Late Night Tales Of The Capital

Chapter 138 - A Sound of Thunder with Every Step

Chapter 138 A Sound of Thunder with Every Step
The people in black robes who had traversed a great distance to be here were known as Cao Xue and Xie Yi respectively.

The leader of the armed youths who broke into the Guandi Temple was known as Chen Chenchen.

Those in black were practitioners that had just stepped on the demonic path. They did not come from the Mountain Valley of Pure Blackness but had come in support of their kinds who were implanted in the Truth Cultivation sects. The armed youths were from Broken King Gorge. It might have been coincidence or fate that the Gorge was being attacked from the outside and within while the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder was attacked unexpectedly by Ye Yunhai.

Within half a day’s time, rivers of blood were flowing from Broken King Gorge. Only a few young disciples with low levels of cultivation emerged eventually.

This was because the Gorge was located very close to Zen Mountain. In fact, they were only separated by one cliff. As such, Chen Chenchen brought a few of his younger fellow male disciples to Boiled Snow Temple in the hopes of evading the reaches of the Demon Clan. Unexpectedly, he lost his way in the snowstorm on Zen Mountain and found the Guandi Temple from the flames burning within. Just like this, he met with a similarly destitute practitioner and learned of the terrible news of the Boiled Snow Temple shutting its doors.

Cao Xue and Xie Yi were halfway through the Formless Realm, and they had killed so many people on Broken King Gorge that their demonic aura enveloped their bodies.

The faint dark aura had already spread beyond their bodies and was about to envelope the entire Northern You. A dozen unrecognized Truth Cultivation sects had already been attacked in various degrees. Some of them had been completely destroyed, and some of them had dispersed, with their members fleeing. Others chose to surrender to the enemy and join the Mountain Valley of Pure Blackness, pledging to serve the evil Devil Lord.

At the same time, news that the inhabitants of the entire You Prefecture had been slain and that all 200 thousand of the Ye Army, including 150 thousand ironclad cavalrymen of the plains were killed began to spread. The citizens of You Prefecture were unable to escape the terrible fate waiting for them and 67 thousand civilians died from the Blood Curse, their souls probably unable to even cross the Reincarnation Bridge to move onto the next life.

In the past, devils had to conceal their true identities carefully and hide their demonic aura in the darkness. They could not be discovered by outsiders, no matter what. Today, however, in this snowstorm on Zen Mountain, Cao Xue and Xie Yi could unleash their auras without considering the consequences.

What did this signify?

Were the devils protesting to the humans?

Or, was an all-out war going to break out soon?

Were they trying to make a point of their re-emergence in the human world with the lives of 350 thousand soldiers and the civilian population of an entire city along with all the Truth Cultivation sects in Northern You to the Cultivation World, the Central Plains and the entire China?

Ye Que could not come up with any other explanation, aside from the fact that these two might be insane.

However, the two devil cultivators at half Formless Realm level were definitely not insane. His worse dreams had to be true.

Ye Que circled around the issue and thought about it for a long while. Red Bean, on the other hand, did not think much about it. To the young dragon girl, all hunters were representatives of evil and had to be cleansed or destroyed. There was not much to think or consider about for her; they had to die.

The huge black umbrella was used as a staff again.

The Dragon Bones circled the umbrella paper.

One strike from the umbrella created a huge crack in the ground.

Both Cao Xue and Xie Yi were a little surprised by Red Bean’s attack and quickly retracted their looks of despise.

Cao Xue was completely unafraid while facing the attack of Red Bean, who was at Formless Realm, and her staff. Instead, his lips cracked into a sinister smile, and the tugged at the portion of the robes covering his head, revealing his silver hair. It flew in the wind and rapidly grew longer, turning his headful of silver hair into countless numbers of poisonous snakes. They transformed into snake whips of a few meters long and circled around Red Bean’s huge black umbrella.

At the same time, Xie Yi, who was standing beside Cao Xue, drew out a lance from his body. He stuck it into the thick snow covering the ground and gripped its shaft with one hand before letting out a great shout.

A huge chunk of snow flew up like a tide.

Snow circled around it as it swept toward Ye Que.

Red Bean was completely calm as hundreds of silver snakes circled around her umbrella. She gripped its handle with one hand and hit hundreds of them into the air with one sweep. She began to chuckle as her body was still in mid air, and an immense draconic True Energy flowed into the midst of the silver snakes along the umbrella.

Hundreds of silver snakes were shattered as crackling sounds rang out. Almost at the same time, Red Bean gripped the handle of her umbrella and arched her body into an almost terrifying degree before smashing down with it at Cao Xue.

Huge chunks of snow flew into the air. One of them was in the air while the other had both feet on the ground, and they were about 100 steps apart. Their True Energies flew around the surrounding, causing the icy snow to be mixed with cut-up silver hair. The youths who were in the temple, including Guan Shuheng of Pavilion of Wind and Thunder, Chen Chenchen of Broken King Gorge, Yang Nuanyue or the other practitioners, were standing in front of the building by now.

All of them were stunned.

Even though Guan Shuheng had witnessed Red Bean attacking before, he was still stirred by the sight.

This was a true practitioner and what he was looking for.

Killing demons and devils when he met them, and eradicating all injustice with his staff. He longed to be able to cut off the source of his anger with a sword; no matter what kind of demon or what realm it belonged to.

“Could it be that the techniques I used to learn were wrong? She’s about the same age as me, yet she’s already at Formless Realm, while I’m still stuck at Psychic Realm. I haven’t been slacking or cutting corners, or is it the fact that I’m not talented enough?” Guan Shuheng thought as he stared at Red Bean, as if he wanted to commit all of her movements to memory.

