Laundry Divers: An Erotic Lesbian LitRPG

Ch. 14: More doors? That’s just lazy writing

They swept through the laundry room with ruthless efficiency. With Sabrina able to suss out which machines were occupied beforehand, and even which ones held tougher foes, there was no challenge at all. By the time they wrapped up, the new members were able to nearly catch up in Lust and Vigor, everyone got a level in Cognition, and the veterans even picked up a new level in Lust. The only perk that was a real game-changer was Jade’s.

>New perk: Mega-Milk! You can now lactate. Your milk is an ingredient with high magical potency. One dose provides ¼ of daily nutrient requirements and satiates hunger and thirst. It does not spoil appetite or contribute to overindulgence, however. It may function as a recovery potion taken by itself, restoring moderate amounts of health and mana. Ingestion increases arousal. Having the milk extracted (outside of certain contexts) is accompanied by a pseudo-orgasmic sensation.

>New affinity: breastfeeding.

Just like that, the party’s face became the heal-slut. Jade had zero complaints about this role. She did, however, check in with Sabrina on her feelings and to gauge what this would do to their relationship.

Sabrina looked inward and was surprised to find absolutely no resistance to the idea. What she had with Jade was brand new, but she had no doubts. What they had was special, and she couldn’t foresee anything driving a wedge in that. The fact was, they had perverted but powerful gifts. Sharing those gifts would mean all matter of sexual contact that went outside of their relationship. Hell, if she wanted to unlock her subclass, Sabrina would need to give a monster head. Jade seemed pretty on-board with that.

With Jade reassured and a kiss exchanged, they were finally ready to use the key and open up more of the dungeon. Sabrina got to do the honors, and her mind raced through possibilities. Oddly, what she found was one of the first scenarios she imagined, and one of the weirder ones.

The door swung open, and the party beheld the dungeon. It had a very specific and unnerving aesthetic: the kind of dead mall that was depicted in a lot of ‘liminal spaces’ pictures. Everything was in washed-out pastel colors, the ceilings were high with frosted skylights, and the space felt too large to be so empty.

“Nope,” Jade announced right away. “Fuck that. That’s white nonsense.”

Sabrina took a moment to find words, initially just sputtering, “wha…” Finding her voice, she told Jade, “You’re white!”

“I’m wasian,” Jade corrected.

“Pfft. Barely,” Sabrina scoffed. “White enough for obvious horror-movie bullshit.”

“Are you guys fucking serious right now?” Alice asked, irritated. “Who cares? It’s a magical dungeon, even if it looked like a demon-infested Saw trap I wouldn’t care.”

Sloan rolled her eyes. “They’re fucking with us,” she pointed out. “Looks pretty fun, actually. I used to hang out with these dudes who were really into urban exploration before they realized I wasn’t gonna fuck any of them. This is the cleanest abandoned mall I’ve been in. No big.”

Sabrina and Jade shared a humored look, and both whispered, “white nonsense.”

They ventured forth. When they stepped in, new quests became available.

>New Quest: Obtain a floor map!

>New Quest: Explore [3] rooms! [0/3]

>New Quest: Establish friendly relations with a monster!

>New Quest: Defeat the floor boss!

These quests were fairly informative. The terms ‘floor map’ and ‘floor boss’ suggested additional levels to the dungeon, which was interesting. The one about befriending a monster also seemed to push the party towards using more than just combat to deal with the dungeon.

Picking a direction and walking, it wasn’t long before the party was alerted to activity. Initially sounding like bats being stirred to flight, humanoids flew near the ceiling. They were small, like a lithe version of goblins, with muted red skin, bat wings, horns, and spaded tails. Like the goblins, they were all female.

“Imps,” Alice whispered. Sabrina seconded that.

The party readied themselves for combat, but the imps all kept their distance. They seemed wary, fluttering away to keep hidden. A few seemed to crawl on ledges to spy on the party, displaying very catlike movements. Whenever they spotted one doing this, they scurried out of sight.

