Lay the Dragon v2 (18+ NSFW)

Chapter 8

Arland and Leera made their way through the forest. As they neared a cliffside, they built a small camp. Leera set up their shelter while Arland gathered some kindling for a fire.

As they sat to cook a small meal, Leera looked over at Arland, "So, it's been seven years. You ready for tomorrow?"

Arland took a breath, "For what? Wading through a dungeon filled with no one knows what, to be judged by a goddess that rules terrifying flying, fire-breathing reptiles? Sounds like a vacation."

Leera nodded, acknowledging his sarcasm. She pulled a book out of her bag, "Listen, Arland. Dungeons are dangerous. I'll say that much. But they're not a death sentence. You'll need to prepare yourself, though. The trial will likely be challenging. When you go in, your primary goal is to survive. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Even if you don't finish it, or you don't get the blessing, you can always try a different dungeon. But you need to come out alive for that."

Arland nodded, "I understand. I'll be sure to return. I promise."

Leera sighed and leaned back, "Sorry. I'm just nervous. It took me thirty years to reach the point you're at. It's rare for anyone to get to this point in training in less than ten."

"It's alright. I'm nervous too. But I'll be fine."

Leera nodded and reached over, slapping his shoulder, "That's the spirit, kid. Now, let's eat."


The next morning, Arland steeled himself and stepped into the dungeon as Leera watched from the side.

When he was out of sight, she turned and walked away from the dungeon.

As she walked, she heard a voice behind her, "You're going to let him die?"

"He won't die. He's strong. He has potential."

"So why leave him alone?"

Leera turned, seeing a human woman with golden eyes and blonde hair, dressed in a white dress with gold trim. She stood before a crystal, watching her leave.

"This is his trial, Braana. Win or lose - Live or die - it has to be by his own merit. My time would be better spent elsewhere."

"So that's it then... Are you certain he can survive? Seraphina isn't known for being kind."

Leera turned on the goddess, "He's got this. He has a will to succeed that I've never seen."

"Outside of yourself, you mean?"

Leera shook her head, "No, his is even greater than mine. He's ready. Just watch him. His fate will be told by the results of his trial."

Braana nodded, "If you insist. Good luck, Leera."

Leera nodded and turned back, "And to you."

She continued down the road, making her way back towards the town.


Arland looked around the dark chamber. It was completely black. He walked further in, waving his sword before him to feel for large obstructions. After a few moments, he felt his sword point touch the wall. He reached out and felt along the wall, moving to the right.

The brick was smooth and seamless - He couldn't feel where one stone began and the previous one ended. He kept walking, his hand trailing along the wall.

He stopped and closed his eyes, focusing his senses all around him. He focused on his sense of smell first - the scent of stone and sulfur pervaded. He switched to his sense of taste - he could taste the dust in the air.

He instead focused on his hearing. He couldn't hear anything aside from his own breathing. The silence was deafening as he could hear the blood pumping within his own body. He took a step. As his boot scuffed the ground, he noticed there was a variance, but exactly what, he wasn't sure yet.

He scuffed his boot again and focused on what he had felt. He realized he could still see - faintly, but it was something.

He drew his dagger and tapped it to his sword, the resultant ringing echoed off the walls, reverberating back to him and mapping out his immediate area.

He continued on, more confidently, occasionally tapping his blades together to renew the ringing.

As he progressed, Arland got used to his new means of navigation, moving more assuredly through the blackness when a new sound interrupted his progress. He stopped and listened.

A scuff to the side. A breath ahead of him. Suddenly there was a shriek that echoed all around him. His instincts screamed at him. He dove to the side, landing in a roll.

He spun as he came to his feet just in time to see a flash of sparks against the wall he had been next to. The impact resounded throughout the chamber.

Arland slammed the tip of his sword against the wall. The ringing mapped out the surrounding area much more brightly in his mind, highlighting the attacker in his mind.

It was a humanoid, reptilian rat-like creature. A kobold. A humanoid false dragon that was more closely related to goblins or common lizards than dragons.

