Lay the Dragon v2 (18+ NSFW)

Chapter 49

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Arland exclaimed, seeing an elf kneeling before Agdron.

She smirked up at him, wiping the remnants of semen from her chin, "So nice of you to join us. Though it is rather rude to interrupt his majesty's orgasm."

"You must be Rania," Arland said. "I've been told you rarely leave his side. Fucking traitorous elf."

"No one can stand against my lord's might!" Rania shot back.

Agdron stood and looked back at his shattered window, "Why didn't I have bars placed over that? I did the same thing when I took the throne."

He sighed and turned back to face Arland, "I presume you're Arland? It's nice to finally meet, face-to-face."

Arland kept his gaze locked, "Yeah, I'm him. You're considerably larger than I expected."

Agdron gripped his cock and hefted it up, "Jealous, boy? A demon king should be fit in all aspects. I'm broad of shoulder, thick of arm and leg... And hung of cock."

Nury crinkled her nose, "Dude... 'Hung of cock'? Really? That's such a lame line. Didn't you think about what you'd say when you met him?"

"Sure," Agdron began, "But I was expecting to meet on the battlefield. Didn't think a human would have the balls to charge right into enemy territory."

He chuckled, "But here we are, in my throne room. You've got your blade drawn on the monarch of a sovereign state. What exactly is your plan? You do realize that a demon can easily overpower a human, I'm sure."

Arland smirked, baring his teeth, "Indeed. But I'm not a normal human, am I? I've tamed a dragon," He gestured to Nury. "I've turned one of your demons to my side," He gestured towards Trinar. "And I've got the blessing of Seraphina, the goddess of dragons."

Agdron sighed, "You think a god will save you? No matter. There's no way a mere human can stand against me."

Arland charged in, slashing his sword. Agdron's eyes went wide as he saw the sword flash in. Suddenly there was a loud clanging as Rania stepped in the way, her arm held up to block the strike.

As Arland followed his blade up, he saw her arm had changed to dragon scales. "What-"

He was interrupted as Rania flung her arm, throwing him back. Nury caught him as Rania lowered her arm, her lips curled up in an impish grin.

Agdron looked her over, "When did you learn magic?"

Rania glanced back, "I'm an elf. We all have magic within us. I usually use casting magic, but thanks to your library, I've also learned changing magic."

Agdron grunted and placed his hand on her shoulder, moving her to the side, "Tell me, Arland of no home worth knowing... How are you so fast?"

"I trained under Leera, the elven swordmaster." Agdron's eyes widened slightly before the warrior continued, "She demanded nothing less than perfection."

Agdron cracked his neck, "So... You're an accomplished swordsman. That's fine. I'm a demon king, I won't be brought down by a mere human."

Arland swung again, and again, Agdron watched as the blade struck true, but glanced off, as Rania blocked it with her transformed arm.

Eventually, Nury rushed in, grabbing Rania and flinging her against the far wall, "How about you leave the men to their fight!"

Rania stood and brushed herself off, "You're the dragon bitch who's been fucking this pathetic human? He doesn't deserve you! You'd be better off coming with me and serving the demon king."

Nury snorted, "I'm not serving anyone."

Rania raised her hand. A gout of flame spewed forth, washing over Nury. She crouched and folded her wings around her, shielding from the fire. "So you fuck him willingly? Gross!" Rania called out over the rush of flames.

Arland remained facing Agdron, the two circled, each daring the other to be the first to move.

Nury unfurled her wings and roared, charging at Rania. The two women clashed, claws, scales, magic, and fire flying around. They wrestled across the room, Nury slamming Rania into the wall with a grunt.

As Agdron watched the two fight, he turned to see Arland rushing towards him. He held his hand out to the side, and a spear appeared in his grip. He swung it around and parried Arland's sword, sending the blade flying into the far wall.

Arland kept his momentum, spinning into a kick to Agdron's gut. He pushed off the demon king, flipping back. His hand landed on his sword and his fingers wrapped around the grip as he came back to his feet in time to see the massive king rush forward, leading with a powerful spear thrust.

Arland dropped to his knees and slid past Agdron, turning to slash up, catching him in the back of the leg, severing his hamstring. Agdron fell to his knee. Arland spun and leveled his sword when a dagger appeared at his throat.

"STOP!" Trinar called out as she stood behind Arland.

The four fighting all stopped while Nury and Rania looked over. Agdron smirked, "I knew one of my precious demons would never turn against me for a human. Good girl."

"Trinar!" Nury growled, "Filthy fucking demon! We never should've trusted you, you limp-winged bitch!"

Agdron hobbled over and placed the tip of his spear at Arland's throat, "Never should've trusted a turncoat. Any last words?"

Arland nodded, "I want to see Trinar. I want her traitorous face to be the last thing I see..."

Trinar withdrew her dagger and walked around, standing next to Agdron, "Very well, filthy human. Look well. Imprint my face in your mind..."

