Lay the Dragon v2 (18+ NSFW)

Chapter 40

Agdron walked through his garden - in the desolate sands, it was a rarity to see green. But through creative use of his kingdom's aqueducts and importing good soil from foreign lands, he had managed to grow this little slice of paradise.

Rania sat on a nearby bench, watching as he stopped and knelt to run his fingers tenderly along the petals of a black rose.

"My lord, you're so tender with those flowers," She grinned.

He looked up at her, "The soil here was shit when I took the throne. I had some decent soil imported. but to maintain that same health, it needs to occasionally be fed. Normally I use the blood of fallen allies. This rose... It was grown with the blood of my fallen comrades. My friends."

She nodded, "Is there a reason for your break today? You normally work so hard for the security of your kingdom."

He looked up at her, "The time to feed it has arisen once again. But while I normally use friends that have died of old age, disease, or war... Today I'll use that of a friend I've lost to betrayal."

Rania felt her heart skip a beat as she thought over their recent history, wondering if he meant her. Did he somehow learn of her lie? As she pondered it, striving to not show anything, he stood and walked closer.

"Rania, go fetch Krokt for me."

She looked up briefly before quickly standing and offering a short bow, before turning to leave the garden.

Agdron turned and looked back at the rose he had caressed as he thought back to when he had seized his throne.


[Fifty years prior]

Agdron sat at a table, looking around his closest friends - each the leader of a vital portion of the resistance.

"Turgok knows we're meeting today," Ninna said. She was his oldest friend - they'd been in school together. They had even tried dating for a short while.

"Who cares? We're in the final stages. All the pieces are set. He can't do anything to stop it," Orrath replied.

"He'll expect it to be one of us to deal the final strike. He won't expect you to do it, Agdron," Thornag offered.

Agdron nodded, "That's true. It's been... Well, I wouldn't rather fight a revolution against anyone other than you fine folks."

Ninna blushed, "Oh, shush. I'm just some old hag now."

Thornag glared at her, "Can we stay focused? Stop fishing for compliments."

She harrumphed, crossing her arms and turning her head away.

Orrath shook his head, "You lot are my oldest friends. I couldn't have picked a better crew to run a revolution with. Agdron, get going. You're needed at the castle soon. We'll stay here and focus on a smooth transition for the people."

Agdron nodded and turned to leave. He felt a pair of arms around his waist. He twisted his neck to see Ninna holding him.

"We may not have lasted as a couple, but make no mistake... I do love you, Agdron. You're my best friend - my confidant. Come back alive, you hear me? If you die... I'll kill you..."

She let out a half-hearted chuckle at her bad attempt at humor even as her eyes welled up. He grinned and patted her head, "I'll come back alive, Nin. I promise. And when I do, I'll bring you the crown."

Ninna pulled away and nodded, "Alright, alright... Go, then."

He turned and left the cave. Once he was a short distance away, he summoned his mount and climbed atop the mighty hellhound.

"Kraven, you ready?"

The massive blackhound growled and turned his head, showing glowing red eyes, and nodded.

Agdron pointed his hellhound to the palace, and the two charged. The hellhound leaped and took to the air, its paws never touching the ground, seeming that the fire around its ankles was both decor and stepping stones. He steered in a roundabout way, avoiding being seen as he neared the throne room windows.

He lifted his legs and stood on Kraven's back. As they drew closer, he kicked off, leaping and twisting through the air. He slammed into the window, shattering it as he drew his blades. Turgok turned and drew his.

"So they send the squire! A child like you can't hope to-"

"SHUT UP!" Agdron snarled. "You've said enough, Turgok! Your reign of terror is at an end! I'll take your head and wear it as my crown!"

Turgok's face screwed up in a look of disgust, "Dude... Even for a demon, that's fucking dark..."

Agdron blushed slightly, "Yeah... Not my best line... It sounded cooler in my head..."

Turgok grinned, "End this revolution and join me. We can work on it together."

Agdron visibly relaxed slightly, "I'd consider it, but you... You ordered my other beheaded. And for what? Because she dared to spill water on your rug?"

The king raised an eyebrow, "Wha-...? Oh... Oh! Her? That was your mom? Damn, I thought she was just some nameless wench. I didn't realize she had a son. Otherwise, I'd have had you killed as well. I try to be merciful - Kill whole families. Don't leave orphans behind."

Agdron growled and gripped his sword tighter.

"Well, let's get started then," the king said.

Agdron launched himself forward, crossing the space between the two in an instant and bringing his swords down on his opponent.

Turgok brought his up to block, then parried the next blow, and the next, and the next.

"You're fast, but your skill leaves a lot to be desired," The king said as he stepped back and calmly brought his blade up to meet each attack from the young demon.

Agdron snarled, "Turgok!" He thrust, twisted, cut across, and brought his offhand up, holding a dagger.

Turgok brought his hand across, catching the challenger's wrist. "Sword and dagger? That's not exactly a common combo for demons. Who taught you?"

"Never mind that!"

Turgok's eyes flared red with fury. Still holding Agdron's wrist in his fist, he brought it up and knocked it against the younger demon's face three times before releasing him.


Agdron stumbled back as his vision blurred, his stinging nose bringing tears to his eyes, "I'll never betray my friends like that, you bastard! You're a cowardly king, hiding behind your guards and slaves! You're a black corruption!"