Arland tapped his sword to the wall again before charging in, catching the Shoddy blade on his dagger, before burying his sword through its chest.

As the creature fell, he turned and looked around. There was a loud click, followed by a resounding thud across the room he was in.

As a scraping sound began, a thin light shined into the room. Arland looked around and saw a wall moving across the floor. The wall slid aside, revealing another hallway.

He walked through it and into the next chamber. This chamber was well-lit, though the source of the light was nowhere to be seen.

Arland walked down a small staircase when he heard a voice, "Welcome, young one."

He raised his sword and looked to either side, trying to find the source of the voice.

"So feisty. It's been so long since anyone has gotten this far. What did you think of Xark?"

Arland continued looking around, "Who?"

"The kobold," The voice zeroed in as the speaker stepped around a corner, revealing itself to be a drake. It lifted its head and peered down at Arland, "He was the first test. The fact that you're here tells me you've mastered echolocation and ended his life."

Arland leveled his sword at the drake, "Indeed I did."

It nodded, "Good. I'm pleased to see you here. Tell me your age and name."

"I'm Arland, Swordmaster in training. I'm seventeen today."

"So young... I'm the second test. Be ready to defend yourself!"

With that, it charged at Arland, maw wide and teeth bared. Arland jumped to the side to dodge, bringing his sword up and deflecting the drake's bite. The force of the impact sent Arland staggering back. He held his footing and brought his sword up, the drake continuing its attack.

Arland held his ground, his sword dancing with the drake's attacks, knocking them aside. He kept his distance, never closing, while the drake kept him on the defensive.

The drake swiped with its claws. Arland held up his sword, braced with his dagger, blocking the attack, but knocking him back. The drake opened its maw and prepared to let loose a blast of flame.

Arland grit his teeth and braced for the hit.


Leera entered the town and made her way to the tavern. She entered and picked a table in the corner.

"A drink, Miss?"

Leera looked over and saw a young human man standing next to the table.

She nodded, "Ale."

"Right away."

The man left. Leera hung her head, resting it on her palms.

Moments later, someone else sat next to her, "What's up, elf?"

Leera turned her head to see Kadal, a tall, handsome adventurer sitting next to her. She sat up and leaned back in her seat, "Arland's in the dungeon. I'm just worried. He's gotten considerably better in these last few years, but he still has a habit of being brash and rushing when he should bide his time."

Kadal grinned at her, "You care about him. That's kind of adorable."

Leera glared, "The fuck do you want, Kadal? I'm just here to drown my stress and pass out."

"Well," Kadal held his hands up, "I could offer my services to alleviate your stress."

The elf felt her ears turn red as she locked her eyes on his, "Kadal, I'll never spread my legs for you."

The man laughed, "Well, to each their own. My offer stands if you change your mind."

The barmaid came by and dropped off Leera's ale. She set it in front of her before turning to Kadal, "What'll it be?"

He held up his hand, signaling that he didn't need anything. The barmaid left as Leera took a drink from her mug.

She set the mug down and turned to look back at the other adventurer, "Tell you what... Let me finish this and the next mug - which you'll buy - then I'll let you eat me out. You're welcome to jerk off during that if you want."

Kadal sighed, "Well, it's not what I wanted, but I'll deal with it. And when you're begging for me to stuff that tight little elven hole, I'll be glad to."

Leera rolled her eyes, "Why the fuck are you human such a vulgar bunch...? I swear to fucking Pantheon that Arland is the only decent one of you lot..."

The adventurer leaned in, smiling, "Well, you are the one who raised him. It makes sense he's more elven in personality than most humans."

Leera shook her head and took another long draw from her mug.

Hey there folks! So good to see you all again! I know it's been a while since I've called out to my beautiful, wonderful readers! I do apologize if this chapter feels a little off. It's been seven years of training, so feel free to just imagine a classic 80's training montage. That said, next chapter will see some action one way or another :wink:

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