Lazily Yours.

Chapter 437: Long Yi's Downfall Part 3

Long Yi roamed his eyes around the interrogation room. Despite the air condition inside the room, beads of sweat can be seen trickling down Long Yi's forehead. After the video was spread online, the police invited him again. This time, his lawyer informed him that the case is already strong against them. Clearly, the CCTV was enough proof that Huang Xiaoxuan went to see him on the night that she committed 'suicide'. Right now, there is already a possibility that the police won't allow him any bail because of the controversies that surrounded the case.

He eyed his watch. It was already ten in the evening and he had been here for two hours now. Yet, not one policeman showed up to talk to him. He could feel their gazes from the mirror across him, but for some reason, not one of them came in.

However, the fact that his lawyer also didn't arrive is making Long Yi nervous. His lawyer promised that he would take him out of this prison tonight. What was happening outside? Why was he still in prison?

The slow sound of the door being opened brought him back from his stupor. He looked at the balding man who walked inside.

"Why am I here?" Long Yi asked.

"You should know why you're here Mr. Long."

"Would I ask you if I know?" Long Yi argued. "Whatever it is… I am innocent."

The police personnel didn't answer him. He sat opposite Long Yi and put a folder in front of him. "Tonight, an article was released against you. Someone leaked the autopsy report. I think it is only right that you know what was leaked." Without waiting for Long Yi to say anything, the man opened the folder and showed images of Huang Xiaoxuan's body.

"She died of asphyxiation. The bruises on her neck clearly came from a hand—a huge hand. Judging from the angle of the bruises, the man was taller than her. Almost six foot."

Long Yi just kept staring at the photos, no emotion can be seen on his face. For some reason, the photos are reminding him of his anger. The need to blame someone else because of what was happening in his life. Of course, he still thought that Huang Xiaoxuan was to be blamed for her death.

"What does this have to do with me? You can't keep me here just because of some bruises! This isn't enough evidence."

"We are locking you up to protect you."


"When this analysis went online, the net exploded. Women from some women's rights groups started demanding justice. A few tens of them are already outside, wanting to strangle you. Just like what you did to your own wife."

Long Yi gnashed his teeth. This is the best time to maintain his silence.

"Mr. Long… we were able to back up the CCTV and saw Miss Huang driving to the village where your house was located. Though her car was never found in your house, we also didn't see the car leaving the village We already have a strong case against you. I suggest— "

"I have the right to remain silent." Long Yi said. "I know my rights. I will wait for my lawyer to arrive." He insisted.

"Alright then— "

"I can't stay in the cells. I am already paralyzed. I would like to stay here to make sure that I would stay safe." He demanded.

"Mr. Long… that's not how it works."

"Well… you can't detain me here. All the evidence is circumstantial at best. It's either I go outside and cause a riot or you let me stay here."

The cop clenched his jaw. Rich people and their f*cking rights! He gathered all the photos and stood.

"Where are you going?"

"Leaving." The cop said and turned towards the door without saying anything.

However, before Long Yi could let out a sigh of relief, the door was opened revealing a familiar face. "Zi… Zi Yan?"

Huang Zi Yan glanced at him, his face a little pale and exhausted. His chilly gaze caught Long Yi off guard. "How— How did you get inside?"

"Long Yi… you aren't the only one with connections." Huang Zi Yan stood opposite Long Yi. "I am not here to kill you," he declared. "I just wanted to know why." Before Long Yi could answer, Huang Zi Yan signaled towards the mirror.

After a few seconds, Long Yi watched as the lights inside the interrogation room were dimmed. Long Yi eyed the mirror. He could see the other side clearly. It seemed that Huang Zi Yan was able to tell the people watching him turn off the camera and leave the monitoring room?

"Why did you kill my sister?"

Long Yi snorted and turn his head away, saying nothing.

"All she did was loved you. It wasn't a very healthy emotion, but my sister never hurt you. She was jealous and petty, but she wasn't a criminal. She never did anything that could hurt you! All she did was fall in love with the wrong guy!"

Once again, Long Yi didn't answer. Inside, he was sneering at Huang Zi Yan. Huang Xiaoxuan was the reason why Lyca avoided him. At that time, he was about to sleep with Lyca, but Huang Xiaoxuan suddenly arrived. Instead of stopping Long Yi, she actually went along with it and sleep with him.

Then the next morning, Long Yi saw her in Lyca's room. Clearly, she told Lyca everything that happened that night! Because of Huang Xiaoxuan… Lyca avoided him.

That woman was just a selfish b*tch who wanted his money, his fame! A woman like that didn't deserve to live anymore!

"My father… fell into a coma." Huang Zi Yan added. "He tried to kill himself. The bullet was lodged somewhere in his cheeks and he survived. He would have the ability to wake up again, but the doctors don't have any idea when. And if he will wake up… he won't be able to move his body again. He wouldn't be able to use his arms and legs. He would become paralyzed from the neck down."

This caught Long Yi's attention. "What does this have to do with me?"

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