Lay the Dragon v2 (18+ NSFW)

Chapter 1

Hello and welcome, my wonderful, amazing friends and readers! Welcome to the long awaited rewrite to Lay the Dragon, known as v2. I sincerely hope you all enjoy this as much as DragonBound (and certainly more than the original!). The sex will still be present, though it'll be more spread out to better pace the story and better accommodate the characters development! Don't forget to leave a like and comment, subscribe if you're not! And if you want early chapters, check out my subscribeStar, as I am always one week ahead over there!

Arland wandered through the forest, following the butterfly that had caught his attention. It led him over logs and down gullies. Up mountains and across streams, at areas that were shallow enough for him to safely make it across. The butterfly fluttered near a cave. As Arland stepped near the mouth, a rock gave way, sending him tumbling into it.

As he fell, he gasped to prepare a scream. However, he barely made a peep as he rolled, skinning and scraping his knees and elbows, before ending with a sickening crack as he smacked his head on the bare stone floor. He sat up, tears brimming his eyes as he stifled his sobs, holding his head.

The back wall moved, slithering to the side, until a large red dragon head was revealed. Arland instantly felt terror grip his heart. He'd heard tales of how dangerous wild dragons could be. Dragons were a fierce and proud species that resisted all forms of rule. He tried to stand on shaking legs, but his nerves continuously betrayed him as he switched between quiet sobs from the pain and trying to remain perfectly silent to not offend this massive, majestic beast.

The head moved in closer, "What's this? Has a snack come tumbling into my cave?"

Arland opened his mouth to reply, his nerves again getting the better of him. "N-n-n-n-n-no, M-m-ma'am," He stuttered through the terror.

The head tilted before moving in closer, snuffling him, "My apologies, little one. In draconic, the words for 'snack' and 'human' are quite similar. It's a hold-over from a bygone era. But let's set that aside. What are you doing here?"

Arland scooted further back, pressing himself against the wall, unable to reply.

The dragon almost seemed to smirk as it moved in and licked his head, right where he had hit it. He winced in pain, "Relax, little one. You're injured. I'm aware of the reputation my kind have here. We're not evil, mindless beasts. You're young and injured. I'll not harm you until you show provocation and intent to do me harm."

When Arland didn't show any change to his demeanor, the dragon withdrew, "My dear, I mean to say that you're safe. Please, relax."

At this, he took a deep breath and looked up at her, "O-okay... I-if you do hurt me, my daddy will have the knights of the kingdom hunt you down..."

The dragon moved in, "And what if I heal your injuries? Will a reward await me?" It asked, seemingly amused.

"I don't know... I don't get to have much input about things like that. Mommy and Daddy are always deciding that."

The dragon moved to his feet and licked his skinned knees and elbows, "Well, not to worry. I can't heal. But sleep does wonders to ease pains. Come along. I'll make sure you can rest comfortably."

Arland stood up on still shaking legs before he fell. The dragon moved in, "Careful there. Let me help you." It scooped him up with one claw and moved towards the back of the cavern, curling around him. Arland laid his head on the warm scales and closed his eyes.


The knights came in, swords drawn. The dragon had her claws covering him protectively, "Quiet, you heathens!" It whispered harshly, "You'll wake him!"

The knights stayed silent as a nobleman stepped in and looked around. When he spotted Arland, he drew his sword, "You kidnap my son and threaten him, beast?!"

The dragon looked over the man. He was tall for a human. He wasn't overly large, though. A slight gut, but otherwise taut, toned muscle rippled as he moved. He had shaggy brown hair and a full beard that was well-trimmed. He had a scar running down his face, from hairline to chin, just to the side of his eye.

It lowered its head, "He stumbled in here. He's injured, so I let him sleep. If you're really his father, then take him. But be wary. As I said, he's still injured. He needs his sleep."

The man approached cautiously and looked at his son. He picked him up and moved out of the cave, "Come on. We must get him home and to a physician."

Arland's eyes shot open, "Put me down! Let go! Stop! Daddy, you can't hurt her! It helped me! It's nice!"

The nobleman struggled to hold the child for a moment, before he wiggled free and dropped to the ground, landing in a roll and racing back to spread his arm wide between the humans and the dragon.

"I won't let you hurt her, Daddy!"

