Lazily Yours.

Chapter 314: Cave

Shen Qui understood the importance of these herbs. However, he would never want to put her in danger. He stared at her stern expression. "I can't lose you."

"What are you talking about? I will come back."

"I hate your confidence." For once, can she ask for his help? As if sensing his thoughts, Lyca smiled. She held his hand.

"And I love that you are always willing to support me."


"This is for grandfather's recovery." A genuine smile appeared on her face. "Just trust me, alright?"

Despite all the words he wanted to say, Shen Qui ended up nodding. He knew what kind of woman his wife is. She is lazy but once she decided to do something, no one can stop her. "Alright, I will be here. I will give you three days. If you aren't back after three days, I will find you."

"Then, I will leave tomorrow morning." The darkness will be her cover.

Just as they planned, Lyca left that morning while it was still dark. To avoid leaving footprints, Lyca took advantage of the trees. Jumping from one branch to another, Lyca started her journey towards that cave. The absence of magic in this world is making Lyca use her internal energy more. Since she already cultivated her energy points, Lyca's body was naturally more agile and light than normal humans.

While she still couldn't fight against gravity and fly, Lyca still has other ways to jump from branch to branch. Of course, she decided to use the power of technology and created some sort of hook that she once saw batman use. It was attached to her arms, making her easily use it to swing to the next tree leaving no traces.

Moreover, Lyca also had other utilities that were on her belt designed to help her out in this mission. With her all-white suit and white utility belt, it only took her a few hours to arrive at the mountain where the cave was located.

From here, Lyca needed to walk for about an hour before she would reach the cave. Lyca eyed her watch and smiled when she discovered that it only took her two hours to arrive in this place. Of course, she could only blame this on the snow and slippery trees.

Smiling, Lyca started walking. However, she soon found that her previous estimate might be wrong. The snow in this area actually reached her waist, and it was getting thicker. A sigh escaped her lips before she took an orange powder from her utility belt and started sprinkling them into the snow.

Almost immediately, the snow started melting at a very fast rate. To prepare for this exploration, Lyca especially created this powder to melt snow. Her goal wasn't to actually melt everything but make the snow reached her legs, making her walk easier. This time, Lyca took another two hours to finally reached the mouth of the cave.

This cave's entrance wasn't really big. It was about a meter and a half high and a meter in diameter. According to the information that Ronan gathered, not many people come to this place because of the snow. During summer, the snow would melt and reveal the whole cave, but still, not many people in the area dared to explore it because of a certain scary legend.

They said that there are actually wailing ghosts inside this cave. According to the people leaving in the closest town, this cave was cursed because a priest once took his life inside the place. When they found the body of the priest, half of his flesh was already gone, probably eaten by some animal.

According to the people, the priest's ghost still haunts this place and would wail every night.

Lyca examined the entrance of the cave and after making sure that there are no signs of other people taking shelter of the cave, she walked inside. Her eyes instantly adjusted to the darkness as she examined the place. While the scary stories might have scared a lot of people, Lyca was sure that there are still people using this cave for shelter, especially if there is a snowstorm.

When she walked inside, she instantly discovered that the cave was bigger than it looks. The course rocks that surrounded the place were probably enough to shelter at least four people. Lyca closed her eyes, her sense alert. So far, she couldn't hear anything aside from her footsteps against the rock. Using her flashlight, Lyca examined the walls.

To her surprise, it wasn't as wet as she originally thought. Lyca decided to continue walking deeper into the cave.

This time, she could hear the sound of dripping water echoing inside the cave. Slowly, her footsteps took her to what seemed like the end of the cave. She checked her watch. She had been inside for close to an hour now, and she had lost track of how far she had walked away from the entrance. After examining the walls of the cave, a sigh escaped her mouth. All she could see were a few moss and ferns. Aside from this, there were no signs of the herbs that she was looking for.

Did she come here for nothing? Lyca leaned against one wall. Ronan already told her that this cave wasn't that deep and there was nothing there or so the people in the town claimed. However, she didn't believe them. She was honestly hoping that she could find something today.

So, she wasted all her energy for nothing? She snorted. There are other caves in this mountain, but all of them are pretty high up. Traveling in this type of weather is not only foolish but also very dangerous. Of course, she wasn't that crazy to waste her energy again!

However, she soon realized that something was wrong with this cave. Earlier, she heard some water dripping from god knows where. However, the place was dry. There were no signs of any water inside. She adjusted her flashlight, making it brighter as she examined the place again.

This time, she started touching the moss and ferns and discovered that the ferns covered a small hole just enough for her to climb into.

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