Lay the Dragon v2 (18+ NSFW)

Chapter 37

Arland glanced over at Nury as Trinar knelt between them, the three standing before Harald.

He turned his attention back as his father spoke, "Trinar of the Demons... You've been accused of being against the humans - specifically our great kingdom of Cheecia and our allies, the Devilwood Wilds. What plea have you to say?"

Trinar kept her eyes on the ground as she replied, "Guilty. Take my fucking head..."

Harald sighed, "Very well. Your presenters... Arland and Nury of the Anti-Demon Force. What would you suggest for her punishment? Do you agree with her request for beheading?"

Nury shook her head slowly while Arland stood to attention and lowered his head, "No, Lord Harald. I would recommend she be released into our custody. We have reason to believe she may have information vital to our efforts."

Harald turned his head to face Liza, his daughter, "And what would you recommend, Liza?"

She sighed and nodded, "I concur. Trinar may have information too valuable to the war efforts to simply throw away. But neither do we have the resources to spare in interrogation, as we must begin preparations for the war efforts."

Harald nodded, "So it is. Very well, Arland, Nury. Do you hereby accept responsibility for Trinar and all future actions and damage she may cause?"

Arland met his father's gaze, "We do."

"Very well, Trinar, you're released into their custody. Arland, Nury, you may stay as long as necessary. This court is dismissed."

Trinar looked up, "WAIT! Don't I get a say?!"

Arland glared down at her, "You're a prisoner. Your punishment is whatever we say it is."

"But-! But-!" She began to protest before hanging her head, "Fine... I'll do as you command..."

Nury nodded and turned away, "Then come along."

"Where are we going?" Trinar asked as she stood.

"Our room," Arland replied.

The three turned to leave when Harald called out, "Arland! One moment. As the duke of this land, I hereby reinstate your official name and rank. Welcome back, my son."

Arland offered a salute, "Thank you, Father. I'm honored."

With that, the trio headed off to the room their room. Inside, Nury stepped over to the dresser while Arland removed his armor and shirt.

He moved to the center of the room and looked towards Trinar, "Strip, then kneel before me."

Trinar blinked, "Wha-? Why?!"

"Because. Strip and kneel. Now."

She frowned and began to undress.

"And the undergarments. I'd rather not have them torn."


Arland glared at her and she immediately went quiet. She pulled the small panties and bra off. She dropped them into the pile of her clothing, then stepped forward and knelt in front of Arland.

"I swear, if you so much as think of touching me with your filthy human dick, I'll bite it off..."

Nury pulled out a dagger and smiled as she tossed it to Arland, "Not to worry. He won't be touching you with it. It's mine. But it is required for something else..."

Arland stepped behind Trinar, grabbed her hair - still tied up in her twin tails, and quickly sliced the dagger through them, cutting her hair down to shoulder length.

Trinar's eyes shut, "You think you'll break me by cutting my hair? It'll grow back..."

Arland stepped back around to her front, "Actually, no. I cut your hair because you're going into battle. Long hair can be a danger for you."

"You stripped me naked! And what's that for?! You're trying to-"

Arland cut into his hand, silencing Trinar as she watched. Arland met her gaze, "I'm going to mark you. It'll serve as a safety measure for both you and us."

Trinar snarled, her voice low, "How the fuck is it safe for me?!"

Arland held his hand out as the blood began to flow. He recited a quick incantation before he knelt and placed his bloody hand on her upper chest. When he pulled his hand back, there remained a solid bloody handprint. After a moment, it faded, the spell taking effect and linking her to Arland. Nury walked up and began repeating the ritual.

Arland stepped aside and smiled at her, "Others will know that you're our property. This mark will ensure that you're not targeted. The people here don't really look kindly on the demons."

Trinar looks away, "I... Guess that makes sense..." She looks back and up at Arland, "Can I ask why you're going to war? We were never told."

"To rescue the elves," Arland answered.

Trinar twisted her face, "You took a slave to aid you in freeing slaves? Fuckin' hypocrite."

Arland smiled, "I'm tired. Nury, you want to head over and grab some food?"


Trinar raised her voice, "Don't just ignore me!"

Arland looked back at her, "Get dressed. Let's go."

Trinar huffed as she pulled her clothes on. The trio headed for the dining room. Arland and Nury sat down while Trinar stood behind them. Arland turned back to her, "You're not hungry?"

"It's not the place of a slave to eat with her master..."

Arland scoffed, "Oh please. Don't go victimizing yourself. Sit."

Trinar looked uneasy as she walked over and took a seat by the warrior. She remained tensed and on the edge of her seat, looking like she was about to bolt at a moment's notice.