The expression of Chen Chenchen, who had just entered the temple, was even more exaggerated. “They’re devil cultivators! My own sect was destroyed by these people, and I managed to escape by luck. I’ve never thought about resisting, but this young lady intends to smash that black robed devil into two without so much as a word. Which sect is this prodigy from? Could she be sent from the Upper Heaven Sect, in a bid to save themselves?”

All of the youths were focusing their attentions on Red Bean. No one looked at Ye Que.

This was because he had pierced through the wall of snow just at it flew up with his finger, which entered Xie Yi’s body.

Ye Que looked unarmed, but he was suppressing the River Soldiers which was in the deep recess of his Spiritual Sea. Xie Yi bent his spear as he saw Ye Que recklessly advancing, and it turned into a black cane which curled toward his opponent. It was covered with Devil Qi and it even burned with monster’s flame.

The piercing sound of something entangling rang out, and Ye Que frowned slightly. He looked a little worriedly toward his side, and it was at this moment that the cane wrapped around his waist.

“Foolish creature!” Ye Que’s brows lifted as he changed his finger posture. An incredibly large and ferocious beast surged out from his palm and looked as though it had been suppressed for far too long. It bit down on the cane immediately after emerging before leaping toward Xie Yi.

There was the shape of a saber behind the beast.

It was the River Soldier, which had transformed into a long saber.

This time the saber was even longer than before and exceeded Ye Que’s height.

This was the first time Ye Que really used his full power to attack after entering the Starburst Realm. It just happened that he had a devil cultivator at half Formless Realm level, which served as the perfect practice partner for him now.

Xie Yi did not panic even when his cane was broken. He unleashed several fearsome bolts of black energy with his fists and made a total of 36 consecutive punches. They were similar to Sword Qi and forced the River Soldiers to remain at a comfortable distance. After losing a piece of his flesh from the first blow of Ye Que’s saber, he understood how sharp the River Soldier was. All of his next attacks struck either the side or blunt edge of the saber, otherwise, he chose not to engage in close combat with Ye Que.

“Buddhist Guardian Fist?”

“Did the monk of the Temple of Six Buddhas become devil cultivator as well?”

“To think that a thousand year old Zen monastery was unable to withstand fleeting temptation. You’ve shamed the entire school of Zen.”

Ye Que said these strange phrases to the black robed Xie Yi, but they caused his punches to change. Suddenly, his killing intent skyrocketed, as if Ye Que had said something wrong.

“Buddha is dead, and the Devil Lord has risen. What would an ignorant brat like yourself know!”

Ye Que smiled. “Even if the Buddha is really dead, he didn’t order you to kill. The Devil Lord has descended upon us to destroy this world and not to give you life. Do you not even understand such a simple fact? I remember the rules of the Temple of Six Buddhas were not written like this.”


Xie Yi laughed chillingly. “Rules of the Temple of Six Buddhas? Take a look at them if you’ve the time; they’re just beneath the Chronometer of Dawn. You’ll definitely be alarmed. The Temple was not what it was.”

They began to fight again after finished speaking.




Xie Yi stared angrily as if he was a stone Guardian statue when speaking the three True Words. There was a tinge of purple in the gold words that appeared, and the purple areas were in turn tainted with a little black.

“You’ve given your faith, what sort of True Words could you say?”

Ye Que grunted coldly and swung his saber down from above. He slashed the True Words into bits with his second blow and shattered Xie Yi’s fists with his third. He was gripping the River Soldier with just one hand and struck his target with just one blow. A dazzling glow shot out from the saber as its blade sliced through the top of Xie Yi’s black robe till his waist. The metallic sound was accompanied by dazzling sparks. As expected, Xie Yi used to be a Buddhist cultivator of the Temple of Six Buddhas. Not only did he learn the Buddhist Guardian Fist, he also learned the Impenetrable Defense of Three Bodies.

The black robe burst apart.

A burly man clad entirely in gold armor appeared in front of Ye Que.

The gold armor was created by condensed True Energy of a Buddhist cultivator.

Xie Yi looked at Ye Que, who had retracted his blade and was standing still. His lips betrayed his despise, as if he was laughing at Ye Que’s failed attempt. No matter how sharp his saber was, he could not break through the gold armor manifestation of a Buddhist cultivator; it would just end up in failure.

“Are you very satisfied with your gold armor?” Ye Que lifted the River Soldier to point at Xie Yi.

He did not have to hear his opponent’s reply. Just one look told him the answer.

“There’s always someone out that who’s stronger than you. You’re a simpleton to think so highly of yourself just for mastering the formation of a ratty piece of gold armor,” Ye Que said before completely ignoring Xie Yi. “I shattered the Unbeatable Guardian Manifestation of Apocalypse Realm that time while competing with the Buddha of the school of Zen. This small gold armor is just like paper to me!” he muttered to himself.

At the instant when Ye Que turned his head around.

Xie Yi’s gold armor suddenly gave out a thunderous sound.

It sounded for a total of 13 times.

It started from the center of his brows down. Each sound came as it spread downward by an inch, and each one was as loud as thunder.

The gold armor shattered into pieces and scattered to the wind as the sounds of thunder stopped. By now, Xie Yi was already bleeding from five of his seven facial orifices. The True Energy within his Spiritual Sea surged and he wanted to scold Ye Que, but all that came out of his mouth was bloody liquid. Eventually he lay stiffly on the snow falling onto Zen Mountain.

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