Lazily Yours.

Chapter 439: The Darker the Better

"I am so sorry, Mr. Long… but I don't think you would be able to walk again."

This wasn't the most devastating news that Long Yi heard when he woke up. Actually, at this point, he doesn't care about walking anymore. Both of his arms were amputated, cut off from his body. Though he could always buy some pieces of equipment abroad, a mechanical arm that he could use, this is still not enough.

It won't be the same anymore.

Long Yi clenched his jaw, his eyes were red from fury. "Did you find him?" he asked his lawyer and secretary the moment the doctor left.

"Unfortunately, we weren't able to find any signs of Mr. Huang anywhere. Not in the flights or ships. Even Mr. Huang Li Duo and his wife disappeared overnight," his lawyer said. "Aside from this— "

"What else?" Long Yi asked without looking at his lawyer.

"The child… "

"What happened?"

"The child disappeared last night. After we took you to the hospital, we checked on the mansion, and we discovered that the child is no longer in the nursery. Also…"

"Also what?"

"Mr. Long… the police didn't have records of Mr. Huang coming in. All the footage was wiped out, and no one said that they saw him."

"Impossible! If he wasn't there, then who shot me?"

The lawyer pursed his lips into a thin line before he met Long Yi's eyes. "They — the police said that you tried to kill yourself. You brought a knife with you. Someone fought with you and the rest was an accident."

Long Yi's face paled. "Lyca! She must be in on it! This should be something she would do!"

Long Yi's lawyer and his secretary met each other's eyes before both of them shrugged.

"What does that mean?" Long Yi's eyes were wide, crazed. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He tried to make his voice louder, making himself looked more imposing despite the bandages around his arms. "What's — Where are you going?"

"Mr. Long… my apologies. My resignation is on the paper on the table next to your bed. I hope you feel better soon."

"…" What? Long Yi eyed the back of his lawyer in disbelief. What was happening? "What did he say?"

"Mr. Long… He said… He said that — " His secretary lowered his gaze. "He said that he would resign and that the— "

"He can't do that!"

His secretary paled as he tried to hold Long Yi when he attempted to sit down on the bed. "Mr. Long… please calm down! I will go get the doctors!" Without even looking at him. His secretary ran out of his private room.

"Hey! Where are you going! Hey! What the — I am going to fire you if you don't come back! Hey! Come— Lyca?" Long Yi stilled. He looked at the woman who walked inside the room. "You — Why are you here?" Anger surge inside him. "How dare you show yourself here after what you did?"

Instead of answering him, Lyca tilted her head and eyed the tubes from his IV.

"You — what are you planning to do!?" fear flashed in Long Yi's eyes. He no longer had his arms, so the IV was administered on his leg. "What are you doing? Don't get too close!" Long Yi's instinct was telling him to move. But what can he do?

He no longer had arms and his legs were practically useless! He was crippled.

"There are a lot of ways to kill people." Lyca suddenly said. "And I meant… a lot." She smiled a beautiful smile. Despite its beauty, the smile contained a hint of insanity. Something that made Long Yi tremble in fear. "But I am not killing you. I just thought you did a lot of bad stuff. You don't deserve a quick death. Know what I mean?" Again, her eyes drifted towards the IV.

"Huang Zi Yan… did you help him?"

"Not telling." Lyca continued smiling. "But I am happy he didn't kill you."

"You— "

"Don't worry about your child. She's in good hands."

"You took her?"

"Nope." Does she look like a kidnapper? "I can make my own kid. No need to kidnap one."

"…" That was not Long Yi's point!

"I just came here because… I am going to leave. I'm about to go back to Kong City."

Long Yi said nothing. He knew that there is another reason why Lyca would visit him.

"Oh… I am here to confirm something. The poison was given by Huang Qingyun… do you know if that same poisoned was used against his wife?"

Long Yi frowned. "Why do you keep on asking weird questions?"

"Curious," She shrugged. "So… Huang Qingyun is… not Huang Qingyun, right?"

