Lament of the Slave

Class and Skills: Deviant of Humanity

Deviant of Humanity

Even though the Deviants are still human at their core, they have transcended the limitations of the species. The newfound nature may not be easy to accept to their kind as it can inspire fright in their hearts. Yet hard to deny are the virtues of a body and the strength of fusing that gets them into places never seen by humans.

The efficiency of skills related to deviation, changes, and power increased by 30%.



Midnight Shine

Passive I (Deviant - 30%)

Humans are not creatures of the night, and not every beast is nocturnal. Yet your eyes shine at night with the light of midnight moons, revealing to your sight secrets shrouded in the thickest of darkness and sorcery. Whether human or beast, little escapes your gaze as the night is as bright as day for you.



Active I (Slave - 10%)

Whatever you use to attack, be it claws, fists, or fangs, you do it with the proper weight behind it. When you kick, it is no longer the tantrum of a little puppy but boot of a behemoth that shakes mountains. When you satiate your hunger, you can choose up to 55%(50%) of consumed food to be stored as an energy reserve, bringing your weight but not your size up to that of the behemoth.

The amount of stored energy can reach 1.6(1.5) times your regular weight, and with that, your [Constitution] and [Endurance] grow up to 16%(15%).


Beast Core

Passive I (Deviant - 30%)

Still human at your root, you’re capable of creating what only beasts with potential can. The core is a testament to your abilities, a proof of your strength, a token of your determination, and first and foremost, a place to store your mana for times of need. As you grow, it will grow with you.


Sense of Beast

Passive I (Deviant - 30%)

Instinct is what drives beasts from birth, but the senses are what keep them alive. Honed by ruthless life, yours are sharp and reaching far. Within a 260m(200m) radius, no breath of prey escapes you, nor does the predator’s gaze fixed on your back go unnoticed.

[Call of Nature] - Within a 260m(200m)→350m(200m) radius, no breath of prey escapes you, nor does the predator’s gaze fixed on your back go unnoticed.


Wrought Hide

Passive I (Slave - 10%)

The delicate skin of humans is not to be bared in battle, unlike yours. Every scratch, every cut makes it stronger, and your fur is no different. Whether burnt, torn, or cut off, it will grow back tougher than ever before, making it your shield like your hide is armor to you. 

The [toughness] and [resilience] of your fur and hide increased by 38%(35%) of your body.


Silent Prowl

Active I

Every move you make is refined, and every step you take light as a leaf in the wind, falling to deaf ears. With the ability to mask your presence, to quiet your heartbeat, and steady your breathing, you can hide from the senses of your prey, should you choose to hunt from the shadows and cover of the bush.


Fierce Pounce

Active I (Deviant - 30%)

Weapons are sharp and piercing. They can crush the enemy with brute force, and shatter the spirit of theirs at sight. But so can your bare fists and claws. Every punch, slash, or kick, every attack made without a weapon, carries a part of your fierceness slumbering within you.

Additional power to your attack and the sharpness of your claws increased by 45%(35%).

[Call of Nature] - Additional power to your attack increased by 45%(35%) and sharpness of your claws by 45%(35%) → 61%(35%)


Mantle of Magic

Active I

Magic is not a concept unknown to humans or beasts, let alone to you. The mantle allows you to surround yourself with a veil of mana, seep it into your flesh and bone, and by doing so, infuse your moves, attacks, and defenses with the power of magic. It is entirely up to you what kind you choose to use, as magic is limited only by your imagination.


Call of Nature

Passive I (Deviant - 30%)

No matter how it came to be, you’re more than a mere human torn from your roots. Connected to your nature stronger than any beast, you can call it to its full potential. Whether it’s a human or beast trait, it will be 26%(20%) more prominent, and if you were to use the talents you've been pursuing to acquire, you’d find them 45%(35%) more powerful.


Unbending Resilience

Passive I (Slave - 10%)

As fierce as you can be, you’re even harder to kill than you first appear. Driven by your rich nature, your robustness reaches unprecedented heights, making you an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

The [resilience], [toughness], and [vitality] of your body increased by 38%(35%).


Clandestine Terror

Active I (Deviant - 30%)

You’re different, and you know it. Yet, you found yourself yearning to transcend the confines of your species, venturing where others of your kind dare not, yet share a meal with them. Change is something you embrace, but your kind despises. So you can either choose to conceal your deviation and walk as an equal among your fellow humans, or grasp your new nature and strike terror into their hearts.


Ride of Ancestors

Active I (Deviant - 30%)

Whether man or beast, all are born with instincts built on ancestral experience. However, the scope of this deep memory from which your instincts can draw, is much broader than that of others. With them, you can gauge the strength of your adversaries, let them guide your steps in battle, dominance, and love, or simply let them find your way through life.

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