Agdron drew his spear back. Arland kept his gaze locked firmly on Trinar and Nury closed her eyes.

Arland gave an almost imperceptible nod. Trinar spun and buried her dagger deep into Agdron's stomach.

The demon king gasped and staggered back, falling to his knees again. Arland stood and walked over. He placed his sword against the king's neck, "Never should've trusted a turncoat, Aggie."

He drew his blade back. A bolt of lightning streaked through the air, slamming into Agdron's chest, sending him sprawling across the throne room floor.

Arland turned to see Rania standing with her hand raised, arcs of electricity spreading between her outstretched fingers.

"What...?" Arland began.

"My goal was never to fill my belly with his seed. But neither could I directly stand against him so I settled for standing by his side. But now... Now I'm the queen of the demons. Whoever kills the monarch becomes the monarch."

As Rania explained, a shimmering mist rose from Agdron's corpse and settled over Rania. "The collective memories of monarchs past. And with it..."

She smirked and changed her arm, swatting at Nury. The dragoness was flung back, slamming into a wall. She continued changing, her body growing larger, and thicker until she stood a foot taller than Arland himself. She grew horns, claws, and wings.

Arland looked back at Nury, "You good?"

"It'll take more than an imposterous bitch to hurt me. I'm fine," She said, coming back to her feet.

Arland knew she was injured, but if she could stand, there were more important matters. He nodded and turned his attention back to Rania. "Nury, Trin! She's likely enhancing her own image with magic. Stand back."

He brought his sword up, parallel to the ground and across his chest, "Seraphina, I call upon your blessing. Grant me your power once more."

His sword shimmered and began to glow. He ran forward, charging Rania.

The elf-turned-demon met him, clashing her claws against his sword. He parried, then swung up. She blocked with her forearm and the two were locked in a grapple. As Seraphina's blessing flooded his body, he saw a dark aura around her. He drove in and retreated repeatedly, circling his way around her.

She turned to meet each strike.

"Nury! Trin! Run!" Arland called out.

They shared a look. Nury shook her head and Trin called out, "No! Let us help!"

Rania blocked a hit and her other hand darted out, gripping his ankle. She flung him towards a wall. He flipped over in midair, hitting the wall feet first. He pushed off, lunging at her again.

"Please! Leave! I'll catch up to you!"

Nury grunted, "Damnit, Arland. Fucking fine. Trin, let's go!"

She grabbed the demoness and took to the air, flying out of the throne room window.

Arland blocked another blow, and another, then ducked under a third, slashing up, catching her across the wrist. She recoiled, clutching her bleeding flesh to her chest, "You think I'll really fall so easily? I'll devour you, then I'll hunt that traitor bitch and that fucking winged lizard!"

Arland leapt back, avoiding another strike. He inhaled deep, filling his lungs. As he did so, a shining golden aura surrounded him. It twisted and solidified, forming wings. He smirked, "Thank you, Sera..." He murmured.

He flexed his new wings and rushed in once again, beating his wings to gain extra momentum. He dove low under her arm, sliding between her legs as he slashed left. His aura matched his movements, slashing right. Neither cut in more than surface level but still pulled a howl that seemed to shake the stones themselves. Rania spun, kicking out and catching Arland in the gut. She pushed through, throwing him from the throne room window before she flapped her wings experimentally.

Rania jumped from the window, taking to the air. She looked down but couldn't see his corpse.

"Up here!" Arland called out as he dove down, driving his sword towards her. She twisted, his blade barely nicking her shoulder.

Rania smirked and held out a hand as he readjusted, flying away and coming up to hover before her. A dark mist formed in her hand, shaping into a blade, "You said Leera trained you? That elven slut?"

Arland felt his blood boil. "You'll not speak ill of the dead..." He warned.

The elf-turned-demon chuckled, "I can speak of my daughter as I wish. She was too powerless to be useful, so I kicked her to the vardor. You, however, have proven yourself useful."

Arland grit his teeth, "I am no one's weapon. And I'll be damned before I serve a demon."

"THEN YOU'LL BE DAMNED BY THE DEMON GODDESS RANIA!" She bellowed as she angled and kicked off the window ledge behind her, slicing through the air as a hot blade through fresh snow.

Arland folded his wings and dropped from the sky, just under her blade before he unfurled them again, swooping around, "You're no goddess, just some uppity elf whore that sold her race and abandoned her daughter!"

He used his momentum to carry him up towards her. He realized he'd misjudged when he found a sword in his path.

Arland felt the sting as the blade bit deep, his own force carrying him onto it.

He heard a faint cry in the distance but his brain couldn't spare the effort to decipher its significance.

Arland is not dead. Please trust that I have a plan. I do apologize for this chapter seeming a little too... "anime". I wanted it to feel like real stakes, considering anyone that has read DragonBound already knows that Arland lives.

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