy than the true behemoth you are, yet one that is hard to cuddle in one’s arms without causing oneself serious back pain. Your weight should not be underestimated as well as the sheer hardness to kill you that comes hand in hand with it.

The [vitality] and [vigor] of yours increased by 16%(15%).

Tier III - No longer a mare pup, but a creature bearing the essence of a genuine behemoth. Though your size remains tethered to your origin, your weight now stands as a testament to your unyielding march toward true behemothhood.

The [toughness] and [resilience] of yours increased by 11%(10%).




Wrought Hide: lvl 93

Passive IIIPassive IV

(Slave - 10%)

Tier I - The delicate skin of humans is not to be bared in battle, unlike yours. Every scratch, every cut makes it stronger, and your fur is no different. Whether burnt, torn, or cut off, it will grow back tougher than ever before, making it your shield like your hide is armor to you. 

The [toughness] and [resilience] of your fur and hide increased by 77% (70%) → 110% (100%).

Tier II - You showed you’re no stranger to a fight and don’t shy away from getting hurt. You bled, shed your tears, but pushed on, further honing your hide.

The [resistance] of your fur and hide increased by 44% (40%) → 66% (60%).

Tier III - Deviants gravitate towards change, pushing their bodies further than the members of their species would think possible. Some, like you, go so far that their twisted body hardly resembles the original one, and your hide is no exception, twisted beyond recognition. Not every change has to be just for the sake of deviations, though. And should you find one such, that thou shalt not deem pointless, you’ll be able to use it throughout your hide.

Tier IV - The battle scars etched into your hide become a canvas upon which the stories of both your existence and your lineage are painted, interwoven into a narrative of enduring resilience. Each scar is a testament to your tenacity, a mark of honor that bespeaks the countless trials you've surmounted. These scars, far from being imperfections, are channels through which the very essence of your being flows, emboldens your hide with a nuanced, labyrinthine weight of these stories, infusing it with an indomitable strength that echoes through the time.

Each scar bears the memory of what caused it and the matching resistance to that cause.




Unbending Resilience: lvl 88

Passive III Passive IV 

(Slave - 10%)

Tier I - As fierce as you can be, you’re even harder to kill than you first appear. Driven by your rich nature, your robustness reaches unprecedented heights, making you an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

The [resilience], [toughness], and [vitality] of your body increased by 77%(70%) → 110%(100%).

Tier II - Many have tried to rob you of it, and you had suffered plenty when your life was threatened to be taken from you. Yet you didn’t give in and instead connected more with your rich nature, bringing even more from your ancestry, and making your health even more robust.

Your [Constitution] increased by 55%(50%) → 77%(70%).

Tier III - Ripped, cut, bitten, no matter what befalls your tender flesh, remaining unbroken is what matters. After all, it's easier to regenerate a torn muscle or a bitten-off spleen than a severed leg. You figured it out, and your body learned it the hard way, adapted, and gave you a way to not worry too much about such a trifle.

Your bones and tendons are twice as resilient and tough as the rest of your body

Tier IV - Each fiber of your being, from sinew to bone, resonates with a density that mirrors the trials and hardships you endured through battles, emerging as an unbreakable bastion against the onslaught of harm.

The density of your cells reflects your weight.




Mantle of Magic: lvl 38

Active II Active III

Tier I - Magic is not a concept unknown to humans or beasts, let alone to you. The mantle allows you to surround yourself with a veil of mana, seep it into your flesh and bone, and by doing so, infuse your moves, attacks, and defenses with the power of magic. It is entirely up to you what kind you choose to use, as magic is limited only by your imagination.

Tier II - You've pulled off mana manipulation, no easy feat whether for beast or human. As such, you have come closer to your magic potential slumbering within each of us, making your magic of mantle more effective.

