Lay the Dragon v2 (18+ NSFW)

Chapter 18 (NSFW)

Arland approached the cave mouth, peering in before taking one last look around. He pulled out the sheet for the quest he'd accepted to triple-check the exact wording. LAY THE DRAGON was scrawled across the top of the sheet. Under that was a fairly detailed drawing of a large dragon in flight, followed by extraneous details, such as the reward and approximate location.

This was the fifth cave he'd checked in these mountains and the only one that had hot air flowing out. This had to be it.

He packed the sheet away and drew his sword. Dragons weren't the only things in these caves. He'd learned that after the first cave had giant insectoid beasts called Myriapods. They had over a hundred legs and were known for eating just about anything that entered their domain.

Arland shivered as he thought back over the fight against the disgusting things. They had crawled across the ceiling and walls, wrapped and coiled around him, while their numerous legs dug painfully into his flesh. He subconsciously leaned down and rubbed a sore spot on his leg where one such leg had dug in.

He shook his head and took a tentative step in, more wary of his surroundings.

After walking for a minute or so, he stopped. Ahead, he saw a faint glow coming from the end of a passage. He drew closer and realized that the heat had increased. 'It's hotter than the last few. It's got to be it.' As he entered the cavern proper, he could see that the rock had been melted and shaped by large claws. A chunk of rock had been pulled away, leaving a molten glow to light the area.

Arland felt a presence behind him. He steadied his breathing before he leapt forward, landing in a twisting roll, coming up and facing the large red dragon. His breath caught as he recognized her.

"Why have you come, human?" She asked.

Arland grinned, "I've got a quest to remove you from this area."

"You've come to kill me?"

"Not quite..." He replied.

"Then what do you plan to do?"

"Well, I don't really have one, to be honest. I trained with a sword, so this quest is a bit... awkward..."

The dragon seemed to slither down the wall, bringing her face closer to his, "What is it? Let me see the sheet?"

He pulled it out and handed it to her. She delicately took it in her massive claws and unrolled the scroll. As she read the title, her eyes went wide, "They expect you to... Fuck me?"

Arland shrugged, "That'd be my guess. I've thought over it every which way, but that's the only meaning of that phrase I can think of."

The dragon looked him over, "And what makes you so certain that I'd be willing to do such an act with a pathetic little human?"

Arland sheathed his blade and held his arms out, "I know you don't recognize me, Nury, but we've met before. I'm sure you Remember the boy that gave you that name."

The dragon squinted and moved her head to the side, slowly circling around him. She moved in closer and sniffed. "Your scent... It's close, but more... mature... Arland?!"

"Aye. That's me."

"It is you!" She cried, pressing her snout against him, knocking him down, before she rested her chin on him, her head a little larger than his full body. "I've missed you, kiddo!!"

Arland chuckled as he hit the ground, gently rubbing her jawbone, "I've missed you too, Nury. How have you been?"

She sighed, "Not the best. You're a bit of an asshole. I was happy, and then you came along and let me get a glimpse of another life - a life with a friend. And I realized just how lonely and boring my life actually was."

"I'm sorry. I wanted to come find you, but I was too young to travel alone. So my father hired a trainer. I just recently graduated to swordmaster, and this is my first real solo quest - It's my trial-by-fire, so to speak."

Nury grinned, at least as much as a dragon could, "If you want, we could make it a true trial-by-fire..." To demonstrate her point, she blew a small puff of smoke from her nose.

Arland rested his head back and watched the dual rings dance on the air currents within the cave, "Nah. I think I'd enjoy completing this quest, though. I'll admit, I was a bit hesitant at first. But since you're a friend of mine, we could possibly work something out."

Nury drew back, gently biting his leather armor and hauling him up into a chair, "Speaking of your quest, what kind of weirdo would hire a guildie to fuck a dragon? Some kind of fetishist or something? And the details say to 'get rid of' me. But how is laying me supposed to accomplish that...?"

