Lay the Dragon v2 (18+ NSFW)

Chapter 53

Alryc woke and decided to cook some breakfast for himself and Lyn. Once that was done, he sat next to her on the bedroll and set her plate next to her face.

He softly touched her shoulder, "Hey love. Good morning. It's time to wake up."

She groaned, "No..."

Alryc smiled, "Come on, love. We've still got things to do. You've got breakfast here, ready to be eaten..."

Her nose twitched, "Bacon...?"

"And eggs. And pancakes."


He stroked her hair, "The army cook. He set up a small kitchen. After the losses we suffered yesterday, he figured we'd need a morale boost, small as it may be."

She nodded, "Thank him for me. That's kind."

"Of course, love. But first, breakfast."

Lyn smiled and sat up, accepting the plate, "Thanks."

"Don't thank me, thank the cook. I was going to feed you my cooking."

"Well, the cook saved me from that fate."

Alryc let out a small laugh while she just smiled. The pair ate their breakfast quietly, enjoying the peace while they had it.

"How do you plan to honor your people, love?"

Lyn sighed, "I've been thinking about that... Wild goblins tend to eat their dead. I want to honor the utilitarian aspect, but something less... barbaric..."

Alryc nodded as he took a bite, "Well, we could bury them. Their bodies would provide fertilizer for grass. Or we could let Mimi use them as feed for her goblins' wyverns."

Lyn considered his words, "Those could work, but they're not ideal..."

Alryc placed his hand on her shoulder, "Love... The ideal would be for them not having died. The ideal is behind us."

She nods, "I like the fertilizer option then..."

"That's fine, love. I'll talk with Duke Norman, see if he can spare some of the men and equipment to help."

She smiled and leaned into him, "Thanks, Al."

"For what?"

"Just... being here. Loving me. Understanding me."

Alryc smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, "It's no problem, love. You deserve to be happy and loved. You're an amazing person, inside and out."

She chuckled, "I'm a goblin."

He looked into her eyes, "You're my goblin. And I wouldn't trade that for the world. I love you."

She sniffled as tears threatened to spill again, before she leaned into his shoulder, "Thanks. I love you too..."

Alryc finished the last bite of his food and set the plate aside, "Take your time. When you're ready, find somewhere else to help out. I'll work with Duke Norman to see your people are properly cared for. When we're done, I'll be with you while you pay your respects."

Lyn watched him stand and sighed, "Alright. I'll need a moment. I've still got a few more goblins in my command. Find them and they can help."

Alryc kissed the top of her head and left the tent.

He sought out the Duke and stood next to him as he directed his men to dig graves and bring over some of the human losses. He glanced over and saw each race present handling their dead in their own way.

Mimi's wyverns were devouring her dead while the vardor had built a large pyre to honor theirs.

"What does Lyn wish for her dead?"

Alryc turned and faced Duke Norman, "She wants to use them as fertilizer for grass. It's a goblin tradition that the dead be used to their fullest."

Duke Norman nodded, "Very well. I'll tell the men to prepare to transport their bodies."

Alryc bowed, "Thank you, sir."

He went to leave when the Duke spoke again, "We've had some massive losses. All of us. I understand Lyn needs to take some time, but we need all hands on deck to handle the aftermath."

Alryc turned back to him, "My apologies, sir, but we aren't in your employ, nor are we members of your kingdom. We are with Arland. Beyond that, I'm a bandit and Lyn is a goblin. Neither of us bears you any ill will, but neither are we bound to obey you. We're only still here for our dead."

Harold sighed, "That wasn't my point. War is hard on everyone. Give Lyn my best. But we need her back with the army as soon as possible. The demons retreated, but until we have word from my son, we need to keep at the ready, in case the demons return."

Alryc bowed, "Yes, sir."

Alryc made his way through the camp, helping here and there when he was needed. By the time he got to their staging area, Lyn's remaining goblins had gathered, along with Kamen.

"Lyn told us what happened," Kamen said, clasping Alryc's forearm.

"Aye, it was a bloody day, wasn't it?"

"I've already talked with Mimi, she'll bring the bodies here, so they can be properly accounted for, prepared, and buried," Kamen said.

Alryc set about directing the goblins as Mimi and her goblin wyvern-riders began bringing their fellows' bodies over. The goblins, while not intelligent enough to learn commonspeak, were quite adept at reading physical cues. As he showed one what to do, it set about repeating the process to near perfection, even taking the initiative to do minor tasks that hadn't been shown.