Mana consumption of your mantle reduced by 20% → 30%

Tier III -  The threads of magic become more malleable under your guidance. Your manipulation of the mantle's enchantment allows you to channel your chosen magical aspect with heightened precision, elevating its impact with subtlety that only a true witty deer can command.

Resistance of mana to your will reduced by 20%




Ride of Ancestors: lvl 107

Active IIActive V

(Deviant - 30%)

Tier I - Whether man or beast, all are born with instincts built on ancestral experience. However, the scope of this deep memory from which your instincts can draw, is much broader than that of others. With them, you can gauge the strength of your adversaries, let them guide your steps in battle, dominance, and love, or simply let them find your way through life.

Tier II - You have learned to draw on the knowledge of your ancestors. Yet what you touched was just the tip of the iceberg; primal instincts hardwired into your very core and used to their best potential. Those instincts aren’t all that make us who we are, though. You are now able to reach beyond the limits of your instincts and glimpse the knowledge your ancestors gained in their lifetime while honing their bodies to their very finest.

Tier III - Your connection to the past deepened, and the echoes of bygone eras resonate within your thoughts. Guided by the whispers of those who came before, your instincts attain an unprecedented acuity as threads of insight weave a tapestry of the bonds with your ancestral lineage.

The wellspring of insights may be overwhelming, but it enhances your overall physical prowess up to 65%(50%), depending on how deep you dare to venture.

[Call of Nature - 130%] - The wellspring of insights may be overwhelming, but it enhances your overall physical prowess up to 130%(50%), depending on how deep you dare to venture.

Tier IV - Whether we want to or not, we are all sons and daughters of their fathers and mothers. For some it's easier to tell for others less so as looks are not all we inherit from our ancestors. The way the past resonates in the marrow of your bones, your demeanor, the ways you carry yourself and more speak loudly of your origins.

Tier V -  The boundary between past and present dissolves, unveiling a connection that transcends mere memory. The spirits of your ancestors find purchase within your soul, granting you the unprecedented ability to be possessed by their spectral wisdom. In moments of dire need, you can allow an ancestral essence to meld with your consciousness, channeling their experience and mastery to enhance your own capabilities.




Call of Nature: lvl 94

Passive IIIPassive IV

(Deviant - 30%)

Tier I - No matter how it came to be, you're more than a mere human torn from your roots. Connected to your nature stronger than any beast, you can call it to its full potential. Whether it's a human or beast trait, it will be 58%(45%) → 84%(65%) more prominent, and if you were to use the talents you've been pursuing to acquire, you'd find them 71%(70%) → 130%(100%) more powerful.

Tier II - To embrace our nature, what we are, is nothing to be ashamed of but hard for many to do. You've done more than that and revel in nature of your own. For that, you'll find using your talents 39%(30%) → 58%(45%) easier.

Tier III - One's nature is something not easily hidden, weighing on the mind even if veiled from the eyes of your kind no less than the thoughts of theirs regarding the nature you have chosen to embrace. You have risen above the petty ones of your kind, unmindful of their dark thoughts toward you, unencumbered by the regrets of your own being, and therefore you find the burden on your mind regarding your nature 26%(20%) → 39%(30%) lighter.

Tier IV - As the bond between your dual nature solidifies the essence of humanity and the essence of the wild intermingle within you, resonating with a potency that echoes through every fiber of your being.The boundaries that once separated these aspects blur and intertwine, forging an identity that blurs the lines between both worlds even to you.

No longer is it possible to separate the two or for the two to be separated.




Beast Core: lvl 32

Passive I Passive III

(Deviant - 30%)

Tier I - Still human at your root, you’re capable of creating what only beasts with potential can. The core is a testament to your abilities, a proof of your strength, a token of your determination, and first and foremost, a place to store your mana for times of need. As you grow, it will grow with you.

Tier II - Creating a core is not an easy task, harder still is the mastering of its use, and a necessity in the case of magical creatures such as yourself. Yet for how delicate drawing and charging the core process is you showed your mana handling skills in that.