Arland slumped back into the carved seat, "No clue. Maybe the idea is that I fuck you, then convince you to leave. But either way, I didn't really have much of a choice. A swordmaster must accept an S-rank quest, and there wasn't another on this continent at this moment."

Nury thought for a moment, "It's possible it was a mistake. Maybe you're actually supposed to slay me?"

"Perhaps, but I'm bound to what the sheet says..."

After a moment of silence, Nury spoke up, "So, do you want to, or...?"

Arland looked up at her, "Is it even possible? I mean, we're two different species. I presume you're reptilian enough that you've got a cloaca rather than a vagina."

Nury nodded, "Indeed. But there are other things we could do."

"Like?" Arland asked, raising his eyebrow.

Nury winked, "Strip. I'll show you."

Arland stood and removed his armor and clothing until he was standing bare in front of the dragon. He watched as her eyes took him in, from his chest down to his toes.

She turned and swiped at the stone above the magma pool, causing a small rockfall to bury it. With a flap of her wings, she quickly filtered out the dusty, hot air and replaced it with cleaner, cooler air from outside the cave. She turned back to Arland and moved in, flicking her tongue out, across his chest.

"Tell me, Arland, would you define laying with someone as strictly penetrative sex? Or would any form of sex satisfy it?"

Arland smiled and leaned into the warm tongue, "I think any form of intimacy could be considered making love."

Nury pulled back and thought, "So, you'd be okay if I did this?" She asked. She ran her tongue along his neck and jaw before gently grazing her sharp teeth over his shoulder.

"Mmm," Arland moaned, "Are you certain you want this, Nury? We haven't seen each other in years, since I was but a child..."

Nury pulled back, "But you're a child no longer, Arland."

Arland chuckled and stepped forward, caressing her massive jaw, "Agreed. I'm certainly not a child any longer."

"So we're agreed? We're actually doing this?"

Arland nodded, "Provided you don't reject me, then of course..."

Nury moved in and opened her max, her long, serpentine tongue darting out and wrapping around his package, snaking its way around his cock and gently weaving around his balls. Nury met his gaze, "Arland, I'd never reject you. You're special to me."

Arland grinned and took her head in his hands, gently rubbing the scales, "Thank you, Nury. You're special to me too."

He leaned in, pressing his lips to her snout. She wrapped a claw around him and lifted him from the ground, her tongue still stroking along his length. He moaned and thrust forward against the pressure of her tongue.

She carried him into a separate chamber, before laying him on a large stone slab that was covered in straw and a few animal furs.

"You like my bedroom? It was kind of thrown together, but it's something, at least."

He grinned, "I'm not so focused on that at the moment."

She grinned, "Really? And after all the work I put into making it accommodating." She playfully pouted as she placed a claw over his chest, pinning him down. He groaned in pleasure as she continued the tongue-job.

Arland began panting, "Nury, I'm getting close. It won't be much longer now!"

Nury smiled, "Then cum for me, Arland."

Her tongue stroked faster as he writhed under her touch. She grinned, "It feels good, doesn't it?"

Arland nodded as his cock twitched. His balls tightened and he moaned as the first spurt of his seed shot out. The second and third globs quickly follow the first. His semen ran down his length, glazing both his cock and her tongue in the thick white seed.

"Mmm... So fucking good..." Nury said as she unwound her tongue from his rod, licking up the last few drops. She pulled back as Arland panted, trying to catch his breath.

Nury laid down, resting her head next to him, as he moved up next to her. She glanced down, "So, how was it?"

Arland adjusted, relaxing against her as he caressed her long, sinuous neck, "It was amazing. Thank you. Your scales are so smooth, by the way."

Nury sighed pleasantly as Arland continued running his hands over her scales. "I spend a fair bit of time preening. Keeping my scales clean, smooth, and pleasant to touch. Most dragons are very conscious of their looks."

Arland hemmed in response as his eyes drooped shut. Within moments, he was asleep. Nury gently ran a claw over his forehead, "I love you, Arland. I wish I could stay with you forever. Sleep well, and when you awake, I'll see you off until next time, my love."

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