Long Yi frowned. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"So… you didn't know." Lyca's lips turned downwards. It seems like seeing Long Yi was just a waste of her time. Oh, well… If Long Yi really knew anything about that man, then he would end up like Huang Ying. But Long Yi was still alive and well.

Everyone who hurt her family already suffered. Everyone except that man. Huang Qingyun is actually like a snake. He didn't do anything to provoke Lyca after the poisoning. Unlike Long Yi and everyone else, Huang Qingyun just stayed in the shadows and watched the show.

It was like… he was trying to avoid targeting Lyca.

How weird.

Actually, Lyca already thought that Huang Qingyun might not be Huang Qingyun at all. She thought about Mr. Park, who showed up on the ranch with Xi Jihan. That man was clearly using a mask to hide his true face. Lyca concluded that Mr. Park was also Xu Ke. There's no way that Xu Ke would try to probe her skills if he didn't notice something different in that meeting.

"Where are you going?" Long Yi asked when Lyca walked towards the door. "Hey!"

"Hm? Do you need something?" Lyca stared at him, confused. Normal people would be happy that she just left without killing them! This Long Yi is really annoying!

Long Yi narrowed his eyes. "This is not the end."

"Oh?" Lyca facepalmed. Actually, she had forgotten her bad-ass script! Before coming in her, she thought it would be good to say something badass and scare Long Yi. In the end, she memorized a few sentences and thought they were really excellent lines. "I forgot."

"…" What was she saying now?

"Mr. Long…" Lyca smirked and walked towards him, her beautiful eyes narrowed. "Did you really think I would just let you go like this?" She lifted an eyebrow. "Wrong."


"You — Just like everyone else who crossed me would suffer. Without any chance or recovery."

"You— "

"Before you can say that, I should just kill you. Before you say something like If I survive, I would surely get my revenge. And before you can try to coax me to end your miserable life… I would just want you to know something." Lyca smiled before she continued, "Your offshore accounts… I emptied it." She beamed and lifted her chin when she saw Long Yi paled from her words. As expected, her words were enough to scare him.

She decided to add more. "The Xu Family would soon beg to cooperate with me. Without your father, they would no longer help you. You cannot run anymore. And I mean… literally."

"You — You actually— "

Lyca's eyes sparkled as she enjoyed Long Yi's ugly face. This man… Long Yi never expected that one day, something like this would happen to him. Finished speaking, Lyca snorted and smirked at him. Then she strutted out of the room, like a badass queen.

Of course, all the effort disappeared when she got out of the room. She calmly left the hospital using the exit stairs and walked towards Shen Qui, who was waiting for her in the car. "I'm so tired. I need a massage."

"Where?" He asked as stepped on the gas.

"My hips." Who would have thought that walking like a beauty queen in high heeled boots was so tiring?

He lifted an eyebrow, a playful smile appeared on his face. "That's too bad then."


"I meant… I would be driving so I can't give you a message."

She rolled her eyes and adjusted her seat so she could sleep comfortably while Shen Qui drove the car back to Kong City.

"Of course, I can stop in a dark corner somewhere."

Almost immediately, Lyca's face lit up as she looked at his side profile down to his neck and biceps. Then… she gulped. "Then please stop somewhere… dark. The darker the better."


"Mr. Xu... look at this new batch of rocks." A man wearing a long white coat said. "This one is from a zone in our planet called Zone of the Dead. It's a place that exists in the south of Plaria. It's a place that is about fifty miles and for some reason, most meteorites who hit the planet land around this area. As if... there was a magnet that is pulling them. This place is like a dead zone with no types of signal, radios, and phones didn't work in the area. Is this like the place that you mentioned before?"

Xu Ke eyed the shiny pieces of black rocks. They sparkled under the light of the lab. They were exactly just like the rocks in that place from his previous world. The place that existed in the legends. A place where you could summon other entities.

Soon, a smile appeared on his face as he used his gloved hand to pick one of the stones. "Soon... "He smiled. "Soon."

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