Laundry Divers: An Erotic Lesbian LitRPG

Ch. 26: The Itch

After weighing the pros and cons, the party wound up returning to the slime room to finish up their exploration there. The potential downside was that they’d be passing up double loot by not waiting to finish their room exploration quest. However, it was argued that they’d end up exploring rooms no matter what, and an even more lucrative quest could be offered once this one was cleared.

It ended up being a walk in the park. Sloan summoned Blossom to lead them through it. Blossom also emitted a pheromone that kept any slimes that descended from her docile. The ones that did attack were quickly put down without any qualms from Blossom.

 Most luckily of all, no other slime girls came out for a fight. The issue would be less about the threat they posed, and more about how awkward of a confrontation it would be after Blossom’s betrayal. At least, that’s what Sabrina guessed.

>Quest complete: (3/3) rooms explored!


>Inventory expanded! Personal inventories now have 48 slots. Shared inventory has 144 slots.

>4 silver bars (10 oz ea.)

>Rare item: Astronomer’s Specs. At will, these eyeglasses can zoom and refocus. This can allow viewing over vast distances or getting a macro view of small objects.

New quest category unlocked: hunts.

New hunt: Lurking Ivy Queen (mini boss). 4 Lurking Ivies marked on map. Defeat 4/4 to reveal location of their Queen. (0/4) defeated.

New hunt: Corrupted Hellgrazer. Grazing grounds marked on map.

New hunt (capture): imp sire. Nearest imp breeding grounds marked on map. Capturing any imp sire will satisfy the requirements of the hunt.

“Thank fucking god,” Jade said with a sigh. She set a stuffed tote bag down on the floor and began loading things into her inventory.

“You’re telling me,” Alice remarked with sass. “I’ve got like fifteen vibrators rolling around in my slime suit. It’s like duct taping rocks all over my body.”

Rolling past that vibrator statement, Sabrina asked Jade, “what are you complaining about? You’ve got the biggest boob-pockets I’ve ever seen. You could get tipped the GDP of Ireland and it’d still be chi-chi money.”

“Oh yeah, that reminds me,” Jade said, before pulling a quarter-gallon jar of pink salt from under her breasts. Sabrina snorted a laugh at this.

“Who gets the glasses?” Alice asked.

“Let me see them on you,” Jade said.

Alice pulled the cute rounded glasses from the shared inventory and tried them on.

“Gorgeous! I vote that you should keep them,” Jade said. Sabrina and Sloan agreed.

“Next up, we’ve got these monster quests,” Sabrina declared. “Which means we need you to explain what the hell any of it means, Red.” Red rolled her eyes, but subtly grinned. “Lurking Ivy?”

“Plant monster.”


“The big goats.”

“Imp sires?”

If Red could blush, she would have been. “They’re sexy imp girls with dicks. Big orgies form around them and that’s how we breed new imps. They’re a lot stronger and more aggressive than other imps. They live to fight and fuck.”

“Don’t we all,” Sloan joked.

After talking it over, the party decided to get a start on the Lurking Ivy hunt for now, and then return to the safe room. They checked the map for the nearest Lurking Ivy in the opposite direction of the orcs. Past the safe room and into the next mall plaza they trekked. There were a lot more vines in this section, blanketing the floor and walls.

It was strangely beautiful. It reminded Sabrina of post-apocalyptic fiction wherein nature had overtaken artificial environments. Green and purple vines we spread out beautiful multicolored floral blooms. The spring-scented humid air was evocative of a fae meadow.

“I’ll go scout ahead,” Sabrina declared, before teleporting further up.

The hanging creeper plants and jutting banana leaves made line of sight fairly short. That meant Sabrina needed to poof ahead in short lurches. Finally, when brushed passed a plant that had obscured her view of the central fountain of this plaza. There, a massive plant encompassed the fountain. It had writhing tentacle-like vines, and a pink-and-orange water lily the size of a tool-shed in the middle.

“Found it,” she told Jade mentally.

She then turned back to go to her team, and suddenly felt her ankle caught in something. She tried to teleport but was completely unable. She looked to the vine wrapping around her that seemed to disable teleportation. “Help,” the pleaded telepathically. Something was wrong, though, as the connection seemed cut-off.

Sabrina raised her spear, pointing it the the vine at her ankle. Another vine then caught her right arm, then another got her left. All around her, every vine that clung to the walls slithered into motion. With horror, she realized that the Lurking Ivy wasn’t simply the plant in the fountain, but one massive organism that encapsulated this entire stretch of the mall.