“Lame,” Sloan huffed, not modulating her volume. “If you wanna fight, come fight. Don’t just creep around and sneak attack us like pussies.”

“Don’t mind them,” came a voice from above them. They all jumped to see just a few feet up, and imp was lounging on the protruding entryway of vacant store. She was stretching out like a cat, showing off her bare body. “They’re just curious. It’s been a long time since new blood has been through here.”

Trying to hide that she was scared shitless, Sabrina called out to the nonchalant imp. “Uh…huh. You seem different though.”

The imp smoothly flipped onto her stomach rested her cheek on her knuckles. With her other hand, she idly traced shaped on the tile. “Eh. I’m simply resigned to the chaos of life.” Her voice was smooth and sultry. “Maybe you kill me, maybe I kill you, maybe something else. Nothing to do but lean into it. I’m an absurdist, I guess.”

This raised a million questions, but Alice was the first to ask one out loud. “You’ve read Camus?”

The imp rolled her eyes. “No,” she scoffed. “That doesn’t mean I can’t be an absurdist, does it?”

This answer was frustrating, because it missed the point of the question. Sabrina asked, “okay but how do you know who that is? Were you human at one point? Is this like, hell or limbo or some kind of afterlife?”

The imp groaned like an annoyed teenager. “How I know anything is complicated, but it’s some combination of humanity’s collective unconscious spilling over into places like this and people like you dying here and getting all that shit in your heads recycled. No, I was never human, and no this isn’t hell, limbo, or any kind of afterlife.”

“Is there an afterlife?” Alice asked reflexively.

The imp shrugged. “I don’t know, probably not for humans. My kind has an afterlife though. Fuck, I’m not a magic eight ball, what is this shit?”

“Sorry,” Alice said, suddenly threatened.

“We just don’t understand much about this place,” Sabrina defended. “We’ve only run into anyone who could talk once, but they weren’t exactly talkative. Plus, you’re the first life we’ve met that wasn’t immediately hostile.”

“Hostility is still on the table,” the imp reminded her. “You got one of the lame entrances, huh? Just a room with dumb pushovers to power you up?”

There were shrugs all around. “I guess,” Sabrina said. “If it’s all the same to you, um, could we not fight? You seem cool.”

The imp bulged a cheek out with her tongue as she tilted her head from side to side, balancing an imaginary scale. “I dunno. I’m a bit bored. Got nothing better to do.”

Jade gave Sabrina a look, passing on a memetic infection. Sabrina knew exactly what she was thinking and took a shot at it. “There might be one thing.” The imp raised an eyebrow, putting Sabrina on the spot. She felt bizarre saying it, but it might be her only option. “Could I eat your pussy? I’m really good at it, and you’d be helping me out.”

The imp made eye contact for the first time. Her eyes were big for her head, with sparkling gold irises and catlike slits. She grinned widely, and guessed, “you’re trying for Biohacker, aren’t you? I knew I liked you.” She scrunched up her lips, nearly raising them to her nose in thought. “Okay— on two conditions. One: all but one of you need to keep your weapons stowed and chill the fuck out. No funny business, I mean it. The other one’s gotta keep watch. The others will not hesitate to kill you all, and I don’t want blue balls because a few lousy humans let their guards down.”

The party all affirmed their agreement. “Which brings me to two,” the imp continued. “Your challenge is to satisfy a monster with oral sex, correct?” Sabrina nodded. “Then condition two: you do not stop until I’m satisfied. If you do, I get to kill you.”

This seemed like a harsh condition, but Sabrina was fairly confident in her skills. Sensing the situation, Jade started humming ‘The Devil Went Down to Georgia’ and Alice quickly joined. With a giggle and an eye roll, Sabrina said, “I’ll take your bet, and you’re gonna regret ‘cause I’m the best there’s ever been.”

The imp rolled off of the ledge, slowing her fall with fluttering of her wings before hovering at eye level with Sabrina. “You’re a weird group. Doubt you’ll survive long, but it’ll be fun if you do. Get to it, then.”

