Lazily Yours.

Chapter 347: Psychopath!

"This is your previous school?" Cleo asked the smiling Lyca. When she ignored her question, Cleo added, "Stop smiling like that."

"Why? Do I look ugly?"

"It's not about that. You are too beautiful it will attract other people's attention." Plus, her hair was white. It's unique. Lyca actually looked like an evil villain planning to overthrow the throne right now. It wasn't a very pleasant sight.

"Oh. I understand." Lyca finally stopped smiling. She glanced at the people walking around in the canteen. Most of them were men wearing various uniforms. Some were staff and security personnel walking around, checking the parameters.

"I heard, there will be an important person in the assembly. They said it's the president, you think it's true?"

"No," This isn't the grand assembly. There is no need for him to come. Of course, there might be some other people that would come. Other important people… like Ken Xu. Lyca squinted at the thought of that man's face. If that man investigated her, then he would surely come here for the assembly.

If he will come here, then he would surely do something to meet her. Ah, just thinking about it was making her tired. She should cross that bridge when she got there.

Lyca nodded inwardly. Actually, she could always decline an invitation, but knowing Xu Ke, he would surely use other methods to meet her. Meeting him might be inevitable in the future, so she needed to do her best and pretend that she is normal.

Heh… that is such a difficult thing to do! She is not normal, her hair is not normal, her eyes were definitely lazier than normal people. Even her smile was too beautiful for someone, normal. Lyca smiled as she thought about praising herself too much. She was not perfect. If someone would ask her to rate herself, she would immediately say she is about ninety-nine percent.

The remaining one percent is for her to improve herself.

Alright, her brain is thinking about other things again. Sometimes, her train of thoughts are not normal too! She should focus on the food in front of her… "Oh, where is the food?" Lyca asked.

"In your stomach, you finished everything," Cleo grumbled. Who would have thought that this canteen would serve such delicious crabs? "I spent my time peeling the crabs! I wasn't able to eat anything!"

"Oh… that sounds horrible," Lyca smiled. "Did you— "

"I already ordered a second batch. The server was giving me weird looks. All the shells of the crabs were in front of me, and now I want a second batch. Maybe he was thinking, I am such a glutton." Cleo continued grumbling like an aggrieved child.

"Oh, I have some news."


"About him…"

Cleo lifted her head and stared at Lyca. "They— they got him?"

Lyca nodded in response. "He is already in the Tang Family. He will change his last name and will be adopted by the Tang Family. Stop crying… the crabs are here." She warned her when she noticed Cleo's eyes were already red.

"You — you were trying to distract me by making me cry?" Cleo forced a peal of laughter and looked at the server. "She ate all the crabs earlier. I was too hungry and was too emotional just now."

The server nodded and smiled before leaving.

"Eh? Why are you looking at me like that?" Cleo asked.

"That man is very handsome." Lyca smiled. "Not as good looking as my man, but definitely more handsome than Chu Nan. What do you think? If you need me to coerce him to marry you, I can— "

"What the hell are you talking about?" Cleo widened her eyes, horror apparent on her face. Coerce the waiter? How did Lyca even… "I don't like him. I just thought he was cute."

Lyca gave a burst of mischievous laughter before she started peeling the crabs. "I will peel and you eat this time. But you can only eat half of the order, I will eat the other half." She chuckled. After a few minutes of eating, Chu Nan arrived with Hogan and the two immediately ordered some food too.

Again, the handsome waiter served them and Lyca started teasing Cleo again. After a few minutes, the group finally finished their food.

The group immediately went to the building that they were assigned the stay. This building is considered one of the smaller buildings in the school. After all, Lyca and her company were not even half of the people in other companies.

"Sixty?" Cleo asked. "They have sixty people? That's a lot! We — We only have twenty-five, right?"

"Twenty-eight." Chu Nan answered. Right now, they are in Lyca and Shen Qui's suite room. They already checked everything inside this room and were certain that there were no video cameras or recorder around. Because of this, they did the meeting here, after they settled their things in their own rooms.

"Then how are we going to fight against them?"

Ronan answered this time. "The assembly will have three categories. The first is physical, each company will be given a secret mission. I heard it will be a rescue mission. You have to rescue someone that was imprisoned in the mountains."

"Uh, we are a security company. Why do we need to rescue someone?" Cleo asked.

"They considered us as private armies. The company that will win will have the right to accept rescue missions and coordinate with the police and military." Ronan explained. "They will judge base on the time. There will be a lot of traps this time. Each person needed to have a powerful body and mind to be able to pass through the traps."

Lyca frowned. She already heard Ronan explained these things to her before. However, she never expected there will be minor changes this time. "Second?" she asked.

"Well… the second is strategy. The second and third are actually combined this time. They will judge base on time and strategy. They will also test our capabilities to guard. However… "

"However what?"

"I heard that only the top three companies from the Physical category will participate in this stage." Ronan gulped.

"And?" Lyca asked, wondering why this man's face was too dark. "Why you are frowning like that? Did you met your ex-lover?" She would only frown like that if she met Xu Ke, alright.

"No. I mean… we lack people."

"Hm?" Lyca lifted an eyebrow.

"The first category needed twenty people. Meaning, only twenty are allowed to join. After that, twenty-five people will be allowed to enter the second and third categories. The catch is… they will do the second and third category right after the physical tests. Meaning, our people will be exhausted." Shen Qui explained. "We don't have any substitute. We can't afford to have wounded people or… we will be at a disadvantage."

"Hmmm… now that you said that…" Lyca smiled. "That is indeed a problem." She slowly stroked her chin. "Tell me about the rules this time."

"We can do everything as long as… we don't kill," Ronan uttered. Almost immediately, the expression of everyone in the room turned grave. If they can do anything, it means that their opponents can do that too. Meaning, if they try to target Shen Security then… they will surely suffer.

"What are the prohibitions?"

"Deadly weapons are not allowed, but we can make a trap made of wood. That is equally deadly. We all know that accidents happen. So if someone accidentally killed anyone because of their trap then… they won't be held liable."

"Hmmm… I understand. How about armors?"

"We can wear anything as long as it doesn't have any deadly weapons."

Lyca smiled this time. "Then we still have a chance." All their armors can defend against gaseous attacks. Meaning, they could utilize poisons. Of course, she wasn't planning to kill anyone this time. However… the rules didn't say anything about making anyone sleep, no?

Smiling, Lyca continued. "I want you to submit the armors for examinations. To them, this is just normal armor. They won't have the time to check its components. A quick X-ray would be enough to show that it didn't have any weapon inside."

"You mean… we are going to use gaseous attacks?" Chu Nan asked. "Killing is not allowed!" In his mind, Lyca might be planning to use deadly chemicals and make it seem as if it was an accident. Moreover, a gaseous attack would be very difficult to track, especially if the gas already evaporated or disappeared. It would not leave any trace to the surrounding environment too!

"Do you really think I'm some sort of psychopath?" Lyca squinted, and he nodded without batting an eyelid.

"Yes!" Until now, he couldn't forget the pool of liquid in that bar. Those were remains! A body that turned into liquid because of her. If she wasn't a psychopath, then…

"Aiyo… Mr. Chu… let me asked you this… Did you see me kill anyone that didn't provoke me?"

He pursed his lips. "How would I know?"

"Then… you are judging me base on the fact that I defended myself?" Lyca argued. "I only melted their bodies to make it easier to dispose of them!" And to test her newly made potion. "I am sure that I am not some psychopath!"

"Do you think psychopaths say that they are psychopaths?" Chu Nan asked. In his mind, this woman was really an emotionless killer!

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