That makes drawing and charging the core 33%(30%) → 58%(45%) more efficient.

[Call of Nature - 130%] - That makes drawing and charging the core 58%(45%) → 117%(45%) more efficient.

Tier III - You may think that once created, the core is part of you, but the same can be said of an ingrown hair. When left fallow, it can do more harm than good. You, however, have moved past the neglect and now your core is truly yours, no longer one to hurt you.


General Skills


Perfect Equilibrium: lvl 113

Passive IIIPassive V

Tier I - Even with extra limbs, you have the potential to achieve the perfect balance, perfect coordination of the body in space. You can say goodbye to unwanted falls as you can twist like a tumbler, move like a dancer, or land with the grace of a cat.

Tier II - Achieving perfection is not easy, and body coordination alone is not enough. The world around you is constantly in motion, shifting. You need to react to these changes in time. 

Your reaction speed is increased by 20% → 35% → 55%.

Tier III - As you’ve discovered, you can have the best coordination and the fastest reaction speed, but it’s no use if your body can’t keep up, when you feel like you are swimming upstream and your feet are stuck in the mud. You persevered, though. You pushed on and reached new speeds.

The [speed], [agility], and [nimbleness] of your body increased by 10% → 15% → 25%.

Tier IV - Not losing your balance on the ground is one thing, doing so in the air is a different matter entirely. Yet with the blood of a flier coursing through your veins, you have found your way to get your bearings even when your feet do not touch the ground you have walked since you were born.

Tier V - Digging deep into your inner self, you touched the knowledge buried there, propelling your body to untold feats. You move with the agility of a beast, you have found your accord with.

That raises your [Dexterity] by 30%.




Spatial Domain: lvl 127

Passive IIIPassive V

Tier I - You are the mistress of the surrounding space, and nothing in your domain will escape your attention. The space you can consider your own reaches 5m → 8m → 12m from your body, and as you grow stronger, your reach will grow too.

Tier II - You may be a master in your domain, but the dull space outside of it has been out of your reach so far. That plain colorless world has gained more shades to it, and you can now perceive it more clearly within a range of 10m → 16m → 24m.

Tier III - As your awareness of your surroundings grows, so does your defense against the prying eyes of others. Being it someone of a lower level than you, they will find it hard to read you.

Tier IV - Being aware of what's going on around you doesn't mean you're able to make a tail of what you see. It takes some wits to navigate through what you perceive fast enough to respond to it. 

But with your prowess, you find your [reason] together with [insight] increased by 30%.

Tier V - As useful as eyes are, sometimes they just bring havoc to what you perceive.That by no means implies that they are not of use any longer. You have learned to separate what you see from what you perceive.




Beast: lvl 175

Passive IV  Passive VI

(Slave - 10%; Deviant - 30%)

Tier I - Humans can say what they want, but there is a bit of a beast in each of them. Yet, there is more beast in you than is typical of humans. Why not accept it and admit that you are stronger than a purebred human because of it? [Strength] and [Constitution] increased by 266%(190%) → 350%(250%)

Tier II - Acceptance is one thing, but letting out the beast within you another. As you have learned, it is not so easy to control your instincts in that state, but do it, and your [Strength] and [Constitution] will increase by up to 91%(65%) → 133%(95%)

[Call of Nature (130%)] - [Strength] and [Constitution] increased by up to 133%(95%) → 256%(95%)

Tier III - You’re a beast, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. And the beasts are quick on their feet, and heal fast. Your [speed] and [regeneration] will increase by up to 63%(45%) → 91%(65%)

[Call of Nature (130%)] - [speed] and [regeneration] increased by up to 91%(65%) → 175%(65%)

Tier IV - Beast you are, no doubt. It could be argued that in some ways, more than the beasts themselves. Yet that’s not what you were: Human, fighting to keep your wits. Not any longer, though. You’ve found your balance, gotten in tune with who you are, and learned to work both your wits and instincts together, making yourself a true intelligent beast to be feared.

