Land of Light: I Have a Life Simulator

Chapter 182

Page 182

“Sahn? Is it you and those bastards Zoffi who killed brother Molde and Zuda?”

Sann was still healing a few Ultra warriors silently, and Gina rushed over with an excited expression.

Listening to her meaning, it seems that the little golden man has already told her that he and the Otto brothers have smashed Zudamold.


Sann was too lazy to shoot at Gina.

Just a poor bastard being used.

And so delicious.

It’s better to help other people to heal if you have time to beat her. Cailong beat her very easily.


Cailong came out and patted his chest confidently.

Directly between the wings and dashed towards Gina.

Just a crazy woman.

Lord Cailong hitting her was as easy as the palm of your hand, easy and effortless…….

Damn, this crazy woman bit the dragon!


Cailong screamed, and he didn’t know if Gina’s teeth were made of high-grade alloys in the universe, but it broke Cailong’s armor directly.

Violently gnawed on Cailong’s arm!

“This idiot, when did King Gurante not pull his crotch, why did he pull his crotch when hitting Gina’s strength?”

“Bound the light!”

San was a little speechless, and a binding light shot out, directly binding Gina.

Only Cailong was standing beside him, grinning and covering his arms.

Sane didn’t bother to treat him either.

This idiot, keep your memory long!

“It’s you, it’s you who killed brother Molde and Juda, if it weren’t for you, I…”

Gina was tied up and still screaming wildly.

It’s just that she was interrupted by San’s impatient face in the middle of her call.

“Shut up, your brother and brother are not the ones I want to kill. If Tartarus hadn’t pulled them over and insisted on fighting with me, I wouldn’t bother to care about them.”

“You don’t blame Tartarus, but me instead?”

“Why, I have to stand here and let your brother and brother kill, right?”

After Sane finished impatiently, Gina was silent for a while.

But it was clear that Gina wanted to keep talking.

It’s just that San didn’t give her a chance, and a small restraint light directly bound her mouth.

It is useless to reason with such a half-mad woman.

Losing the king star directly is the best choice.

“You guys go back first, I’ll take Gina first.”

San said to the few Ultra warriors who had been cured by him.

“Okay, then let’s go back to the Land of Light first.”

“Saen, you must be more careful!”


After several warnings, these Ultramans left.. 0

San uses super power to control Gina and is also going to go to King Star.

But at this time.

“Gina, you can’t take it away!”

A cold voice suddenly sounded.

Naraku opened, and the little golden man, Rebauds, and a spaceman who surprised Sane walked out!

Evil Heart King Dark Shadow Mage!

He was actually pulled over by the little golden man!

Exactly, let’s see if we can kill him directly this time!

“Little Golden Man? You are really haunted, you are everywhere.”

Shane wasn’t surprised either.

After all, Gina is still very important.

Especially when Gina is still very unstable.

It is normal for the little golden man to monitor.


Hearing the name of the little golden man, the little golden man was silent for a while.

He wanted to introduce himself and tell Sarn that his name was Tartarus.

But when he thought of how San called them “Little Golden Man”, “Little Golden Bull” and “Little Golden Sword”, the Little Golden Man remained silent.

That said, it probably won’t change!

So the little golden man just skipped this topic.

“Saen, you can’t take Gina today, and I will dig out Diablo’s heart from that beast. No one can save you without Noah!”

The little golden man pointed at Cailong, who was still rubbing his arm, and said indifferently.

As a quasi-legendary powerhouse, the little golden man has the confidence to say this.

Not to mention that he is surrounded by strong people like clouds.

Without Noah here, what could Sahn do against him!?

What if Sann’s learning ability is so terrifying that he can almost copy and paste?

The gap of strength is insurmountable!

It seems to be to verify the authority of the Xiaojin man’s words.

Leibolds sneered, his hands twitching.

“Wake up, monster!”

Following Leibolds’ movements, a Grunt King slowly appeared!

It was King Grante who fought against Belial before!

And the King of Evil Heart is not to be outdone.

After whispering a few obscure incantations.

A gigantic merged monster floats out of Naraku!

He is like a hybrid monster made of several monsters!

On this 4.3 monster, it is enough to see the figure of several monsters!

King Gezilla!

Two-headed monster King Pangdon!

The strong monster King Shilbagon!

Super Monster King Gordras!

Infernal Super Hippolyte!

The combined monster of these monsters is huge in size!

I am afraid that it has a height of three to five hundred meters and a weight of hundreds of millions of tons!

The ultimate fusion monster – Kiga Chimera!

Boss-level monsters in Super 8!

And apart from these.

There are still blurred figures flickering in Naruo.

From time to time there were sneers.

It seems to be watching the liveliness of Sann.

It can be said that the lineup of the enemy this time is extremely luxurious!

Even if Sarn holds several powerful ultimate rays, he may not be able to win [*]%!


“No one can save me without Noah? That sounds nice.”

There was a strange whisper in San’s tone.

“But I’m sorry, someone can really save me.”

“Not only there, but I have two.”

Two Otto capsules suddenly appeared in San’s hand.

One has the King of Ott printed on it.

One…. with Noah on it!

(Five more~).

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