“Help,” she began to squeal out-loud before her mouth was promptly covered.

She was raised into the air. Every flower in sight began to emit clouds of pink pollen, giving a pink hue to the whole environment. Sabrina’s nostrils were filled with the pungent sweet aroma. Her loins gushed with need from the powerful aphrodisiac.

The pollen also clung to her skin, giving a sensation like the extreme itching inflicted by poison ivy. As the vines wrapped further along her limbs, though, she noted the difference with this kind of itch: any kind of rubbing on her skin relieved the itch in an amped up version of the sensation of having her clit rubbed. Her whole body was a mega-sensitive clit.

Barely conscious of what she was doing, Sabrina commanded the crotch of her bodysuit to unfasten. This allowed the thick fog of pollen to get lodged into every fold and corner of her labia. Her dribbling juices ran down her inner thighs, only seeping the pollen deeper into her skin along that path.

Everything went hazy as Sabrina fell limp. She felt that the floor dragging against her skin as the vines moved her. Strangely enough, she was overwhelmingly grateful for the stimulation. Every part of Sabrina’s body yearned to be fucked senseless, and at least this was a start.

A thick, phallic vine hovered tantalizing close to Sabrina’s starved pussy. She found that her hips were instinctively raising to try to invite the vine in. If she could talk, she would have begged for the plant to fuck her.

The fact that she was so weak that she couldn’t speak should have concerned Sabrina. That plants hadn’t paralyzed her, thankfully. Instead, they’d drained her mana completely. If she cared, she would have been interested in the object lesson on the connection between mana and physical stamina.

There were sounds and vibrations around Sabrina, but her mind was too consumed by the itch to process the information. She finally put it together when the vines pulling her fell limp, and she saw Jade above her, tearing through everything around her with her sword. Jade was a beautiful blur of fury. Before Sabrina knew it, Jade had killed the monstrous plant and was lifting Sabrina to her feet.

“My hero,” Sabrina swooned, throwing her arms around Jade.

Jade was coated from head to toe in the same pink dust that Sabrina was. Sabrina was shocked at Jade’s self control. What little energy Sabrina had she was presently wasting on rubbing her own skin vigorously.

Jade put one of her nipples to Sabrina’s mouth, and only allowed a small sip. Anything more would be arousing enough to override the adrenaline rush that had gotten her this far. “Come with me,” Jade instructed urgently, with her heart pounding in her chest.

Sabrina followed, intentionally rubbing her thighs together as much as possible with each step. This slowed her down, but she had no willpower in the face of this pollen. Eventually they came across Sloan, Alice, and Red— who were far too preoccupied with rubbing their pink-painted skin to address their approach. Jade had to repeatedly bark out annoyed orders for everyone to follow her, but eventually she led them back to the safe room.

 Once inside, all urgency was gone from the girls, who had largely put all of their attention into rubbing themselves Jade was the only one wearing any clothing for once. Sloan had gotten ahold of Red and used the imp like a loofah to scrub herself roughly. Given Red’s satisfied moans, she didn’t seem to protest.

“Everybody get in the tub, quick!” Jade demanded.

“After,” Sabrina whined, groping her own butt.

“I looted like a two-hundred liter barrel of that fucking pink shit! If you’re so obsessed with it, you can use a little bit when you’ve got your wits about you!”

The itch that engulfed Sabrina didn’t instill a desire to have it gone, but only an urgent need to have it satisfied. Sabrina shook her head definitively. “We’re safe, here. Just let us enjoy it a little bit before we wash off.” Sabrina stepped forward and wrapped Jade up in an embrace.

This had two relevant effects on Jade. One was that the touch was like bottling heaven into a drug and mainlining it. The other was that the oxytocin from the jug itself soothed the sense of panic that had allowed Jade to take action in the first place. The result was Jade falling headfirst into the same trance that gripped the others.

Sabrina sucked on one of Jade’s tits while massaging the other with her right hand. Her left had found her ballsack and kneaded it carefully, pleasing them both. Jade’s arms wrapped were wrapped around Sabrina to get a good grip on Sabrina’s ass. With both cheeks in hand, she squeezed and shook them.

“I wish you understood how good that felt,” Sabrina said, melting. As she expressed this, it triggered a notification.

Attempt to replicate perk: Double-Cheeked? (Y/N)

Sabrina agreed.

Double-Cheeked essence challenge: sit fully on the face of a consenting partner for [45] consecutive minutes without adjusting positing. During this time, your partner will not need to breathe.