[Intelligence] increased by 41%(30%) → 63%(45%)

[Call of Nature (130%)] - [Intelligence] increased by up to 63%(45%) → 121%(45%)

Tier V - You no longer fear yourself. It is your enemies who should fear you. After all, the beast within you roars with a resonance that echoes through your every fiber, a testament to your unwavering embrace of your innate essence and one step closer to becoming your true self. And the size of your true self depends on the mass your body packs.

Tier VI - The beast within you, once a murmuring undercurrent, now surges with a primal might that courses through your very veins, a torrential force that shapes your every action. Your true form, an emblem of your mass, radiates the might of mastery over both human and beasts.




Never-Dying: lvl 143

Passive IV Passive V 

(Slave - 10%)

Tier I - Dying is not good for your health. Although you died several times, always coming back to life. The regeneration of your body is exceptional, and even death does not mean the end of the road for you. As long as the brain is not damaged, you can find a new way to die later.

Tier II - To avoid further death, the [regeneration] of your body is further enhanced by y 110%(100%) 143%(130%) and the [Constitution] by 38%(35%) 60%(55%)

Tier III - In some situations, it may matter how quickly you can get back on your feet. There's nothing easier than boosting regeneration with a little bit of mana.

Tier IV - While logic would dictate that the more mass, the more to heal, and while true so far, that is not your case anymore. No matter what shape your body shifts into, whatever size you grow into, regardless of the weight your hunger drives you to, your regeneration remains unchanged, true to yourself.

Tier V - You're not one to tiptoe around the danger, sniffing one you dive right into the frey. Missing limb, guts out, your bones pulverized, none of that matters to you, and neither does to your regeneration. The more often you will be forced to put your body back together, the more you will find it easier to do so.

The efficiency of your regeneration increased by (33%)30%.




Tail of Poison Empress: lvl 27  (NO CHANGE)

Active II 

(Deviant - 30%) 

Tier I - Death awaits everyone, but for some, it comes earlier in the form of poison. Your tail is your natural weapon excreting deadly poisonous gas. Blazing orange and with the smell of apples, this poison does not escape attention. However, this may change as more experience is gained.

Tier II - Naturally, the more experience/levels you gain, the stronger, more effective, and faster acting your poison will be. But more is always better, especially if it's at a lower cost. 

Amount of poison produced increased by 13%(10%).

Amount of mana required to create a unit of poison reduced by 13%(10%).

[Call of Nature - 130%]

Amount of poison produced increased by 23%(10%).

Amount of mana required to create a unit of poison reduced by 23%(10%).




Heart of Magic: lvl 58

Passive II  → Passive III

(Deviant - 30%) [Call of Nature]

Tier I - You are a magical creature, and as such, mana is an integral part of you, flowing through your body like blood through your veins. You can’t survive without it, but you can enjoy increased [Intelligence] and [Wisdom] by 143%(110%) → 208%(160%).

Tier II - Mana manipulation is a fundamental skill for any magical creature such as yourself to prove the right to live. Hard to achieve, but once you do, you’ll find mana manipulation much easier to grasp and magic to use.

Tier III - The mana in your body beats to the rhythm of your heart, whether you like it or not. You Grasp that beat and you grasp what tones you have to play to make more room for the music of your heart.
By doing so your [mana capacity] doubled (2x).





Striving Mule: lvl 136

Passive IIIPassive V

(Slave - 10%)

Tier I - You’ve got the tenacity of a striving mule. You want to get things done, strive to reach your destination, and endure through the rough times, no matter what. For that, for the pursuit of your endeavors, your [Endurance] is increased by 55%(50%) → 77%(70%) → 110%(100%).

Tier II - It’s hard to persevere in your endeavors when each step taken is harder and harder to endure. But, you sought to achieve your goals despite the hardships thrown your way like the true striving mule you are.