Arland and Nury chatted while they ate. Occasionally, Arland would ask Trinar a question, but the demoness refused to answer.

Nury looked up at the demoness and sighed, "You know, it would be easier for you if you just relaxed and answered the questions."

"Fuck you," Trinar spat.

Nury shrugged and continued her meal.

When they had finished, they made their way back to the room. Trinar stood to the side while Arland and Nury got changed into their night clothes.

Arland looked over at her, "You're sleeping in those?"

"I don't have any other clothes..."

He sighed and dug into his pack, eventually pulling out one of his shirts and tossing it to her, "Here. Change into this. We'll go visit the tailor and order you some clothes."

The demoness caught the shirt and looked down at it, "Why...?"

Arland smiled at her, "You're our slave. But you're still an intelligent being. As such, you deserve respect at a bare minimum. We mean you no harm. We merely want your aid in this war to minimize casualties."

Trinar nodded and slowly changed into the shirt, leaving her bra off. "There, I'm changed. I assume I'll be sleeping on the floor?"

Arland shrugged, "If you want. The bed is big enough for the three of us. If you choose to sleep on the floor, there's blankets in the closet over there. Feel free to make a temporary bed or something. It can get drafty at night though, so I'd recommend just swallowing your pride and sleeping up here. The added warmth will be beneficial for all of us."

Nury smiled, "You more than us, Babe. Demons and Dragons both have higher body temps. You'll be nice and cuddly warm all night."

Trinar scowled, "Yeah, and what if you try anything funny? I'm a virgin."

Arland rolled his eyes, "You have my solemn vow I won't attempt to rape you in your sleep."

"That's reassuring."

"Look, you're my slave. If I wanted to fuck you rather than my willing girlfriend, would you actually stop me?"

Trinar stared at him for a moment before scoffing, "Fuckin' asshole."

"I try. You gonna come to bed or not?"

Trinar glared momentarily before sighing and climbing into the bed beside the other two. After settling in, she grumbled, "I guess... This bed is pretty good... soft, fluffy, and warm..."

Arland, snuggled up with Nury, turned his head, "Yeah. my dad used to make jokes about my orgy-sized bed back when I was a kid. I never got the reference back then. But Trinar, please don't think you're just our slave for our entertainment. It's merely for appearances and to ensure you can't harm us and others won't harm you. Beyond that, you're our companion. Maybe not a friend-"

"Yet," Nury interrupted.

"- yes, yet," Arland agreed, "But we're treating you perfectly reasonably."

"Yeah, and my pussy's the holy grail. Go fuck yourself, human."

Arland turned and pulled the covers over them, "Well, have a good night. See you tomorrow."

Nury cuddled up against him as he wrapped his arm around her.

After a few minutes, Arland felt a warmth against his back. He turned his head to see Trinar resting with her back against his.

She turned her head, "Don't get any ideas... I'm just cold..."

With a quiet chuckle, Arland nodded and laid his head back down, quickly finding sleep.


The next morning, Arland woke first, carefully climbing out of the bed, making sure not to disturb the other two. He went and grabbed a quick breakfast from the kitchen, returning with a plate for the girls.

The two women were both still asleep, the sunlight barely starting to creep in through the curtains. Arland set the plate on the table, walking back over to the bed. He leaned over Trinar, reaching down to gently shake her shoulder.

She groaned and rolled away, pulling the covers tighter around her.

He chuckled and called out to the both of them, "I got food. Pancakes. With fresh raspberry jam."

At the mention of jam, Trinar opened her eyes. She glanced around, noticing the smell of the pancakes, she slowly pushed herself up and moved to sit cross-legged. The shirt Arland had lent had ridden up, revealing her total lack of panties.

"Uh, Trin... You're kinda... Revealed..."

She glanced down and shrugged, "Ah. I can cover if you'd rather, but it doesn't bug me. As you so eloquently put it, I'm your slave. You can fuck me if you want and I can't really struggle so covering myself wouldn't have any effect..."

Arland grinned, "So you're willing to accept that you belong to us?"

Trinar nodded, "Yeah. Not much else I can do. My best option is to play along and work with you guys. If I don't prove useful enough, I could be killed. If I escape and make it back home, I'll be killed. The only option I have to live is to help you."

Nury leaned over and wrapped her arms around the demoness, "Oh, yay! I'm so glad you finally came around!"

Trinar grunted in annoyance, but she couldn't hide the blush creeping onto her face.

The trio sat and chatted while the girls ate their breakfast with Nury joking and poking fun at Trinar.

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