Land of Light: I Have a Life Simulator

Chapter 3

Page 3

Except for such a golden talent as Martial Saint in the world.

Sann only brushed out the blue talent once.

It’s just a comparison of the blue talent at the bottom of the list.

In the end, he only got a C-level evaluation that was useless.

This time it’s actually blue and purple, good luck again and again!

After confirming again that there are no good goods among these white talents.

Saen decisively chose the purple talent “Little Fortune Star” and the blue talent “Dervish”!

“The talent this time is not bad. There is actually a purple talent and a blue talent! I don’t believe that I can’t get an A-level evaluation if I cooperate with the Martial Saint in the world!”

Shane rubbed his hands.

After praying for the blessing of Gatling Bodhisattva, start this simulation directly!

【The selection is complete. 】

[Currently selected talents are as follows——]

[Human Wusheng (Gold): Any martial arts is not difficult in front of you, all battles are your stepping stones to Wusheng, and your physical fitness will improve rapidly! 】

[Little Lucky Star (purple): The little guy who has been kissed by the goddess of luck will always be enviable in terms of luck. 】

[Ascetic monk (blue): Pain is what you should have endured, disaster is what you should have experienced, and your willpower is beyond your imagination. 】

“Lucky Ascetic Martial Saint? My dear, this is going to go against the sky.”

“A-level evaluation is not enough to have a hand? Start the simulation!”

Sann was completely relieved and directly chose to start the simulation!

【Simulation starts!】

[The first year: You were dissatisfied with staying in the laboratory and did nothing, and decided to go out for a while. You easily learned a lot of fighting skills in the Ultra Arena, which was appreciated and cultivated by the chief instructor Taylor. 】

Like the last simulation, I also chose to go to the Otto Arena first to develop.

It was also appreciated and cultivated by Taylor.

[Second year: Your force has surpassed Taro. Taro wants you to take over the position of the chief instructor of Ott Arena, but you refuse. You choose to go to the universe and perform an ascetic practice. 】

Good guy, surpassed Taylor in the second year?

In the last simulation, I remember that it was only in the fourth year that it was on par with Taylor, but this time I surpassed Taylor?

And Taro also wanted to give up the position of the chief instructor of the Ultra Arena.

If you don’t want it yourself, choose to do asceticism? ?

This is properly because the ascetic talent comes into play.

There are even small lucky stars to play.

After all, the position of Chief Instructor is given away at will…not realistic.

“Strange, the last time it was about the same as Taro in the fourth year, why did it surpass Taro in the second year this time?”

Sann was a little stunned, but he didn’t calm down for a while.

Could it be that he is so strong this time, that two years are stronger than four years?

Should not be ah.

The Ascetic and Little Fortune talents will strengthen themselves even after they play a role.

But so far these two talents should not have played a role.

Shane was a little puzzled.

It wasn’t until he subconsciously clenched his fists and felt the surging power in his body that San could react.

He is no longer that intermediate-strength rookie blue scientist.

But a high-level peak, a good player enough to walk in the universe!

No wonder he completed four years in two years.

To solve the doubts, Sann also continued to simulate smoothly.

[Third year: You trained martial arts in the core of the sun, and figured out the martial arts of the most masculine and strong. It heals you, and you become stronger because of it. 】

[Fourth year: Your strength is getting stronger and stronger, and you begin to show mercy to all beings. You begin to help thousands of lives on the planets that are equally weak and in distress. They worship you as their gods and erect monuments for you. 】

[Fifth year: You continue to save suffering creatures. 】

[Sixth year: You continue to save suffering creatures. You are lucky to find that there are a large number of high-level alloys in the universe on the planet called Abelah that you saved. These alloys can help you make weapons. You made a walker Stick, get off this planet. 】

[Seventh year: The earth is in danger, Mephras and others have fallen to the earth one after another, and the Amber stars finally lost their breath and attacked the earth. You choose to shoot against the Amber stars. 】

[You fought with the Amber star, and you beat the Amber star with one punch and one kick. 】

“Cough cough cough!!!”

San coughed violently, looking at the text on the simulator and almost didn’t react.

Amber star dead?

Beaten up by yourself with one punch and one stick? ?

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

Those are Amberians!

Established a great empire across the universe – the dark empire, the dark emperor who rules countless galaxies!

Tens of thousands of years ago, he launched the Ultra War and invaded the Land of Light, severing hundreds of elite Ultra Warriors with one move.

It directly crippled the entire country of light.

In the end, it was to fight with the father of Ultra in the heyday of the Ambella star!

Just got blown up?

How strong is the self in this simulator! ? .

The fourth chapter S-level evaluation has been reached, and the quasi-legendary peak!

[Eighth year: Your footprints are all over the universe, because of your crushing power to kill the Amber star people, attracting a large number of followers, they follow your appearance and hold stick weapons, calling themselves ascetic warriors, in The universe unfolds ascetic. 】

[The ninth year: You have become stronger, you have found the King of Ultra to fight, but unfortunately, you lost. 】

[Tenth year: After your ascetic practice in the black hole, your strength increased greatly, and you found the King of Ultra to fight again, but unfortunately, you still lost. 】

[Eleventh year: You found the King of Ultra to fight again, but you still lost. The King of Ultra told you that if you can’t find your own way, it is impossible to defeat him. 】

[The twelfth year: You met the evil Bhagara, and everything he did made you feel sick and angry, and you killed him. 】

[Thirteenth year: You want to find your own way, but you have no clue. 】

[The fourteenth year: The organization of ascetic warriors has grown stronger and stronger, and people from all major ethnic groups have been practicing asceticism one after another. 】

[Fifteenth year: Mebius admires you very much and studies with you. 】

[The sixteenth year: You came to Earth and learned from the ascetic monks in the past as a human being. 】

[The seventeenth year: You accidentally discovered that the earth has an unimaginable strength in the improvement of the strength of the Ultra Warriors, and you saw the hope of the road. 】

[Eighteenth year: Your strength is stronger, you are inspired, but the help the earth has given you is no longer obvious. 】

[Year [*]: You decide to go to the earth in other parallel universes to find your own way. 】

[Twenty years: You encountered force majeure while traveling through the universe, and you died. 】

The emulator stopped abruptly.

It shocked San, who was immersed in it.


When traveling through the universe, I encountered force majeure and died?

It had been several years since he killed the Amber star.

The strength has greatly increased, and he can even fight against the King of Ultra.

But even so.

When he was traveling through the universe, he actually suffered a so-called force majeure and died directly!

Who is it?

Ultraman series.

How many existences can quietly kill the self who has reached that level?

Shane was silent.

“There are a lot of people who traveled through the universe in Ultraman, but I didn’t see a few dead in it. It seems that I encountered something incredible in the simulator.”

“Unfortunately, the simulator did not leave specific clues, otherwise it could avoid lightning.”

Shane sighed.

At this point, the emulator turns grey again.

The settlement interface also jumped out.

[This simulation is over, the number of years in this simulation is 20 years, and the cooling time is 20 hours! 】

【Evaluation of this simulation: S】

[This simulation evaluation has reached the S level, and the simulation results have reached the peak of the quasi-legendary strength! 】

[This simulation evaluation reaches the S level, you can choose one talent to solidify on yourself, or three random rewards for this simulation result! 】

[Note: The inheritance of the cured talent will be cancelled, and the cured talent will still appear, but the next time it will appear will be a random refresh. 】

[Please choose to inherit a talent, the inherited talent will definitely appear in the next simulation. 】

The familiar warm current appeared.

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