The [stamina] and [tenacity] of yours increased by 22%(20%) → 38%(35%) → 60%(55%).

Tier III - Sometimes, life throws things at us that bring the best to their limits, and we find ourselves without the strength to keep going at the least opportune time. If that happens, you will find yourself able to ignore the limits of your body and, through sheer will, pursue your goal, regardless of the consequences. For how long you can ignore exhaustion depends entirely on your will.

Tier IV - To endure is not just about having enough strength to wither it all. It's also about the way you haul the burden around, whether it's a barrel of ale, a slab of meat, or a rider on your back. Like the striving mule you are, you have found grace in the effort it requires. 

As a result, your [vigor] is increased by 33%(30%) → 55%(50%) 

Tier V - The strain takes many forms, some more obvious, others not known by many, not even by the mules. One such is the strain that the use of magic brings. Not unlike straining your muscles with repetitive use comes that boost.

And the boost, the result of your magic striving, comes in the form of a 22%(20%) increase in [Intelligence] and [Wisdom].




Dancer’s Stride: lvl 120

Active III  → Active V

(Slave - 10%)

Tier I - Not every step is the same. It can be heavy, cumbersome, short, or clumsy. Yours is neither. The dancer’s step is light, graceful, and swift. All the more true of their stride.

Your [Dexterity] increased by 49%(45%) → 71%(65%) → 110%(100%).

Tier II - The days of counting steps and keeping your eyes on your toes are over, a massive stride in every dancer’s path. With mastery of these fundamentals, you’ll find not only your strides easier to take, yet faster to do too.

Your [speed] increased by 16%(15%) → 27%(25%) → 44%(40%).

Tier III - Getting past the point where the steps fall into place, and you find yourself actually dancing in strides across the floor is the most exciting moment in the dancer’s days. It puts you one step closer to your goal. The same goes for your strides. If you choose, you can cover more ground in a single pace than ever before and get where you need to in fewer steps.

Distance your single step can cover increased by 11%(10%) → 16%(15%) → 27%(25%).

Tier IV - To think that a good stride is all about the dancer's outstanding footwork couldn't be further from the truth. It takes your whole body and every muscle in it to get where you need to stride. And that's no effortless feat.

For that, your [Endurance] is raised by (22%)20% → 33%(30%).

Tier V - As you know by now, stride is not some brusque walk. Striding is something to strive for, to catch the eyes of those whose gaze falls on you striding.Through your stride, you have increased your [grace] along with [nimbleness] and [flexibility] by 11%(10%).




None to Squander: lvl 38 (NO CHANGE)

Pasive III 

(Slave - 10%)

You’re one of those people who consider wasted food a crime and an unfinished plate an insult to the cook. That mindset is mirrored in the nature of your body itself. Don’t waste a single grain, and digest what you can of the mouthful you get!

The efficiency with which you digest food increased by 49%(45%) → 71%(65%).

Tier II - Many people can eat every crumb and drink every last drop, while your body gets the most out of it and still squander most of the nutrients they got from the food. Not you. Your body is not as wasteful and needs far less nutrients and water to run.

The efficiency with which your body uses nutrients increased by 33%(30%) → 49%(45%).

Tier III - Sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and more. Food holds many flavors that can make your tongue writhe in delight or squirm in disgust. While others would toss the food aside for bad taste, not you. Taste hardly matters when it comes to nourishment, and you know it.

For that, you can simply choose to disregard taste when it comes to your sustenance.




Roundhouse Kick: lvl 7 (NO CHANGE)

Active I

Anyone can kick; even an unborn baby in its mother’s womb can do that. Yet only a fool would think it might be easy. Giving the kick a form is much more complex than just moving your leg. It requires learning to control the movements of your entire body, from your toes to your tail to the tips of your ears.

You did so, and thus your roundhouse kick will pack 20% more power.

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