Sabrina looked her over. Despite some inhuman features, the imp had a cute face and alluring body. She was bottom-heavy, with small boobs and a plump butt. Sabrina picked her up, and manhandled her to get to her pussy, which the imp cooperated with gladly.

Being the only armed one, Jade turned around, seeming to mope about it. Sloan put a hand on her shoulder and offered to take over. Jade giddily handed over her sword and turned to watch the show.

Sabrina took in her first explorative licks of the hairless red pussy. It was strange, but not unpleasant. It tasted like citrus and hot peppers, with an actual kick of spice. There was literal heat to it, to— not enough to singe but like a hot shower. After a moment to decide how she felt about it, she concluded that she was pretty fucking into it.

Sabrina sat on the floor and pressed the imp’s crotch hard against her face as she sloppily indulged in the tasty meal. Without even realizing what they were doing, Jade and Alice sat down too, captivated by the show. After a little while Alice started squirming and repeatedly changing her sitting position.

Jade smiled, finding it a bit funny. “Getting hard?”

Alice blushed, then reluctantly admitted it. She was feeling the effects of one of her new perks.

>Perk: She-Stud. Strength, duration, and frequency of erections significantly increased. Arousal threshold to trigger an erection is lowered.  Refractory period is negated. Immunity to sex-related chafing and soreness is granted. Semen production and output is significantly increased.

Alice pushed down on her lap, but it like trying to wrangle a firehose with a corked nozzle. Shyly, she asked, “would it be weird if I jacked off?”

Jade leaned back and began softly tickling her clit as she watched her girlfriend go down on a tiny demon. “It’d be weird if you didn’t,” Jade answered.

Unable to ignore the raging beast in her lap, Alice pulled her romper to the side and started stroking. Her dick seemed bigger than usual, likely due to being harder than ever. Every stroke felt like she hadn’t touched it in months.

Sabrina went to town on the imp, more concerned with getting her fill on the imp’s pussy than completing her challenge. The imp didn’t complain, though. She delighted in having Sabrina take her, so dominantly and so fully, especially with the enchanted skills to back it up. The imp held off for a while, but after ten minutes of the onslaught she could only let go and ride out her powerful climax.

Panting, the imp congratulated Sabrina. “Wow. Great job. Didn’t think you’d make it, but a deal’s a…” a flicking tongue made her spasm too hard to speak. Sabrina wasn’t stupid. She’d kept her challenge keyed up in her mind, and it wasn’t complete. It said to satisfy a monster, not make one cum. “Heh. Smart girl. I had to try once. Have at it.”

With the imp only trying to maximize her own enjoyment at this point, the next climax rolled on in about a minute. By then, Jade and Alice were taking a quick breather after their third, sitting in their own puddles. It was forty more minutes and seven more imp orgasms before the challenge was marked as complete and the imp had to kick herself off of Sabrina’s face to stop the overstimulation.

The imp planted her ass on the floor to catch her breath. “Shit. Girl, you are something else. Thanks for that, I didn’t know it was possible to have my fill. You guys are cool, I guess.”

“Thanks, you too. Hell of a pussy you’ve got, there. I’m Sabrina by the way. That’s Jade, Alice, and Sloan in the back.” Everyone waved when their name was called. “You?”

“I’m unnamed,” the imp answered with a shrug.

“We’ve gotta call you something,” Jade chimed in. “How ‘bout Red?”

“No don’t— fuck! You bitch, I can only get named once and you gave me something so stupid? Fuck my life.”

Jade flushed with embarrassment. “Oh… I’m sorry.”

“Whatever,” Red said, taking flight. “I’m Red now, I guess. Ugh. I’ll see you guys around. Oh, and if any other imps get this close, just kill them before they kill you. It’s bad enough I let you guys be friends with me, if people find out my friends are a bunch of pussies I’ll get picked on for eternity.”

Red took off. As she got out of sight, Sabrina heard her mutter. “Fucking Red. Shit-ass name.”

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