Turgok stood, chuckling. After a moment his shoulders began shaking as his voice grew to a boisterous laughter, "Y'think?! I'm a demon!"

He thrust himself forward, large black wings spreading from his back. He slammed his shoulder into Agdron's abdomen, even as his blade bit deep into the tender flesh on the inside of Agdron's thigh.

"You should learn to act like the demon you are, boy!"

Agdron hit the ground and lost his breath. As he struggled to find his air again, he looked up, "If that... Means being a... killer like you..."

"You don't want to kill? How do you plan to take my crown, child? Ask me for it?!"

Agdron stood on shaky legs, "I'll kill as needed... Not simply because I desire the red to paint my views..."

Turgok stepped closer, grabbed Agdron by the hair and dragged him to the window, "You lack conviction."

He shoved him forward, facing the window, "Look. That secret little meeting of yours? You really think I didn't know? No... I had to make a show of it. To quell all future ideas others might have."

Suddenly the ground shook and there was a large flash, followed by a plume of smoke rising in the distance. Agdron recognized it as the location of his friends. Ninna, Orrath, Thornag. They were gone. In the blink of an eye, they were dead. Even without confirmation, Agrdon knew in his heart that they were gone.

Agdron's rage burned like the hottest hellfires.

Turgok dropped him and stepped back, "Now... Let's finish this."

Agdron stood up, looking back over his shoulder, "Fine... Let's. No more playing."


Agdron held his hand up. A black smoke swirled and filled the room. Agdron rushed forward, his sword finding his hand seemingly by magic just as the blade struck, ringing loudly against Turgok's. His dagger leaped freely into his other hand as it drove towards the king's frozen heart. Agdron felt a tug in his consciousness as the smoke condensed, revealing that Turgok had caught both of his blades with his sword, angling it down to catch both on their crossguards.

"You're still too slow, boy!"

"MY!" Agdron began as he pushed back, beginning a steady, even rhythm, his blades dancing in and out, each vying for both creating and exposing openings. But Turgok matched every stroke, catching sword-to-sword and dagger-to-gauntlet.

"NAME!" Agdron continued as his dance sped up. Turgok's smile faded as he felt his skill being pressed closer to their limits.

"IS!" Agdron lashed out with his foot, landing a strike squarely on the king's chest. Kraven, condensed from the smoke that filled the room jumped up, latching his jaws onto Turgok's shoulders.

"Agdron!" He finished as he stepped closer. He leaned in next to his king's ear, "You're done, Your Majesty..." He whispered as he slipped his dagger between the plates of armor, the tip sliding easily into his heart.


"Magic? Yeah. Not just nobility that can use it. You just prevented us from learning how. Unfortunately for you, one of your nobles turned his coat. You should thank him. His name is Krokt of House Beelze."

The light faded from Turgok's eyes as he collapsed, his armor clattering.

Krokt stepped forward from the shadows, his wings clasped around his shoulders like a cloak. He knelt and removed the crown from Turgok's head before placing it on Agdron's, "Congratulations... My king."


[present day]

"My king," Krokt said.

Agdron turned to see him. He smiled briefly before raising his hand and a black smoke plumed out. Kraven condensed and leaped, pinning the demon to the ground.


"Krokt..." Agdron began, "I trusted you. You helped me seize my throne. You taught me magic. You were key in stopping Turgok all those years ago. But you've betrayed me... Rania is MINE!"

Kraven snapped his jaws shut, crushing the demon's head.

Rania approached, "Thank you, my love. He'll make for good feed for your garden..."

Agdron sighed, "I'll need to appoint a new advisor..."

"Oh? Why not me? I saw everything he did. I can do the job. Just... Leave out the 'forcing sex' part."

Agdron turned and looked into her eyes, "I suppose that could work. Very well. You will be my new advisor."

She smiled, "Wonderful. Let me know if you need anything. I'll do my best."

"Just one question... At the same time as our rebellion, the elves staged their own. After I took the crown, you approached me to sell out the rebels. Why?"

Rania grinned, "You know the answer. I didn't want to return to a life of hard labor under the sadistic slave keepers. A life of sweet labor under you suits me far better."

Agdron pressed his lips to hers briefly, "And I'm glad you did. I didn't know how much I needed a release."

Rania smiled as she remembered the conversation. He had been such a young ruler. Too young. He genuinely believed that elves desired to be slaves and were only rebelling for better working conditions. He had recaptured them and then changed multiple aspects of their lives. More meals, though the quality had remained the same shit-slop. Better housing, though their beds remained the same piss-poor lumpy mats. He even gave all fertile elven women rooms in the castle dungeons and good quality meals to encourage breeding.

One of the last things Krokt had done was recreate an ancient cursed ailment the demons of old had used to change an entire race of elves into green, ugly, misshapen things. They had recently tried it on a village of Vardor elves that had assumed they had been hidden. Sadly, while it did increase their reproduction rates, it also lowered their life span and turned them fuck-ugly.

Agdron pulled back, "You okay?"

Rania looked up into his eyes, "Yeah. Just thinking. I think I'll start on refining that ailment Krokt had rediscovered. With my elven magic, I might be able to work out those last few kinks."

The demon nodded, "Yeah, try that."

She beamed a smile. 'Fuckin' chump...' She thought to herself.

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