Lazily Yours.

Chapter 485: My Turn

"You— "

The disgust laced with mockery in Lyca's voice was too thick, Xu Ke wasn't able to stop himself from trying to approach her. However, Lyca was inside the green smoke. Two steps towards her and Xu Ke was already coughing. He held his throat and took a few steps back. "This won't end well."

"Of course, it won't!" Lyca hissed. "Did you think I would come here and hope that it would end well? The worst-case scenario is that both of us would die inside this facility soon."

Xu Ke was glaring at her. She knew how he must have wanted to kill her right then and there.

But the gas is enough to kill him.

Lyca snorted. "It's the end, Xu Ke."

"End? Did you think I would let you survive this? Since you want to die then… we can just die together!"

This statement made Lyca frowned. The Xu Ke does she knew would never see death as an option. This only meant that he is still hiding something. But what could it be?

The thing about Lyca's plan is the risk.

One mistake and she would really die inside of this facility. At first, she had doubted herself. To be honest, she didn't want to die. But what could she do? Xu Ke is simply not someone that would just allow her to live peacefully.

Lyca suddenly smiled at him. "You know… that creature that you asked me to study? Would you believe me if I tell you that it was the reason for the explosion?" Lyca said as she slowly walked towards him. One mistake and Xu Ke would surely attack her.

Well, it was just as she expected. The moment, Lyca took a step outside of the gas, Xu Ke suddenly pounced at her. Like a cat, the man seemed to leap towards her, making her fall towards the floor with him straddling her. Still, the smile on Lyca's face didn't vanish.

"I see… " Xu Ke nodded. "So you wanted to die after all." He could see Lyca's crazed eyes stared back at him as if she was waiting for him to kill her, end her miserable life. "I see… " After all this time, Xu Ke is still trying to figure out what this woman's goal was. What was she trying to do?

Was she trying to kill herself with him?

"What do you see?" she asked.

Or… trying to leave this place?

"And empty shell!" With that, Xu Ke raised his hand and tried to punch her. Lyca moved her head to the left, letting him miss her face by a few inches.

But that was only Xu Ke's first attack. How could he still let this crazy woman go? To him, Lyca was the best creature that he could study to attain his goal.

Immortality and the ability to be immune to almost everything including poisons.

Now that Xu Ke thought about it, Lyca must have known about this all along. And that's why she schemed to get in her because she wanted the same too. Right now, Xu Ke couldn't really think straight.

He was angry, furious, and was about to explode. At the same time, Lyca's actions confuse him. It was risky, too risky.

If she planned all this, she should have known the risk. Moreover, if Shen Qui knew about the plan, then it should be logical for him to stop her from doing something that would get her killed, right? Unless… Shen Qui's death wasn't planned at all?

Perhaps, Lyca just started planning after Shen Qui's death?

"Ahhh!" Xu Ke let out a frustrated scream. Just as he thought he already connected all the dots, another mystery would prevent him from doing this. He used the knife and tried to attack Lyca who was able to squeeze her way out of him. But again, he failed.

It was because of his mask.

It was preventing him to see and therefore is causing some problems with his martial arts.

Lyca's advantage was the gas, the environment.

This infuriated Xu Ke even more. He knew that Lyca didn't have any weapon to defend herself. Contrary to Lyca, he had the weapons. Daggers and guns, but he was too scared to use the guns, scared that it would react the gas now that it had become thicker around him.

Plus Lyca's movements are too quick for the knives.

"I'll give you a chance to attack me," Lyca's eyes were wide as she beamed at him. "I won't defend myself at all."

When Xu Ke heard this, he didn't hesitate as he once again neared her. This time, he used his leg, sending her a kick that could easily make any normal person faint. To his surprise, Lyca easily held his leg, stopping him.

"You— How?" he hissed as he tried to pull his leg back.

"You are growing weaker," Lyca said. "Must be the gas."

"You— "

"It's the wine." Lyca's words send shivers down his spine. She continued, "Some chemicals are useless when they are alone. For instance, alcohol. But it had a really good reaction to other elements in the world. That's just… the wonderful thing about some elements. The more you combine them… the more reaction you would get." The smile on her face turned sinister. "Guess what would happen if someone drunk, would smell the gas?"

Just as she said, Xu Ke felt his limbs started to go numb.

"Obviously, I am not going to kill you," Lyca said. "I mean… After all, I still needed to know all the secrets that your body holds."

Xu Ke's gaze turned frigid when he felt himself losing control of his leg. "You— "

"Now, this is how it felt to be helpless." Lyca interrupted his words. "I know… you will get used to the feeling once I started dissecting every part of your body while you are conscious."

"You are crazy."

"Not as crazy as you!" Lyca hissed before he easily lifted him up and throw him towards the glass wall, breaking it into small pieces. Seeing Xu Ke on the floor, bloodied and weak made her chuckle."What goes around comes around. It's my turn, Xu Ke. It's my fucking turn!"

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