"Arland, stop this! It's a wild dragon! A mere beast! It can talk, but it's not truly capable of compassion!"

Arland and his father held a silent stare for a long, tense moment, neither even daring to breathe.

Eventually, Arland broke the silence, "Harm this dragon, and I'll hate you forever, Daddy," He threatened.

The nobleman sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Fine. We won't harm it. It did help you, it's intentions aside... But neither can we remain here. We need to get your head wound checked out."

Arland held his stance for a breath longer before he relaxed. He nodded and turned to the dragon, "What's your name?"

It smiled and leaned in, "I don't have one. But if you'd like to offer me one, I'll gladly accept it, human child."

Arland thought for a long moment, "Are you a boy or a girl dragon?"

"I'm a girl dragon."

Arland tapped his chin, his elbow resting on his opposite hand. His face brightened, "Nury! Like 'nice' and 'fury'! cause dragons are mean, but you're kind."

Nury leaned in and pressed her snout to the small boy, "Then Nury I shall be so named. Now go, kiddo. Your dad will get mad if you dawdle."

Arland nodded and turned, walking back to his father. He looked up at the man, "I don't think she's a beast, Daddy. She's nice."

His father took another deep breath before he turned back, "Drag- Nury... Thank you. For watching over him. He means the world to me. My name is Duke Harald Norman of the Norman Duchy in the kingdom of Cheecia. This is Arland."

He bent at the hips, offering a sharp, respectful bow to Nury before straightening and turning to leave. Arland mimicked his father's movements before following him out. The guards took up their positions surrounding Harald as the entourage made their way back to the cave entrance.


Over the next few days, the wound in Arland's head healed nicely, barely even leaving a scar. The child spent the next week visiting Nury any time he was able, always with no fewer than five guards.

Then, a week after they had all met, Harald accompanied Arland up the mountain and into the cave. Nury's head lifted from the cave floor as the pair entered, Harald ordering his guards to wait outside.

"Welcome to my cave, friends. What can I offer you this day?"

Harald removed the cap that he had been wearing, "I bring ill tidings. I wanted to thank you one more time for helping Arland and for being a good friend to him these last few days. As the son of a nobleman, he doesn't have many of those. Unfortunately, we're due to return home tomorrow, Nury. Know that you'll always be welcome in my duchy should you wish to visit."

Nury chuckled, "Visit the kingdom of Cheecia? You're little better than Gratia. You tame anything draconic, and kill those you can't, should we be deemed a nuisance."

Harald dropped his eyes, "You're right. It was stupid of me to suggest. But still, Nury. I'd be honored to speak in your defense, should you choose to."

The dragon nodded and moved in closer, "I have something for you," She turned her gaze on Arland, "For both of you."

The child perked up, "Really?"

Nury nodded, "I've enjoyed your company. These last few days, you've made me smile. I'm old for your kind, and jaded to boot. But you made me believe maybe not all your kind are harsh and hateful. And the stories you tell, Duke Harald. Of your adventures, your family, even the politics you deal with."

Arland moved forward and hugged the dragon's snout. Nury wrapped her tail around the boy. Harald looked at the display and smiled. He hadn't seen his son this happy in a while. The dragon pulled away and scooped a claw through her belongings, pulling up a pair of pendants.

She handed one to Harald, "This pendant will always show you the location of the person who last placed blood on it. Have Arland donate a drop and you'll never lose him."

She turned to Arland and held one out to him, "And this one will always bring you light when you're in the dark. With it, you'll always be able to find your way no matter how grim or hopeless your path may seem."

Harald and Arland accepted the gifts and Nury lowered her head, "Now please, allow a woman some privacy, if you will," She said, feigning toughness.

Harald bowed low, "Thank you, Nury. Arland and I will never forget you. Goodbye."

Arland mimicked his father's actions before running forward and hugging the dragon. Nury returned the hug and the pair left the cave, moving down the mountain.


The next morning, they prepared their caravan and rode off, with Arland riding in the covered wagon. He watched in sadness as the mountain where Nury the Dragon resided began to move away, heading further and further away. He clutched the amulet she had given him and Made himself a silent vow, 'Nury, I'll find you again one day. When I'm big and strong. When I'm capable of surviving on my own.'

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