Lazily Yours.

Chapter 253: Thirteen Seats

Of course, Lyca didn't listen to Santa's advice about laying low. When the King is ill, isn't it the Queen's job to calm down his subordinates? While Lyca wasn't in the mood to actually try and talk to more people, she thought it would be good to solve one more problem before going to see her husband.

And it was to settle something inside this Q Tower.

After Lyca went to see that old man Rolio or Ghost Rider and knew about the Q Tower, she immediately asked Ronan about this tower, and realized that this wasn't really some literal tower that was on her mind. And Shen Qui didn't create this tower— he stole it. Well, stealing was not really the right term as Shen Qui killed the previous leader and became the new leader.

This Tower was previously known as the Tower of Joy. A territory that was own by a man named Joy. Of course, this was obviously an alias and a nickname that people called him because he seemed to laugh all the time. Rumor has it that even when this man died, he was still laughing. Some say, it was actually a medical condition and that he wasn't actually laughing.

Ronan said that this territory was actually the biggest Territory among the four lords. However, this was also the one with the most problematic people. When Lyca asked about the problems, Ronan was quick to tell her not to kill anyone in the council as most of these people came from really powerful families in this city.

This prompted her to ask what this council is. And she found out that this council is composed of twelve families that Shen Qui subdued in this territory. These are people who gave their money to Shen Qui to maintain their security in the territory. Basically, they are paying him to stay in this territory peacefully.

This was really not a problem. Or at least, this doesn't sound like a problem at all. However, these families are also composed of really greedy people that think that they are smarter than Shen Qui. These people acted as a council and would immediately hold meetings about the current situation of the territory once they see something they don't like.

Obviously, this had caused a lot of headaches for Shen Qui as he couldn't just kill every one of them and was forced to work with them instead. He could, of course, try intimidating them, but what would that bring to Shen Qui? These people are paying him millions and had their businesses thriving in the territory. 

However, this doesn't mean that Shen Qui's journey had been smooth. This was because Shen Qui doesn't want to meddle in other illegal things such as prostitution, trafficking, and drugs. He only wanted to focus on the ports and the firearms. This created some problems because some of those people are delving into the drug business and even prostitution.

Lyca could only sigh after the conversation. Shen Qui never told him about these! He never once told her that he was having a hard time. Had he told her… Hmmm, that might be a bad idea because Lyca would surely choose the harshest way to deal with them which was opposite to Shen Qui's. And that might be the reason why Shen Qui didn't tell him anything. 

Still, she found it unfair. She had been sleeping for three years, and when she woke up she went to the mountains to train people and left her husband alone! If she tells her mother about this, Tang Nini would surely reprimand her for being such a carefree person.

After another sigh, Lyca got out of the car and walked towards the restaurant a few meters away from the parking lot. This should be where those old folks are doing their current meeting about Shen Qui's apparent death. 


"I already told you, Q might be dead! He died! My people saw him so pale, it should be because of blood loss! Some said that the bullet hit a major artery." The man said before he put his tobacco on his mouth.

"Old Man Fang is right. This was actually the rumor right now. Moreover, I have been calling them, and Ronan was actually the one answering the call. I told him that I want to talk to Q, but he always tells me that he is in an important meeting. How could he have a meeting when it's five in the morning? Obviously, that man was lying! Q must be dead or is dying." The man was wearing a pink shirt, a tinge of pinkish lipstick can be seen on the man's lips. "I say, we decide who will now lead this territory."

"I agree! We should start discussing the new leader. Clearly, that man is not capable. Why else would he be wounded if he was capable? This was his territory, after all."

"Hmph! What if he was still alive? Isn't it best that we make sure before deciding something?" another one chimed in. "I think, we should send someone to his Ranch. Who knows, he was just spending some time with his woman." The man chuckled.

"Alright, let's have a vote! If you want us to replace Q, raise your hands." The man wearing pink said before he raised his hand. "There are twelve of us, so seven votes. Alright… give me seven hands. One… two…. Three… " 

The man's words were interrupted when the huge mahogany door was suddenly pushed open. Almost instantly, the man wearing pink immediately yelled. "This is a very important meeting! Who dare disturb us here?" he glared at the security who stood in the middle of the open door. The man looked normal at first, however, everyone in the soon realized that this wasn't the case.

The man opened his mouth but said nothing as he suddenly fell on his knees before finally falling to the floor with a loud thud.

"What the!"

"What is happening?"

"Are we under attacked?"

"Who dares — "

"Hi, gentlemen and women…." Lyca suddenly walked inside the room. She eyed the circular table. "I heard there should be thirteen seats including Q's. I can't seem to find his seat. Did something happened?"

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