Sabrina told Jade about this, and Jade was ecstatic about both the activity and the reward. Right away, lowered herself onto her back and gestured for Sabrina to have a seat. Sabrina crouched down and got into position. The challenge was pretty literal; the timer didn’t begin until all of her weight was resting on on Jade’s face.

Beneath Sabrina, Jade kissed and sucked, but didn’t lick. There wasn’t any space for that. This was more about the kind of smothering than a position for eating pussy. To pass the time and soothe her pervasive urge, Jade took off the living dildo and fucked her pussy with it. Above her, Sabrina fingered her own clit and groped up and down her body.

Alice experienced the pollen on a unique level. Her slime suit was made entirely of sensitive flesh that she was connected to. The pink pollen had gummed-up the slime itself and become incorporated into its lubricant. Not only did this secrete a potent solution of it onto Alice’s skin, but the slime was affected inside and out.

To alleviate the itch, Alice encased herself in a mass of tentacles. A python-like slime-cock fucked her ass, sucker-limbs roughly worked her dicks, and every part of her was restrained and massaged. When she came, which was frequently, her cum was cycled through the slime and into her ass. Without magical enhancements, this level of inhuman stimulation would surely give her a brain aneurysm.

Sloan was in the midst of a novel form of scissoring. She had one of Red’s ankles in each hand and flossed her crotch against her own like a towel. This was better than nothing, but Alice’s writhing mass of tentacles looked like a more attractive option.

Thusly, Sloan hurled herself into the slime pile and surrendered to its pleasures. As she settled in, she shooed away the suckers on Alice’s dicks and then backed into them, taking one into each hole. Sabrina saw this, and felt a little left out.

“Wanna bring that mess over my way? Don’t move us though, we have to stay just like this.”

Alice accepted the invite, and her slime pile crawled a few feet over to incorporate two more recipients. All at once, slithering limps embraced the two lovers and reached spots neither could alone.

Within the amorphous mound, Red waded towards Jade and attached the Living Dildo to herself before resuming its job in fucking Jade. As a bonus, a welcome tentacle slithered its way into Jade’s ass and joined in the fucking. Smaller tentacles massaged Sabrina’s clit and the outside of her asshole. Meanwhile, larger ones spiraled around her thighs and robust cheeks and squeezed pleasantly.

It was unspeakable filth of the highest order. Sabrina could think of times before when friends groups had descended into horny madness, but nothing like this. Certainly, prior debaucheries had never reeked of hentai to such a degree.

In giving themselves over to the strange delights, the group had a great time, and bonded quite a bit. All good things come to an end, though. This end came when the timer ran out and Jade’s need for oxygen returned. The girls all adjusted to let Jade up for air, and finally decided to wash off in the hot tub. With the corrupting pollen gone, rationality returned.

Jade, though, didn’t need chemical influence to prioritize lewdness. After a few minutes of relaxing and letting the hot bubbles take away every trace of the erotic itch, she perked up in realization. “Oh! Can’t forget, it’s time to give me a big fat juicy ass!”

Sabrina was so relaxed that she hoped to avoid moving. “Gimme a second,” she requested hopefully.

“Oh come on! Please?” Jade begged, bouncing in excitement.

Sabrina smiled, too enamored with this ridiculous woman to be annoyed. “Fine,” she conceded.

Sabrina emerged from the water and made her way to the counter, with Red joining to help. She added the essence to a recipe, and Red suggested adding some imp, slime, and goblin essences to enhance the effects. Sabrina did so, added ten Lust jellies, and cooked up a mutagen.

“Voila!” Sabrina announced. “One booty mutation, hot off the presses.”

Jade took it happily and activated it. The strange mutagenic smoke surrounded her ass, and when it was gone, her newly huge ass was revealed. She spun around while crooking her neck like a dog chasing its tail trying to get a good look.

“It’s immaculate, trust me,” Sabrina assured her.

It truly was something to behold. It was nowhere near as large as Sabrina’s, but she’d definitely get hounded by people asking where she got such a great and natural-looking BBL. To congratulate her, Sabrina gave it a nice loud smack.

“I love it! Oh my god thank you so much Bean! I love you!”

Sabrina braced for the hug that came barreling towards her at full force and took her girlfriend into her arms. “I love you, too. I’m happy you like it. I’ll be spending a lot of time with my face in those cheeks.”

With Jade screaming in celebration, Sabrina savored this moment of joy. Magic was quite a gift. Sabrina would need to thank the dungeon when she got a chance.


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