Lay the Dragon v2 (18+ NSFW)

Chapter 43

"I appreciate you finding the time to see me," Arland said, taking a seat at the dining table.

Marvos had invited him alone to eat early, so the two could discuss business.

"I apologize it was just sharing a meal. I've been busy rushing around lately."

"Oh? Might I ask why?"

"The demons have been mobilizing. Their army has been shifting and organizing and growing."

Arland smirked, "Yeah... That's actually related to why I'm here. I'm head of an alliance I'm forming to free the elves from the demons. We have an ally feeding them false information. We're planning a meet-up to the south of the twins."

Marvos looked over at him, pausing with a fork of food just in front of him, "They're mobilizing because they know you're moving against them?"

Arland nodded, "That's correct. Nephy, A violet dragon, and Nury's sister had been feeding them false information to mislead them. I'm hoping to use your land between and south of the twins to meet them in battle."

Marvos sighed and set his fork down, "I'll allow you to use the land. Under the condition that my army also participate. Walk me through your battle plan."

Arland took a bite of food, "Alright, so they're going to head south through the twins. I plan to ambush them once they're halfway through while swinging the arms shut, preventing them from retreating. If you'll contribute a portion of your army, I'll have them stand at the south, boxing them in completely."

"Some demons are capable of flight. What's your plan for that?"

"I've already thought about that. we'll have any forces of ours that can fly - dragons, turncoat demons, and the like meet those that try to escape by flight."

"And your plan for getting the elves out?"

Arland smirked again, "That's the key. My father, My sister, and you will be the commanders. I'll take myself, Nury, and Trinar into demon territory and lead the slaves out while the demons are in battle."

"You're aware they're likely going to leave a small defensive force, right?"

"I'm aware. But we have a dragoness, a swordmaster, and a turncoat with us."

Marvos sighed deeply, "Very well. I'll commit the troops you need. You'll have the full support of House Marvos and the backing of the Devilwood Wilds. You've got a solid plan. Just remember-"

"Even the best-laid plan can go awry. I know. I've never had a plan go perfectly. I've got contingencies upon contingencies."

"Good. I'm glad to see you're a competent leader."

Arland grinned, "I'm grateful for your help, Lord Marvos."

The older man shook his head, "Please, just 'Marvos'. We're planning to spill blood together. We're equals as far as I'm concerned."

"One more thing... I'll be swinging by the adventurer's guild. I'll have them meet with you to arrange a reward. Any that join... They're too wild and singular to join an army, but they can jump in once the fighting proper starts."

Marvos nodded, "Very well. I'll send word to the guild that you'll be arriving soon. How long before you begin this plan of yours?"

Arland leaned back in his chair, "It's coming up. We'll arrange to meet on the field in precisely two years."

Marvos met his gaze, "And who all is with you?"

"We've got my father, the king of Cheecia, You, the vardor, a handful of goblins, one of your disgraced nobles, and two dragons that I'm aware of. There may be more, might be a little less."

"You've got dragons and goblins?!"

"Dragonesses. And the goblins will be imprinted on one of our allies, so they aren't wild. They won't be a danger."

Marvos rubbed his eyes, "I don't know how you did it. I'd never have thought to bring those two groups into an alliance."

"I can be very persuasive."

"I've no doubt of that. And you say you have a turncoat demon?"

"Yeah. My companion, Trinar. You've seen her, I'm sure."

Marvos nodded in agreement, "Aye, I have."


Nephy stood on a small rocky outcropping, looking over the vast expanse of land between the twins. It was a wide area with a gentle slope on either side, leading up to each respective twin - a pair of massive buttes that rose out of the ground with sharp cliff-like drops on all sides.

The path between them was just wide enough to allow an army to pass through but not so wide as to allow any cover on either side. A perfect spot for an ambush.

She nodded. "I'll have my orcs around the back, then move in to prevent retreat. We can have Marvos' army meet in the front. Vardor on either side with bows, raining hell on them and goblins pinching them in the middle. We can have the vardor shoot any that try to fly away..."

