Lazily Yours.

Chapter 457: Thrilled of Shen Qui's Death

"Is everyone prepared?" Lyca asked using the communicator that was on her clothes. She checked her gears and smiled when she heard Cleo and Ronan's confirmation. Then she started driving the car to the Shen Residence in the capital.


"Is she here?" Old Man Shen was definitely not as calm and relaxed as Lyca. He was pacing, his old self slowly walking inside his study, unable to calm down. "Did you check? Is she back from the North? That damn Old Man Chu would surely suffer after all this! Let's see! I will surely make him…"

"Father, take your seat. Calm down. Don't let your emotion get the best of you."

"Calm? You want me to be calm? My heir, my son, is about to die together with my granddaughter! Do you think I should just calm down? Do you want to know what's worse? It's the fact that… I don't even know what is wrong with you! I don't know! I don't understand why even the best doctors cannot see anything inside your head and your body! Those incompetent fools! I am paying them for nothing!"

"Grandfather, let's take it easy. You already said that Lyca did this because she is still going to use us. She won't kill us. I'm sure she will show up today."

"She should! If any of you dies or suffer any permanent damage, I will kill everyone related to that woman!" Old Man Shen said. His eyes burned with rage before he started stroking her chest. Unable to calm his heart, Old Man Shen let out a loud sigh. "That woman is truly evil!" He added. Old Man Shen was already seventy-plus this year.

All these years, he had lived a life so well, he had forgotten how it felt to feel this helpless. He was so used to winning, he already forgot how it felt to be the loser. The feeling of helplessness knowing Lyca could choose not to show up today is giving him all sorts of emotions that he had never felt for the last fifty years of his life.

He gnashed his teeth and took his seat. Then he turned his attention to the man in front of the computers. "How is it?" he asked.

"I think you are right. Lyca chose to drive here alone. Shen Qui is still in Kong City with his people. He is treating this as a regular day. He just got inside his office. Our people said, he would have three meetings today before going back to the ranch."

Old Man Shen squinted, a sinister glint flashed in his eyes. "Do it after Lyca… took a step inside our mansion."

"Yes, sir."

"That woman needed to learn a dangerous lesson! A fatal lesson! We are not someone that she could mess with!"



Xu Estate

Xu Ke's laughter echoed inside the room. "Ah, Lyca…." He chuckled, his eyes turned towards Xu Jihan. "It seems that she underestimated the Shen Family."

"I agreed. If she wanted to use the Shen Family against us, then poisoning them is just a very bad decision." Xu Jihan snorted. There is a reason why the Shen's and the Xu's had been enemies for years without any chance of defeating one other. It was because they are equal. The Xu Family holds the government while the influence of the Shen Family is in the military and police. Moreover, a lot of people from the Shen Family are rich not only in the country but also abroad.

The most intimidating fact about the Shen family is the fact that they have their own personal army. And the government can't do anything to stop it. How could Lyca be so stupid as to try and attack them?

If she wanted to work with them, they would surely agree. There's no need to threaten someone.

"It's because poisoning him is better than negotiation." Xu Ke said. Knowing her lazy self, it would be easier to poison the man and threatened the Shen Family than make demands and negotiate.

Or so Lyca thought.

Obviously, this method won't work because the Shen Family would definitely fight back. They would never let Lyca trample them like they were nobodies! Xu Ke let out another laugh. This time, Shen Qui would surely die. If his guess was right, they wouldn't just simply kidnapped him but kill him. It should be right after Lyca gave them the antidote.

They would attack just after they already made a deal. Just after they already agreed to help Lyca. Xu Ke knew this because the Shen Family was known because of their cruelty. They would never hesitate to kill one of their own if the person wouldn't benefit them in any way.

In short, the Shen Family is going to betray Lyca just as she thought she already win.

"Ah, it is too bad. I want to see Shen Qui's reaction once he realized that he would die." Xu Ke smiled. "Ah, what should I do… " he whispered, excitement apparent in his eyes. Once Shen Qui dies, he would immediately try to console Lyca.

He nodded to himself. That's right. He should become her support and use her vulnerability to get close to her again.

"Hmmm…. Alright. Tell everyone to clean the lab. No more humans from now on. I want you to focus on animals. Also… hide everything about the summoning. I don't want to— "

"What are you planning to do?" Xu Jihan interrupted him. Xu Jiham couldn't understand why Xu Ke seemed thrilled about Shen Qui's death? It's not like Shen Qui already died? He was still alive! Why was he counting the chickens before the eggs hatched? Such a weird man.

"Obviously, I am going to convince Lyca to work for us."

"That's impossible."

"It would be," Xu Ke smiled. "Which is why… I want you to order our people in Shen Qui's office. I want him dead. If he survived the attack of the Shen Family… he would die from ours. Of course, we will pin it to the Shen's. Do you understand me?"


If you haven't already, please add my novel: Entangled: Crisscross  and The Villain's Redemption. I will immediately start writing it once this novel is completed. Thank you.

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