Laundry Divers: An Erotic Lesbian LitRPG

Ch. 24: Animas

The quest that required the party to stay in the dungeon throughout an entire day would probably be ludicrously lucrative. However, the double-loot event wouldn’t even begin until roughly twenty-four (subjective) hours had passed from the time they entered. They had way too much time to kill.

There was a discussion on the merits of spending most of that time in the safe-room. The issue was, they hadn’t even been diving for very long when they found the room, and they were all still antsy for adventure. In the end it was decided that they’d go out and get their fill of exploration and violent brawls, and there’d still be ample time to return to rest before sunrise.

“It’s like we just checked in to a hotel,” Jade explained. “We got in, checked out the spa and fooled around a bit. Now it’s time to get out and see the sights. We can’t blow the whole vacation watching TV in the room.”

Thusly, they armored-up and ventured forth. After consulting the map, they found a nearby unexplored room to dart to, so as to avoid the orc camps. The sign outside read: SHOP TILL U DROP. Sabrina refrained from making any assumptions, because every room so far seemed unpredictable.

“Do you know anything about this place?” Sabrina asked over her shoulder.

“Not really,” Red answered. “It must be somewhat new. A lot of my info on these rooms is from a few years back.”

“What does that mean?”

Red got dismissive fast. “Don’t worry about it,” she hissed.

Oddly, it was actually laid out like a fairly normal store, albeit a chaotic one. It was sort of like Kohl’s, in the way that the items on display were mostly random. Stores like that were meant for impulse-buys: for seeking out something specific was impossible.

There was a blurry haze over some sections of the store, outside of the normal visible spectrum. When Sabrina faced those areas, she could feel a subtle buzz in the back of her head, as if a Tibetan bowl was ringing, but without any noise. “What is that?” Sabrina asked.

“Magic items,” Red told her, with a hint of joy. “Seems this place has some treasures hidden among all of the forgotten objects.”

Forgotten objects?”

“Yeah, you know. Lost things. You ever lose something completely, and even after completely combing through your house, and looking absolutely everywhere for it, it just seemed to vanish? This is where they vanished to. Or— to dungeons in general, at least.”

“I fucking knew it!” Sabrina yelped. “I had to quit vaping, just because of how much of a fucking monster I became whenever that happened.”

“Yep,” Red confirmed. “Twenty percent of all vapes end up in dungeons. A lot of imps have a real nicotine problem, because of it.”

“Really?” Sabrina asked.”

“Oh yeah, they’re real fiends.”

Sabrina’s face fell flat, but Alice cracked up hysterically.

Wandering from the group, Sabrina idly looked over a mannequin that was displaying a polo and board-shorts. She froze in front of it, without knowing why. Then she saw it: it flinched, ever so slightly. It must have seen her reaction, because right away it head-butted her in the the nose with all of its might.

“Fucker! Get em!” Sabrina shouted, as she readied her spear.

All at once, every mannequin in sight sprung into action. There were dozens of them, just in the immediate area. Sabrina drove her spear through the first one’s chest as her teammates began their own melees. Even impaled, the plastic man flailed its limbs. She raised it over herself continued the arc until she slammed its featureless head into the vinyl imitation-tile. Like a roach, it twitched away with its last sliver of life, until a last twist of her spear finished it off.

Before she could even pull away, another one lunged onto her back and got her into a headlock. She tossed herself backwards and slammed it down. That sufficed to break the headlock (by breaking off its arm). Unfortunately, the mannequins took advantage by dog-piling her. At least eight of them pounced from different directions.

“Poof away,” Jade said through the couple’s phallic mind-link.

Sabrina bent her head uncomfortably to find an opening that she could see out of, and then teleported. With Sabrina gone, Sloan’s massive pillar of a weapon came down and crushed the pile. Sabrina really hoped her spear was okay. With her bare fists, Sabrina beat the plastic off the the nearest dummy.

For the next ten minutes, the party clashed non-stop with the living dummies. The sheer number of them was staggering, but it was their only really advantage. In the end, of course, the party was victorious, and stood atop a mountain of plastic corpses.

Collapsing onto her ample butt, Sabrina sighed out, “what were those things?”

“They kind of remind me of the living laundry,” Jade said.

“Animas,” Red told them, lowering from where she’d been hovering above the action without assisting.

“Lotta help you were,” Sabrina complained.

“I’m a lover, not a fighter.”

“What are animas?” Alice asked.

“They’re specters that possess inanimate objects that relate to the human form. You know, dolls, mannequins, clothes. Statues are too firm to manipulate, so I don’t think they can take those over?”

“So are they floating around, looking for the next thing to possess?” Sabrina asked.

“Nah, they’re dead. If they take sufficient damage they just shuffle off this mortal coil and into the afterlife.”

Sabrina was thankful to hear that she wasn’t surrounded by a bunch of angry ghosts. Jade gave her a hand to get up, followed by a kiss. Without the threat of mannequins, the group explored the store. It was oddly peaceful like this.