As the bodies were brought over, they lay a few feet apart, their exposed skin washed, and eyes closed. Those without heads had their heads rested on their chests as they were prepared for burial.

When the bodies had all been gathered, Mimi set her goblins to digging, while Alryc set Lyn's to placing the bodies gently in the holes and then filling the graves back in.

When the work was done, the entire group stood in silence for a moment before Kamen turned, "Lyn, would you care to say a few words?"

Lyn stepped forward, her eyes near to overflowing with tears, "My kinsmen... My friends... I am so sorry. I shouldn't have urged you to fight a war that was not your own. Your deaths will not be forgotten. May you find peace in the afterlife, and may you rest in peace. Know that my life, and the lives of my future children, will honor your sacrifice. Thank you."

One of her goblins stepped up to her and chittered briefly, his hand on her leg.

She knelt and chittered back as he placed her hand on his head. Alryc stood nearby, watching with mild amusement as the two exchanged comforting noises.

When she stood and walked back to him, Alryc offered her a small smile. She returned it, wiping tears from her cheeks, "I'm ready, love. Let's finish mopping up this war."

He nodded and fell into step beside her, "You're gonna have to teach me goblinish someday."

She threaded her fingers into his, looking up at him, "I'd be happy to. He was just offering me words of encouragement. Basically that he and the others are still with me, and that they don't blame me for the loss."

"They're good souls," Alryc said.

"The best. I wish I had more."

Alryc smiled, "Once we're married, you can have as many kids as you want."

Lyn let out a small laugh, "That'll be quite a sight."

"Oh? A whole pack of kids running around?"

She smiled, "Yes. That sounds amazing. But you're not allowed to run off."

"I'm a bandit. Can't tie me down," He said, smirking at her.

She stopped walking and pulled him back, before swinging up and wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as she brought their faces close together, "Is that a challenge? I'd be happy to tie you up and use you however I see fit..."

Alryc placed his hands on her ass to steady her, "I said tie me down, not tie me up. I'm always happy to be tied up."

Lyn pulled herself closer to him and rested her chin on his shoulder, "I know, love. I know. I love you, Alryc... I do. Please... Don't ever leave me."

Alryc held her close, "I won't love. You're mine. Forever."


Duke Norman assembled the remaining forces and gathered on the border to the demon lands, ensuring that the threat was well and truly ended.

A few days after the war, the camp watch calls out that a scout is returning. The camp comes alive with a buzz of activity, each individual anxious to hear any news.

"DUKE NORMAN! I NEED THE DUKE!" The scout calls out as he enters the camp.

Duke Norman left his tent and made his way through the throng of waiting soldiers of various races. "I'm here. What's the news?"

"Your son has slain the demon king. Arland has claimed the crown for himself and freed the elves. They're marching through demon territory now under royal guard. They should be here in three days. I was found and sent ahead."

Harold breathed a sigh of relief for the first time in what felt like ages, "Then it's done. The war is won and our goal is complete."

The scout nodded, as he doubled over in half, panting to find his breath. Kamen walked forward, "Should we go to guide the elves back?"

Duke Norman shook his head, "No. We hold here and take over their guidance at the border. I'd rather not risk raising further ire from the demons."

"Good point. We'll hunt for a feast then."

Alryc approached, Lyn at his side, "Sir, if there's to be a celebration, we have a request."

Harold turned to him, "And what would that be?"

"We've been through a lot, and the two of us have yet to wed."

Harold nodded, "I'll gladly wed you."

Lyn shook her head, "Actually, we were hoping to postpone the feast until Arland was here. We'd like the new demon king to be the one to wed us."

Harold glared before his face morphed into a smile as a raucous laugh spread through the camp, "Ah! But of course! Of course, we shall await the arrival of the new king."

"Thanks, Duke Norman."

"No. Thank you. And thank you, Lyn, for your sacrifice. My scouts told me what happened to your kin. Know that their sacrifice will not be forgotten. I'll arrange for the fields of battle to be made a memorial to those lost."

Lyn's face dropped and she nodded, her pain worn plainly on her face, "I appreciate that. Thank you."

"Of course, my dear. Now, we celebrate in the coming days. We await our allies' arrival and prepare for the coming feast and celebration in the meantime. The war is won and Agdron is dead."

Harold's proclamation was met with cheers from the soldiers, a mix of races celebrating their victory and survival.

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