As she spoke to herself, looking for any weaknesses or problems that might arise, she spread her wings and took flight, looking around the twins. She looked for any easy way up.

"Might need some troops here early to create slides down so the vardor can join in once their arrows run out..."

She looped and swooped around, finally landing back at the small encampment at the southern end, with Arland, Nury, and Trinar.

"What'd you find?" Arland asked.

Nephy looked back towards the pathway she had been scouting, "We'll need to find a way to move our forces up on either butte. We'll need extra to dig out small slides into the path so those that run out of arrows can rejoin easily."

Arland lowered his head and looked thoughtful, "We should have just enough time to do all that... We can also try and heft some rocks up there for Mimi's goblins to throw down before they charge in..."

Nephy nodded, "That'd be a good idea. What's our time frame?"

"We have just shy of a year."

Nephy spread her wings, "I'll go let Mimi know. We should plan for a meeting between all parties here in three months, so everyone can be on the same page."

She beat her wings and took to the sky.

Nury and Trinar walked up and stood next to Arland, one on either side of him. Nury wrapped her arm around his, threading her hand into his, "Are you ready for this, babe?"

Trinar glanced over, "It's not far off now."

Arland sighed, "Things have certainly moved quickly. It's been a year and a half of information gathering and getting things set up."

Marvos stepped up alongside the trio, "You've done well, boy. You're young, but you've managed to raise an army worthy of the gods themselves. Your plan is tight, and while things will likely go wrong, I have faith you'll handle those as well. I'll have my men get started on preparing these cliffs for the battle, then we can head back."

Arland nodded, "Thanks Marvos. We'll meet here again in six months to ensure everyone is on the same page, then we can meet here a month in advance. Just in case Agdron decides to march early."

Marvos tipped his head, then turned and set back to his men. Arland took one final look at the expanse of land before he turned to head back home. Nury and Trinar followed closely behind.

"I thought we were heading back to Gelala," Trinar said.

"Nah, I'm heading home. We've got time to kill, and I'd feel much more at ease in my bed," Arland replied with a smile.

Trinar grinned and reached over to hold Nury's hand, "I can agree with that."

Nury smiled and lifted the demoness' hand to her lips, giving it a soft kiss, "Indeed. I'm with Trinar on this one, babe. You've done great, but I think we all could use some R&R before we take on a war."

Arland mounted his horse and waited for the Trinar to mount hers, before setting off. Nury spread her wings and flew up, catching an updraft and gliding along above the pair.

"So what's the first thing you want to do when we get back?" Arland asked.

"Sex!" Nury and Trinar replied in unison.

Arland chuckled, "Who would've guessed, you dirty horndogs."

Nury flew down, between the two, "You could bend me over and fuck me against a tree, I don't care. I can't speak for Trin, but I'm coming up on my heat cycle. It should be here shortly after the fighting. I'll be horny until after that passes."

"Demons don't have heat cycles, but I've been excited for more sex since the first time you fucked me. I want to feel that way over and over for the rest of my life," Trinar said, smiling over Nury's back at Arland.

"You've got me for as long as you both want me, then."

Nury smiled and flew up into the air, "We're always going to want you, babe. You're an amazing man and an even better lover. You've given us everything we ever wanted and more. How could we NOT want you?"

"You've got a big dick and know how to use it. What more could I ask for?" Trinar giggled.

Arland chuckled, "So glad my cock is my only redeeming quality in your eyes, Trin."

Trinar moved her horse closer and nudged his leg with hers, "You've got so many more. You're kind. You're a good listener. You're understanding, even when I was being a bitch. You made me feel comfortable. You gave me a purpose. You gave me hope. You've given me affection and love. And a place to call home."

Arland reached over and laid a hand on her thigh, "As I said. As long as you want me, I'm here. Both of you."

The three rode in silence, enjoying the sun and the cool breeze. As the sun dipped low on the horizon, Arland looked over his shoulder, "If we keep this pace, we should make the border by this early this evening. We can camp there, then set north for home on the Cheecia side with the morning sun."

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