Lazily Yours.

Chapter 386: Premature

"We lost three clients overnight," Old Man Long's secretary said. "They are willing to breach the contract and pay the fees."

Old Man Long immediately looked at his son, who was sitting opposite him. "And you said the effects shouldn't be that big?" Sarcasm was apparent in his voice. "Is that your professional opinion about the matter?"

"Father… These people were clearly sucking up to Lyca and Shen Qui. They must have known about our rivalry. Sooner or later, they would realize that they made a mistake. It would be too late by then."

"Long Yi, you are trying to downplay the current situation. Why is that?" Old Man Long squinted. "Did you forget that Long Company is basically the only company that is giving us profits right now? Huang Security and other companies own by Long Corp are not giving us anything! What do you think would happen if we lose Long Company?"

"Father I— " Long Yi gulped before he lowered his head, avoiding his father's eyes. "I think this shouldn't be… I think we should focus on our relationships with the Xu Family."

"Excuse me?"

After a few seconds, Long Yi finally found the courage to speak. "The Xu Family is trying to gain their favors too." Until now, Lyca's words about the Xu family being the only reason why no one is attacking the Long Family is still in his mind. In fact, he couldn't stop thinking about it.

Long Yi never doubted his business capabilities. He was a proud man, someone who was born to manage a multimillion-dollar company. However, after that secret meeting with Lyca, Long Yi is starting to doubt himself. He is a little scared that her words might actually be true.

What if the reason why they were in their current state was not because of his capabilities but because everyone was scared of the Xu Family? What if he really lacked the skills to manage a company? Their losses this time were enormous. This made him wonder if … it was because of his lack of skills.

"I gave you the company to train you for my position, and yet you— You are thinking about useless things right now?" Old Man Long couldn't help but cursed inwardly.

"Father, what would happen if we lost the support of the Xu Family?"

"That won't happen! The Xu Family owes us too much."

"But— But Shen Company could help the military of our country! If they— If they chose to abandon us because of it then— "

"The only way that they would be able to abandon us is if they kill me. I know all of the Xu Family's secrets. I have worked with the President before. I knew all the dirty deeds that he did. The Xu Family would never abandon us!"

Long Yi pursed his lips as he lowered his gaze. "I already asked my people to try and get close to Lyca's team. Today, one of them casually asked someone about those weapons. And that person just answered that the weapon was personally made by a smart person in their team. Aside from Lyca, I think someone else knows the design of the armor."

Old Man Long leaned against his chair. His gaze was glued at his laptop. "I want to create armors like that. I will give you a month to come up with a design—a new one. We don't have to copy them… I think we are very capable of creating our own design! I want you to hire experts, scientists, technicians, people who are good with computers! I want you to hire new people that would help us with this design."

"But father, this would need money. If we— "

"I want to halt all of our current projects and focus on this armor."

This made Long Yi silent. Right now, they are involved in a lot of things. However, their primary focus is creating weapons for the military. That bullet was basically their lifeline. If they focus on armor making, they would need to reduce the number of bullets that they create monthly.

This would surely affect their original profits.

"I know this would affect our profits," the old man said. "However, you and I saw what those armors can do. My people already spotted a few foreigners who arrived today. These people were all in the weaponry business. I believe they are here because of that armor. Right now, Lyca and his people are the only ones creating those types of armor. They are monopolizing the market. So, I want to create something better and cheaper than those weapons."

Seeing his son in deep thought, he continued, "I would schedule a meeting with Jihan tomorrow. I will promise him an exclusive supply of our armor as long as he supports us."

"But… but we're not even sure if we can make one!"

"I thought you are planning to poach Lyca's people?" Old Man Long said.

"That— "

"I am giving your my permission. I want you to create a new design in one month, a better design."

For a few seconds, Long Yi wondered if he is really capable of doing this. Then he nodded. "Yes, father."

"Hmmm. Also, your wife already gave birth. It was a girl."

"Oh," Indifference can be seen in Long Yi's eyes.

"However, the girl was born prematurely. She needed to stay in the hospital for a little while."

"Oh, I already expected that."

"This thing with Xiaoxuan… I heard you already made our lawyer make a divorce letter?"

"Yes, father."

"Hmmm." Old Man Long said. "She is a burden. It is better to cut ties with her."

"Yes. I agree with you."

"Alright, you may leave now."

"Hm. I will see you tomorrow." Long Yi said before leaving the room. After he left, Old Man Long immediately tried to call Xu Jihan only to discover that he couldn't get through.

"Can you call Xu Jihan's secretary? Tell him that I want to talk to him," he immediately ordered his secretary.



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