Sabrina and Jade stayed close to each other as they shopped around. As Sabrina bent down to look at a tin lunchbox, and like flies to honey, Jades hands were drawn to grope Sabrina’s ass. Sabrina couldn’t exactly complain about the incredible touch of Jade’s hands— especially because she’d bent over to provoke that reaction.

What she hadn’t anticipated was how quickly her cock hardened, slung where it was at Jade’s crotch. Sabrina stood and took a look to verify what she could already feel. “Pervert,” she chastised.

“Hey! It’s your dick, too. How do you know that you’re not the one who got a boner?” Jade argued.

Considering the warm need that was building in Sabrina’s pussy, she couldn’t discount it. “Let’s call it both of our faults,” she compromised. “I can fix it faster than you can say wait what.”

“Wait, wha…” Jade began, but Sabrina’s puckering lips around the head of her dick shut her up.

Sabrina took the dick deeper and deeper into her mouth, as her hand snaked its way behind the balls. She then firmly gripped Jade like a bowling ball, with a thumb in Jade’s pussy and two fingers in her ass. Now that she was man-handling her girlfriend, she plunged their shared dick all the way down her throat into her nose was squished against Jade’s skin. Then she backed away and did it again, and continued, rapidly fucking her own throat.

The vigorous blowjob only took forty-five seconds to bring on a cum-spurting climax, which went on for another fifteen seconds. Once every drop had been swallowed, Sabrina backed off, spilling saliva onto her chin and chest. Meanwhile, she pulled her fingers out of Jade’s holes, and gave her butt a squeeze as she brought her hand away.

Jade was completely stunned. “Wow,” Jade exhaled. “I mean… I can’t… holy fuck.”

“You don’t have to tell me,” Sabrina said. “I felt it too.” She then stood and gave Jade a passionate kiss.

“I love you so fucking much,” Jade told her, with wide eyes.

Sabrina looked down at the still rock-hard cock between them. “I had a feeling.”

Continuing on her bold and assertive spree, Sabrina turned around and pressed her ass back onto Jade. Jade nearly fell over, so she backed up until her back was against a pillar to hold her still. Then, Sabrina sandwiched the dick between her absurd cheeks and began grinding.

Once she was good and ready, Sabrina removed her ass from Jade’s hips to let the dick swing downward. When it was back on the upswing, she backed up and caught the tip right in the soft threshold of her vagina. Then she smoothly pressed back to take it into her. Her nearly-too-hot pussy felt incredible to the Living Dildo, and being filled by it felt just as delicious.

Sabrina rocked and twerked with the huge cock inside of her. Jade could only hold on and enjoy it as Sabrina’s huge ass danced back and forth onto her. Sabrina had learned a lot from how Red used her pussy. She controlled her hellmouth to avoid another dangerous vacuum, as she squirmed and jerked her inner walls for a much more active stimulation than any human pussy could provide. Red, who was watching from the shelf above them, gave a thumbs-up to show approval.

Sabrina easily could have finished the dick off in under a minute. She wanted to savor it a little more, though. Every time she felt the tell-tale tickle of approaching cum, she switched up her movements to confuse it. Jade looked like she was going to have an aneurism from this constant penile massage.

When Sabrina finally felt her own vaginal orgasm bearing, she ramped things up. She timed it just right, shuddering with pleasure as her hellmouth rapturous release of thick cum. After a minute to soak in the radiating love, Sabrina let the cock out. She then turned and held Jade warmly.

They stayed like that a while. The world was bliss, and only the two of them existed. That was, until…

“Ahem,” came impatiently from Red above them. “That was hot and all, but doncha think we should get a move on?”

Sabrina scowled, but resealed the crotch of her bodysuit and began walking. The first thing to catch her eye was a strange crystal. She picked it up and looked it over. It was a clear decahedron with a strange white tornado whirling away inside of it. “What the hell is this?”

“Oh, that’s an air gem,” Red explained. “Basically a centralized pocket space with an immense amount of compressed air. They exist for all kinds of resources. You can run some mana through it like this,” Red took it into her hand, and a dense stream of air blew Sabrina’s hair back. “Or you can use it in a magic item as a source of air. They’re a staple, you should collect them whenever you can.”

Sabrina tried running mana through it, which was surprisingly intuitive. She blew some air, and then stopped. “Nifty,” she said, and then put it in her inventory.

They browsed around some more. Jade found another gem, this one being a water gem. She had the decency to not spray Sabrina with it, fortunately. Although, that might just be because she’d been in awe ever since Sabrina assertively fucked her.

Sabrina saw something that knocked the air out of her lungs. She reached onto the shelf to confirm that it was real and felt dizzy as she picked it up. No bigger than the palm of her hand was a model car. It was a shale green 2002 Jeep Liberty with a bumper sticker for Joshua Tree National Park and another for PDHS Class of 2014. The textures bore no resemblance to plastic, rather it was painted metal, rubber, and glass. It was like a real car was shrunken down, and now sat in her hand.

“That’s so weird,” Jade commented, peering over. “It’s your dad’s car.”

Jade was right. It was her dad’s car. Not a model of the same kind of car her dad drove, but a scaled-down version of the exact car. She didn’t understand how this was possible. It sure brought back memories, though.

Sabrina thought back, and got lost in her reverie…

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