Lazily Yours.

Chapter 208: No Interest In Men

Long Yi lifted an eyebrow as he looked at Tang Xi. "Seems like Mr. Tang is an excellent player of chess."

"I am very good at it." She responded without a tinge of embarrassment. "Now… if you please… some businessmen still wanted to talk to me. I believe it would better if we avoid making everyone think we already have a deal, no? After all, many companies still wanted to make an offer." Lyca gave him a knowing smile, enough for him to know that she was interested to hear other people's offer. She wanted to make Long Yi think that to her, the one with the biggest money would matter.

With Tang Xi's records, she was certain that Long Yi would immediately understand her point.

"I understand," Long Yi smiled before he nodded towards his two followers. Then the three of them left Tang Xi alone. Seeing them gone, Tang Xi turned towards Tang Jingyi and gave the man a winked which immediately irritated him.

After Long Yi left, a few other investors scheduled a meeting with Tang Xi. All of them promised a hefty amount of money and a few other benefits just to convince him to give the formula to them.

"Aren't you afraid that they will try and ambush you? Kill you and this scientist?" Tang Jingyi said as they ate their lunch.

"No," Lyca answered. "I feel very safe with you by my side." She started teasing Tang Jingyi.

"You— I have no interest in men!" Tang Jinyi's face reddened. Of course, he knew Tang Xi's records. This guy would sleep with both men and women! As long as he liked them. "Touch me, and I will kill you."

Lyca only snorted. This man never changed at all. Still so hotheaded, like a damn teenager. "Too bad…" she uttered. "Your height is definitely my type." She cocked an eyebrow before she finished her rice wine.

"What... height… are you talking about?"

Lyca only beamed. Speaking of height…. She actually missed Shen Qui!? She smiled. She was planning to finish this as soon as she can and go back to her man's arms. Surely, that man would start counting how many orgasms she missed. 

She chuckled at the thought of it. Of course, this chuckle was enough to darkened Tang Jingyi's face. "You— " He bit his tongue as he stopped himself from berating this man. At least, he was the one here and not Tang Ruyi. He couldn't imagine the number of sexual jokes that this Tang Xi would make around Tang Ruyi!

"Every time you come here! You should make me escort you around!" Tang Jingyi suddenly said.

"Eh? I thought… I am not your type?"

"One more word and I will shoot you!" Tang Jingyi hissed.

"Did someone told you before that you are too hotheaded? Too emotional. Why did you become a soldier? You could definitely work as an actor, you know." She calmly said. She remembered telling Tang Jingyi when they were younger that his temper was truly bad. She told him that it would one day put him in trouble. This man would always tell her that it was a part of being a big brother. Such a silly reason.

Tang Jingyi's forehead puckered as he glared at her.

"See?" Lyca shrugged. "You must be thinking of strangling me… right?" she clicked her tongue. "Too weak… I should have a talk to the old man about your position as an heir. You are old enough to control your emotions, and yet you still act like a teenager. When I was a teenager, I was already this calm and perfect. While you— tsk." She shook her head while laughing inwardly.

Tang Jingyi's face was so adorable she wanted to just tell him she was actually Lyca and how would he react. Surprisingly, Tang Jingyi didn't answer her. He pursed his lips and finished his food before he left the table without saying anything.

"He hates me." Tang Xi uttered.

"Of course he does." Lai Su said. Until now, he still couldn't stop the goosebumps every time he looked at Tang Xi's manly face. Even her attitude completely changed, his simple mind couldn't fathom the changes! "You were an asshole, you know."

Lyca only chuckled in response. Of course, she is an asshole. She needed to act like one and give that man some tough love. That Tang Jingyi needed a wake-up call, or the Tang Family would fall into the pit of no return once he became the next patriarch. 

Sighing, Lyca grabbed her chopsticks and started eating some meat. They are currently in a restaurant just outside of the convention center where you could order a buffet of various meat and grill it on your own. Lyca ordered a lot of meat as her appetite was really good right now.

She even took a few pictures and made sure to send them to Shen Qui.

"Hmmm? Isn't this Lai Su?" the loud voice of a woman interrupted Lyca's grilling. She looked at the woman approaching them.

"Miss Son." Lai Su gave the woman a curt nod and a forced smile. Almost immediately Lyca felt Lai Su tensed.

"Lai Su… how are you here?" the woman sat opposite Lyca without any invitation. "Don't tell me you are here to join the convention? Did you finally succeeded in creating some radiation machine that could make women fertile again?" She didn't hide the mockery in her tone.

"Son Yani… let's go. I am in a hurry. "Another voice reached Lyca's ears. This time, the voice was too familiar, she immediately knew who it was. She lifted her gaze and looked at Huang Xiaoxuan who was standing by their table with a very irritated look on her face. "I told you the smell of grilled meat is making me dizzy! We should just leave this place!" Huang Xiaoxuan complained before her gaze landed at Lyca's face. "You look familiar. Have we met before?"

"No," Lyca answered almost immediately. "I would never forget a face like yours." she beamed.

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